


楼主: kishi

3月7号的paintball game 多了六十块出来,要怎样处置??

 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2010 01:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

JunL 发表于 16-1-2010 12:49 AM

    头以下, 弟弟以上, 是肚磁咯  

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发表于 16-1-2010 01:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 80# kishi

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发表于 16-1-2010 01:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  kishi
lovecorn11 发表于 16-1-2010 01:03 AM


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发表于 16-1-2010 07:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 83# biohazard

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发表于 16-1-2010 11:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 81# kishi


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发表于 16-1-2010 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
是什么来的 我也要去。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2010 12:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 86# takaheromun

    wargame, 有点像CS不过是真人版, 你要玩吗?现在剩下最后一个位,我本身带4个朋友, 刚好8vs8

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发表于 17-1-2010 01:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
paintball 有什么好玩,要玩就玩wargame........用bb弹的。。。。。

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发表于 17-1-2010 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
paintball 有什么好玩,要玩就玩wargame........用bb弹的。。。。。
redsungtr 发表于 17-1-2010 01:57 PM

paintball & wargame之间有什么差别?我以为它们是一样的game! 哈哈

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发表于 17-1-2010 08:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
我好有兴趣阿 预我一分

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发表于 17-1-2010 09:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
LZ 有多少个女生

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发表于 17-1-2010 10:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-1-2010 10:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
paintball 和war game不一样吗?我玩过war game被子弹射中很痛的=.=

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发表于 17-1-2010 10:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
war game跟paintball是一样的,楼上那位说bb弹的是小孩子玩的~

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发表于 17-1-2010 10:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
paintball 有什么好玩,要玩就玩wargame........用bb弹的。。。。。
redsungtr 发表于 17-1-2010 01:57 PM

    你懂不懂噢~war game跟paintball是一样的,好不好,bb弹,小孩子玩的哦~射到人都没颜色。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2010 11:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 91# lovecorn11


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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2010 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-1-2010 12:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 96# kishi

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发表于 18-1-2010 01:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
kishi 发表于 17-1-2010 11:59 PM


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发表于 18-1-2010 09:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 95# biohazard

    you know what is call aeg ar?!!!or gbb dont know then dont talk so much........go and find out first .......paintball and airsoft are totally different .....

Airsoft Introduction
Airsoft guns and rifles use plastic round 6mm BBs bullets. It uses somesort of air compression to shoot the BBs and the barrels will make surethe BBs flew into a straight line.

Types of air soft

There are three types of airsoft available:

    * Spring action
      Most widely used in the Malaysian airsoft scene. Everybody whostarts off with airsoft is bound to have at least one springer in theirpossession. The power is fairly adequate for skirmishes. But Springerrifles are a different ball game.
CQB stands for close quarters battle, others prefer to call it CQC forclose quarters combat. This is a very exciting, quick, and effectiveway of playing airsoft. Since CQB is usually played in relatively smallareas, and indoors, you get to the heat of the battle very quickly. Itis necessary to be carrying a smaller gun in CQB, so you can manueverin the small areas, and you have to be able to move your gun wherenecessary very quickly.

If you're the kind of guy who enjoys SWAT type simulations, and/orspecial forces making raids, etc. CQB is for you. There is a lot youcan do with CQB, all kinds of realistic scenarios such as disarm thebomb, rescue the hostages, etc. The only difficulty is it is hard tofind CQB areas to play in, because CQB always targets abandonedbuildings which is ususally guarded and/or police lookout! :-/

      Good quality springer rifles can catch up with the power of AEGon stock. And some rifles can be modified to go beyond 300fps which isstill not at all lethal. Few of my favorite sniper rifles arespringers!

    * AEG
      AEG is the short form for Automatic Electric Gun. The most widelyknown AEG company is Tokyo Marui. Nowadays there’s a new addition toAEG types. The BOYS version. The BOYS version is a smaller scale by 80%from the original full scale AEGs.
      I will write a review on BOYS version soon because I can get myhands on some later!! Reviews on M4A1 and MP5 R.A.S also will beupdated later.

          o Minis
            Mini AEG is available in Malaysia. The size is very smallcompared to a real rilfles. It utilizes 4 AA batteries. It has FullAuto Function and shoots around 175fps.

    * Full scale
      Full scale AEGs has a very realism exterior. Very accurate andthe stock power is between 260 – 300fps. The high rate of fire is veryexciting. There’s no escape if you’re ten feet away and the guy startsto shoot full auto!! Using 8.4v (stock) combination batteries, it canchurn out around 600 to 1200 rounds per minute!!

Gas are usually incorporated with handguns although many good riflesuses gas as their source of power. Gas Sniper rifles can reach awhopping 420fps using HFC22 gas..
    * There are two main types of gas usually used for airsoft, HFC134aand HFC22. HFC134a is so-called regular gas and available in Malaysia.Usually used in JDM (Japanese Domestic Models) car airconditioningsystem. In airsoft, it is widely used in Japanese models.

      HFC22 is better known as ”Green Gas” (Or propane) and is quite popular outside Japan.
      So what’s the difference of these two? HFC22 has more pressure,to tune of about 30%, that allows higher muzzle velocity with gas guns.This pressure does not come without cost thought, since many high-endgas guns (Japanese) cannot take the gas in long run without breaking.Small parts and slides will crack under this higher pressure.

      ”Green Gas” also contains higher concentration of acids and toxicingredients. It is prone to explode in sufficient temperatures, becauseof its substandard packing case. So keep it out of the cars during hotdays.
      There are also other gasses available such as ”Red Gas” that packs even more pressure than ”Green Gas”.

      There are many debates on the net on the gasses classification,some says that the HFC22 is actually “Red Gas” and not “Green Gas”, butI myself don’t care much since I’m not going to buy retails airsoftgasses

          o GBB
            GBB is short for Gas Blow Back. The terms used is becausethe phisical effect of the gun itself when the gas re-route to move theslide backwards thus creating the realism of a real gun! GBBs usuallyare exclusively available for handguns and few SMGs. I have theillustration in the Marui 2004 product catalog which I will scan lateron.

          o NBB
            Non Blow Back is what it says. Some people prefer these models because the gas is not wasted by the blowback.

Also known as skirmishes. Here in Malaysia, games are still going underground. Not like airsoft’s brother, the paintballs!!

From what I’ve gathered, we have “Woodland” games and “Urban CQB” wargames available.

“Woodland” game takes a lot more time for actual firing to start, butthere is a lot more natural feel, and when the battles do get started,they are a blast. It is a lot better to hear pellets ripping throughleaves and brush, then bouncing off a wall. You also can get dressed upin camoflouge, and get your face painted, etc. The woods allow for alot more creativity, and realism if you’re going from a militarystandpoint. I usually finish one game in 1 and half hours!!

very thanks for mr Hitokari from article at malaysia airsoft forum.

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