发表于 7-8-2009 11:12 PM
Novartis AG Acquires Opexa Therapeutics Inc.'s Stem Cell Technology...
Opexa Therapeutics Inc - 2.04 +1.56 (332.06%)
发表于 7-8-2009 11:33 PM
AKT, 等他跌到再低一点才买
[ 本帖最后由 爱云儿 于 7-8-2009 11:34 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 7-8-2009 11:41 PM
发表于 7-8-2009 11:50 PM
债券保险公司Ambac Financial 股价重跌17% 2009年08月07日
Ambac Financial Group Inc. (ABK)股价重跌17%,公司公布第二季净亏损8.231亿美元或每股亏损2.8美元,去年同期净利8.231亿美元或每股2.8美元。这家债券保险公司表示,Ambac Assurance Corp.与投资协议事业飞临时价值减损分别为6.754亿美元与1.867亿美元,有关第二季决议出售部份投资组合证券。
免 |
发表于 8-8-2009 09:38 AM
发表于 8-8-2009 09:50 AM
LVS买2000unit在9.35 , 其中1000unit在10.75时就卖了。
另1000unit在昨晚起到12.00的时候就卖了,以为他可以破12块就很高了,结果起到12.80。每次我买股,一卖就飙高,气死人了:@ |
发表于 8-8-2009 10:54 AM
Stock Trading Rules - DayTrading Tips
Every daytrader should have a set of rules written down or memorized that they follow on a daily basis when they trade stocks. This list of stock trading rules is very important because it helps the stock trader focus on the right stocks to trade rather then blindly buying and selling stocks. Knowing certain stock trading rules can really be the deciding factor in profits vs losses. I have been asked to prepare a list of my most important stock trading rules for daytraders who want to be successful at trading stocks. Whether you are new to investing in the stock market or a veteran trader, these tips will guide you in the right direction and help you make better profitable trades. For new stock traders, check out my daytrading guide.
Trading stocks is not easy, it is very hard! If stock trading was so easy, everyone would be doing it. The key objective is to make money and not lose it. Below is a free list of stock trading tips/rules I think about before every trade I execute.
Rule #1 - Leave Greed at the Door
Greed in the stock market is not good. If you bought a stock at $5 and you watch it go to $7 or $8 and you don't start taking profits, you are bound to get hurt with that strategy sooner or later. No one has ever lost money taking profits! After all, the goal in trading stocks is to make money right? In some cases greed can make you a lot of money but eventually you will get burned bad. Take profits when you have them and re evaluate the stock again. If you want to be successful at trading stocks, force yourself to sell stocks when you have profits and move on to the next trade. Go for singles and doubles rather then homeruns and grandslams.
Rule #2 - Don't Hold Stocks Overnight
Just another stock trading tip/rule that I go by. If you want to be successful at trading stocks, come into the day fresh and in cash. Stocks move on news and rumors. While holding stocks overnight can make you money, it can also lose you just as much money or more. A company can pre announce earnings, sell stock, get an analyst downgrade, or simply just go down with the overall stock market. These are risks I do not want to take! Everyday I come into the office with a clean slate and this is because I do not hold stocks overnight. I never worry about missing a stock break out because I know there will be a brand new hot stock or group of stocks the very next day. Holding stocks overnight for a daytrader can be very risky and if the stock ends up tanking on you, it can really screw up your trading day. Bottom line: If you are investing for the long term or swing trading, holding stocks overnight is fine. If you are daytrading, never hold stocks overnight.
Rule #3 - Never Try to Catch a Falling Knife
I occasionally break this rule because its easy to want to buy stocks that are going down. I'm here to tell you that while you may get lucky in some instances, never buy stocks that are going down because they are already doing what you don't want them to do. Resist the urge to buy stocks on the dip but instead, follow my next rule about buying stocks when they are going up.
Rule #4 - Buy Stocks that are Going Up
Buying stocks that are rising is one of the most important stock trading rules. A stock that is going up is already doing what you want it to do. I scan the market for the hottest stocks during pre market trading, I watch them, and get ready to stike when the opening bell rings.
Rule #5 - Buy Stocks Breaking Through their High of Day
One of the most successful stock trading strategies I know is buying a stock that is breaking out through it's established high of the day. Especially between 10:00am EST - 11:00am EST. Stocks that break through their high of the day tend to attract even more buyers or shorts who need to cover because the stock is going up. Watch out for false breakouts however. The most volatile trading time can be right when a stock opens. Wait until atleast 9:35am to jump into a stock that is running to the upside. My ideal situation is a stock that opens at $3.50, sells off to $3.10, but by 10:00am EST comes back near the high of the day ( $3.50 ) and then breaks through. The volume will increase and the stock should begin rise up further. Keep in mind, this will not always work but I have had a high success rate. It is important to note that I always keep a tight stop. For instance, if the stock breaks $3.50 and runs to $3.65, I will either sell some or see if it has more room left to run but I will always sell if it breaks back below that original high of day level of $3.50 or whatever it is at the time. It is very important to get back out and avoid holding on if the stock turns back around on you and you didn't take profits when you have them. If you are new to stock trading, test this strategy out on fake paper trades. |
发表于 8-8-2009 11:00 AM
0.74 -0.10‎ (-11.90%‎ Aug 7 4:01pm ET
After Hours: 1.28‎ +0.54‎ (72.97%‎
i let it go too early ...
sigh....really FLY now....but i can only fly kite....damn....
sorry, my workplace hardly type chinese word....
totally no mood to work....intend to loadup more @ 0.71....
1.28...can earn ~ 80%...for those holding FRE...congrates for making $...
FNM not as good as FRE yet because toxic asset + financial report not as good as FRE..
my heart very pain now...
think i might need to go for tour again,
in order to cure my heart pain.....
[ 本帖最后由 jochen 于 8-8-2009 03:29 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 8-8-2009 11:12 AM
发表于 8-8-2009 12:01 PM
回复 91# 葉芬 的帖子
请告诉小弟那个方式才对!TQ |
发表于 8-8-2009 03:52 PM
号码 | 股票
代号 | 股票名称 | 进展 | 买卖 | 定单类型 | 限定价格 | 停止价格 | 成交价格 | 呈递数量 | 成交数量 | 呈递
时间 | 报告
时间 | 结算
货币 | 原因 | 456212 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.4 | --- | 12.4 | 500 | 500 | Aug 8 2009 3:13AM | Aug 8 2009 3:17AM | USD | | 455912 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.3 | --- | | 750 | | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | USD | | 455912 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.3 | --- | 12.31 | | 100 | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | USD | | 455912 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.3 | --- | 12.31 | | 300 | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | USD | | 455912 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.3 | --- | 12.31 | | 200 | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | USD | | 455912 | LVS | Las Vegas Sands Corp | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 12.3 | --- | 12.31 | | 150 | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | Aug 8 2009 3:03AM | USD |
不管鸟,先卖咯。。。。。 |
发表于 8-8-2009 03:54 PM
452030 | YRCW | YRC Worldwide Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 2.3 | --- | 2.3 | 3000 | 3000 | Aug 8 2009 1:04AM | Aug 8 2009 1:10AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | | 1000 | | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 200 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 100 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 100 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 100 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 300 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD | | 449690 | MGM | MGM Mirage Inc | 成交 | 卖出 | 限价定单 | 8.5 | --- | 8.55 | | 200 | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | Aug 8 2009 12:16AM | USD |
把资金拿回来先,等待时机。。。。。。。 |
发表于 8-8-2009 05:10 PM
发现这里的人除了napster所放上来的交易记录都是赢钱的。其他人都稳赚吗?还是忘记放上来? 对金沙兴趣的朋友,不妨关注一下股价的去向。别怕高买,只怕错过。 |
发表于 8-8-2009 05:53 PM
发表于 8-8-2009 05:56 PM
发表于 8-8-2009 06:05 PM
发表于 8-8-2009 06:31 PM
没人买AIG ma?
我买进$25 和 $22 各 USD1K。昨晚卖$28。00。
基本上我也把LVS在 $12的是后卖 了,我买的时候$2。00。 我想我应该HOLD着的,现在后悔了。。
现在我只有C在我的POEMS ACC 了。。
请问现在有什么好股呢。。谢谢大家。。 |
发表于 8-8-2009 06:48 PM
LVS,MGM 会把它卖掉,是因为有赚利了,先卖后买。
股市不会一直升的,调整一到,资金也standby , 那也正是我所要的时机。。。。
我和赞同ng33的说法, 股市不会一直升。
发表于 8-8-2009 10:21 PM
原帖由 migo 于 8-8-2009 12:01 PM 发表 
e.g. LVS 10元 1粒 = $10000, 起1元 = 賺1 千。
醫藥股 2元 1粒 = $10000(可以買進5粒),起 0.50 = 賺 2千500。
你選那一樣?  |
发表于 9-8-2009 02:09 AM
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