


楼主: jochen

CTIC 俱乐部 

发表于 12-5-2009 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
GNTA ... ???

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发表于 13-5-2009 02:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 jochen 于 11-5-2009 11:53 PM 发表

你在美国, 很难有机会请我。。。
我要求 你 profit 的   1.5%  就够了。。。

有多的, 我去美国找你。。。

之前一共有47000 股在1.16
5-11-09 卖了40000股在1.39 ,然后把赢的钱赔去买gm
5-12-09 再买进33000股在1.35,现在有40000股 平均价是1.32

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发表于 13-5-2009 08:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 nehooi05 于 13-5-2009 02:29 AM 发表

之前一共有47000 股在1.16
5-11-09 卖了40000股在1.39 ,然后把赢的钱赔去买gm
5-12-09 再买进33000股在1.35,现在有40000股 平均价是1.32
太偷心,结果把赢的钱输去 ...

gm ? too dangerous.........................

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发表于 13-5-2009 09:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 napster 于 12-5-2009 11:22 PM 发表



2007年有过$1 以上。



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发表于 13-5-2009 12:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Cell Therapeutics:  I can think of 462 million reasons why Cell Therapeutics(CTIC Quote) is not the feel-good biotech turnaround story of the year, despite a raging stock price.

More from Adam Feuerstein Biotech Data Preview: ASCO's Top StoriesVanda, Up 800%, Still Has Room to RiseGilead Sciences Thumped by Drug DataDendreon's $230M Haul Says It AllSurprising Approval for Vanda's FanaptDendreon Raising CashDendreon Investors, Be PatientAMAG's Feraheme Closer to ApprovalNorthfield Blood Substitute Rejected by FDASequenom Fallout Hits Hedge Funds Market Activity Novartis AG ADS| NVS UPThe Seattle-based drugmaker has a whopping 462 million shares outstanding. Plus, about $118 million in convertible debt is on the company's books, with a big chunk coming due next year. (More on the debt and the company's attempt to pay it off below.)
Add it all up, and the Cell Therapeutics sports an enterprise value of more than $800 million!

And what do investors get in return for an $800 million enterprise value?

Not much.

CEO Jim Bianco will have investors believe that pixantrone, a cancer drug soon to be filed with U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is the company's ticket to profitability after years of clinical failure and stinging corporate losses.

Pixantrone will be used widely to treat various forms of lymphoma and leukemia as well as breast cancer, says Bianco, and could generate peak sales exceeding $600 million a year.

It's a nice story -- wildly exaggerated. Pixantrone is, at best, a mildly improved version of a commonly used chemotherapy drug that has already gone generic. If Cell Therapeutics is lucky, pixantrone will be used as a last-resort treatment for a few thousand desperately sick lymphoma patients and generate $50 million a year in sales. If I were generous, I'd say peak sales could reach $100 million.

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发表于 13-5-2009 12:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 napster 于 12-5-2009 10:47 PM 发表


據我所知,GNTA 是屬于 OTC 的,是我們不能買進。

我之前問的是 ACUS,也是屬于 OTC (Order to Confirm ?? )

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发表于 13-5-2009 12:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
刚才去看了fda approval process,看来这不是容易的事情哦.

很多公司的产品也来到了phase 3,NDA,

在nda成功submit后,fda有60days时间想是否要fill in,然后如果fill in了正式review,如果快6个月就知道成绩,如果慢,遥遥无期

所以当务之急就是要找cash,不然的话product还没出来,他们已经要restructure debt了..


我想在座每位都希望他成功另一个VDNA吧,那我们来看看关于整个biotech的神话,VDNA呢,它在得到fda approve后升了800%,现在1000%了,,approve的药物是拿来医治精神分裂的,不过就不是每个公司都那么幸运了.

举个例子:EPIX也是得到了fda approval,不过它的股价却还是底迷,原因出在那里呢?


[ 本帖最后由 =[Zone]= 于 13-5-2009 12:29 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 13-5-2009 12:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =[Zone]= 于 13-5-2009 12:28 PM 发表
刚才去看了fda approval process,看来这不是容易的事情哦.

很多公司的产品也来到了phase 3,NDA,

在nda成功submit后,fda有60days时间想是否要fill in,然后如果fill in了正式review,如果快6个月就知道成绩,如 ...

我告诉你一个医药界的事实。每当要开药的时候,他们都有一个protocol的,只要这个药是在这个protocol的第一个,也就是只要遇到这个病就要给这个pixantrone,他肯定是赚翻的。而且这个药已经在euro name-basis patient的阶段,我看到的是只要pixantrone真的是less toxic,而且真的可以降低tumor size,那么他是会大卖的。其实我是想买vnda的,因为schizophrenia的市场比cancer的还要大,然而来不及了。不要看到FDA好想很难,其实当vnda resubmit他的fanapt的时候,是没有重新做过phase III 的clinical study,而只是重新fill up而已。记得“有钱能使鬼推磨”啊。

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发表于 13-5-2009 01:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 90# 葉芬 的帖子

OTC = Over The Counter.

这里有解释 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over-the-counter_(finance)

本地的交易平台好象不能买卖. Etrade, Scottrade 之类的好象可以.

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发表于 13-5-2009 01:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 bennywt 于 13-5-2009 12:53 PM 发表

我告诉你一个医药界的事实。每当要开药的时候,他们都有一个protocol的,只要这个药是在这个protocol的第一个,也就是只要遇到这个病就要给这个pixantrone,他肯定是赚翻的。而且这个药已经在euro name-basis pa ...

哦,谢谢你的讲解哦,那照你看来为何epix股价没有起落呢,因为它们也得到fda approval

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发表于 13-5-2009 02:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 m.i.k.e 于 13-5-2009 01:05 PM 发表
OTC = Over The Counter.

这里有解释 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over-the-counter_(finance)

本地的交易平台好象不能买卖. Etrade, Scottrade 之类的好象可以.


以下的是在Google Discussions裏看見的,和大家分享下。

The good, the bad, and the ugly (CTIC)

Two drugs in phase three awaiting FDA approval within the next 6 month Pixantrone : Pixantrone (BBR 2778), a DNA intercalating antitumor agent that contains an aza-anthracenedione molecular structure,
differentiating it from anthracycline chemotherapy agents, was discovered by our scientists in Bresso, Italy. Pixantrone is a novelDNA major groove binder that contains an aza- anthracenedionemolecular structure, differentiating it from anthracyclinechemotherapy agents. Anthracyclines have been shown to be very active
clinically in a number of tumor types, such as lymphoma, leukemia, andbreast cancer. For these diseases, anthracycline-containingchemotherapy regimens are effective in first-line (initial) treatment.
However, they may cause cumulative heart damage that limits lifetimedosage and does not allow for retreatment. Pixantrone has beendesigned to reduce the potential for heart damage compared to
currently available anthracyclines or anthracenediones without a lossin anti-tumor or immunomodulatory activities.It acts as a topoisomerase II poison and intercalating agent. [2]OPAXIO :is a biologically-enhanced chemotherapeutic that linkspaclitaxel, the active ingredient in Taxol(R), to a biodegradablepolyglutamate polymer, which results in a new chemical entity. Whenbound to the polymer, the chemotherapy is rendered inactive,potentially sparing normal tissue's exposure to high levels ofunbound, active chemotherapy and its associated toxicities. Bloodvessels in tumor tissue, unlike blood vessels in normal tissue, areporous to molecules like polyglutamate. Based on preclinical studies,it appears that XYOTAX is preferentially distributed to tumors due totheir leaky blood vessels and trapped in the tumor bed allowingsignificantly more of the dose of chemotherapy to localize in thetumor than with standard paclitaxel. Once inside the tumor cell,
enzymes metabolize the protein polymer, releasing the paclitaxelchemotherapy. Preclinical and clinical studies support that XYOTAXmetabolism by lung cancer cells may be influenced by estrogen, which
could lead to enhanced release of paclitaxel and efficacy in womenwith lung cancer compared to standard therapies. In April 2009, CTIC began rolling submission of a New Drug Application(NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pixantrone totreat relapsed or refractory aggressive NHL. priority review by FDAhas been granted. Both drugs are awaiting FDA approval, Pixantrone  is now being used in
Europe under named patients bases which means, a patient that has nochance of survival can choose to take the drug at their own risk,which shows the true potential of this drug and its demand(considering that each treatment costs about $40,000)CTIC is now paying its debt which has been accumulated over the years,and has accumulated enough cash to continue operating until end ofyear, they have also minmized their expenses by shutting down theirlabs in Italy (at this point labs are not needed as much due to their
main drugs being out of phase 3). Pixantrone sales are expected to hit 1 billion dollars within the next
2 years.

BAD: 89 million debt still remains (Down from 100+ just a few monthago)

The ugly:

Minimum dilution in stock seems to be scaring a lot of shortterm investors, more dilution is expected to completely wipe out dept(which is a good thing in the long run due to the probability of a bigcompany buying CTIC out at that point).The stock's performance in the past few weeks shows the true potential
of this stock but also spread the idea that this stock will makeeveryone a millionaire causing many first time investors to jump innot knowing anything about stocks or the company itself, which is themain cause of huge up and down trends.


CTIC is one of the most undervalued stocks on the market today, target price by the end of the year is around $35-$50, short term investing is no longer a good idea with CTIC, that is the main reason for the drop today, the stock will continue climbing in a much slower pace than before, I recommend holding for at least 3 month to see true gains.

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发表于 13-5-2009 03:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 =[Zone]= 于 13-5-2009 01:33 PM 发表

哦,谢谢你的讲解哦,那照你看来为何epix股价没有起落呢,因为它们也得到fda approval

它不是life saving的药,只是一种diagnose技术。这个就有差。

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发表于 13-5-2009 05:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
很有趣的股, 今晚就买1000units 吧!

但是, 有人知道为什么它从2000年的usd2600++掉到1。00++呢?

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发表于 13-5-2009 06:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Gnoit 于 13-5-2009 05:39 PM 发表
很有趣的股, 今晚就买1000units 吧!

但是, 有人知道为什么它从2000年的usd2600++掉到1。00++呢?





1. cash to operate
2.fda approve


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发表于 13-5-2009 06:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 葉芬 于 12-5-2009 03:03 PM 发表
這位仁兄所分析的 HEB 也不錯。

Hemispherx BioPharma, Inc




The reaction isusually infusion-rate related and can generally be controlled byslowing the infusion rate.  Other adverse side effects include liverenzyme level elevations, diarrhea, itching, urticaria (swelling of theskin), bronchospasm, hypotension, photophobia, rash, bradycardia,transient visual disturbances, arrhythmias, decreased platelets andwhite blood cell counts, anemia, dizziness, confusion, elevation ofkidney function tests, occasional temporary hair loss and variousflu-like symptoms, including fever, chills fatigue, muscular aches,joint pains, headaches, nausea and vomiting.  These flu-like sideeffects typically subside within several months.


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发表于 13-5-2009 10:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 13-5-2009 11:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kooilieng 于 13-5-2009 10:02 PM 发表

价钱 徘徊  1。19-1.27。。。
有钱 收多一点。。。


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发表于 14-5-2009 08:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Gnoit 于 13-5-2009 05:39 PM 发表
很有趣的股, 今晚就买1000units 吧!

但是, 有人知道为什么它从2000年的usd2600++掉到1。00++呢?

我也是买了500units. (usd3.7)

今天 USD3.4  

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发表于 14-5-2009 12:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 blueberry1 于 14-5-2009 08:54 AM 发表

我也是买了500units. (usd3.7)

今天 USD3.4  


昨晚排了1。20 , 买不到, 今晚再排吧!

据我所了解,它的pix 已经在fda 试验着但需要6 个月来观察,所以他的result  要在年尾才知道, 对吗?

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发表于 14-5-2009 12:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 blueberry1 于 14-5-2009 08:54 AM 发表

我也是买了500units. (usd3.7)

今天 USD3.4  

大家谈的是 CTIC, 不是CitiBank.

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