


楼主: silversaint

【角色扮演】严峻的曙光·Grim Dawn专属讨论区 (Ashes of Malmouth)

发表于 14-1-2016 10:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kanzaki.H.Aria 发表于 14-1-2016 08:44 PM
天朝人果然神通广大  B30真的来了



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发表于 14-1-2016 10:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
poisonsoup 发表于 14-1-2016 10:02 PM

从不看   看贴吧就可以了,还有人翻译


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发表于 15-1-2016 01:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 15-1-2016 01:07 AM 编辑

  • Blindside: Enemy Damage Reduction removed as it was redundant with Warcry and the skill is powerful enough without it
  • Warcry: Enemy Damage Reduction scaled down


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发表于 18-1-2016 09:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Kanzaki.H.Aria 于 18-1-2016 09:33 PM 编辑

听了高手指点,走回原本的雷刃路线  无论打我还是被我砍都要被雷劈

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发表于 19-1-2016 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
Kanzaki.H.Aria 发表于 18-1-2016 09:05 PM
听了高手指点,走回原本的雷刃路线  无论打我还是被我砍都要被雷劈
整个画面都是雷劈电闪 ...



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发表于 21-1-2016 02:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 21-1-2016 10:21 AM 编辑


分别是soldier最下排的decorated soldier和scars of battle 和 demo最上排的flamed touched和temper
如果走physical的话 就把点数放在decorated soldier 和 temper

forcewave那一排是只有點1而已 有裝備忘記拿下來





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Follow Us
发表于 21-1-2016 09:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-1-2016 01:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
物理攻擊和元素傷害各半會更平衡,我去bastion of chaos打怪 全部都是火抗直接悲劇

我把devotion火炬改去ghoul和revenant的吸血後 生存力更高 雖然犧牲了攻擊力



有點失望.......... 咦 等一下



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发表于 24-1-2016 11:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
请问一下谁有stormheart-75级雷剑?   我有很多紫装备可以换


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2016 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
Grim Dawn Trailer - "It's Listening to Us"

v0.3.8.0 (b31)
[Major New Features]
  • Voiceovers have been added for all major quest NPC dialogue.
  • A mighty earthquake has erupted in the land of Old Arkovia. Mountains collapsed into the world's crust; new rivers formed; and ancient ruins were revealed. Players who previously explored this region may need to rediscover the Twin Falls riftgate.
  • Achievements are now unlocked.
  • An animated cinematic now introduces new characters to the world and story of Grim Dawn.
  • New tutorial tip system. The old tutorial window has been removed and is now part of the Codex window (quest log/etc).

  • Added final art for the Trozan's Ascension and Valdun's Treachery sets
  • Added new beech tree assets, used in Burrwitch Outskirts, Burrwitch Village, and the East Marsh
  • Medals are now visible on your character
  • Updated Mortar Trap Mesh and FX
  • Updated Hellhound Mesh, Aura FX, Icons and animations
  • Updates to many projectile, impact and AOE spell FX
  • Updated Icon for Vile Eruption
  • Added numerous new Environment assets to Old Arkovia and surrounding ruin dungeons.

  • New Arcanist "Devastation" animation.
  • New 2H Weapon default attack animation
  • Fixed a bug where Chthonian Harbingers would hang in space upon triggering the death animation. They now fall to the ground, and die properly.
  • A bug was fixed with the Dreadguard's special jump attack, where they would travel forward in world-space and slide back to their origin point after the attack triggered.
  • A bug was fixed with the Dreadguard's special underhand cleave attack, where they would travel forward in world-space and slide back to their origin point after the attack triggered. The animation was also shortened by 10 frames.
  • A bug was fixed with the Dreadguard's special double-cleave attack, where they would travel forward in world-space and slide back to their origin point after the attack triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where Cronley Brute's weapons would disappear when walking.
  • Reworked the Bone Golem's self buff and summoning animations to happen much faster.

  • Optimized pathfinding system. This change should result in a performance increase during large battles.
  • Fixed a rare crash when attempting to load some database resources.
  • Fixed an issue where broken loot orbs could appear to clients in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed an issue where items which would normally be automatically collected could not be picked up by multiplayer clients.
  • Fixed an issue where loot would appear floating in mid-air in some situations during multiplayer games.
  • Fixed an issue where clients in multiplayer games would not see spawn animations for pet and ambush spawns.
  • Fixed the Dismantle UI not properly accounting for components in the dismantle cost.
  • Loot can no longer fall off cliffs and other high places.
  • Loading tips have been added to the loading screen.
  • Added tooltips to the options menu.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes causes a corruption in the player stash resulting in characters being unable to load.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur during or after UI scaling was adjusted.
  • Fixed a bug where tooltips for items in the world could become stuck on screen when opening UI windows.
  • Fixed a bug where mind controlled enemies would not give experience in multiplayer games.
  • Reduced cpu performance impact of having many enemy corpses on screen.
  • Hovering over equipment slots on the paper doll will now highlight applicable components for that item.
  • Inventory auto sort now uses localized display names.
  • Pet resists from Pet Bonuses are now tabulated on the Character Sheet.
  • Weapon Damage on skill tooltips is now split into Mainhand/Off-hand.
  • Item stack window can now be closed with the Enter key.
  • On Enemy Death auto cast skills can now trigger off of duration damage.
  • Refresh Cooldown skills (ex. Aldanar's Vanity) will now work with item skills as well.
  • Total Armor Rating now displays normalized armor rating that takes into account the chance to hit each armor area.
  • Fixed Celestial Powers attached to pets not using the appropriate level in some instances.
  • Weapon comparisons now take into account passive skills that would be active/not active based on weapon types.
  • Fixed a bug with Low Health and Low Energy autocasts triggering when they shouldn't.
  • Debuff skills now calculate chance to have a critical attack each update instead of once per application.
  • Fixed same source damage being counted twice for dual-wield skills in display calculations.
  • Modified inventory auto-sort to be more intuitive.
  • Fixed monsters that can change hostility with the player having proper collision detection.

  • "Move To" no longer targets breakable objects.
  • Pets can now be ordered to attack breakable objects.
  • Constitution activation time reduced, fast regen rate increased, vital essence drop rate increased and %constitution restored by vital essense reduced
  • Health potion cooldown increased from 10s to 12s
  • Potions/iron dropped in multiplayer are no longer automatically picked up by the player that dropped them.
  • Most secret areas now have significantly improved loot the first time you discover them on a character, per difficulty.
  • Reduced the cap on the Loghorrean's summons and increased the cooldown of its Tentacles summon
  • Slightly increased the minimum range for the Loghorrean's Chaos Barrage (he can still cast it in melee if you are approaching him as he begins the cast, but you are less likely to deal with this ability if you are trying to stay on him in melee). Also slightly increased the cooldown.
  • Removed the Ranged Fumble applied by Shar'Zul's Fire Winds, reduced its potency on Loghorrean's Void Rifts
  • Avatar of Mogdrogen: reduced % Damage Absorption and damage bonus at low health, slightly reduced his damage, Offensive Ability, Defensive Ability and Health Regeneration scaling with level. Increased the cooldown on his summons.
  • Fabius: reduced the % heal from his Pneumatic Burst and added a small flat heal to it to compensate at lower levels. This heal was scaling too extremely on Ultimate difficulty, making the encounter too drawn out. In addition, the Attack Speed bonus from Pneumatic Burst has been reduced by 10%.
  • Nemesis: various Nemesis boss self-buff effects are no longer susceptible to Dispel (ex. Nullification)
  • Nemesis: removed some of the more obscure spawn locations for the Aetherial and Chthonian Nemesis
  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause the Aetherial, Chthonian or Cronley's Gang Nemesis not to spawn during a session
  • Changed multiplayer experience gains to only average party-member player levels of those members near the action.
  • In multiplayer, low-level players can now gain XP when killing level-appropriate monsters (only when no very high-level players are nearby).
  • The Loxmere Nightmage now has a chance to spawn in a fixed location that can be avoided by players who do not wish to contend with the nightmarish possessed, rather than randomly in unavoidable locations. However, for those that do brave a conflict with the Nightmage, he now has a chance to drop a Monster Infrequent unique to him.
  • Reduced the burst potential and high-level scaling on the Loxmere Nightmage. In addition, this boss is now less likely to open up with a Shadow Strike.
  • The Outcast now has a chance to drop a Legendary version of her unique hood at level 80+, and an increased chance to drop the Epic version with each tier of her Hostile status.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil allies from spawning in the Necropolis to support you if your status with them was above 5000 and you completed the "The Necropolis" quest
  • Reduced % Current Life resistance on Heroes and Bosses
  • Threat generation has been updated: Debuff effects and Damage over Time now only generate threat on their initial application. Rapidly attacking a target now generates reduced threat. Reduced the amount of threat transferred from pets to the summoner. Increased the cooldown at which certain mobs and bosses will attempt to ignore pets.
  • The next chapter of the story revolving around the blade Stormheart and its owner awaits...
  • The Steps of Torment exit monolith is now only active after you open the main loot chest
  • Target Dummies have been added to Devil's Crossing, Homestead and Fort Ikon
  • Transparency settings have been adjusted to improve navigating the barns and shacks in act 2
  • Bounties that asked for trivial materials (ex. Scrap) have been removed from the rotation


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2016 11:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
Grim Dawn - 以前和现在


The Beginning




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发表于 24-2-2016 11:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 25-2-2016 07:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
v0.3.8.1 (b31 hotfix 1)

  • Add option to allow "Move To" to break destructible objects.
  • Fixed a bug where objects destroyed by pets would not count towards achievements.
  • Fixed a bug where pets could not destroy some destructible objects (excluding loot orbs, will be fixed in a further patch).

  • Fixed an issue with Thermite Mines not triggering Celestial Powers
  • Fixed an issue with Mortar Trap and the Pet Attack command allowing it to rapid-fire.
  • A couple additional unique rare items have been strategically placed around lower crossing and wightmire to promote exploration.
  • Adjusted attribute damage bonuses down a bit. They are still higher than B30 but we felt we went a little too far and it was contributing too much extra damage to both enemies and players by higher difficulties. We didn't want to drop it much through, so we tried to rebalance further with adjustments to enemy scaling.
  • Enemy damage and life scaling has been adjusted across all difficulties but with the biggest reductions on elite and ultimate. This should help address the sudden increase to difficulty, felt most keenly by melee builds. This is a quick adjustment and we will continue to gather feedback and playtest to fine tune it.


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发表于 25-2-2016 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
soldier的Fighting Form被拿走cri%


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发表于 25-2-2016 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Kanzaki.H.Aria 于 25-2-2016 11:05 PM 编辑

B31之后我的万毒刃DPS跌了千多,但是我的毒力暴增200%   改得好,现在在ultimate更容易秒小怪

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 楼主| 发表于 26-2-2016 07:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
经过了差不多六年的时间,Grim Dawn终于脱离Beta成为正式版了!



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发表于 26-2-2016 12:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kanzaki.H.Aria 发表于 25-2-2016 11:04 PM
B31之后我的万毒刃DPS跌了千多,但是我的毒力暴增200%   改得好,现在在ultimate更容易秒小 ...




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发表于 26-2-2016 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 26-2-2016 12:52 PM 编辑
silversaint 发表于 26-2-2016 07:45 AM
经过了差不多六年的时间,Grim Dawn终于脱离Beta成为正式版了!



你之前是买什么版本的 好像可以拿到 in-game物品

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发表于 26-2-2016 01:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
poisonsoup 发表于 26-2-2016 12:38 PM




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发表于 26-2-2016 02:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poisonsoup 于 26-2-2016 03:01 PM 编辑
Kanzaki.H.Aria 发表于 26-2-2016 01:13 PM

cronley的那只回血太快,暂 ...



b30的时侯一直掉同样的东西, 不然就是什么都没有


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