


楼主: alexlhc

Fix Rate vs Variable Rate --- 銀行騙錢???

发表于 29-3-2007 09:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ccpling 于 29-3-2007 08:02 AM 发表

Thank you very much.


有没有缩短期限,暂时来说,对我不重要。我比较简单,每个月能够 ...

哈哈,如果有 law binding 的合约文件 (难道签名的不是总行的大经理?) 都不可信, 区区一个小经理的签名又能算甚么? 我看要找 CEO 来签名才好喔!

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发表于 29-3-2007 09:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
虽然我自己拿了fix rate 的, 但一直都很好奇flexi loan 是怎样省利息,
但到现在还是看到blur blur 。。(理解力太差了

怪不得我一直算不到公司的term loan int,因为每次算出来的都跟 银行statement 上的interest不一样。。

[ 本帖最后由 ruyi98 于 29-3-2007 10:01 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-3-2007 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chewlee 于 25-3-2007 11:42 PM 发表

今天上 CFP 课,老师丢了一个问题给我们:"房屋贷款是不是买了 MRTA 就太平了?"


为什么呢?因为 MRTA 为 reducing term,很多都以 6% - 7% 为计算基础,假如有一天 BLR 上升到 7% 以上,而不幸事件却发生在高利率的时候,MRTA 根本不足以 settle 我们的贷款,那差额就会落到我们亲爱的家人身上。



You could consider taking up a mortgage reducing term assurance (MRTA) policy for your housing loan balance.This would provide for a sum insured payable upon death or permanent total disability of the insured person(s).
Pick an interest rate for your MRTA policy to reflect the expected average interest rate over the duration of the loan rather than your current interest rate, which may be at historical lows.
For example, if your current rate is 3 per cent, you may want to use 5 per cent. Of course, the premium will be higher, but it reduces the risk of a shortfall in the sum insured against the outstanding mortgage.
Also consider arranging a collateral assignment of your MRTA policy to the bank mortgagee.
This may help expedite the claims payout directly to the bankmortgagee, without the need for probate or estate duty clearance, whichmay cause some minor delays to the claims process.
However, this can take away the flexibility of what you want todo with the insurance proceeds, since the payout will go directly towards paying the monthly mortgage.


An Important Consideration
The MRTA does not pay for everything the insured owe to the bankwhen he dies or suffers total permanent disability. It does notguarantee to pay the full loan amount. It only pays for what iscovered. Hence, always buy the MRTA based on your specific needs withemphasis on the breadwinner, not on which insurer’s premium is thecheapest. The whole idea of MRTA protection is to ensure a free housefor the next-of-kin.

Take for example, the case of a husband who is 50 and his wife is35. The husband is a businessman bringing home RM30,000 a month, andthe wife is a homemaker. Under these circumstances, who do you thinkshould buy the MRTA? Obviously it is the husband for he is thebreadwinner and if he dies or suffers TPD, the house would be givenfree to the wife. But if it is the wife who bought the MRTA and thehusband dies, she would still be burdened with the repayment of theloan and being a homemaker, it could be a rather difficult situationfor her. A “Joint Borrower” option is recommended where in the eventone borrower dies, the other need not continue paying for the loananymore. Most insurers offer a special rate in the event a couple buysMRTA coverage for the full amount of the house.
Coverage for Houses under Construction
When a house is under construction, the MRTA is designed to coverthe construction period with a level term cover for between one tothree initial years. Example: when the house is under construction andthe loan is being disbursed in progress payments, you may not owe thefull loan amount. However, if the borrower dies or suffers TPD duringthe construction period, then the MRTA should cover the full amountowing with the excess amount being used to fully
pay up the sum still owing top the developer as and when it becomes due.
The MRTA only covers the insured up to the age of 65. Some housebuyers may have a loan facility up to the age of 70. In such a case,the MRTA cover cease when the house buyer reaches the age of 65. Whatwould happen then to the last five years? Under such circumstances, itis recommended that the MRTA be taken together withanother debtcanceling
level term cover with an investment element.This combination would allow the house buyer to have both coverage aswell as a possible investment return. The house buyer could use theextra cash (the surrender value) from the investment policy as a meansto settle the loan earlier.
From time to time, house buyers may be tempted to refinance theirhouse because of the attractive loan packages (with lower interestrates) in the marketplace. This will have a consequence on the MRTA.The new loan package will have a different tenure and loan amount. Anddifferent banks would have their own policy on early redemption aswell. As such,
it could be an expensive experience for house buyers,as they have to cancel the old MRTA and buy a new one. Buying a newMRTA also poses a few problems. For one, it would be more expensive,premium-wise, as the house buyer ages with time and the house buyerwould also have to bear the cost of cancellation for the old MRTA. Ifyou settle your loan prematurely, the MRTA allows for a partial refundminus some administrative expenses. Some companies may even allow theinsured to continue the coverage as per the reducing balance in theloan schedule by changing the beneficiary of the policy to theinsured’s next of kin.
If a borrower makes a partial settlement of the loan amount be itfrom his savings or EPF, he cannot cancel part of the MRTA and getpartial refund. Once the coverage starts, the insured cannot modify thecoverage until he cancels the policy or upon maturity of the periodcovered. However, in the event the insured makes a partial payment toreduce the loan outstanding and in the event of death or TPD, the MRTAcoverage will pay more than the amount owing leaving an excess amountfor the family.
However, an MRTA does not benefit the family directly in monetaryterms. It is a policy that gives the household peace of mind that theywill continue to have a roof above their head.



[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 29-3-2007 10:52 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-3-2007 12:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #63 Mr.Business 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 magnumao 于 29-3-2007 01:00 PM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1积分 +21 收起 理由
kitkatlow + 21 我想講很久的了,到又怕講錯。。。給人 ...



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chewlee 该用户已被删除
发表于 29-3-2007 01:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #52 kitkatlow 的帖子

delete by chewlee on 05/04/07.

[ 本帖最后由 chewlee 于 5-4-2007 05:45 PM 编辑 ]

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chewlee 该用户已被删除
发表于 29-3-2007 02:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #53 Harimau 的帖子

delete by chewlee on 05/04/07.

[ 本帖最后由 chewlee 于 5-4-2007 05:46 PM 编辑 ]

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chewlee 该用户已被删除
发表于 29-3-2007 02:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #54 米色风暴 的帖子

delete by chewlee on 05/04/07.

[ 本帖最后由 chewlee 于 5-4-2007 05:46 PM 编辑 ]

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chewlee 该用户已被删除
发表于 29-3-2007 02:23 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #59 ccpling 的帖子

delete by chewlee on 05/04/07.

[ 本帖最后由 chewlee 于 5-4-2007 05:46 PM 编辑 ]

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chewlee 该用户已被删除
发表于 29-3-2007 02:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #63 Mr.Business 的帖子

delete by chewlee on 05/04/07.

[ 本帖最后由 chewlee 于 5-4-2007 05:46 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-3-2007 02:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chewlee 于 29-3-2007 02:11 PM 发表
有劳虎兄把 statement scan 后贴上来,看看天底下是不是有那么多钱的人还需要向银行贷款,然后和 ...


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发表于 29-3-2007 02:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
100K 我们没放在 FD,损失了 3.7% 利息,
把 100K 还给银行让它再拿去贷款给别人,损失了 6.75%,
100K 没有在生利息,所以被通货膨胀吃了,损失 3.5%,


[ 本帖最后由 ccpling 于 29-3-2007 02:52 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-3-2007 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kitkatlow 于 29-3-2007 02:42 PM 发表


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发表于 29-3-2007 03:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 29-3-2007 10:51 AM 发表

If a borrower makes a partial settlement of the loan amount be it fromhis savings or EPF, he cannot cancel part of the MRTA and get partialrefund. Once the coverage starts, the insured cannot modify the coverageuntil he cancels the policy or upon maturity of the period covered.However, in the event the insured makes a partial payment to reduce theloan outstanding and in the event of death or TPD, the MRTA coveragewill pay more than the amount owing leaving an excess amount for thefamily...



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发表于 29-3-2007 04:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
hi chewlee, 这是我刚向银行拿的数据:
3。利息BLR-1.35% for 30 yrs (5.4%)


[ 本帖最后由 nayiq 于 29-3-2007 04:37 PM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1积分 +99 收起 理由
kitkatlow + 99 你還沒有拿到銀行經理簽名,所以只加9 ...



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发表于 29-3-2007 04:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 米色风暴 于 29-3-2007 12:07 AM 发表
今天到了银行(UOB), 问了关于他们的flexi配套,她说是没有current account的而且还的钱也是直接扣principal的。然后要多还的拿出来的时候要给银行一个礼拜通知 ,还要50块

你问到的只是Intelligent Home Loan,它是普通Term Loan加上可以拿回之前所做的Prepayment而已(另Charge你RM50的手续费)。若是别间银行的Term Loan,你是不能拿回之前所做的Prepayment的。

此外,UOB的真正Flexi Loan是叫做Flexi Mortgage,大致上和MortgageOne类似。

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发表于 29-3-2007 04:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #74 nayiq 的帖子


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发表于 29-3-2007 04:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
BLR - 1.35%, 應該不會是flexi loan。

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发表于 29-3-2007 05:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #77 kitkatlow 的帖子

有ATM card和cheque book的。

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发表于 29-3-2007 05:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
這個rate 很不錯。。。如果你立刻把兩百多錢存入戶口蓋掉欠款,是不是即刻零利息了?

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发表于 29-3-2007 06:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 29-3-2007 03:17 PM 发表

就让小弟来试试解答这问题,各位看倌还请多多指教. 之前其实回了帖,但想想好像不太对,所以删掉了.

MRTA = Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance, Term Assurance其实就说明了它是有期保险的一种.
Reducing Term= 逐年递减. 顾名思义就是会随着岁月的消逝,而其Sum Assured亦会跟着减少. 一般上其保费(Premium)却是一早算好的,所以维持不变. 若是提早还清,则有些银行会有回扣,在此按下不表.

保额(Sum Assured)一般上就等于贷款额.比如说贷款200K, MRTA通常就买200K. 当然个别银行有各自的玩法,有的MRTA是强制的,有的是optional. 也有贷款200K, MRTA只买150K. Mr. Business兄的转载已有举例, 大家可以参考参考.

既然保费是一早算好,那么保你20200K,就是20200K.当投保人/贷款者不幸中道崩殂,MRTA就会kick in,帮忙解决剩下的结欠余额(Outstanding Principal).

问题就在于这outstanding principal. 要知道,outstanding principal只在一种情况下每年维持不变,那就是 贷款是fixed rate throughout the tenure + no early repayment + no delay in installment. 如果贷款配套扯上BLR,就不是那么一回事了.

BLR上调后,贷款者所须付的利息理所当然的就增加了. 这个时候,贷款人应该会有两个选择: 一是增加每月供款; 一是拉长贷款期.
若选前者,MRTA不会受太大影响,因为每个月多出来的利息会与增加的供款相抵消, 结欠仍与当初所算相近,不会差太远.
若选后者,既然所付的利息增加,那么每月或每年的结欠余额就和当初贷款时的计算有很大出入,那么自然而然的当初算出来的MRTA也就不准了,那么有事发生时,MRTA自然也无法完全settle the outstanding principal. 剩下的银行当然会向家属讨.



[ 本帖最后由 magnumao 于 29-3-2007 06:20 PM 编辑 ]

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