发表于 24-10-2007 01:46 PM
原帖由 ubiquitous 于 24-10-2007 11:16 AM 发表
神学观念也是思想。 因此, 这里也指神学观念或神学思想, 也需要有一致性。
你可能要问:“神学观念繁多, 有些也互相对立, 有可能都是一致性的吗?”
你可能也近一步问:“真理只有一个。 这些不同的神学体系, 有可能最后达至一致性的吗?”
打个比方。 让我们来思想这段经文:
以 弗 所 书 Ephesians
4:11 他所赐的有使徒、有先知.有传福音的.有牧师和教师.
4:12 为要成全圣徒、各尽其职、建立基督的身体.
4:13 直等到我们众人在真道上同归于一、认识神的儿子、得以长大成人、满有基督长成的身量.
4:14 我们不再作小孩子、中了人的诡计、和欺骗的法术、被一切异教之风摇动、飘来飘去、就随从各样的异端.
4:15 惟用爱心说诚实话、凡事长进、连于元首基督.
4:16 全身都靠他联络得合式、百节各按各职、照着各体的功用、彼此相助、便叫身体渐渐增长、在爱中建立自己。
有些神学体系的神学观念认为:“使徒、先知现在没有了。 现在的教会只需要 有传福音的.有牧师和教师.”
而另一个神学体系则认为:“使徒、先知.有传福音的.有牧师和教师, 到现在都还有需要、都是存在的.一直到教会的身体长大成人。”
赞成第一种神学观念的, 就得相信, 现在的教会只需要 依靠 有传福音的.有牧师和教师,三种教会职份就能抵挡异教歪风影响信徒们。 如果觉得这三种教会职份不能胜任, 或负担过于沉重, 那就是在自相矛盾。
而赞成第二种神学观念的, 就得相信,使徒、先知, 能够在这方面与另三种职份,互相配搭, 一起建立教会身体。
如果本身质疑 使徒、先知的职份与牧师有重叠 性,或质疑使徒与先知的职份的合法性,而不去这思考神学观念的逻辑性, 我认为这都不是正确的信仰态度。
我们也可以看到。 虽然这两派神学观念对 使徒、先知这职份的理解不同, 但暂时两者还是能够并存的。
因鉴别有些神学观念, 是需要加入在生活中实践这层次,才能够更深刻领悟的。
基督的成人身体, 也就在思考、塑造、体现、实践、思考、塑造、体现的过程中, 继续成长, 直等到我们众人在真道上同归于一。
发表于 24-10-2007 03:22 PM
原帖由 ethos 于 11-10-2007 13:18 发表
田立克 -《基督教思想史》讀書小組 (參考了SHC 的時間表)
第一週 15-21/10
第一部分 導論 - 教義的概念
第二週 22-28/10
第 ...
但是有华文的吗? |
发表于 25-10-2007 01:11 AM
回复 #51 PeterTan 的帖子
终于初步的将第一篇的导论, 完全翻译好了。 我会逐步的放进网站让大家参考。
我将导论分成二十一段。 我要特别强调的是第十九段, 或最后算起第三段。 我想这段也就是 openviewtheist 在 #12贴文中,特别善意提醒,要我们注意田氏的“他那边缘(e.g., Neo-Orthodoxy或Liberalism; 双双倾向非正统)思想。 阅读快的人,可以先行重读、思考那一段。
The concept of dogma is one of the things which lie between the Church and the secular world. Most secular people are afraid of the dogmas of the Church, and not only secular people but also members of the churches themselves. "Dogma" is a red cloth waved before the bull in a bull fight: it produces anger, aggressiveness, or in some cases flight, and I think the latter is mostly the case with the "seculars" with respect to the Church.
[教条] 是其中一个将教会的思想与世俗观念分开的重要因素。 许多人对教条都感到害怕,信徒与教外人士都是一样。教条是斗牛时在牛前挥动的一块红布:它造成了愤怒,挑衅性,有时甚至是逃避,而我想后者“逃避”应该是世俗人士对于教会占较大多数的反应。
Why is this so? Because the word has a very interesting history, which you must know. The first step in this history is the use of "dogma" derived from the Greek doxein, "having an opinion", in the Greek schools of philosophy preceding Christianity. Dogmata are the differentiating doctrines of the different late Greek schools of philosophy, the Academics (from Plato), the Peripatetics (from Aristotle), the Stoics, the Skeptics, the Pythagoreans. Each of these schools had special fundamental doctrines in which they were distinguished from each other, and if somebody wanted to become a member of one of these schools, he had to accept at least the basic presuppositions which distinguish this school from another school. Of course he could discuss these foundations, he could find out that another school was better for him than this school. But even the philosophical schools were not without dogmata.
为什么会这样呢?这是由于 [dogma] 这字源有一个非常有趣的历史。
[dogma] 来自希腊文,意思是“所持的意见或看法” 。在教会历史开始之前,希腊各种不同的学派,都有自己一套基本教义。如任何人想加入任何学派,他就得接收这学派的基本教义。当然他能讨论这些基要教义,也能探索那种学派的学说是比自己的学派更好的。但就算是哲学学派,他们都是非常坚持己见或武断的(dogmata)。 |
发表于 25-10-2007 01:20 AM
回复 #63 PeterTan 的帖子
In the same way the Christian doctrines were understood as doctrines distinguishing the Christian school from the philosophical school, and this was natural and nobody was angry by this. It was no red pieced cloth for anybody at that time. This is seen in the characteristics of the Christian dogma in the early period. First of all it is an expression of the Christian conformity, of that which all Christians who, with the risk of their lives and with a tremendous transformation of their lives, entered, the Christian congregations, accepted when they did so. So a dogma is never an individual statement or a theoretical statement: it is an expression of a reality, the reality of the Church.
同样的,基督教会有着自己本身的教条,在当时被看作理所当然,也没有人因此而生气的。教条[dogma] 首要表达的就是基督徒生活举止的准则。 也是一群以积极更新的生命,加入教会群体所愿意接受的准则。因此,教条从来就不是个人表达的理论,而是在于表达一个群体的实在,就是教会的实在。
Secondly, all dogmas are formulated negatively, namely as a reaction against misinterpretations from inside the Church. This is even true of the Apostolic Creed. We will come to the first article, "I believe in God the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth." This is not simply a statement which says something in itself, but it is the rejection of dualism, of Manichaeism, after a life and death struggle of a hundred years. And so also with all the other dogmas. The later they are, the more they show clearly this negative character. They are PROTECTIVE DOCTRINES, protecting the substance of the Biblical message. This substance was fluid. It had, of course, a core which was fixed, the confession that Jesus was the Christ, but beyond this everything was in motion. But now doctrines came up which seemed to undercut this fundamental statement, and the protective doctrines were added to it. In this way the dogma arose. Luther still knew this, that dogmas are not results of a theoretical interest, but of the need for protection of the Christian substance.
第二点:所有的教条的建立都是带有负面性的,唯要防范教义被教内人士错误诠释。例如:使徒信经的功用也是同样的。当我们说相信“独一真神”(Almighty God) 时,也就同时暗示着我们拒绝二元论等。教条主要在于保护信仰的纯正。
发表于 25-10-2007 01:38 AM
回复 #64 PeterTan 的帖子
Now these statements again could be misinterpreted, and if this was done, then a sharper theoretical formulation was necessary. In order to do this, it. was necessary to use philosophical terms. In this way the many philosophical concepts came into the Christian dogma, not because people were interested them – again Luther is very frank about it: he openly declared he disliked terms like "Trinity," "homoousios," or similar words, but he said they must be used, unfortunately, because we have no better terms. This is the theoretical formulation which comes if other theoretical people formulate the doctrine in such a way that the substance seems to be endangered by a leading group in the Church.
但这些教条也会被人所误解。因此更严谨的理论与用词就非常重要,哲学观念与词汇也由此被带入教条来。这不是因为我们对哲学有兴趣。马丁路德就非常坦诚的说:“他其实不喜欢像 三位一体 这一类的字眼, 但这些还是需要被采用,因为我们没有更好的词汇来替代。 神学理论就这样被教会领导者建立起来。
But this was not the last step. The next step was that this dogma was accepted as canonic law, by the Church. Canonic law is law according to the canon, which is the rule of thought or rule of behavior. Canonic law is the ecclesiastical law to which everybody must subject himself who belongs to the Church. In this way the dogma receives a legal sanction, and in the Roman church the dogma is a part of the canonic law, and its authority comes from the legal realm, not from the dogmatic realm, according to the general development of the Roman church, which is especially Roman, that means, always legalistic development. .
Now even this perhaps would not have created the tremendous reaction against the dogma in the last 400 years if another step had not been taken: the ecclesiastical law was accepted as state law by the medieval society. This meant that he who breaks the canonic law of doctrines is not only a heretic against the Church: he disagrees with fundamentals which were accepted by the Church as a whole; but he is also a criminal against the state. And this last point was one which produced the radical reaction in modern times against the dogma, and the impossibility of using the concept of dogma even for the title of these lectures.
也就是这点导致现今社会对’ 教条” 这字眼非常排斥,也使到我们不能以“教条”这字眼作为论文的题目。
发表于 25-10-2007 10:18 AM
发表于 25-10-2007 12:07 PM
第二课,我也翻译了一部分(第一段到第三段)。虽然我的翻译不是很好,不过可以让大家作为蓝本,节省时间。会继续翻译,会在PeterTan的翻译放完后我才放上去。 |
发表于 26-10-2007 12:34 AM
回复 #65 PeterTan 的帖子
Don't forget all these steps:
FIRST, the natural thought, which is in every religion.
SECOND, the methodological development of doctrines.
THIRD, the acceptance of some doctrines as protective doctrines against distortions.
第三: 这些教义被接受为抵挡异端邪说,保护纯正教义的神学理论。
FOURTH, the legalization of these doctrines as parts of the canonic law.
第四: 神学理论被发展为教会的律法。
FIFTH, the acceptance of these doctrines as the foundation not only of the Church but also of the state, because the state has no other content than the content the Church gives it., so that he who is supposed to undermine this content not only undermines the Church but also the state. He is not only a heretic who must be excommunicated; he is also a criminal who must be delivered into the hands of the civil authorities to punish him as a criminal. Now this was the state of the dogma, against which the Enlightenment was fighting – not so much the Reformation, which was still in the same line, but certainly the Enlightenment; and ever since, all liberal thinking has been characterized by trying to avoid dogma, and this also was supported by the development of science and the necessity to leave science and philosophy complete freedom in order to give them the possibility of their creative growth.
第五: 罗马教会的律法,最后也被中世纪的政权接受为国家的律法。这就是当初启蒙运动所积极反抗的。这也使人们意识到,科学与哲学非常需要从教会的教条中,完全解放出来,才能有创意的、健康成长。 |
发表于 26-10-2007 12:47 AM
回复 #68 PeterTan 的帖子
In his famous History of Dogma, Harnack asked the question whether, with the dissolution of the dogma in the early period of the Enlightenment, the dogma has not come to an end. He agrees that there is still dogma in orthodox Protestantism, but he believes that the Enlightened dissolution of the Protestant dogma is the last step of the history of the dogma: there is no dogma any more in Protestantism, since the Enlightenment. This means a very narrow concept of dogma, and Harnack agrees that he uses a very narrow concept, namely the Christological-Trinitarian doctrine of the early Church. Against this, Seeberg emphasized that the dogmatic development has not finished with the coming of the Enlightenment, but that it is still going on.
Harnack 宣称启蒙运动已导致基督改革宗(Protestantism) 没有了教条。然而,Seeberg却认为教条在改革宗还是继续存在的。
第18段 (1)
Now this is a very important systematic question: Are there dogmata in present-day Protestantism, or are there not? Those of you who go into the ministry have to undergo a kind of church examination, which is not an examination for knowledge but for faith. The churches want to know whether you agree with their fundamental dogmatic tenets. And they often do it in a very narrow way, without much understanding of the development of theology in the last 400 years, since the period of old Orthodoxy。
要当神职人员的,都会经过教会的测试。但这测试已不再检验此人的知识,而只是检验他对主的信心。 教会只是要知道此人是否接受教会的基本教义。 然而,这些测试大都是相当肤浅的, 他们大多数并不了解近四百年来的神学发展史。
第18段 (2)
On the other hand if you have an inner revolt – :and I know that most Union Seminary students have such an inner revolt against this faith-examination – don't forget that you go into a definite group, which is distinguished from other groups.. It is first of all a Christian and not a pagan group; it is a Protestant and not a Catholic group; and within Protestantism it may be an Episcopalian, or a Baptist--or between these extremes! Now this means there is a justified interest in the Church that those who represent it at least show some acceptance of their foundations. Every baseball group demands of you that you accept the rules and the moral standards of a baseball team, and why should the Church leave it completely to the arbitrary feelings of the individual? That cannot be done. Usually the problem today is of somebody who is too heretic, too radical, too much on the side of Bultmann in the demythologization of the New Testament, or Tillich in using the term IT Being" for God – or other bad people! This is the problem today. And on this basis many churches are suspicious.
但首先你要晓得你是加入一个团体,一个有自己特性的团体。而这更是一个基督团体,不是外邦人的团体;是一个基督新教团体,不是天主教会。 就是在基督新教里,也可能有着不同的宗派,如重洗派、长老会等等。 若你说你是属于某某宗派的,那么这宗派要求你至少接受他们基本的教义也不算过分吧? 就像每一支球队都会对他的会员有所要求服从纪律、守团队精神一样。
当今基督新教最大的问题就是有些基督徒过于极端、走异端,太激进,或太“去神秘化” 。 居于这理由,今天许多所谓的“教会”,都是非常值得怀疑的。
楼主 |
发表于 26-10-2007 01:41 PM
回复 #12 openviewtheist 的帖子
[不过还是提醒大家小心他那边缘(e.g., Neo-Orthodoxy或Liberalism; 双双倾向非正统)的神学立场/预设(theological presuppositions)。]
看來我還是得回應一下openviewtheist 對田立克的看法 。先謝謝openviewtheist的提醒。
因此﹐我並不十分同意這句話 [ Neo-Orthodoxy或Liberalism; 双双倾向非正统 ]。其實新正統﹐甚至自由神學都對正統(教條)的改進作出貢獻﹐不論是積極面(填補教條裡的漏洞﹐指出某教條的不足)還是消極面(被駁斥並被防止﹐被定為異端邪說等等)的。正統不是我們這麼容易能黑白分明的﹐這需要時間﹐可能需要幾代的基督徒/教會去驗證。昔日的正統跟今天的正統在內容上已顯著不同。
對田立克而言﹐說他的思想倾向非正统可能不大貼切(不是說完全沒道理)。從他的著作可知田立克花大量時間于神學與其他領域的對話。他或許是直接承接了當代神學傳統﹐或認為當代神學傳統已足夠豐富了﹐他本人鮮少解經﹐釋經﹐從bible exegesis 再去重新整理當代神學(這工程也太巨大了)。田立克選擇直接從現有的神學傳統和討論出發(生命有限﹐沒有神學家能究盡所有領域﹐必須選擇)。所以充其量﹐我們可以說田立克不是聖經研究專家類的神學家﹐但說他的思想倾向非正统是有點過了頭。
[ 本帖最后由 ethos 于 26-10-2007 02:17 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-10-2007 11:09 PM
回复 #70 ethos 的帖子
认真看了你们两人的回应。 无可非议的一点是:田立克这位大师的神学思想, 确实导致许多神學生、基督徒思想“偏頗”。 又因此人是许多人公认的大师,影响的深远度并不是你我,所能比拟的。
然而, 为什么会如此呢? 是这些人误解了他的原意, 还是有心人在借题发挥, 还是。。。。?
我想要深入探讨这问题, 最好的方法就是直接读他所写的书, 思考他所讲的话语。
好了。 接下来, 让我们继续探讨 第19 段。 其中的论点确实需要我们深切关注的。
首先,因第19段比较长,我将他 分成 6 个小段来翻译以方便理解。
为了尽量不曲解他的意思, 我开始先作字面翻译, 不加入自己的看法。 |
发表于 26-10-2007 11:43 PM
回复 #71 PeterTan 的帖子
第19段 (1)
But now think for a moment that this was not the problem, but that the young ministers all suddenly became enthusiasts for the veneration and perhaps even adoration of the Holy Virgin, and wanted to introduce this into the Baptist and Methodist churches! Now here you see immediately that there is a real and serious problem in it. And of course, if we come to the political dogmas – which are more dogmatic than any church whatsoever is – then you find that the problem becomes even more acute for the present situation.
先假设“有没有教条” 都不是一个问题。 但一天有些热心的年轻教士突然对圣母马利亚非常崇拜,要将这崇拜观念带进重洗派或卫理斯公会。这样,你就会马上发现到这其实是一个严重问题。
第19段 (2)
So it is one of the tasks of systematic theology to help the churches to solve this problem in a way which is not narrow-minded and not dependent on the 16th and 17th century theologians which are identified with the pure word of God – although they are dependent on their time as we are dependent on our time – but on the other hand there is some fundamental point which is accepted if somebody accepts the Church.
因此,这是系统神学所能够帮助教会解决的其中一项重要问题。我们不需随从16 到17 世纪时,那时非常讲究按字面解释的解经法 - 虽然他们是依据那时的处境,而我们也依据我们现在的处境解释经文 - 但如果一个人成为教会的一份子,他就得接受那教会最基本的教义。
发表于 26-10-2007 11:45 PM
回复 #72 PeterTan 的帖子
第19段 (3)
Now I will give you here – because this is so important--something which anticipates my systematic theology, which you can read in the first volume already published: I believe that it is not the matter of accepting a series of dogmas, which the Church must demand of their ministers; how can they honestly say that they don't doubt about any of these dogmas?
第19段 (4)
They would be not very good Christians if they did not, because our intellectual life is as ambiguous as our moral life. And who would call himself morally perfect, and how then can someone call himself intellectually perfect?
他们应该不会是一个好基督徒,如果他们完全不曾怀疑那些教条。这是因为我们的理智生活是好像我们的道德生活一样模糊的。谁能说自己是道德完善之人呢?谁又人说自己是理智完美之人呢? |
发表于 26-10-2007 11:48 PM
回复 #73 PeterTan 的帖子
第19段 (5)
The element of doubt is an element in faith itself. And what the church should do is to accept somebody who says to them that this faith for which this church stands is a matter of my ultimate concern, which I want to serve with all my strength.
怀疑其实就是信心的一部分。教会应该做的,应当是接受有些人所说的:” 你们所维护的神学立场与信念,都是我最关心的,也是我所要尽力而为的。“
第19段 (6)
But if you are asked to say what you believe about this or that doctrine, then you are driven into a kind of dishonesty even if in this moment you can say "I believe," e. g., concerning the Virgin Birth – or whatever that may mean. If you say you will agree, then you are dishonest.. . .; you may subject yourselves to this whole set of doctrines as long as you are ministers, and you can say you cannot promise because you cannot cease to think, and if you think you must doubt. And that is the problem. I think the only solution on Protestant soil is to say that this set of doctrines represents your own ultimate concern, and that you desire to serve in this group which has made this the basis of its ultimate concern, but that you can never promise not to doubt anyone of these special doctrines.
但如果硬要说我们相信这、或那个教义,就算现在你说”相信“,例如:” 我相信童女生子“或其他。如果你说你赞成,那你就不是诚实的。你可以说作为一个神职人员,你愿意忠于这些教条,你也可以说你是不会承诺你不会怀疑,因为你一直在思考。要思考那么就会有怀疑。这就是问题所在。在基督新教里,我想唯一的解决方案就是说” 这些教条都代表着我最关心的课题,而我也渴望在这教会服侍,但我不能答应不去怀疑任何一个教条。 |
楼主 |
发表于 27-10-2007 06:06 AM
回复 #71 PeterTan 的帖子
1 - 田立克的某些神学观的确偏頗,我本身也对他的一些观念有所保留甚至不同意。
2 - 但,我认为田立克某些神学观偏頗的原因不在于神学上的不正统,也不在于神学立场与预设(或许,我至今尚无发现),而是在於他有时推论引伸的太远了。(我在上帖也尝试说明了一些)
3 - 由于他鲜少作研经释经或采用从圣经重新出发这条进路(选择不采用),今人(包括我们这班基督徒)可以作这个衔接点。如果大家都发现田立克的某些言论没有坚固的圣经基础或去的太尽,我们可以一同尝试将它拆毁并重心建设。
[ 本帖最后由 ethos 于 27-10-2007 07:21 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 27-10-2007 09:58 PM
原帖由 ethos 于 27-10-2007 06:06 AM 发表
1 - 田立克的某些神学观的确偏頗,我本身也对他的一些观念有所保留甚至不同意。
2 - 但,我认为田立克某些神学观偏頗的原因不在于 ...
是的。我也不认为他的神学预设有问题。教会的神学思想确实应该也能够回应当前的社会处境,与他们对话。 (We are not of the world but the church is still in the world.) 教会的神学思想如果与社会脱节,教会的存在价值确实值得怀疑了。因为我难以想像不能正面影响社会的教会,又怎能在世上作盐、作光呢?
然而,就如你所言,“由于他鲜少作研经释经或采用从圣经重新出发这条进路(选择不采用) ”,他的思想因此就可能留下一大缺口。因长久封闭的教会神学,突然与太多的外来思想冲击,而作为衡量这些外来思想的底线,如果又不是以圣经作为道德底线,我认为教会(这实在) 虽然更能与当前的社会互动,但也更可能离教会的本质越来越远。
3 - 由于他鲜少作研经释经或采用从圣经重新出发这条进路(选择不采用),今人(包括我们这班基督徒)可以作这个衔接点。如果大家都发现田立克的某些言论没有坚固的圣经基础或去的太尽,我们可以一同尝试将它拆毁并重心建设
说得好。非常赞成Ethos 以上的话。我想重申的是重心建设的基础,应该是回到圣经作为道德底线。
[ 本帖最后由 PeterTan 于 27-10-2007 10:03 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 27-10-2007 10:49 PM
回复 #69 PeterTan 的帖子
第18段 (1)
Now this is a very important systematic question: Are there dogmata in present-day Protestantism, or are there not?
我想以上田立克的话是很值得所有新教基督徒(Protestantism) 深思的。如今只有天主教会有较一致性的系统神学。反观新教,宗派林立,包括独立教会至少有两千个派系。新教基督徒(Protestantism) 的神学思想(教条)是什么,我想不是许多基督徒能够讲清楚,或曾深入思考的。
虽然我们这一代很难能达到一致性的教条,尤其是基要、福音派与灵恩派的分歧, 但情形也其实并不是那么悲观。就拿我国做例子。我们不就有跨宗派的基督教团体吗?例如:NECF与 CCM。 这说明虽然基督教宗派林立,但目前已能够承认对方的正统地位。我们要做到的,就是近一步指出大家以达到同识的圣经基础,如使徒信经等。作为信仰的根基。
打个比方:如果我问形式重要,还是原则(或我们的内心或信心) 重要?
例如:关于洗礼问题。如果争论的是仪式问题,大家都会互不相让。但如果只谈到洗礼的意义与重要性,这些原则上的问题,大家就很快的就能达到共识。 至于仪式,就让各宗派自己去表达他们对主的信心吧!
但如果新教系统神学收入的只是:“使徒与先知的功用在今日教会的重要性或贴切性“。我想福音派与灵恩派又很快的达到共识。至于在各自教派内,你是否要称他们为传道,还是先知,这就是份内的问题了。” 就如以往 Brethren教会,不称牧师为牧师一样,但对于牧养信徒的功用,大家很快能够达到共识一样。
到时,以 弗 所 书 Ephesians一所讲的满有基督长成的身量的教会,就非常有望形成了。基督也就快来了。
4:11 他所赐的有使徒、有先知.有传福音的.有牧师和教师.
4:12 为要成全圣徒、各尽其职、建立基督的身体.
4:13 直等到我们众人在真道上同归于一、认识神的儿子、得以长大成人、满有基督长成的身量.
愿与大家共勉之 |
发表于 28-10-2007 12:05 AM
回复 #72 PeterTan 的帖子
第19段 (1)
先假设“有没有教条” 都不是一个问题。 但一天有些热心的年轻教士突然对圣母马利亚非常崇拜,要将这崇拜观念带进重洗派或卫理斯公会。这样,你就会马上发现到这其实是一个严重问题。
他举出一个极端的例子:” 如果你教会的传道突然提出我们应该也拜圣母马利亚“。虽然我们现在知道,就算是在天主教,也不把圣母马利亚,当作神来拜。但万一这情形真的在其中你的教会发生,我们应该如何作出回应?
第19段 (2)
因此,这是系统神学所能够帮助教会解决的其中一项重要问题。我们不需随从16 到17 世纪时,那时非常讲究按字面解释的解经法 - 虽然他们是依据那时的处境,而我们也依据我们现在的处境解释经文 - 但如果一个人成为教会的一份子,他就得接受那教会最基本的教义。
原则上,他是说解释经文,教会应该依据现在的处境来解经,而不是依据16 到17 世纪时的神学思想,因为当时他们的处境与我们不同。
试想挪亚(Noah) 或罗得(Lot) 也以他当代的道德观来妥协教会的道德标准的话,还得了吗?
[ 本帖最后由 PeterTan 于 28-10-2007 12:07 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 28-10-2007 12:46 AM
回复 #73 PeterTan 的帖子
这里说到人的不完美。一个老实的基督徒应该承认他并不能完全理解圣经,也因此对教条(神学思想) ,多多少少都会有怀疑。
历代教条(神学思想) ,是当代人对神话语的理解。所以有不清楚之处或错误,我认为是情有可言的。
但对神学家所定的教条(神学思想) 的怀疑与怀疑圣经,是两码子的事,不能等同。
基督徒可以怀疑历代教条(神学思想) ,但基督徒不应该怀疑圣经(神的话语)。
发表于 28-10-2007 01:39 AM
回复 #74 PeterTan 的帖子
第19段 (5)
怀疑其实就是信心的一部分。教会应该做的,应当是接受有些人所说的:” 你们所维护的神学立场与信念,都是我最关心的,也是我所要尽力而为的。“
第19段 (6)
但如果硬要说我们相信这、或那个教义,就算现在你说”相信“,例如:” 我相信童女生子“或其他。如果你说你赞成,那你就不是诚实的。你可以说作为一个神职人员,你愿意忠于这些教条,你也可以说你是不会承诺你不会怀疑,因为你一直在思考。要思考那么就会有怀疑。这就是问题所在。在基督新教里,我想唯一的解决方案就是说” 这些教条都代表着我最关心的课题,而我也渴望在这教会服侍,但我不能答应不去怀疑任何一个教条。
请注意这里田氏所举的例子:” 我相信童女生子“就不是一个神学思想(教条)的问题,而是质疑圣经话语的例子。 这是与他前面所讲教条有所冲突的。
对有些教条,我们不是完全相信、但也不代表怀疑,而是我们真的还不知道(未知) 。
难道他是说,我们对主只要有小小的信心,(大大的怀疑) , 就可长成大树吗?
相信与怀疑,严格来说 是基督徒对神话语(未知)探知的过程中,所采取的心态问题。
在探讨神的话语,例如:童女生子,这我们不明白的经文时。我们采取的心态是以怀疑的态度来探讨,还是以相信(虽然懂得就那么一点点) 的心态来探讨这未知。
我们可以坦白的说:” 主啊!我相信童女生子,因为我相信世人都有罪,虽然我不是很明白为什么你一定要通过童女生子。“请指出我那里不诚实?
这里田氏所举的例子:” 我相信童女生子“
这是与他之前所提到质疑教条(神学思想) 有所不同的。
然而,无可否认的是:他这一个” 基督徒应该怀疑圣经“的论点(例子),已造成有些基督徒,甚至出柜的神学博士质疑圣经权威性的“论据。这是非常非常不幸的。 |
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