Genting International 雲頂國際
发表于 12-1-2009 05:38 PM
原帖由 pixma 于 12-1-2009 12:05 PM 发表 
本人估计在农历新年前指数会填补介于1860.58点至 1880.58点间的缺口,然后元宵节过后开始跌落谷底。
那么, 您心目中的价位是多少? 会less than 0.30 SGD? |
发表于 12-1-2009 07:05 PM
发表于 13-1-2009 02:02 AM
小弟的公司是MBS IR 的 consultant,所以对MBSIR的蓝图可说是颇为熟悉......感觉上,小弟觉得MBSIR的概念、卖点,会较比Sentosa IR 还要更输一筹......
MBSIR 走的是较为“高档”的路线,他涵括了museum, casino, theater, 3 x hotel, sky park at 56storey, retails,2 x floating retail, event piaza and convention centre. 老实说如果我是一名游客,我来新加坡,如果到MBSIR除了赌钱还有什么可休闲?retails? theater? musuem? convention centre? 如果我带我的一家大小来,如果我去了赌场,那我孩子应该去哪?如果我和我女朋友来,难道我们整天都泡在赌场里头吗?
然而,相比之下,sentosa IR 就比较大众化,比较适合那些前来新加坡度假、休闲的游客......游乐场,universal studio, blah blah blah...是否会比较适合一家大小?情侣?前来游玩的游客?就算你不赌,也大有其他娱乐可玩......
所以,如果以游客的心态来想的话,我会选择sentosa IR。MBSIR或许会比较着重那些从别处前来convention, museum 或者theater的顾客群......
然而,MBSIR却占了地利的优势,它实在是太靠近市中心了!人们放工之后或许还可以到那边玩两手......除此之外,它也比sentosa IR 更快拔得头筹,"头啖汤",如没意外,今年年尾你们应该可以到它们的赌场试下运气.......
写了那么多,长期来讲,我还是看好sentosa IR,我经已买了20 lot genting international....哈哈....还会继续地买~~~ |
发表于 13-1-2009 01:30 PM
回复 703# theaseuslee 的帖子
MB SIR專做本地赌客及外国赌客...
就像SG客拜6上云頂, 礼拜回將...  |
发表于 13-1-2009 08:04 PM
发表于 17-1-2009 02:47 AM
发表于 17-1-2009 11:13 AM
发表于 17-1-2009 09:10 PM
发表于 18-1-2009 09:09 PM
原帖由 jochen 于 17-1-2009 09:10 PM 发表 
似乎 stuck 在那里。。。冲不破 0.50。。。
看来 要跌破 0.36。。。。有点难。。。
应该会维持在 0.40 以上。。。
除非云顶国际有一些重要事情发生或新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界休闲胜地计划有重大变或一些不可预见的原因, 否则真的有点难跌破 0.36。
什么时候公布赌场牌照才是重点。 |
发表于 19-1-2009 12:05 PM
海峡时报指数(STI) - (19-Jan-2009)
本栏于上周(12日)曾论及指数依然可能回升填补介于1860.58点至1880.58点间的缺口,才向下跌穿1570.23点支撑线。可是指数并未如预估,反而向下滑落,元月15日一度下试1693.68点,且将介于1711.21点至1659.17点间的缺口的一部分予填补,同时又于1734.49点至1764.72点留下一个缺口。从技术上看来,只要指数不跌穿1570.23点则仍然可能将上述二缺口填补,并还可能升逾1959.95点以完成C波,不过,一旦跌穿1570.23点则将迅速滑落,迄时不但将穿下1473.77点且当朝1197.85点前进了。 |
发表于 20-1-2009 11:50 AM
发表于 20-1-2009 01:12 PM
原帖由 PBBANK-O1 于 20-1-2009 11:50 AM 发表 
GEN INTL 0.425了!
有没有人知道原因? |
发表于 20-1-2009 02:40 PM
回复 712# 行大运 的帖子
US&EURO BANK业绩不好, 影响到! |
发表于 20-1-2009 04:32 PM
发表于 20-1-2009 05:52 PM
回复 712# 行大运 的帖子
奥巴马若对付“避税天堂” 新港将被美国更严密监视
以服务富裕人士为主的卫达士(Withers)律师事务所香港合伙人拉德马切(Kurt Rademacher)指出,奥巴马前年2月任职参议员时,已向美国参众两院提出《禁止滥用避税天堂法案》(Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act,简称STHAA),当时未获支持,但奥巴马的助手表示,奥巴马在上任后初期将考虑订立类似法案。
新加坡和香港已同时被列入34 个“岸外秘密司法管辖区”(Offshore Secrecy Jurisdictions)初步名单,其他榜上有名的包括泽西岛(Jersey Island)、根西(Guernsey)、马恩岛(Isle of Man)、瑞士、开曼岛、英属维京群岛、百慕达、巴哈马、哥斯达黎加和伯利兹(Belize)。
据估计,STHAA每年将为美国政府带来最多达500亿美元额外税收,足以抵消奥巴马所承诺的系列新专案开销。 |
发表于 30-1-2009 09:30 AM
发表于 2-2-2009 10:51 AM
原帖由 科学就是未来 于 30-1-2009 09:30 AM 发表 
现在 Gent Intl 0.42! |

楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2009 11:15 AM
The Group recorded a revenue of S$177.4 million and a loss before impairment and tax of S$20.6 million in the third quarter. This represents an improvement of S$51.1 million in revenue and a S$0.9 million reduction in loss compared to the second quarter of the financial year. The improvement in revenue is mainly attributable to higher drops and gaming wins recorded in the current quarter. The quarter’s results were, however, affected by higher bad debts and exchange losses but these have been cushioned by fair value gains on derivative financial instruments of S$17.1 million recognised in the current quarter. The fair value gains on derivative financial instruments recognised in the previous quarter amounted to S$9.2 million.
The Group also recognised an impairment loss of S$100.8 million on goodwill arising from its acquisition of Genting Stanley in the current quarter. The impairment loss can be attributed to the general economic slowdown in the UK and the rest of the world. The slowdown has adversely affected business volumes at the Group’s UK casinos. For the nine month period, Group revenue reduced by S$95.1 million when compared to revenue in the corresponding nine month period of 2007 of S$567.6 million. The reduction is mainly due to a decrease of S$93.5 million in revenue from the Group’s UK casino operations and lower interest income. Revenue from the UK casinos operations were affected by lower business volumes and lower win % due to luck factor. The reduction was further exacerbated by the
weakening of the Sterling Pound against the Singapore Dollar.
The Group recorded a lower loss before taxation of S$138.8 million in the current nine month period compared to a loss of S$411.1 million in the corresponding nine month period of 2007 due mainly to the following:
a) An impairment loss of S$454.6 million on goodwill arising from the Group’s acquisition of Genting Stanley recorded in the third quarter of 2007. The impairment in 2007 was largely attributable to the increase in gaming duty rates by the UK government which was made effective in April 2007 after the Group’s acquisition of Genting Stanley. The impairment loss recorded in the current nine month period is lower at S$100.8 million.
b) An impairment loss of S$18.1 million on an expired option to purchase land in the UK recorded in the corresponding period of 2007. No such impairment loss is recorded in the current nine month period.
c) Lower interest expense on borrowings for the period ended 30 September 2008 of S$50.1 million compared to S$79.4 million in 2007 due to partial loan repayments made after 30 June 2007;
d) The estimated one-third share of after tax profits of the international betting division, which was disposed by the Group in 2007. The Group had on 22 March 2007 completed the disposal of its 50% interest in international betting operations for a cash consideration of S$3.3 million (£1.0 million). The disposal was effective from 1 January 2007. In addition to the basic consideration of S$3.3 million, the Group is entitled to a share of the after tax profits from this disposed unit over the next three years, subject to a maximum aggregate of approximately S$15.0 million (£5.0 million). For 2007, the share of profits will be one-third followed by 25% and 20% of the after tax profits respectively for 2008 and 2009. The Group's share of 2007 profits have been estimated to amount to approximately S$2.2 million
(equivalent to £800,000) and has been accounted for in the current nine month period. The actual amount to be received will be determined upon the finalisation of the disposed international betting operations’ 2007 year-end after tax results.
The effect of the above has been reduced by:
a) Lower fair value gain on derivative financial instruments of S$45.3 million arising from changes in valuation of the derivative financial instrument portion of the Group’s convertible bonds and interest rate swaps, when compared to the S$82.1 million gain recognised in the corresponding period in 2007. Interest rate swaps that were entered into and accounted for using the conventional method in the current nine month period recorded a gain arising from changes in fair value amounting to S$2.6 million (2007: S$Nil);
b) The UK casinos operations recorded a loss before impairment and interest expense of S$24.7 million in the current nine month period compared to a profit before interest expense of S$49.3 million in the corresponding nine month period of 2007. The loss from casino operations in the current nine month period was mainly due to a combination of lower business volume, lower luck factor, write offs due to closure of casinos, bad debts and higher gaming duties pursuant to the change in gaming duty rate from April 2007; and
c) A net foreign exchange loss of S$15.6 million for the current nine month period compared against a foreign exchange gain of S$1.3 million in the corresponding nine month period in 2007.
The Group also accounted for a deferred tax credit of S$16.8 million arising principally from the release of deferred tax provisions following the disposals and closure of several casinos and properties in the UK and from tax losses and capital allowances carried forward for the period. |
发表于 2-2-2009 11:53 AM
Google 直接翻译!
该集团还确认减值亏损的S一万〇八十〇点〇万美元商誉收购产生的云顶斯坦利在本季度。减值亏损可以归因于整体经济放缓,英国和世界其他地区。增长放缓产生了不利的影响业务量在该集团的英国赌场。的9个月期间,集团的收入减少了由S九千五百一点零零零万美元收入相比,在相应的九个月期间的2007年的S五万六千七百六十○点〇 〇万美元。减少的主要原因是减少的S九千三百五十○点零万美元的收入来自该集团的英国赌场的运作,降低利息收入。收入来自英国赌场业务受到降低营业额和更低的胜利% ,原因是运气的因素。减少进一步加剧了
b )一个减值亏损的S一千八百一十点零零万美元对过期的选择权,购买土地在英国记录在相应时期的2007年。没有这样的减值损失记入本九个月期间。
c )降低利息支出的借款终了期间的2008年9月30号的S五千○十点○○万美元向S相比七千九百四十点零万美元在2007年由于部分偿还贷款后, 2007年6月30 ;
d )在估计有三分之一的份额后,税后利润的国际博彩司,这是处理该集团在2007年。该集团已在2007年3月22日完成了出售其50 %的国际博彩业务,现金代价的S 330万美元(一点零英镑万美元) 。有效的处置是从2007年1月1 。除了基本的考虑的S 330万美元,本集团有权分享的税后利润从这个处置单位在今后三年内,但最多的总额约1500万新元(五点零英镑万美元) 。 2007年,这个比例的利润将有三分之一其次是25 %和20 %的税后利润分别为2008年和2009年。该集团的市场份额在2007年的利润已被估计为大约县二百二十〇点零零零万美元
(相当于八十○点○○万英镑) ,并已计入当前的九个月期间。实际收到的数额将取决于定稿后的处置国际博彩业务, 2007年年底税后结果。
一)下公允价值收益衍生金融工具的S四千五百三十〇点○万美元变动引起的估值部分衍生金融工具本集团的可转换债券和利率掉期相比,标八千二百十点〇 〇 〇万美元增益确认相应时期在2007年。利率掉期已进入占使用传统方法在目前的9个月期间录得的收益产生公允价值变动金额为S 260万美元( 2007年: 1.00元无) ;
b )在英国的赌场业务录得税前亏损减值和利息开支的S二千四百七点〇 〇 〇万美元在目前的9个月期间的利润相比,利息开支前的S四千九百三十○点○○○万美元在相应的九个月期间的2007年。损失由赌场业务在目前的九个月期间,主要是由于低相结合的业务量,降低运气的因素,收件取舍由于关闭赌场,坏帐和更高的游戏根据职责的变化,游戏税率从4月2007 ;和
c )在外汇净亏损的S一千五百六十〇点〇 〇 〇万美元当前九个月期间相比,对外汇收益的S 130万美元的相应九个月期间于2007年。
该集团还占了递延税收抵免的S一千六百八十〇点○○○万美元产生主要来自释放递延税项后的规定处置和关闭一些赌场和性能在英国和税收损失和资本免税额结转期间。 |
发表于 2-2-2009 01:26 PM
回复 719# PBBANK-O1 的帖子
现在的SGD0.4x 股价是明显高沽了。 |
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