狗笼+水罐 x 1,【也是蛮新的,新年前才买的】
他的狗窝 x 1,【他每天晚上睡的,也是新年前才买的】
他的衣服 x 3件,【还蛮新的,新年的时候买给它的】
他的ribbon x 2个,【还蛮新的,新年的时候买给它的】
他的碗 x 1,
狗食 x 1/2包,【好的狗食来的】
Shampoo x 1/2罐,
狗链 x 1 个
Ewen777 发表于 23-10-2011 12:17 AM
SOS!!!! Please HELP!! One of the HOPE adopter - Sam is urgently seeking help from us today as one of the mummy stray dog at his residential area gave birth to 7 puppies at his neighbor's home compound on end of September. His neighbor is urgently seeking for adopter but he couldn't find one and have decided to throw those puppies away if there's still no one to adopt by THIS SUNDAY. PLEASE PLEASE HELP TO SHARE, WE DO NOT HAVE ABILITY TO TAKE IN SO MANY PUPPIES AS SOME OF THE PUPPIES INSIDE THE SHELTER ARE ALREADY INFECTED WITH PARVOVIRUS LATELY. Please help to share this on your wall to help in looking for a HOME for them. Or you may write to if you are able to foster them or help in any other way. Thank you!