


楼主: khokhokho

【NSCOM 交流专区】不死心在上訴,失敗再上訴

 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
Listing Circular
Stock Name :NSCOM
Date Announced:18/12/2007


Contents :

NasionCom Holdings Berhad ("NSCOM" or "the Company") has failed to submit its Quarterly Report for the financial period ended 30 June 2007 to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") for public release within the stipulated timeframe pursuant to Rule 9.22 of Bursa Securities' Listing Requirements for Mesdaq Market ("MMLR"), which was due on 31 August 2007.

Pursuant to Rule 9.26(4) of the MMLR, if a listed company fails to issue the outstanding financial statements within 3 months from the expiry of the timeframes stated in Rules 9.22 and 9.24 of the MMLR ("Relevant Timeframes") (the last day of the 3 months period shall hereinafter be referred to as "Suspension Deadline"), in addition to any enforcement action that the Bursa Securities may take, the Bursa Securities shall suspend trading in the securities of such listed company. The suspension shall be effected on the market day following the expiry of the Suspension Deadline.

The Company’s securities has been suspended since 23 July 2007 due to the fact that the Company has not issued the Quarterly Report for the period ended 31 December 2006 within the extended timeframe granted by Bursa Securities i.e. until 15 April 2007.

Pursuant to Rule 9.26(6) of the MMLR, if a listed company fails to issue the outstanding Financial Statements within 6 months from the expiry of the Relevant Timeframes, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take; de-listing procedures shall be commenced against such listed company.

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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
Listing Circular
Stock Name :NSCOM
Date Announced:18/12/2007


Contents :

    1. Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) hereby publicly reprimands NSCOM for breach of Rules 9.22(1), 9.23(1) and 9.24 of the MMLR.

    2. Rule 9.22(1) of the MMLR stipulates that a listed company must give Bursa Securities for public release, an interim financial report that is prepared on a quarterly basis as soon as the figures have been approved by the board of directors of the listed company and in any event not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter of a financial year.
    3. Rule 9.23(1) of the MMLR states that a listed company must ensure that a research report is prepared and submitted to the Exchange, for public release, not later than 2 months after the end of each half of a financial year.

    4. Pursuant to Bursa Securities’ letter dated 15 March 2007 the Company was given until 15 April 2007 to submit its quarterly report for the financial period ended 31 December 2006 (“4th QR 2006”) and the research report for the period ended 31 December 2006 (“Research Report 2006”) for public release.

    5. Rule 9.24 of the MMLR stipulates that a listed company must ensure that the issuance of the annual audited accounts and annual report by a listed company shall be as follows:-
      (a) the annual report shall be issued to the listed company’s shareholders and given to the Exchange within a period not exceeding 6 months from the close of the financial year of the listed company; and
        (b) the annual audited accounts together with the auditors’ and directors’ reports shall, in any case, be given to the Exchange for public release, within a period not exceeding 4 months from the close of the financial year of the listed company unless the annual report is issued within a period of 4 months from the close of the financial year of the listed company.
        6. The Company has breached the following rules of MMLR: -
        (a) Rule 9.22(1) of the MMLR for failure to submit the 4th QR 2006 on or before 15 April 2007;
          (b) Rule 9.23 (1) of the MMLR for failure to submit the Research Report 2006 on or before 15 April 2007;
            (c) Rule 9.24(b) of the MMLR for failure to submit the annual audited accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 (“AAA 2006”) on or before 30 April 2007;
              (d) Rule 9.22(1) of the MMLR for failure to submit the quarterly report for the financial period ended 31 March 2007 (“1stQR 2007”) on or before 31 May 2007;and
                (e) Rule 9.24(a) of the MMLR for failure to submit the annual report for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 (“AR 2006”) on or before 30 June 2007. 7. As at to-date, NSCOM has yet to submit 4th QR 2006, AAA 2006, AR 2006 and 1st QR 2007 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Outstanding Financial Statements”) and Research Report 2006. 8. In addition, Bursa Securities has found the following directors of NSCOM to be in breach of Rule 16.11(b) of the MMLR in respect of NSCOM's breach of Rules 9.22(1), 9.24(a) and 9.24(b) of the MMLR for which public reprimand and fines are imposed as follows: -

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               楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
              No.DirectorsPosition / Date of Appointment & Resignation Failure to
              Penalty Imposed
              1Tham Kok Sing Managing Director

              (Appointed on 30 April 2005 and resigned on 11 May 2007)

              (Appointed as Audit Committee Member on 9 February 2007 and resigned on 11 May 2007)
              4th QR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM8,500
              AAA 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM3,500
              2.Omar bin ZolkifliExecutive Director

              (Appointed on 9 February 2007 and the aforesaid appointment continues to date)
              1st QR 2007Public reprimand and fine of RM13,000
              AR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              3Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamad Noor bin Abdul RahimIndependent Non-Executive Chairman

              Audit Committee Member since 2005 and resigned on 22 October 2007
                (Appointed on 6 January 2004 and resigned on 22 October 2007)
              4th QR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,400
              AAA 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              1st QR 2007Public reprimand and fine of RM13,000
              AR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              4Wan Azizul Bin Wan YusoffIndependent Non-Executive Director

              Audit Committee Chairman since 2005 and resigned on 1 October 2007.

              (Appointed on 3 January 2005 and resigned on 1 October 2007)
              4th QR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,400
              AAA 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              1st QR 2007Public reprimand and fine of RM13,000
              AR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              5Datuk Wan Kassim bin AhmedIndependent Non-Executive Director
                (Appointed on 23 March 2007 and the aforesaid appointment continues to date)

                (Appointed as Audit Committee Member on 4 June 2007 and the appointment continues to date)
              AR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM12,800
              6.Dato’ Chee Kok WingNon-Independent Non-Executive Director

              (Appointed as Executive Director on 12 December 2003 and has been re-designated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 February 2006 and resigned on 8 August 2007)
              4th QR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM6,200
              AAA 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM6,400
              1st QR 2007Public reprimand and fine of RM4,900
              AR 2006Public reprimand and fine of RM2,800
              9. Rule 16.11 (b) of the MMLR stipulates that a director of a listed company must not permit, either knowingly or where he had reasonable means of obtaining such knowledge, a listed company to commit a breach of the MMLR.
              10. The public reprimands in respect of each of the aforesaid breaches of the Company and the directors of the Company are imposed pursuant to Rule 16.17 of the MMLR after taking into consideration of all facts and circumstances of the matter and upon completion of due process. 11. Bursa Securities views the above contraventions seriously and hereby cautions the Company and its Board of Directors on their responsibility to maintain appropriate standards of corporate responsibility and accountability in order to achieve greater disclosure and transparency to its shareholders and the investing public. 12. The directors of the Company at the material time (of the aforesaid breaches) as represented are as follows: -
              Name of Director
              Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamad Noor bin Abdul Rahim
              Dato’ Chee Kok Wing
              Tham Kok Sing
              Omar bin Zolkifli
              Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed
              Wan Azizul Bin Wan Yusoff
              Hiew Wei Pong

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               楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
              Listing Circular
              LISTING'S CIRCULAR NO. L/Q : 47870 OF 2007
              Company Name:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD (MESDAQ Market)
              Stock Name :NSCOM
              Date Announced:18/12/2007


              Contents :

              The above Company has failed to submit its Quarterly Report for the financial period ended 31 June 2007 to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") for public release within the stipulated timeframe pursuant to Rule 9.22 of Bursa Securities' Listing Requirements for the Mesdaq Market ("MMLR").

              Pursuant to Rule 9.26(4) of the MMLR, if a listed company fails to issue the outstanding financial statements within 3 months from the expiry of the timeframes stated in Rules 9.22 and 9.24 of the MMLR ("Relevant Timeframes") (the last day of the 3 months period shall hereinafter be referred to as "Suspension Deadline"), in addition to any enforcement action that the Bursa Securities may take, the Bursa Securities shall suspend trading in the securities of such listed company. The suspension shall be effected on the market day following the expiry of the Suspension Deadline.

              In view of the above and in accordance with Rule 9.26 (4) of the MMLR, a trading suspension will be imposed on the listed securities of the Company. However, as the listed securities of the Company have already been suspended from trading since 23 July 2007 due to the fact that the Company has not issued the Quarterly Report for financial period ended 31 December 2006, please be advised that arising from Rule 9.26(4) of the MMLR the suspension will continue irregardless of the suspension which was imposed on the aforesaid events.

              Furthermore, please note that pursuant to Rule 9.26(6) of the MMLR, if a listed company fails to issue the outstanding Financial Statements within 6 months from the expiry of the Relevant Timeframes, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take; de-listing procedures shall be commenced against such listed company.

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               楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
              General Announcement
              Reference No CA-071218-65806
              Company Name:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD (MESDAQ Market)
              Stock Name :NSCOM
              Date Announced:18/12/2007

              Subject:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD ("NHB" or "the Company")
              - Notice to Show Cause on De-Listing of Securities of NHB

              Contents :

                Further to the Company’s announcements made on 16 July 2007, 31 July 2007, 30 August 2007, 28 September 2007, 18 October 2007, 19 October 2007, 1 November 2007 and 30 November 2007, the Company wishes to announce that it has today receive a notice to show cause on de-listing of securities of NHB from the Official List of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”).

                Pursuant to Rule 9.26(6) of the Bursa Securities’ Listing Requirements for MESDAQ Market (“MMLR”), in view that the Company has failed to issue the outstanding financial statements within 6 months from the expiry of the extended timeframe granted by Bursa Securities, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, de-listing procedures shall be commenced against the Company.

                In the notice to show cause from Bursa Securities, NHB has been accorded 5 market days by Bursa Securities to make written representations to Bursa Securities from the date of receipt of the said notice, i.e. 18 December 2007, as to why its securities should not be removed from the Official List of Bursa Securities.

                The Company wishes to highlight that in the event Bursa Securities decides to de-list the Company, the securities of the Company shall be removed from the Official List of Bursa Securities upon the expiry of 7 market days from the date of notification of the decision to de-list the Company or upon such other date as may be specified by Bursa Securities unless an appeal is made within the prescribed timeframe.

                In the event Bursa Securities decides not to de-list the Company, Bursa Securities may impose other appropriate action/penalty(ies) pursuant to Rule 16.17 of the MMLR.

                This announcement is dated 18 December 2007.

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               楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 09:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 derwee 于 10-12-2007 09:41 AM 发表


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              发表于 21-12-2007 01:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
              证交所针对他:@ :@ :@

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              发表于 22-12-2007 08:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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              发表于 22-12-2007 10:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

              回复 #14 khokhokho 的帖子


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               楼主| 发表于 4-1-2008 06:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
              General Announcement
              Reference No CA-080104-63032  
              Company Name : NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD (MESDAQ Market)
              Stock Name  : NSCOM
              Date Announced : 04/01/2008

              Type : Announcement
              Subject : NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD ("NHB" or "the Company")
              Status of issuance of the following financial statements:
              (a) Quarterly financial results for the period ended 31 December 2006 ("2006 Q4 Report") pursuant to Rule 9.22(1) of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") for the MESDAQ Market ("MMLR");
              (b) Annual audited accounts together with the auditors’ and directors’ report for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 pursuant to Rule 9.24(b) of the MMLR ("Annual audited accounts 2006");
              (c) Quarterly financial results for the period ended 31 March 2007, 30 June 2007 and 30 September 2007 pursuant to Rule 9.22(1) of the MMLR ("2007 Q1, Q2 and Q3 Report"); and
              (d) Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 pursuant to Rule 9.24(a) of the MMLR.
              (e) half yearly research reports for the period ended 31 December 2006 and 30 June 2007 pursuant to Rule 9.23(1) of the MMLR

              Contents :

              Further to the Company’s announcements made on 16 July 2007, 31 July 2007, 30 August 2007, 28 September 2007, 12 October 2007, 1 November 2007 and 30 November 2007, the Company wishes to announce that the auditors of the Company and its subsidiary companies have not been able to verify certain transactions due to unavailability of relevant documents needed for the audit of the abovementioned financial reports. The Company is endeavouring to seek confirmation of the transactions with third parties.

              Bursa Securities has on 19 October 2007 issued notice to the Company to show cause as to why the securities of the Company should not be de-listed from the Official List of Bursa Securities for failure to issue the 2006 Q4 Report and on 18 December 2007 issued similar notice to the Company for failure to issue the Annual Audited Accounts 2006 and 2007 Q1 Report. The Company has on 30 October 2007 and 24 December 2007 respectively given replies to Bursa Securities and has to-date not received further notification from Bursa Securities.

              This announcement is dated 4 January 2008.

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               楼主| 发表于 4-1-2008 06:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
              General Announcement
              Reference No CA-080104-63554
              Company Name:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD (MESDAQ Market)
              Stock Name :NSCOM
              Date Announced:04/01/2008

              Subject:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD ("NHB" or "the Company")
              - Status report pursuant to Guidance Note 3/2006 ("GN3/2006") of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for the MESDAQ Market ("MMLR")

              Contents :
                Further to the Company’s announcements on 3 August 2007, 3 September 2007, 1 October 2007, 1 November 2007 and 4 December 2007 where it was announced that the Company is an Affected Listed Company pursuant to GN3/2006 of the MMLR, NHB wishes to inform that it is still evaluating various options to formulate a Regularisation Plan to regularise the Company's financial condition.

                The Company has announced on 1 November 2007 that the Company has on 3 October 2007 filed an application to the Court of Appeal to appeal against the decision of the High Court to dismiss the application of Nasioncom Sdn Bhd (NSB) to restrain the Receiver & Manager of NSB from acting.

                The Court of Appeal has requested for the grounds of judgment from the earlier High court decision to be inserted into the Appeal Record and the Company’s solicitors are still awaiting for the grounds of judgment to be released by the High Court. In the meantime, the Company’s solicitors have sent a letter to the Court of Appeal on 23 November 2007 seeking an extension of time to file the Record of Appeal. This announcement is dated 4 January 2008.

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               楼主| 发表于 4-1-2008 06:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
              General Announcement
              Reference No CA-080104-51AD7
              Company Name:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD (MESDAQ Market)
              Stock Name :NSCOM
              Date Announced:04/01/2008

              Subject:NASIONCOM HOLDINGS BERHAD ("NHB" or "the Company")
              - Status Report pursuant to Guidance Note 5/2006 ("GN5/2006") of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for the MESDAQ Market ("MMLR")

              Contents :
                Further to the Company’s announcements on 3 August 2007, 16 August 2007, 30 August 2007, 18 September 2007, 28 September 2007, 1 November 2007 and 4 December 2007 in which it was announced that the Company has on 3 October 2007 filed an application to the Court of Appeal to appeal against the decision of the High Court to dismiss the application of Nasioncom Sdn Bhd (NSB) to restrain the Receiver & Manager of NSB from acting.

                The Court of Appeal has requested for the grounds of judgment from the earlier High court decision to be inserted into the Appeal Record and the Company’s solicitors are still awaiting for the grounds of judgment to be released by the High Court. In the meantime, the Company’s solicitors have sent a letter to the Court of Appeal on 23 November 2007 seeking an extension of time to file the Record of Appeal. This announcement is dated 4 January 2008.

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              发表于 5-1-2008 08:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
              52 #大中小发表于2008年4月1日下午6时24分只看该作者
              参考无钙080104 - 51ad7
              公司名称: nasioncom控股Berhad公司(自动报价股市)
              股票名称: nscom
              公布日期: 2008年4月1日

              主题: nasioncom控股Berhad公司(简称" nhb "或"公司" )
              -现况报告按照指导说明5 / 2 006( " g n5/2006" )的上市规定的布尔萨马来西亚证券B erhad公司为自动报价市场(下称" m mlr" )


              继该公司的公告, 2007年8月3日, 2007年8月16日, 2007年8月30日, 2007年9月18日, 2007年9月28日, 2007年11月1日和2007年12月4日在会上宣布,该公司已经于2007年10月3日提交向终审法院申请上诉的决定提出上诉,高等法院驳回申请的nasioncom私人有限公司(国安局) ,以抑制接收机及总经理,国安局从代理。

              上诉法院的要求为理由,判决由早前高院的判决,以插入到上诉的纪录,该公司的律师仍在等待为理由,判决予以放行,由高等法院审理。在此期间,该公司的律师已致函向终审法院提出上诉, 2007年11月23日要求延长时间,以档案记录,提出上诉。本公告的日期是2008年1月4日。


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               楼主| 发表于 5-1-2008 09:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 988fulot10 于 5-1-2008 08:40 PM 发表

              听講 nscom 後台有power 不知是真是假的。

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              发表于 5-1-2008 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 khokhokho 于 5-1-2008 09:35 PM 发表

              听講 nscom 後台有power 不知是真是假的。


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              发表于 5-1-2008 09:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 khokhokho 于 5-1-2008 09:35 PM 发表

              听講 nscom 後台有power 不知是真是假的。


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              发表于 5-1-2008 11:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 江湖 于 5-1-2008 09:44 PM 发表



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              发表于 5-1-2008 11:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 khokhokho 于 5-1-2008 09:35 PM 发表

              听講 nscom 後台有power 不知是真是假的。


              使用道具 举报

              发表于 6-1-2008 08:57 PM | 显示全部楼层

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               楼主| 发表于 6-1-2008 09:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
              原帖由 988fulot10 于 5-1-2008 11:05 PM 发表



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