Child of Light 'The World of Lemuria' Trailer
《光之子|Child of Light 》最新宣传片《利莫里亚世界|The World of Lemuria》放出
育碧今天放出最新《光之子》预告片《利莫里亚世界|The World of Lemuria》。就像预告片开头所说的“去探索未知的世界,去寻找比梦广阔的地方”,利莫里亚(Lemuria) 是一个传说中的文明之地,远古时沉入海中。作为消失的大陆文明,它与古埃及传说中位于大西洋上的亚特兰提斯大陆和玛雅传说中位于太平洋上的姆大陆或称穆大陆齐名。
《光之子|Child of Light 》是利用插画黄金时代的水彩画风格对经典的童话故事的一种全新的诠释。游戏被形容为可以游戏的诗篇,玩家在游戏中扮演年轻的王子Aurora,他必须解救被暗夜女王囚禁的太阳,月亮和星星。
育碧公司的《超越善恶2|Beyond Good and Evil 2》自2008年5月正式公布以来,官方就很少放出这款游戏的相关情报。尽管育碧一再强调他们并没有取消这款游戏,但这种长时间没有新消息的状态很容易让玩家们遗忘它。不过日前官方公开了本作的一张新艺术图,大家再度想起了这部期待已久的新作。
近日,《超越善恶|Beyond Good and Evil》系列的创造者Michel Ancel在一次《雷曼:传奇|Rayman Legend》的直播节目中花了一些时间向广大玩家介绍了这张最新的艺术图,展示了《超越善恶2》的女主角Jade。不过除此之外他依然没有公开本作的其他情报,看样子如果想要体验这款系列最新作,玩家们还需要等待更多的时间。
PS Vita: Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Oreshika Confirmed for North America and Europe
Today we’re really happy to announce a trio of brand new PS Vita games from our Japan Studio: Dystopian action RPG Freedom Wars; Soul Sacrifice Delta, an expanded edition of last year’s acclaimed dark fantasy adventure and stunning JRPG Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines.
Soul Sacrifice Delta will be first to arrive on May 13th, and we’ll confirm more details around Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines and Freedom Wars in the coming months. For now, I’ll hand over to the games’ respective producers to tell you more about each title. And then later today look out for an interview with Japan Studio chief Allan Becker.
We’re excited to finally announce that Freedom Wars is coming to North America! Some of you may have caught wind of the team working on this title, but Japan Studio, Shift and Dimps have joined forces to create an action-packed RPG on PlayStation Vita!
Freedom Wars is set in a dystopian world which harbors prisoners, each with a million-year sentence set from birth. You take on the role of a prisoner, forced to fight for your freedom by completing rescue missions that will reduce your seemingly insurmountable prison sentence.
Supported by a robust multiplayer suite, up to four players can play via Ad-Hoc and eight players via Online to fight civilian Abducters; the more civilians you set free, the shorter your sentence becomes. In addition to the challenging co-op gameplay, you’ll be pleased to know that the game has many customizable features ranging from weapon load-outs to the protagonist itself! Check out our new trailer and make sure to stay tuned for more news on Freedom Wars, launching later this year! – Dais Kawaguchi
Next up we have Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines which is one that you JRPG fans need to have on your radar. “What does ‘Oreshika’ mean?”, I hear you cry. Actually the full title in Japanese is ‘Ore no Shikabane wo Koete Yuke’ which means something along the lines of ‘Go Forth Over My Dead Body’.
In case you haven’t guessed it by now it’s an RPG in which you take charge of an ancient Japanese clan that have been cursed with a maximum lifespan of just 2 years. Your task is to lead the clan on their quest to lift the curse and enlist the help of gods inspired by Japanese mythology to make sure each new generation of the clan is more powerful than the last.
We’ve got some screenshots to show off the beautiful Japanese art style of the characters and environments, but it looks even more fantastic on the PS Vita screen! We’ve got lots more details to share on this one very soon so stay tuned. – Tomoyo Kimura
Soul Sacrifice Delta is the ultimate edition of Soul Sacrifice with tons of new content and improvements. Grim, the faction who believes in neutrality in all things, joins the blood thirsty Avalon and the merciful Sanctuary, and adds a third angle to bring the Delta in Soul Sacrifice. Grim’s beliefs, rooted in the prophecy they will seek to realise, will bring about irrevocable changes to the world as we know it.
The concept of faction is now at the heart of the game with players able to join the side of their choice, each with their own strengths and play styles. Players from each faction can now register their overall progress.
Soul Sacrifice Delta brings a lot of new content as well, with new Archfiends inspired by dark retellings of classic fairy tales, new sorcerers, arenas, spells and even more quests.
We have also made many improvements to the game design and systems: the graphics engine has been optimized, some arenas are now dynamic with weather effects and structural changes during battle, the spells system has been refined and allows for more collaborative and deeper gameplay.
We’ve also improved the AI of the Archfiends, who are now more vicious than ever. Finally, we’ve taken character customization to a new level, with the ability to mix custom parts and accessories.
What if you have played through Soul Sacrifice already? Well, just transfer your save data over to Delta and carry on the adventure! So that’s Soul Sacrifice Delta in a nutshell, but please stay tuned for more information soon. – Kumi Yuasa
《毁灭公爵:大破坏|Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction》倒计时网页 公爵又将登场
游戏开发商Interceptor Entertainment近日为最新的《毁灭公爵:大破坏|Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction》放出了一个新的倒计时网页。根据这个网页的源代码,倒计时结束日期是在2014-05-15。因为这个网页的出现,我们确定Interceptor已经解决了游戏版权问题。《毁灭公爵:大破坏|Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction》会是一部上帝视角动作RPG游戏,由虚幻引擎制作,游戏登陆PC和PS平台。
育碧公司于日前宣布,他们即将在iOS和安卓平台推出“ctOS行动版|ctOS Mobile app”免费移动游戏,并确认会进行中文化,而中文版亦将支持6月26日发售的《看门狗|Watch Dogs》中文版游戏。该移动游戏将可与家用机及PC平台版本《看门狗|Watch Dogs》展开合作与对战,让任何玩家得以随时随地黑进其他在线玩家的游戏世界。
在“ctOS移动版”ctOS Mobile app免费游戏中,玩家可利用移动设备通过3G或Wifi网络连结到《看门狗|Watch Dogs》游戏中,与家用主机或PC版玩家一同即时游玩并且分享相同的游戏体验。“ctOS移动版”ctOS Mobile app包含合作以及对战两种玩法,玩家可以从旁协助家用机与PC版《看门狗》玩家逃离警方缉捕、或是操控芝加哥警网及各式公共设施在特殊的挑战模式下阻止对手玩家在时限内抵达目的地。
育碧同时也确认“ctOS移动版”ctOS Mobile app拥有独立的等级进度,玩家不需拥有《看门狗|Watch Dogs》游戏本体即可体验。玩家可以选择与好友连线展开挑战、或通过自动配对机制找寻来自全球的线上玩家。玩家可在每次行动中获取经验值、提升等级并且获得技能点数,解开丰富的技能并且逐步升级,从调派警员、巡逻车、SWAT特勤队到甚至警用直升机增援,移动版将以丰富的游戏要素将整座城市的力量放进你的掌中。
“这是我们首次打造跨平台游玩体验”ctOS移动版ctOS Mobile app首席游戏设计师Philippe Baude如此表示:“这代表游乐器与 PC 版的玩家将能即时地与行动版玩家相互连线展开合作与对抗。玩家将能透过行动装置掌控ctOS中央控制系统以及游戏当中的各种要素;而我们最主要的挑战在于如何使玩家成为整座城市人工智慧背后的操控者。”
Halo, Destiny composer Martin O'Donnell fired by Bungie
Bungie's statement
There are those who said this day would never come...
For more than a decade, Marty O’Donnell filled our worlds with unforgettable sounds and soundtracks, and left an indelible mark on our fans. Today, as friends, we say goodbye. We know that wherever his journey takes him, he will always have a bright and hopeful future.
Conception II Now Available in North America, Launch Trailer
It's Time To Save the World
Conception II is out today, and while you're waiting to go pick up your fancy collector's edition from your local game store or download the game from the Nintendo eShop or PlayStation Network, you should watch the full trailer for Conception II.
If you pick up the game, but haven't played through the demo, you may want to give it a shot! Your save data transfers over, and you'll get a set of free goodies! You should also download the free Disciple Weapon Pack DLC to get five weapons your party can use. But make sure to get it soon, as it's only free for the first month.
If you were wondering where the Monokuma DLC is, two Monokuma quests will be added in May. For free! Other DLC will start rolling out each week, and you can check it all under the "Extras" section of the Conception II website . Uhuhuhuhuh!
Oh, and speaking of May, to our European fans who have been waiting for news about Conception II's release date: Both the demo and the game should be launching in May for EU territories! We don't have the exact dates confirmed yet, but once we get them locked in, we'll let you know!
Good luck, Disciples!
《最后生还者:重制版|The Last Of Us Remastered》发售日泄露 6月20日登场
英国零售商GameFly日前貌似泄露了索尼旗下PS4平台人气作品《美国末日:重制版|The Last Of Us Remastered》具体发售日,该商品栏标注本作售价59.99美元、预定在2014年6月20日发售(星期五),这与英国周五游戏上市的时间段一致。另外Best Buy以及Target著名零售商也同样的泄漏了一样的具体发售日。
《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布。以人类与“天族”以及龙的存在为关键字的本作,这回FAMI通杂志公开了又一位天族新角色详细。名为莱拉的女性,她发现了主人公斯雷具有的特别资质,另外还介绍了关于米克里欧与艾德娜的相关新情报。
《终极街头霸王4》是《街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》的最新形态,自游戏最初版本发售以来CAPCOM经历了多次修正,终于让本作以全新的姿态于玩家见面。日前CAPCOM公开了《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》的开场影像和一段特别宣传影像,除了展示本作的许多登场角色外,还为大家介绍了游戏的系统以及各种精彩对战场景,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》数字升级版登陆PS3和XBOX360,售价为14.99美元,街机版2014年6月份配信。完整版将于2014年8月份推出,售价39.99美元。
Today, Ubisoft announced the eBook Watch_Dogs //n/Dark Clouds, inspired by the highly anticipated video game Watch Dogs. Authored by John Shirley, the eBook is a direct sequel to the events of the game and will allow fans to further explore the world of Watch Dogs with an all new story. The eBook is a first for Ubisoft, as it was conceived inhouse and will be released exclusively via digital channels.
John Shirley, prolific author of over 30 books and short stories such as A Song Called Youth, is a known figure in the hacker community and is a pioneer of the cyberpunk movement, and therefore is a natural fit to author the Watch Dogs™ eBook. Having unprecedented access to our Montreal studio dev team and writers, he has recreated the atmosphere of Watch Dogs™, into his thriller, that combines high-tech crimes with both new and known characters.
“Working on Watch Dogs was enormously interesting to me because its world offers the convergence of cyberpunk and the edgy tech reality of our times; it all plays out with action and energy against the inner city backdrop that I thrive in” said John Shirley. “With hack tech in one hand and gun in the other, Aiden Pearce is a believable fusion of hacker and action hero who deliberately slips between the cracks of society to relentlessly pursue his agenda. The novel introduces Mick Wolfe, an ex-military, who get caught in a dangerous game in Chicago’s hyper connected and violent underground. Working with Thomas Geffroyd and Kevin Shortt at Ubisoft to develop the book was a rocking experience – Ubisoft is right out there on the frontier of videogame development. I couldn’t ask for more inspiration”.
Watch_Dogs //n/Dark Clouds will be available in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish at game's release on May 27, 2014. It will be available in two digital formats: an upgraded e-book version with interactive elements including videos and image and a classic e-book. For more information, click here
Since Epic released the full Unreal Engine 4 to subscribers, we've had a number of questions about our dynamic global illumination tech, which Epic recently integrated into UE4. We wanted to take the opportunity to talk about why we developed this technology and how we're using it to make Fable Legends look amazing.
We made a decision early on to have fully dynamic lighting in our game. We think this is important for a number of reasons: It allows dynamic time of day, which adds variation to our world; it massively improves iteration times for artists; and it supports dynamic objects both reflecting and receiving light. Dynamic GI can also give higher quality results than baked lighting in some cases, for example, reflections, where lighting needs to take into account the view position.
Dynamic direct lighting has been around in games for a number of years, but dynamic indirect lighting (i.e bounce lighting or global illumination) – i.e. light bouncing off objects in the scene onto other objects - is a much harder problem to solve, so generally it either isn't computed dynamically, or a very simple representation is used (e.g. a single hemispherical light for the sky).
Unreal Engine 4 has an excellent deferred renderer, which supports physically-based materials and can support large numbers of lights efficiently. We did some work optimising UE4’s cascaded shadow maps (which Epic also integrated into Unreal), but the missing piece of the puzzle for us was dynamic indirect lighting.
Epic has previously researched a real-time GI method called SVOGI with promising results, but it was never quite fast enough. Of all the papers on the subject, Crytek's Light Propagation Volumes seemed like the best solution for our game. It was fast, scalable and could also support reflections and secondary occlusion. However, this method was a DirectX 9 implementation, and we felt we could do even better with modern DirectX 11-class hardware and the power of compute shaders.
We developed an implementation of Light Propagation Volumes, specifically targeted at modern GPUs (such as the one in Xbox One). Our method supports 2nd-Order Spherical Harmonics, which gives better directionality than the original method. We use compute shaders to generate a high quality voxel representation of the scene's geometry, which we use to provide secondary occlusion and multiple light bounces.
The comparison shows the difference dynamic GI makes in our game.
《女神异闻录4U2 | Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold》小理世可用 系统详细介绍
ATLUS原街机游戏《女神异闻录4:午夜竞技场2》(以下简称P4U2)PS3版游戏发售日决定为8月28日,价格为通常版6980日元(未含税)。本周电击杂志图丰富新情报公开,来自《女神异闻录4 | Persona 4》中的久慈川理世(CV:钉宫理惠)将作为可用角色参战!本作可能讲述了与《女神异闻录4》及《女神异闻录4:舞夜狂欢 | Persona 4 - Dancing All Night》相连的物语,详细如下
《偶像大师》系列最新作《偶像大师:全力以赴》(One for All)将登陆PS3平台,预定于2014年5月15日发售,通常版价格为8280日元,限定版价格为11880日元,下载版为7600日元。近日官方又公开了本作的第五弹解说动画,介绍了追加要素及将作为DLC登场,来自《偶像大师:灰姑娘女孩》与《偶像大师:百万现场》中的偶像们,来欣赏下吧!
女神异闻录NICO直播节目 将有重大发表公布
ATLUS“女神异闻录”系列日前公布将预定于5月2日日本时间23时30分举办“影时间TV Persona Hour”NICO直播节目,作为《女神异闻录3》剧场版第二章上映预热,放送剧场版《女神异闻录3》的第一章简要及第二章先行影像。另外节目后半段将迎来豪华嘉宾登场,并公开系列最新情报,包括新企划等重大发表。
《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布。在4月27日举办的NICONICO超会议3上公开了本作的最新PV宣传影像,随后又公开将从6月20日开始每月举办《情热传说》的官方NICONICO直播,公布游戏最新情报等,第一回预定为6月20日,对本作感兴趣的玩家记得届时关注。
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty pricing announced, release date coming before E3
本作是《奇异世界:阿比逃亡记》的高清重制版,原名为《奇异世界:阿比逃亡记2(Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 2)》后改名为《奇异世界:新鲜可口(Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty)》。游戏中主角阿比要熟练的运用跑、跳、攀爬、潜行、乘电梯等多种动作技巧,和凶残的格鲁贡人周旋。否则在敌人卫兵机枪的扫射和疯狗的猛追下,想活命是难上加难。
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty - Pricing, Cross Buy and Release Date Update
WHi Inhabitants! As you’ll have no doubt gathered from our recent gameplay trailer we here at Oddworld (and Just Add Water) have been working every hour we can to ensure that Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is the game we want it to be, with the best possible gameplay, amazing visuals and innovative sound design.
And we’re very, very nearly there.
How close? Really close.
In the last few weeks we’ve evolved the way the creatures of New ‘n’ Tasty behave and interact – it’s now an altogether smarter, more exciting experience; we’ve tweaked and refined the level design to make the whole game flow better than it ever has and we’ve been pushing the cut-scenes to ensure that our rich storytelling remains very much at the forefront of it all.
We know you, our biggest fans, are eager to play the game, and we’re doubly eager to share it with you – but we just need a few more weeks to get it exactly where we want it to be. So, in terms of a release date – we’re going to be able to announce when the game will be available to buy before E3 starts on the 9th of June. The game won’t be out before E3 – sorry – but that’s our promise in terms of letting you know when it will be.
In the meantime, above are some brand new screens.
We are especially excited to confirm the price of the game – Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty will release on PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 for $29.99 in the US , EUR 24.99 in Europe and – approximately – £19.99 in the UK.
We’re also delighted to reveal that the game will be Cross Buy on PlayStation platforms, meaning that if you buy New ‘n’ Tasty from the PlayStation Store on one platform, you’ll also get the other two versions included. We’re also busily implementing Cross Save, so you’ll be able to take your progress from the PS3 and PS4 versions on the road (and vice versa) if you also have a Vita!
News on other platforms to follow in due course.
We’ll have much more information for you on Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty to come over the next few weeks. In the meantime, ensure you’re following us on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest for the latest updates.
Bound by Flame, the most ambitious RPG to date from Spiders studios, due for release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on 9 May 2014, can now reveal its original soundtrack in a fabulous video with commentary from the composer Olivier Derivière and the singer Iré.
Olivier Derivière is a composer who won multiple awards for his work in video games (Remember Me, Assassin's Creed 4). In this video illustrated by many new sequences and enthralling excerpts from the game's soundtrack, Olivier tells us about his work on Bound by Flame. This is also the opportunity to discover singer Iré Zhekova, who gives her voice to some of the game's musics.
These two artists first explain how they steeped the music in an atmosphere of loneliness and despair conveyed in the dark atmosphere of the game. They also describe how they combined a murmuring choir with the clear sound of a single voice full of emotion to produce a sense of contrast between the game hero and the flame demon possessing him. They invented an imaginary language for Iré's singing to explore the human voice and express emotions beyond the meaning of words and to express feelings of hope and fear.
A total of several hours of original music was created for the game, which embraces many different styles and also enhances the somber and unique atmosphere that is the hallmark of this epic roleplay title. You can listen to more extracts from this extraordinary musical oeuvre on the artist's SoundCloud page.
Bound by Flame will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on May 9, 2014.
Driveclub release date, details and more 'in the weeks to come'
Evolution Studios message on the game’s official Facebook page
We know you want news about DRIVECLUB. We are going to bring you up to speed with a full ‪DRIVECLUB‬ update soon, because we are immensely proud of how the game is developing and we’re confident you’ll see why when we show you more.
We are also really grateful for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. Your comments, tweets and emails are a huge source of motivation for the team and you keep us fired up and working hard to achieve our ambitions for the game.
Expect an official release date, full game details and new videos in the weeks to come. We'll be here to take questions and to chat to you too, so share a message with us and keep following for more updates. We're looking forward to showing you more!
Kadokawa Acquires Dark Souls Developers From Software Kadokawa Acquires Dark Souls/Armored Core's From Software
Kadokawa announced on Monday its financial results for the period ending in March 2014. In the results, it revealed that its board of directors decided to acquire 80% of the game maker From Software and make the smaller company a subsidiary. Kadokawa will be buying this stake of From Software from the game maker's previous owner, Trans Comos, and the transfer will conclude on May 21.
The Kadokawa Group plans to have From Software, along with its existing Kadokawa Games, as its core game companies to expand its business.
From Software developed the Armored Core franchise, the Dark Souls franchise, the Tenchu franchise, and other popular game titles for consoles and portable systems. It was established on November 1, 1986, and it has 268.5 million yen (about US$2.6 million) in capital. As of October 2013, it has 230 employees.
Driveclub Launches in October 8, New Trailer & Screens
Driveclub on PS4 Release Date Revealed
Hi all. It’s a big day for us at Worldwide Studios as we are now in a position to announce a launch date for the much anticipated PS4 exclusive title from Evolution Studios — Driveclub.
The team have been working relentlessly on the game and have captured a new video to showcase just how impressive it’s currently looking. I absolutely loved it, so please watch through to find out the date.
We planned for the game to be ready for early 2014 and are committed to delivering on our ambitious promise of creating a truly innovative, socially connected racing game.
The problem with being ambitious is you have to be prepared to accept there will be challenges along the way. What Driveclub offers has not been previously achieved in this category, and, because of this, the team needed more time to give you the game you’re waiting for.
In addition to the new date, we are also very pleased to announce that as of February 2014, Paul Rustchynsky — better known as Rushy — has been at the helm of Driveclub as Game Director. We appreciate the announcement has come a little late, however we wanted to inform his appointment along with the new date announcement.
His experience when it comes to delivering racing games is impeccable. Previously Game Director on critically acclaimed MotorStorm RC, he has been an integral contributor to all major titles coming out of Evolution Studios since 2004. With Rushy in the lead, we know Driveclub will deliver on its initial promise to be a truly next gen racing title for our PS4 portfolio.
We are really proud of the incredible work the team has produced — their tenacity and passionate pursuit of excellence is admirable, and Driveclub will be all the better for it.
Your anticipation for the title since my last update has been a huge source of motivation for the team at Evolution Studios, and I know they are all extremely grateful for your continued support. Look out for plenty more news on Driveclub in the coming weeks, including a blog update direct from Rushy tomorrow, and don’t forget, the date is in the trailer. I hope you enjoy watching it.
《重返德军总部:新秩序(Wolfenstein: The New Order)》是该系列的最新作品,由MachineGamesTM开发,Bethesda负责发行。日前官方再度放出了新的宣传影像“潜行VS残害(Stealth vs Mayhem)”,而本次的视频也通过实际演示片段为大家展示了不同的游戏玩法。而在实际游戏中究竟是选择潜行的前进方法还是采用杀戮的通关手段,就全部由玩家自己选择了。