【CDB 6947 交流专区】(前名 DIGI)
发表于 22-11-2007 08:01 PM
政府够讲要鼓励更多人投资在股市咯,也不是一样加水钱.. |
楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2007 06:00 PM
老林出國,不知這回事情? 如果這樣子,那這合作就會有變動了。
3G 的另一家公司,成功集團也和日本的二大電訊合作,明年開始運作。
他回應記者提問時說:“我不知道。我整個星期不在國內,不清楚部門職員是否已接獲申請。” 數碼電訊上月宣佈,和時光電訊結盟,以總值6億5450萬令吉新股,換取時光電訊3G執照,並計劃明年下半年推出3G服務。 避免惡性競爭 惟林敬益稍后指出,未接獲時光電訊申請,因此時光電訊在未獲該部及大馬通訊及多媒體委員會批准情況下,不能擅自轉移3G執照。 另一方面,林敬益重申,政府決定收回2.5GHz及3.5GHz頻譜無線寬頻執照,是為了加速電訊業發展,避免市場因過多執照而衍生惡性競爭。 “加上2.3GHz的WiMax執照,市場將出現15張不同頻譜的執照,但一些早已獲得執照的公司,迄今卻沒表現。” 因此他認為,專注發展數項頻譜執照,已足以應付市場需求、提高國內無線寬頻滲透率。 |
发表于 4-12-2007 06:21 PM
难怪鸭毒辣也一直出国...什么都答不知道就可以了。 |
发表于 4-12-2007 07:38 PM
原帖由 东风不破 于 22-11-2007 06:37 PM 发表
臭政府故意放坏消息来打压DIGI,:@:@:@:@:@:@好趁低买回11%。也捞大选资本。 |
发表于 5-12-2007 12:00 AM
6947 | DIGI | 30,000 | 576,000.00 | 14/09/2007 | 19.200 | 6947 | DIGI | 76,654,600 | 1,648,525,000.00 | 15/11/2007 | 21.506 | 6947 | DIGI | 73,000 | 1,737,400.00 | 22/11/2007 | 23.800 | 6947 | DIGI | 34,500 | 897,000.00 | 03/12/2007 | 26.000 |
发表于 15-12-2007 03:57 AM
发表于 15-12-2007 02:35 PM
发表于 15-12-2007 02:38 PM
回复 #47 publicpang 的帖子
在马来西亚除非没用电话的人,所以很有可能不知道digi是什么。 |
发表于 15-12-2007 02:42 PM
原帖由 khokhokho 于 4-12-2007 06:00 PM 发表
老林出國,不知這回事情? 如果這樣子,那這合作就會有變動了。
3G 的另一家公司,成功集團也和日本的二大電訊合作,明年開始運作。
(吉隆坡4日訊)能訊部長拿督斯 ...
CELCOM几时上市...? 有谁知道...密切关系....
12月上市 VS 1月上市 = 很大分别...
发表于 15-12-2007 02:47 PM
回复 #48 hancom 的帖子
<10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, >60 |
发表于 15-12-2007 02:56 PM
回复 #50 publicpang 的帖子
这个确定数字就要劳烦你自己去请教digi了。又或者从你身边的朋友开始问起,问问他们digi是什么东东。当然,年龄层就要看你选择的朋友是几岁的了。我想,这应该是最快可以知道你生活圈子里的朋友,到底会有几个是不知道digi的吧? |
发表于 7-1-2008 09:38 AM
DiGi的CEO为The Star写专栏,了不起!
Monday January 7, 2008
Management demystified
Managing Mindset: MORTEN LUNDAL
This is the first of a fortnightly column where the DiGi.Com Bhd CEO will explore some of the most established truths of business life.
YOU have heard about him and read about him, yes, maybe even seen him. He is everywhere.
He – always a man – smiles at you from book covers, he presents with confidence at a conference and appears in glossy business magazines and newspapers. He is most likely American, around 50, married, with two or three kids.
He might not be the Master of the Universe, but at least he is a CEO of the Moment. He holds a very visible job and he has done something right. He is portrayed in interviews where the journalist, clearly in awe, is asking, “How do you do it all?”
The CEO may be a subject for a business school case. The professor thinks he has identified the formula behind the success, and wide-open minds sit in the classroom and take it all in: the vision, the strategy and the flawless execution.
The students take it as semi-divine truths and are eagerly looking forward to leaving school to apply it all. The CEO stares at you from attractive book covers at the airport or in your favourite bookstore in town, teeth always surprisingly white.
You’ll likely find titles like 7 Ways to Huge Success, 8 Ways to Lead, 9 Ways of Winning, 10 Ways to Be Rich and so on. They tend to display supreme, unchallenged confidence combined with colourful examples of companies which have followed just that prescribed way and then spectacularly succeeded.
This is the eternal search for the business formula (and CEO) that will all but guarantee success. That basically sums up most business research, business school cases, management consultants’ justification for their advice and management books. They all look for correlation between action and success, and they all claim to have found it!
The only slight problem is, none of these are really close to any universal truth, nor are these very trustworthy recipes for your own efforts. Such “truths” should be like milk, stamped with a “best-before” date. There are countless examples of business heroes on the front page of Fortune who are the following year’s outcasts – Enron’s glamorous previous CEO just happens to be the most prominent of them.
And the business cases also get tired quickly. Throughout the 90s, computer giant Dell was used as the “business redefinition” example for all management consultants and students.
I guess right now it is the case for “how a previous advantage turns against you”. Dell’s CEO said many years ago that if he was CEO of Apple, he would close shop and return the money to the shareholders. Look who’s laughing now.
The world has throughout times always been receptive to illusions, and the business world has more than its fair share of them. All history shows that business formulas for success get dated rather quickly, but the audience still seems to fully believe it in that moment.
I recently shared some of these simple thoughts with the Senior Business Editor of The Star. I’m not sure if she was intrigued or shocked, but either way, she invited me to write a column. I played hard to get for a few seconds before I quickly accepted.
Why? I have had three (mostly unfulfilled) dreams in my life. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a pilot, and I did take a pilot licence while living in the US, exploring the northern east coast from the air.
I wanted to become a musician, and at least I have a guitar. And I also wanted to be a writer, and here you are, reading my words. So, maybe my three dreams are still just that – dreams – but at least I have lived out a micro version of them.
What I will aim to do in these articles is to try to unmask some of the hype and illusion surrounding management, point to some of the vast dysfunctionality so prevalent in modern business life and also dare to give my own two cents’ worth of advice to the reader.
I will try to avoid management jargon, lingua and slogans, and I will try hard to not give you the five-step roadmap to anything.
In the space of this column, I will explore some of the most established truths of business life, hopefully challenging some of the assumptions we all live and work in, all-too-often unaware.
I will travel into many broad and narrow topics and, hopefully, some will end up with a slightly renewed perspective on business life and maybe even some aspects of life in general.
Full disclosure: I am Norwegian and I am the CEO of DiGi.Com Bhd. Having the privilege of being an expatriate in Malaysia gives me, maybe, a unique opportunity to look with fresh and open eyes at some of the existing organisational mindset in this country.
And you must allow me to use my experience from DiGi now and then in my writing, as that company is such an interesting, ongoing experiment of new ways of working in what used to be a very traditional company.
I don’t have a PhD and I won't give you a lot of numbers showing correlation between a leader’s actions and business results.
I won't give you endless anecdotes of business and examples of actions supporting any theory because I don’t support a particular theory.
I just want to share with you my personal views and experiences, and, maybe even more, ask some key questions.
And yes, I do write this myself. It is me pounding my keyboard ... this is not written by some hardworking soul in the corporate communications department.
I aim to make this a fortnightly column. It will last until The Star throws me out or I run out of ideas. So, we’ll see.
I hope you’ll look for this space in the paper every alternate Monday, and I also hope some of you will send me comments, questions and views.
http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/s ... 915295&sec=business
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 7-1-2008 09:41 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 7-1-2008 10:31 AM
发表于 7-1-2008 04:50 PM
原帖由 publicpang 于 7-1-2008 10:31 AM 发表
老大你可以不可以讲多一点!!! |
发表于 8-1-2008 01:27 PM
DIGI (6947) -请问下
2.最近注意到 TOP GAINERS 常有DIGI (6947) 的名字.通常一天升0.3 至0.7,波动很大.另外 YTLPOWR 的波动又很小.这原因又是为什么呢?
希望不会问得太幼稚. |
发表于 8-1-2008 06:31 PM
原帖由 publicpang 于 7-1-2008 10:31 AM 发表
什么意思?要飇起來,还是降下去? |
发表于 10-1-2008 10:10 PM
身边的不少朋友都换了他的配套 |
发表于 11-1-2008 09:54 PM
楼主 |
发表于 12-1-2008 04:48 PM
TIME 又在脫售TIMECOM 的股票,而DIGI的股票又破記錄,真是太讓人覺得不可思意。
时光工程售时光网络1.82% 2008/01/12 13:08:17
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发表于 18-1-2008 02:36 AM
6947 | Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) | | Particulars of Shareholder 36 | | Name | : | Employees Provident Fund Board | NRIC/Passport No./Company No. | : | EPF Act 1991 | Nationality/Country of Incorporation | : | Incorporated in Malaysia | | Address: | Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur | Descriptions (Class and Nominal Value): | Ordinary Shares of RM0.10 each | | Name and Address of Registered Holder: | CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhd | | Details of Changes | | Date of Notice | : | 09/01/2008 | | Transactions: | No. | Date | Transaction Type | No of Shares | Price (RM) | 1. | 08/01/2008 | Disposed | 258,500 | -[/td] | 2. | 09/01/2008 | Disposed | 98,000 | -[/td] |
| | Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred: | Sales of equity managed by Portfolio Manager | Nature of Interest: | Direct | Consideration:
| | No of Shares Held After Changes: | Direct | : | 47,376,559 shares (6.3200%) | Indirect/Deemed Interest | : | 0 shares (0.0000%) | Total | : | 47,376,559 shares | | Remarks: | For full details of this announcement, please access Bursa Malaysia's website | | Submitted By: | STEFAN CARLSSON / HEE CHEW YUN |
16/01/2008 06:31 PM |
| |