


楼主: chengyk

【chengyk 个人专区】

发表于 8-6-2009 01:47 AM | 显示全部楼层

ROE = Net Profit / Equity

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发表于 8-6-2009 01:49 AM | 显示全部楼层

ROE = Net Profit / Equity

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发表于 8-6-2009 01:49 AM | 显示全部楼层

ROE = Net Profit / Equity

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发表于 8-6-2009 02:05 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 458# chengyk 的帖子

那么以后我多点提 Megan。

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发表于 8-6-2009 08:15 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 449# chyAu 的帖子

请问Taman Sri Tebrau ,大马花园 算是tebrau city 吗?谢谢。

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发表于 8-6-2009 08:59 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 460# 高明 的帖子

Tebrau Jusco 附近。

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发表于 8-6-2009 09:02 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 450# chengyk 的帖子

你用google earth 找找吧。 它的发展位置应该是Tebrau Jusco对面的空地。

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发表于 8-6-2009 12:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

其实plenitude  的利润率排在同行中很高的位置和最近现金收益增长是有原因的。 我认为主要是有两点:
1. 发展成本
2. 经济效应

土地发展离不开成本。 不只是建筑原料, 还有地质和地形的因素。斜坡地的发展成本肯定比平地高。烂泥地和矿地的发展成本肯定比普通地高。将土地当成是个商品, 经济效应就是市场给予你的土地的定价, 要将每方尺十五块钱的土地“商品”卖到每方尺两百块钱给买家, 是不是须要一些发展成本“加工”后才卖。 总不能好像自贸区将吧。

打个比方, 巴生谷地带的发展已经饱和了,好地都被发展了。 因地形的限制要发展的地方只剩矿地和山坡,要不然就是偏离市区。发展成本高, 经济效应低。如果有选择,谁要买斜坡地?谁要买废矿湖的地方?打桩,泥工和ground improvement就占去成本的一半,而且市场给于这些地方的定价肯定低的, 利润率会高吗?但然即使斜坡地带, 只要是经济效应高,地方政府给approval和当地居民不反对(重重难关),还是可发展和有利润的。偏离市区的发展成本高是因为除期要投入很高的成本来建基本设施如 STP, 水电供应, 而且经济效应要很长的时间才显现出来。

说到重点 ,plenitude 的王牌 Tebrau city 经济效应高, 因为靠近新山现在最大型的购物广场JUSCO TEBRAU CITY 和将建成ikano广场。它有这个护城河, 不怕投资者不来, 屋子商店不怕卖不出。至于将在附近建monorail station 直通新加坡云云。政府的话听听就好了, 不必太认真。三百多伊各的地库落在成熟发展的地方,基本设施有了,是平地和好地, 发展成本低。公司资金充足,没有借贷成本或借贷成本低因公司财务数据良好, 你说利润率会不高吗?

其实, 投资要做功课, 当你看到管理层将做某样事情会带来很大的利润,买进但然是有风险,可能小机率计划失败,但大机率计划成功后,会带来大的回酬。
IKANO来到新山这个话题不是新鲜的, 两年前我已听过了。 随着二月份的IKANO土地交易的完成,这个发展计划越来越明朗了。但然想投资Plenitude的朋友可以等到IKANO和Tesco 完工后或开始营业才买进都不迟。到时可能很贵,可能合理,可能很便宜, 我不知道……没法预测。如果你看到管理层已做了某样事情会带来很大的利润,才买进。 无疑会降低风险, 回酬但然是低洛。

总而言之,长期投资靠眼光和 靠做功课。

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发表于 8-6-2009 12:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 462# chyAu 的帖子

全名应该是 Iskandar Development Region。。。

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发表于 8-6-2009 09:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chengyk 于 8-6-2009 04:42 PM 发表
全名应该是 Iskandar Development Region。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
Return On Equity - ROE                    
                    What Does Return On Equity - ROE Mean?
Theamount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholdersequity. Return on equity measures a corporation's profitability byrevealing how much profit a company generates with the moneyshareholders have invested.  

ROE is expressed as a percentage and calculated as:

Netincome is for the full fiscal year (before dividends paid to commonstock holders but after dividends to preferred stock.) Shareholder'sequity does not include preferred shares.

Also known as "return on net worth" (RONW).
                    Investopedia explains Return On Equity - ROE
The ROE is useful for comparing the profitability of a company to that of other firms in the same industry.

There are several variations on the formula that investors may use:

1.Investors wishing to see the return on common equity may modify theformula above by subtracting preferred dividends from net income andsubtracting preferred equity from shareholders' equity, giving thefollowing: return on common equity (ROCE) = net income - preferreddividends / common equity.

2. Return on equity may also be calculated by dividing net income by averageshareholders' equity. Average shareholders' equity is calculated byadding the shareholders' equity at the beginning of a period to theshareholders' equity at period's end and dividing the result by two.

3.Investors may also calculate the change in ROE for a period byfirst using the shareholders' equity figure from the beginning of aperiod as a denominator to determine the beginning ROE. Then, theend-of-period shareholders' equity can be used as the denominator todetermine the ending ROE. Calculating both beginning and ending ROEsallows an investor to determine the change in profitability over theperiod.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 09:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
The P/E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio) of a stock (also called its "P/E", "PER", "earnings multiple," or simply "multiple") is a measure of the price paid for a share relative to the annual net income or profit earned by the firm per share.[2] It is a financial ratio used for valuation: a higher P/E ratio means that investors are paying more for each unit of net income, so the stock is more expensive compared to one with lower P/E ratio. The P/E ratio has units of years,[note 1] which can be interpreted as "number of years of earnings to pay back purchase price", ignoring the time value of money. In other words, P/E ratio shows current investor demand for a company share. The reciprocal of the PE ratio is known as the earnings yield.[3]The earnings yield is an estimate of expected return to be earned fromholding the stock if we accept certain restrictive assumptions (see T-Model).

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 09:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
The dividend yield or the dividend-price ratio on a company stock is the company's annual dividend payments divided by its market cap, or the dividend per share divided by the price per share. It is often expressed as a percentage. Its reciprocal is the Price/Dividend ratio.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 09:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. It compares a firm's current assets to its current liabilities. It is expressed as follows:

For example, if WXY Company's current assets are $50,000,000 and itscurrent liabilities are $40,000,000, then its current ratio would be$50,000,000 divided by $40,000,000, which equals 1.25. It means thatfor every dollar the company owes it has $1.25 available in currentassets. A current ratio of assets to liabilities of 2:1 is usuallyconsidered to be acceptable (ie., your current assets are twice yourcurrent liabilities).[1]
The current ratio is an indication of a firm's market liquidityand ability to meet creditor's demands. Acceptable current ratios varyfrom industry to industry. If a company's current assets are in thisrange, then it is generally considered to have good short-termfinancial strength. If current liabilities exceed current assets (thecurrent ratio is below 1), then the company may have problems meetingits short-term obligations. If the current ratio is too high, then thecompany may not be efficiently using its current assets.
Low values for the current or quick ratios (values less than 1)indicate that a firm may have difficulty meeting current obligations.Low values, however, do not indicate a critical problem. If anorganization has good long-term prospects, it may be able to borrowagainst those prospects to meet current obligations. Some types ofbusinesses usually operate with a current ratio less than one. Forexample, if inventory turns over much more rapidly than the accountspayable become due, then the current ratio will be less than one (thisis true for McDonalds). This can allow a firm to operate with a lowcurrent ratio.
If all other things were equal, a creditor, who is expecting to bepaid in the next 12 months, would consider a high current ratio to bebetter than a low current ratio, because a high current ratio meansthat the company is more likely to meet its liabilities which fall duein the next 12 months.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 09:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. It compares a firm's current assets to its current liabilities. It is expressed as follows:

\mbox{Current ratio} = \frac {\mbox{Current Assets}} {\mbox{Current Liabilities}}

For example, if WXY Company's current assets are $50,000,000 and its current liabilities are $40,000,000, then its current ratio would be $50,000,000 divided by $40,000,000, which equals 1.25. It means that for every dollar the company owes it has $1.25 available in current assets. A current ratio of assets to liabilities of 2:1 is usually considered to be acceptable (ie., your current assets are twice your current liabilities).[1]

The current ratio is an indication of a firm's market liquidity and ability to meet creditor's demands. Acceptable current ratios vary from industry to industry. If a company's current assets are in this range, then it is generally considered to have good short-term financial strength. If current liabilities exceed current assets (the current ratio is below 1), then the company may have problems meeting its short-term obligations. If the current ratio is too high, then the company may not be efficiently using its current assets.

Low values for the current or quick ratios (values less than 1) indicate that a firm may have difficulty meeting current obligations. Low values, however, do not indicate a critical problem. If an organization has good long-term prospects, it may be able to borrow against those prospects to meet current obligations. Some types of businesses usually operate with a current ratio less than one. For example, if inventory turns over much more rapidly than the accounts payable become due, then the current ratio will be less than one (this is true for McDonalds). This can allow a firm to operate with a low current ratio.

If all other things were equal, a creditor, who is expecting to be paid in the next 12 months, would consider a high current ratio to be better than a low current ratio, because a high current ratio means that the company is more likely to meet its liabilities which fall due in the next 12 months.

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发表于 8-6-2009 09:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
我觉得是不是在Iskandar development region 不重要。因为那个地库是成熟的发展地带。

IDR 只是 一个概念,为了提升某个公司的价值,将柔佛的行政中心搬到 nusajaya.  一年前,爽爽地跑去site看一下。 鸟不生蛋的地方,像putrajaya酱洛。我只能说那是新兴的发展,经济效应须要很长的时间。

看了kSL 的年报,地库大都是在Pulai. 我曾在士古来念书。也住过Pulai. 离开前,那边兴健蛮多住宅区。 chengyk兄, 最好是问问当地人才动KSL,如果你有当地的朋友。

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发表于 8-6-2009 09:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
我觉得是不是在Iskandar development region 不重要。因为那个地库是成熟的发展地带。

[ 本帖最后由 chyAu 于 8-6-2009 09:59 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 10:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2009 10:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

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