


楼主: kira

【职业】Monk 武僧 -- 攻速削弱?我們還是有我們的生存方式~

发表于 29-1-2014 10:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
OscarVeryLazy 发表于 29-1-2014 10:15 AM
今晚看得空没有,jio你去act 4,一起从quest1 打到去 diablo


使用道具 举报


发表于 29-1-2014 10:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 29-1-2014 10:19 AM



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-1-2014 09:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 29-1-2014 10:19 AM



使用道具 举报

发表于 30-1-2014 12:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
.Hardy. 发表于 29-1-2014 09:02 PM


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发表于 30-1-2014 09:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 29-1-2014 10:10 AM


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发表于 30-1-2014 12:51 PM | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
OscarVeryLazy + 5 我很赞同



使用道具 举报

Follow Us
发表于 26-2-2014 11:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
Dex Vit增加生存能量还是Magic Find呢?

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-2-2014 11:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 26-2-2014 04:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
@imax 时候分享你玩了那么久PTR的经验了


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 11:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
我喜欢的thunder clip~teleport的rune没了!

使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 11:33 AM | 显示全部楼层


Active Skills
有很多spirit regen的技能都被降低很多,是很多那种。但很多招式都增加了spirit per attack
有些招式增加了weapon damage %
Tempest Rush没有slow enemy了,不过有一个rune可以做到
Blinding Flash不需要用spirit来启动了,有3个Rune被移除掉加了新的3个下去,Repleshing Light(加spirit)和Snoothing Light(life regen)貌似不错
Breath of Heaven也是不需要用spirit了,Circle of Scorn(被怪物围着的时候貌似有不错的效果?),加damage的Blazing Wrath从45秒减到9秒而已
Serenity也是不需要spirit了(很久都没有用这招了),新rune的Unwelcome Disturbance貌似不错,Instant Karma的或许需要测试一下
Inner Sanctuary也是不需要spirit(这招打从开始都没有正是的用过)
Dashing Strike也是不需要spirit,但所谓的charge不懂有什么分别
Exploding Palm的Essence Burn加强了许多呢
Sweeping Wind,不懂要换去Blade Storm好还是保持Cyclone(lightning tornado的26%降到去23%)
Seven-Sided Strike,几乎全部rune都加强了weapon damage,还蛮多的
Mantra之前好像耗很少spirit而已对吗?25?我自己都忘记了,现在要50 spirit了

Passive Skills
Seize the Initiative从50%减掉30%,难怪我昨晚那么容易死掉

  • Active Skills
    • Fists of Thunder
      • Increased Spirit per attack from 6 to 14
      • Increased damage from 110% to 122 % weapon damage
      • Removed knockback effect
      • Skill Rune - Thunderclap
        • Increased damage from 35% to 95% weapon damage
        • Removed teleport
        • Added knockback effect to every third hit
      • Skill Rune - Lightning Flash
        • Increased chance to dodge from 16% to 17%
        • Increased duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Static Charge
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Fists of Thunder applies Static Charge to enemies hit for 6 seconds. Each time and enemy with Static Charget gets hit, there is a chance that every other enemy with Static Charge within 40 yards takes 125% weapon damage as Lightning

      • Skill Rune - Quickening
        • Decreased additional Spirit generated per hit from 15 to 4
      • Skill Rune - Bounding Light
        • Chain Lightning damage increased from 73% to 195% weapon damage
        • Now hits up to 3 additional enemies

    • Deadly Reach
      • Increased Spirit per attack from 6 to 12
      • Decreased damage from 110% to 109% weapon damage
      • Every third hit now has a 50% chance to knock enemies up into the air
      • Skill Rune - Piercing Trident
        • Now increases the chance of every third hit to knock enemies up into the air by 66%
      • Skill Rune - Keen Eye
        • Reduced Armor increase from 50% to 40%
        • Reduced duration of the effect from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Scattered Blows
        • Now randomly damages enemies within 25 yards
        • Damage decreased from 170% to 156% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Strike from Beyond
        • Decreased additional Spirit generated per Critical Hit from 10 to 3
      • Skill Rune - Foresight
        • Reduced the damage increase from 18% to 15%
        • Reduced the duration of the effect from 30 seconds to 3 seconds

    • Crippling Wave
      • Increased Spirit per attack from 6 to 12
      • Increased damage from 110% to 143% weapon damage
      • Now dazes enemies within 11 yards on every third hit
      • Skill Rune - Mangle
        • Now increases damage to 216% weapon damage
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Fire
      • Skill Rune - Rising Tide
        • Decreased additional Spirit generated per Critical Hit from 5 to 4
      • Skill Rune - Tsunami
        • No longer increases the movement speed reduction
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Cold

    • Way of the Hundred Fists
      • Increased Spirit per attack from 8 to 12
      • Increased damage from 140% to 192% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Hands of Lightning
        • Now also increases damage to 429% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Fists of Fury
        • Reduced additional damage from 100% over 5 seconds to 60% over 3 seconds
        • Additional damage can now stack several times on the same enemy
      • Skill Rune - Spirited Salvo
        • Increased chance to gain additional Spirit from 15% to 40%
        • Reduced additional Spirit from 15 to 6
      • Skill Rune - Windforce Flurry
        • Reduced damage from 250% to 191% weapon damage
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Cold

    • Lashing Tail Kick
      • Increased damage from 470% to 624% weapon damage
      • Removed knockback effect
      • Skill Rune - Vulture Claw Kick
        • Increased damage from 517% to 624% weapon damage
        • Removed knockback effect
      • Skill Rune - Sweeping Armada
        • Now increases damage to 671% weapon damage
        • No longer increases knockback distance
      • Skill Rune - Spinning Flame Kick
        • Increased damage from 588% to 677% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Scorpion Sting
        • Increased chance to stun from 50% to 85%
      • Skill Rune - Hand of Ytar
        • Increased duration of slow effect from 2 to 3 seconds
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Cold

    • Tempest Rush
      • Increased damage from 155% to 240% weapon damage while running
      • No longer slows enemies
      • Skill Rune - Northern Breeze
        • Now increases damage to 285% weapon damage
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Holy
      • Skill Rune - Flurry
        • Now slows enemies hit by 80%
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
      • Skill Rune - Slipstream
        • Lowered the damage reduction while running from 25% to 20%
      • Skill Rune - Bluster
        • Now adds a knock back effect
        • Now reduces damage of enemies hit by 20% for 1 second
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Fire

    • Wave of Light
      • Decreased initial damage from 829% to 473% weapon damage
      • Decreased additional damage from 96% to 79% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Wall of Light
        • Now increases initial damage to 709% weapon damage
        • Now adds a knockback effect
      • Skill Rune - Explosive Light
        • Decreased damage from 914% to 731% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Blinding Light
        • Increased stun duration from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Pillar of the Ancients
        • Decreased initial damage from 595% to 498% weapon damage
        • Decreased additional damage from 595% to 498% weapon damage
        • Changed damage type from Holy to Physical

    • Blinding Flash
      • No longer costs Spirit
      • Skill Rune - Self Reflection
        • Increased the duration of the blind effect from 4 to 6 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Blinded and Confused
        • Has been removed from the game
      • Skill Rune - Blinding Echo
        • Has been removed from the game
      • Skill Rune - Searing Light
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Mystifying Light
        • Blinded enemies are also slowed by 80% for 5 seconds.
      • New Skill Rune - Replenishing Light
        • Each enemy you Blind restores 7 Spirit.
      • New Skill Rune - Soothing Light
        • Increases the Life regeneration of allies within the Blinding Flash by 11,966 for 3 seconds
        • The heal amount is increased by 90% of your Life per Second
      • Skill Rune - Faith in the Light
        • Lowered the damage increase from 30% to 29%

    • Breath of Heaven
      • No longer costs Spirit
      • Increased heal amount from 6202 - 7442 to 13,161 - 17,210 Life
      • Heal amount is now increased by 30% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus
      • Skill Rune - Circle of Scorn
        • Increased damage from 80% to 505% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Circle of Life
        • Now increased healing power to 26,321 - 34,420 Life
        • Heal amount is now increased by 30% of Health Globe Healing Bonus
      • Skill Rune - Blazing Wrath
        • Lowered the damage increase from 15% to 10%
        • Lowered duration from 45 seconds to 9 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Infused with Light
        • Lowered the amount of additional Spirit per attack from 8 to 4
      • Skill Rune - Penitent Flame
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Zephyr
        • Allies healed by Breath of Heaven have their movement speed increased by 30% for 3 seconds.

    • Serenity
      • No longer costs Spirit
      • Skill Rune - Peaceful Repose
        • Increased heal amount from 6202 - 7752 to 11395 - 12427 Life
        • Heal amount is now increased by 40% of Health Globe Healing Bonus
      • Skill Rune - Reap What is Sown
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Unwelcome Disturbance
        • While under the effects of Serenity, enemies within 20 yards take 438% weapon damage as Physical every second
      • Skill Rune - Tranquility
        • Increased duration from 1 second to 3 seconds
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Grants a protective shield to allies, redirecting up to 22,677 damage to you
          • Shield amount is increased by 40% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus

      • Skill Rune - Instant Karma
        • Skill has been reworked
          • While under the effects of Serenity, your movement is unhindered.

    • Inner Sanctuary
      • No longer costs Spirit
      • Increased duration from 5 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Skill has been reworked
        • Circle of protection on the ground can now be passed by enemies
        • Allies within the circle of protection receive 55% less damage for the duration of the effect
      • Skill Rune - Safe Haven
        • Increased heal amount from 1550 to 2279 Life per second
        • Heal amount is now increased by 30% of your Life per second.
      • Skill Rune - Sanctified Ground
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Increases duration of Inner Sanctuary to 8 seconds
          • Enemies cannot pass the circle of protection

      • Skill Rune - Forbidden Palace
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Increases damage taken by enemies inside Inner Sanctuary by 30%
          • Lowers the movement speed of enemies inside Inner Sanctuary by 80%

      • Skill Rune - Consecration
        • Has been removed from the game
      • Skill Rune - Circle of Protection
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Temple of Protection
        • Allies inside Inner Sanctuary are also immune to control impairing effects.
      • New Skill Rune - Intervene
        • Dash to the target location
        • Grant a shield to allies within 11 yards and then create Inner Sanctuary
        • Shield absorbs up to 16,765 damage for 3 seconds
        • Absorb amount is increased by 28% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus

    • Dashing Strike
      • Skill has been reworked
        • No longer costs Spirit
        • Costs 1 Charge
        • Quickly dash up to 50 yards, striking enemies along the way for 305 % weapon damage as Physical
        • You gain a charge every 6 seconds and can have up to 2 charges stored at a time
      • Skill Rune - Way of the Falling Star
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Gain 20% increased movement speed for 3 seconds when using Dashing Strike

      • Skill Rune - Flying Side Kick
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Perform a flying kick that has a 40% chance to stun enemies hit for 4 seconds

      • Skill Rune - Quicksilver
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Increases maximum Charges to 3

      • Skill Rune - Soaring Skull
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Barrage
        • The last enemy hit by Dashing Strikes takes additional 498% weapon damage as Physical over 2 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Blinding Speed
        • Increased additional chance to Dodge from 20% to 29%
        • Damage type changed from Physical to Cold

    • Exploding Palm
      • Increased damage from 745% to 1179% weapon damage over 9 seconds
      • Skill Rune - The Flesh is Weak
        • Increased the additional damage taken by enemies hit from 12% to 20%
      • Skill Rune - Strong Spirit
        • Increased the amount of Spirit gained for each enemy caught in the explosion from 5 to 10
      • Skill Rune - Creeping Demise
        • Increased the duration of the slow effect from 3 seconds to 9 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Impending Doom
        • Damage increased from 745% weapon damage over 15 seconds to 2149% weapon damage over 12 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Essence Burn
        • Damage increased from 745% weapon damage over 9 seconds to 1623% weapon damage over 9 seconds
        • Increased burn damage done to enemies caught in the explosion from 60% weapon damage over 3 seconds to 258% weapon damage over 3 seconds

    • Sweeping Wind
      • Increased continuous damage per stack from 20% to 30% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Master of Wind
        • Lowered the increased vortex duration from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
        • Changed damage type from Physical to Cold
      • Skill Rune - Blade Storm
        • Increased the additional damage per stack from 26% to 40% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Inner Storm
        • Increased the amount of Spirit gained per second while at 3 stacks from 3 to 4
      • Skill Rune - Cyclone
        • Decreased the damage done by lightning tornados from 26% to 23% weapon damage

    • Cyclone Strike
      • Increased the maximum number of enemies pulled in from 8 to 16
      • Reduced damage from 313% to 261% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Eye of the Storm
        • Reduced Spirit Cost reduction from 30 to 26 Spirit
        • Damage type changed from Holy to Lightning
      • Skill Rune - Sunburst
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Blast enemies with an explosion that deals 454% weapon damage as Fire.

      • Skill Rune - Wall of Wind
        • Damage type changed from Holy to Cold
      • Skill Rune - Soothing Breeze
        • Increased amount healed from 1240 Life to 4778 Life
        • Heal amount is now increased by 17% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus

    • Seven-Sided Strike
      • Increased damage from 1777% to 5677% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Sudden Assault
        • Increased damage from 2310% to 6477% weapon damage
      • Skill Rune - Several-Sided Strike
        • Increased the number of strikes from 9 to 10
      • Skill Rune - Pandemonium
        • Increased chance to stun from 25% to 100%
      • Skill Rune - Sustained Attack
        • Reduced the cooldown reduction of Seven-Sided Strike from 23 seconds to 17 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Fulminating Onslaught
        • Increased damage from 254% to 977% weapon damage

    • Mystic Ally
      • Skill has been reworked
        • 30 second cooldown
        • Active: Your mystic ally has its damage increased by 50% for 10 seconds
        • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side. The ally deals 40% of your weapon damage as Physical per swing. When the ally dies, it is reborn after 5 seconds.
      • Skill Rune - Water Ally
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Active: Your mystic ally performs 7 wave attacks in quick succession, each dealing 190% weapon damage as Cold
          • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that infuses your attacks to Slow enemies by 60% for 3 seconds

      • Skill Rune - Fire Ally
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Active: Your mystic ally splits into 10 allies that explode for 149% weapon damage as Fire
          • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your damage by 10%

      • Skill Rune - Air Ally
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Active: You gain 100 Spirit
          • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Spirit Regeneration by 2

      • Skill Rune - Eternal Ally
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune- Enduring Ally
        • Active: Your mystic ally sacrifices itself to heal you for 100% of your maximum Life. The cooldown on Mystic Ally is increased to 50 seconds
        • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Life per Second by 1012
      • Skill Rune - Earth Ally
        • Skill has been reworked
          • Active: Your mystic ally turns into a boulder for 8 seconds. The boulder deals 333% weapon damage as Physical every second and rolls toward nearby enemies, knocking them up
          • Passive: A mystic ally fights by your side that increases your Life by 20%

    • Mantra of Evasion
      • Skill has been reworked
        • Costs 50 Spirit
        • Active: You and nearby allies gain an additional 17% increased Dodge Chance for 3 seconds
        • Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards gain 17% increased Dodge Chance
        • Only one Mantra may be active at a time
        • All Skill runes now affect Mantra of Evasion's Passive ability
      • Skill Rune - Wind through the Reeds
        • Movement speed increased from 8% to 10%

    • Mantra of Retribution
      • Skill has been reworked
      • Costs 50 Spirit
      • Active: Increase the amount of damage dealt to 202% for 3 seconds
      • Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards deal 101% of your weapon damage as Holy to attackers when blocking, dodging, or getting hit
      • Only one Mantra may be active at a time
      • All Skill runes now affect Mantra of Retribution's Passive ability
      • Skill Rune - Retaliation
        • Increased damage reflection bonus from 60% to 202% weapon damage
        • Damage type changed from Holy to Fire
      • Skill Rune - Transgression
        • Attack speed increased from 8% to 10%
      • Skill Rune - Indignation
        • Increased chance to stun from 10% to 20%
        • Increased stun duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Collateral Damage
        • Increased chance for feedback blast from 30% to 75%
        • Increased Holy damage done from 45% to 101%

    • Mantra of Healing
      • Skill has been reworked
        • Costs 50 Spirit
        • Active: Shroud you and your allies with a mystical shield that absorbs up to 9554 damage for 3 seconds. Absorb amount is increased by 15% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus
        • Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards gain 1012 increased Life regeneration. The heal amount is increased by 30% of your Life per Second
        • Only one Mantra may be active at a time
        • All Skill runes now affect Mantra of Healing's Passive ability
        • Skill Rune - Sustenance
          • Increased Life regeneration from 1240 to 2025 Life per Second
          • Heal amount is now increased by 30% of your Life per Second
        • Skill Rune - Boon of Inspiration
          • Increased amount healed when hitting an enemy from 186 to 551 Life per hit
          • Heal amount is now increased by 20% of your Life per Hit

    • Mantra of Conviction
      • This skill has been reworked
        • Costs 50 Spirit
        • Active: Damage bonus is increased to 20% for 3 seconds
        • Passive: Enemies within 30 yards of you take 10% increased damage
        • Only one Mantra may be active at a time
        • All Skill runes now affect Mantra of Conviction's Passive ability
      • Skill Rune - Overawe
        • This skill has been reworked
          • Passive: Increases the strength of Mantra of Conviction so that enemies take 16% increased damage

      • Skill Rune - Intimidation
        • Increased damage reduction from 10% to 15%
      • Skill Rune - Dishearten
        • Increases movement speed Slow from 30% to 80%
      • Skill Rune - Reclamation
        • Has been removed from the game
      • New Skill Rune - Annihilation
        • Passive: Killing an enemy that is affected by Mantra of Conviction grants you and your allies 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds
      • Skill Rune - Submission
        • Increased damage done from 12% to 38% weapon damage per second

  • Passive Skills
    • Transcendence
      • Reduced Life per Spirit spent from 62 to 50
      • Now scales with 0.4% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus
    • Chant of Resonance
      • This skill has been reworked
        • The Spirit costs of Mantra activation effects are reduced by 50% and you gain 2 Spirit every second when you have a Mantra learned

    • Seize the Initiative
      • Decreased Armor bonus from Dexterity from 50% to 30%
    • Sixth Sense
      • Increased Dodge chance gained from Critical Hit Chance from 30% to 42.5%
    • Pacifism
      • Has been removed from the game
    • New Passive - Provocation
      • The duration of control-impairing effects on you are reduced by 25%. Whenever you are hit by a Stun, Freeze, Fear, Immobilize or Charm, you gain 15% increased damage for 10 seconds
    • Guiding Light
      • Skill has been reworked
        • Your heals and shields grant increased damage equal to the percentage of Life missing, up to a maximum of 30% for 10 seconds

    • Combination Strike
      • Increased bonus damage from 8% to 10%
    • Near Death Experience
      • Now also increases Health Globe Healing Bonus, Life per Second, and Life per Hit by 35% when Near Death Experience is on cooldown

http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/ ... -2-25-2014##General

使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 11:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
noman 发表于 27-2-2014 11:08 AM
我喜欢的thunder clip~teleport的rune没了!


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 12:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
测试Torment II,使用Holy招式,清怪还不错下,目前本身174k Damage。
Way Of Fist Thunder - FOF
Seven Side Strike - FO
Breath of Heaven - Blazing Wrath
Seritiny - Ascension
Sweeping Wind - Cyclone

使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 12:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
淇淇 发表于 27-2-2014 11:44 AM


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发表于 27-2-2014 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
.Hardy. 发表于 27-2-2014 12:17 PM
clan在D3里面有什么作用?可以有多少 ...

那個是@ifrit2020 開的,別名 - Queen's Knights。

clan的作用我也不大清楚,要問@kimseng49 。。。只不過知道,我們可以選擇和clan談天,或者和party。然後有拾到legend也可以share給clan的人看。


使用道具 举报


发表于 27-2-2014 12:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
淇淇 发表于 27-2-2014 12:35 PM
那個是@ifrit2020 開的,別名 - Queen's Knights。

clan的作用我也不大清楚,要問@kimseng49 。。。 ...


还是Clan无论其他人是不是在party都可以聊天和share item给其他人看吧,觉得应该是这样


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 12:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
.Hardy. 发表于 26-2-2014 04:15 PM
@imax 时候分享你玩了那么久PTR的经验了


使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 01:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 27-2-2014 12:56 PM



使用道具 举报

发表于 27-2-2014 01:46 PM | 显示全部楼层



这个 是我用到 一set 昨晚打了很多legend 还没 时间去整理

打了新的inna set , 有了一套 2见 穿了 大概多2000dex

基本上我可以站桩 solo t 2- t3 ....

我dps 输出就是 那个 踢脚 那个 因为我打了一个不错的bracer + 17% fire dmg , 所以 那个 踢脚 动不动就 几M dps。

main 输出咯 ~

大家可以参考 ~

使用道具 举报

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