遇到买卖或贷款困难? 希望可以针对其难杂症, 对症下药
楼主 |
发表于 3-9-2007 10:00 PM
回复 #20 kmc 的帖子
向马来屋主买房子, 需要先知道该产业是否是BUMIPUTRA LOT或则只是普通的产业。 如果, 不是BUMIPUTRA RESERVED, 那么他的手续与其他买卖手续相同的。 至于, 如果是保留产业, 那么要看该产业是否已经超过应该保留的期限, 那么就可以割名。
详细情形, 我询问了再让你知道。 |
发表于 4-9-2007 12:56 PM
回复 #21 秀气灵人 的帖子
秀气姐姐,愿闻其详 |
楼主 |
发表于 4-9-2007 03:04 PM
Renting a Property in Malaysia | The following are some useful information on renting a property in Malaysia.
1. FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED: - (i) location;
- (ii) neighborhood;
- (iii) transportation access; and
- (iv) usage
2. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEASE AND TENANCY - If the contract term is below three (3) years, it is called a tenancy.
- If the contract term is beyond three (3) years, it is called a lease.
- Legally, leases are registrable with the Land Office and the lessees have a registered interest in the land upon registration.
- Theinterests of a lessee is better taken care of / protected compared to atenant under a tenancy as they only have an equitable interest on theland i.e. their interests would be subject to those with registeredinterests.
- However, all tenants/ lessees are entitled tothe quiet enjoyment of the property subject to the terms and conditionsof the governing written document.
- Under the common lawjurisdiction of Malaysia, the right of quiet enjoyment and the actualpossession of the tenants/ lessees are highly protected.
3. DOCUMENTATION AND PROCEDURES - Thereare no fixed rules on the form of agreement for tenancy. However, it iscommon practice that upon signing of the tenancy, two (2) months’rental is paid as deposit, one (1) month rental is paid advanced and autility deposit that is normally fixed at one (1) month rental subjectto the parties’ agreement.
- A lease can be registeredwith the relevant land authority by submitting a duly completed Form15A prescribed under the National Land Code of Malaysia.
4. STAMPING FEE - Alltenancy/lease agreements are required to be stamped as failure to do sowould render the agreement inadmissible in court in the event a disputearises.
- The stamping fee calculation is based on theamount of monthly rental payable and also the tenancy period. Theformula below set out in the Stamp Act 1949 is used to calculate therequired stamping fee on the original document.
| When lease/tenancy is for a period | Without fine or premium when average rent
other considerations calculated for a whole year
| Not Exceeding 1 Yr
| Exceeding 1 Yr
But Not Exceeding 3 Yrs
| Exceeding 3 Yrs
| (i) Does not exceed RM2,400 | Nil | Nil
| Nil | (ii) For every RM250 or part
In excess of RM2,400
| 1.00
| 2.00 | 4.00
For example: If a property is rented out for RM800 a month for a 2 year period:
The yearly rental shall be RM9,600.
The stamp duty shall be: (RM9,600 – RM2,400) / RM250 = RM29 X 2 years = RM58 (for the original copy)
The legal fees for drawing up a tenancy/ lease agreement would dependon the amount of rent payable monthly. The Solicitors’ RemunerationOrder 2005 has set out the formula below to calculate the legal fees.
Montly Rent
| Fees
| For the first RM10,000
| 25% of the monthly rent
| For the first RM90,000
| 10% of the monthly rent
| Where rent is in excess of RM100,000
| Negotiable on the excess
(but shall not exceed 10% of such excess)
Montly Rent
| Fees
| For the first RM10,000
| 50% of the monthly rent
| For the first RM90,000
| 20% of the monthly rent
| Where rent is in excess of RM100,000
| Negotiable on the excess
(but shall not exceed 20% of such excess)
6. FAILURE TO PAY RENT - Enforcementof the terms in the tenancy agreement can be done by formally demandingfor the arrears and stating that failure to comply with the demand willresult in commencement of a legal action (writ of distress action ornotice of forfeiture to terminate the tenancy).
- Before anaction of forfeiture can be taken, the Landlord/ Lessor must firstissue a notice in writing specifying the particular breach, entailingthe tenant to remedy the breach and make compensation (if required).Forfeiture would terminate the tenancy.
- A writ of distressaction is taken out without the involvement/knowledge of the tenant (exparte). It does not terminate the tenancy but allows the landlord toseize and auction off the tenant’s/ lessee’s property (except personalbelongings such as clothes and tools of trade) to recover the arrears.
- Itmust be noted however that as a writ of distress does not terminate thetenancy, there is a risk that the tenant/ lessee may fail to pay rentagain resulting in the need for another writ of distress action.Further, should the tenant contest the action, it would be a lengthyand costly process.
楼主 |
发表于 4-9-2007 03:28 PM
回复 #20 kmc 的帖子
我问了很多人及上网查寻资料, 没有人可以给我一致的答案。 有些人说要看是什么州属的产业, 每个市政府有不同的条例, 有些说需要看地契, 如果有RESTRICTION 如 : LOT UNTUK ORANG MELAYU SAHAJA / TANAH INI TIDAK BOLEH DIJUAL KEPADA BUKAN BUMIPUTRA , 那么就不可以卖给其他种族了。
至于那些没有写明可不可以卖, 也是由土地局决定的。 通常那些已经有分层地契的可以尝试, 那些还是总地契的, 恐怕很难了。
我只可以帮到这里了。 至于如果马来人屋主(不是malay reserved)卖给华人肯定没有问题。 |
发表于 4-9-2007 06:01 PM
回复 #24 秀气灵人 的帖子
秀气姐姐真利害,谢谢侬 |
楼主 |
发表于 12-9-2007 10:04 PM
Flexi loan is a loan package with the flexibility to cash out money and repayment from prepaid amount. Terms applied.
意思是说一种弹性贷款配套, 可以让你将多付或预付的分期贷款提出来用, 附上条例。
2。什么是term loan和flexi loan?有什么分别呢?还是是和上面的问题时一样的?
A loan which is repaid through regular periodic payments, usually over a period of time, for example 10 years。
A loan with a maturity of usually three to five years, during which time interest is paid, but no payments to reduce principal are made. The entire principal is due and payable at the end of the loan term.
意思是说一种长期借贷,定期付款, 通常超过十年的贷款。
一种贷款形式, 当定期付款缴付, 其实只是在缴付利息, 而母金是不会减少的。 该母金会在尾期才开始偿还。
non-flexi and term loan 个人觉得是一样的意思。
3。要如何得到counter offer呢?是不是拿Bank A给你的offer到Bank B,看看是否他们能够提供更好的条件呢?
A new offer as to price, terms, and conditions, made in response to a prior, unacceptable offer. A counter offer terminates an original offer.
Counteroffer 词语解释上是反要约, 意思是新的提议/推荐给予价钱上, 条例上作于更改以反映之前不合理的提议。 反要约推翻原始的提议。 所以, 你所说的BANK A & BANK B的道理也可以成立。 但是, 在同样的银行也可以有COUNTER OFFER。
COUNTER OFFER另一个定义是卖者推翻对买者的提议及在有些原本以提议的条例上作更改, EG :An offer made by the vendor (seller) back to the purchaser altering one or several terms and/or conditions of the offer as originally written. |
楼主 |
发表于 13-9-2007 05:33 PM
出售已故者的产业问与答, FAQ, 华英对照, 翻译中
(a) Who can sell a deceased’s property?
The personal representative of the estate of a deceased who left a Will is called an executor whereas the personal representative of the estate of a deceased who died without a will is called an administrator.
Only personal representative of a deceased’s estate will have the capacity to enter into a sale and purchase agreement to dispose of the deceased’s property.
当已故者有在立下遗嘱的情况下, 个人代表管理已故者资产的执行者称为“EXECUTOR”, 反之, 在没有立遗嘱之下的执行者代表称为“ADMINISTRATOR”, 也称为管理人。
(b) Where there is more than one personal representative
All the personal representatives of a deceased will have to agree and sign the sale and purchase agreement. In the absence of consensus of mind among the personal representatives for the aforesaid transactions, directions of court are required.
所有的代表需要一致同意并签署买卖合约。 为了避免在交易中,他们之中缺乏一致的意愿, 法院的说明是必要的。
(c) Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration extracted from Court
It is important that the personal representative has extracted the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters of Administration from the Court at the time of signing of the sale and purchase agreement. Without the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters of Administration, the Property cannot be registered in the name of the executor or the administrator and as a result of which, the instrument of transfer executed by the executor or the administrator in favour of a purchaser cannot be registered in the land office when the time comes for the completion of the sale and purchase agreement.
在还没有签署买卖合约之前, 个人代表执行者或管理人必需先从高等法院申请到遗嘱查验授权书或委托管理授权书。 没有这些文件的情况下, 该产业是不能完成注册于执行者的名下而会导致那些已经被执行者进行的过户给买者的文件不能被注册于土地局。
(d) Whether application to Court for sanction necessary
In the case of an executor, the Probate and Administration Act provides that the executor may sell the deceased’s property unless there is restriction in the deceased’s will for the executor to do so. In such circumstances, the executor needs not apply to Court to empower him to sell the deceased’s property.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid statutory provision, it has been the practice of some land offices that unless the deceased’s will expressly confer powers to the executor to sell the deceased’s property, those land offices will not register instrument of transfer signed by the executor in favour of a purchaser without an Order of Court authorising the executor to do so. It is prudent for a purchaser to check with his lawyer the practice of the land office concerned and prepare the sale and purchase accordingly.
In the case of an administrator, the Probate and Administration Act requires the administrator to apply to Court to empower him to sell the deceased’s property.
在遗嘱法令下, 一个执行者可以出售已故者的产业, 只要在已故者的遗嘱里没有限制或约束该执行者不可擅自出售就可以了。 在这种情形下, 该执行者不需向法庭申请以让他出售该产业。
虽说有以上的合法规定, 但是偶尔有些土地局的操作则需要已故者在遗嘱里特别注明授予权力给该执行者以出售产业, 那些土地局的做法是需要法庭的指令授权与执行者, 否则,他们不会登记或注册那些由执行者及买主签署的转名文件。 买主需要谨慎检查及询问他的代表律师有关土地局的操作方法及依法准备买卖合约。
至于管理员, 在遗嘱法令下是需要向法院申请才能被允许他们出售已故者产业的。
(e) Conditional contract
It is common practice that when an Order of Court is required, the executor or the administrator will enter into a conditional sale and purchase agreement subject to the Order of Court being obtained within a certain period of time and to provide for the termination of the sale and purchase agreement if the Order of Court cannot be obtained.
It is important for the purchaser to make sure that the completion date is calculated from the date his lawyer received the sealed copy of the Order of Court as the instrument of transfer needs to be accompanied by the sealed copy of the Order of Court when it is presented to the Land Office for registration.
买主最重要需要确定该买卖的完成日期应该从律师收到密封的法庭指令开始算起。 该密封的指令是转名的必须品,必须呈上土地局以作注册。
(f) Beneficiaries’ interest versus purchaser’s interest
It has been decided by the Court that a purchaser under a conditional contract was perfectly well aware that his contract subject to the Court’s approval and that the purchaser has taken the risk of losing their bargain if the Court refused to grant such an approval. The Court, in considering the personal representative’s application for sanction to sell the deceased’s property, must protect the rights of the beneficiaries as opposed to the interests of the purchasers.
高等法院规定买者在条件性的合约下需要完全地晓得该合约是针对法院的批准及该买者应该晓得一旦法院拒绝授予该申请批准他们将会损失他们的购买品。 高等法院 其实考虑到个人代表的申请以核准他们出售已故者的产业, 一定要保护受益者的利益及权力相对地敌对了买者的利益。
(g) Beneficiaries’ consent
One of the most common grounds to support such an application would be that all the beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate consented to the sale.
The beneficiaries’ consent will have direct bearing on the outcome of the hearing of such an application. The Court has decided that where all the beneficiaries are of sound mind and above 18 years old and have consented to the sale, the Court will be entitled to assume that the price offered is the best obtainable.
那些受益者的同意书会直接关系到公听会的结果。 高等法院规定所有的受益者必须在正常、理智及是 18岁以上的情况下同意该买卖, 那么高庭就会假设该售价是最佳的价钱。
[ 本帖最后由 秀气灵人 于 13-9-2007 08:55 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-9-2007 08:47 PM
想问看那FLEXI LOAN。。。如果LOAN是200千而户口里有200千,那是不是说就不用利息?银行会CHARGE什么FEES 吗?如果这样LOAN会给INCOME TAX CHECK 的吗? |
发表于 28-9-2007 01:24 AM
请问我们现在可以怎样做?可以要求赔赏吗?可以向律师公会或消费者委员会投诉吗?请问可以给我律师公会的email或联络电话吗?谢谢 |
楼主 |
发表于 28-9-2007 10:38 AM
原帖由 swc1983 于 28-9-2007 01:24 AM 发表
我家人在十二年前,在政府拍卖所买了一间双层排屋,之后向一间银行贷款,十年后,贷款还完了。。照理来说应该可以拿回屋契了,对吗?可是当我们去拿的时候 ...
当律师去土地局注册转移手续的时候, 他们会联同地契一起交给土地局, 通常如果律师没有去查问到底该新的地契可以领取的话, 土地局会在半年或以上才写信通知该律师楼去领取。 其实该新的地契是要交给银行保管的, 但是银行往往不会向律师追讨的。
现在是要确定到底律师已经去土地局领取了吗? 如有, 要他们给你证据他们已经交给银行。 如果, 他们交不出, 那你得向他们追究责任, 反之, 如果他们能证明交给银行, 那么就是银行的责任。 他们以拖的方式是要让你累, 让你懒惰向他们追讨, 难道他们公司那么大, 大到两年都找不到?
如果, 你认为是律师的疏忽, 可以先LODGE一个REPORT, 先不要正式起诉他们。 凡事要证据。
The Secretary
Bar Council Malaysia
No. 13, 15 & 17,
Leboh Pasar Besar
50050 KL
www.malaysianbar.org.my |
发表于 3-10-2007 02:03 PM
感激不尽。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 3-10-2007 02:13 PM
原帖由 daniel_wong99 于 3-10-2007 02:03 PM 发表
请问如果我在供着一间屋子,是买来出租的,供了大概5, ...
可以, 但是但你REFINANCE了, 那肯定你的月供会不一样, 那么当你想再贷款买另外一间产业, 那么你之前的贷款会被拿来和新的合上来再乘三倍 (你的收入), 有些银行是接受租约当作收入文件。 |
发表于 3-10-2007 04:04 PM
原帖由 秀气灵人 于 3-10-2007 02:13 PM 发表
可以, 但是但你REFINANCE了, 那肯定你的月供会不一样, 那么当你想再贷款买另外一间产业, 那么你之前的贷款会被拿来和新的合上来再乘三倍 (你的收入), 有些银行是接受租约当作收入文件。
感激不尽。。 |
发表于 4-10-2007 12:25 AM
秀气灵人您好。。。其实小弟现居的屋子就是跟马来人买的。。。小弟想问的是,如果小弟想出售现有的产业会有问题吗。。。其实小弟有打电话问以前帮我办手续的律师,他说能自由买卖了,前提是不能再卖回给土著,不然有会变成土著单位了,是不是酱。。。只是小弟想查清楚而已。。。谢谢。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 4-10-2007 09:25 AM
其实土著单位是很多意思的。 有些是不能卖给其它种族的, 有些却可以。 就好像你也是从马来人那边买回来的, 以后你卖给马来人, 即使它会变成土著单位, 那也不管你的事了。
我认为你的律师的意思是, 该单位成为了bumiputra owner, 以后要卖的时候是需要 FIC Approval, 有限制了。 |
发表于 4-10-2007 11:49 AM
回复 #35 秀气灵人 的帖子
酱是不是说小弟什么时候要卖都没问题了。。。谢谢。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 5-10-2007 11:16 AM
发表于 5-10-2007 11:19 AM
At Last 我的letter of consent 出了,但现在问题是developer 不要给leter undertaking 所以loan hold主了,真是气死我了:@ .
买二手apartment 真的那么ma fan吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 5-10-2007 11:23 AM
原帖由 威尼斯77 于 5-10-2007 11:19 AM 发表
At Last 我的letter of consent 出了,但现在问题是developer 不要给leter undertaking 所以loan hold主了,真是气死我了:@ .
买二手apartment 真的那么ma fan吗?
也不会, 是恰巧你的是CONSENT问题, 加上发展商刁难, 有时会遇到怠慢的屋主, 没有缴付地税, 门牌税或则缴付管理费, 才会让整个手续延迟的。
发展商有说为什么不issue Letter of Undertaking吗? |
发表于 5-10-2007 01:14 PM
回复 #39 秀气灵人 的帖子
letter of consent已经出了啊。律师刚刚告诉我说是developer 不要给letter of undertaking 所以银行不能出钱。我问了很多bank 他们都说是要letter of undertaking才可以出钱。律师说再问bank 看还能有什么办法。而我就叫我的property agent问developer 看到底是怎么一回事。
在这里奉劝要买屋子的人一定要无时无刻的向你尊贵的律师update information 不然到头来就会像我一样,除了紧张都不能做什么了。 |
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