


楼主: Shuelin


Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2-1-2006 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

(v)天気tenki - weather

気候kikoo - climate
晴れhare - fine weather
晴れるhareru - become fine
曇りkumori - cloudy weather
曇るkumoru - become cloudy
雲kumo - cloud
入道雲nyuudoogumo - gigantic columns of clouds in summer
雨(が降る)ame(ga furu) - rain(falls)
小雨kosame - light rain
にわか雨、夕立niwakaame,yuudachi - shower
時雨shigure - shower(late autumn & early winter)
大雨、どしゃぶりooame,doshaburi - heavy rain
梅雨tsuyu,baiu - rainy season
雨宿りamayadori - taking shelter from rain
てるてる坊主teruteruboozu - paper doll children pray to for fine weather
雪(が降る)yuki(ga furu) - snow(falls)
吹雪fubuki - snowstorm,blizzard
みぞれmizore - sleet
あられarare - hail
つららtsurara - icicle
かまくらkamakura - hut made of snow
雪合戦yukigassen - snowball fight
雪だるまyukidaruma - snowman
雪下ろしyukioroshi - shovelling snow off roof
雪かきyukikaki - snowraking
なだれnadare - snowslide
露(が下りる)tsuyu(ga oriru) - dew(falls)
霜shimo - frost
霜柱shimobashira - frost columns on ground
霞kasumi - haze,mist
霧kiri - fog
霧氷muhyoo - rime,hoarfrost
凍るkooru - freeze
溶ける:溶かすtokeru:tokasu - melt,thaw(vi:vt)
風(が吹く)kaze(ga fuku) - wind(blows)
台風taifuu - typhoon
嵐arashi - storm
ぼうふうboofuu - strong wind
そよ風soyokaze - breeze
突風toppuu - blast,gust
竜巻tatsumaki - tornado
雷(が鳴る)kaminari(ga naru) - thunder(rumbles)
稲妻、稲光inazuma,inabikari - lightning
虹niji - rainbow
koharubiyori - Indian summer,balmy fall day
津波tsunami - tsunmai,tidal wave
こうずいkoozui - flood
寒波kanpa - cold wave
しんきろうshinkiroo - mirage
日でりhideri - drought
暖かいatatakai,attakai - warm
暑いatsui - hot
涼しいsuzushii - cool
寒いsamui - cold
かんそうしたkansoo shita - dry
湿ったshimetta - damp,wet
湿気shikke - moisture,humidity
かびkabi - mould
気象台kishoodai - meteorological observatory
きしょうちょうKishoochoo - Meteorological Agency
てんきよほうtenki yohoo - weather forecast
天気図tenkizu - weather chart
大気taiki - atmosphere
気流kiryuu - air current
こうきあつ/低気圧kookiatsu/teikiatsu - high/low air pressure
【大雨】注意報[ooame]chuuihoo - [heavy rain]warning
【大雪】警報[ooyuki] keihoo - [heavy snow] warning(serious)
気温kion - (atmospheric) temperature
温度計ondokei - thermometer
湿度shitsudo - humidity
湿度計shitsudokei - seismometer
気圧計kiatsukei - barometer
うりょうけいuryookei - rain gauge
風力計fuuryokukei - wind gauge,anemometer
風見kazami - wind vane
風見鶏kazamidori - weathercock
気球kikyuu - balloon

[ 本帖最后由 Shuelin 于 12-1-2006 10:23 AM 编辑 ]

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 6-1-2006 04:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

(vi)花hana – flowers

朝顔asagao – morning-glory
菊kiku – chrysanthemum
水仙suisen – narcissus,daffodil
ばら、薔薇bara – rose
百合yuri – lily
ひまわりhimawari – sunflower
チューリップchuurippu – tulip
ひなぎくhinagiku – daisy
勿忘草wasurenagusa – forget-me-not
カーネーションkaaneeshon – carnation
あやめayame – iris,blue flag
しょうぶ、菖蒲shoobu – sweet flag,Jap.iris
蘭ran – orchid
ダリヤdariya – dahlia
コスモスkosumosu – cosmos
すみれsumire – violet
パンジー、三色すみれpanjii,sanshiki sumire – pansy
たんぽぽtanpopo – dandelion
すすきsusuki – susuki,Jap.pampas grass
くずkuzu - kuzu,arrowroot
ぼたん、牡丹botan – peony
しゃくやくshakuyaku – herbaceous peony(smaller)
あじさい、紫陽花ajisai – hydrangen
すずらん、鈴蘭suzuran – lily of the valley
水蓮suiren – waterlily
蓮hasu – lotus
葦、芦ashi – reed
ききょう、桔梗kikyoo – broad bellflower

[ 本帖最后由 Shuelin 于 6-1-2006 04:30 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 6-1-2006 09:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

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evan_lyg82 该用户已被删除
发表于 7-1-2006 04:23 PM | 显示全部楼层

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2006 10:49 AM | 显示全部楼层

(vii)地理chiri - geography & nature

世界sekai - world
地球chikyuu - earth,globe
北極Hokkyoku - North Pole
南極Nankyoku - South Pole
せきどうsekidoo - equator
東higashi - east
西nishi - west
南minami - south
北kita - north
とうざいなんぼくtoozainanboku - 4 cardinal points of compass;in all direction
大陸tairiku - continent
島shima - island
國kuni - country
海umi - sea
『日本』海[Nihon]kai - Sea [of Japan]
たいへいようTaiheiyoo - Pacific Ocean
たいせいようTaiseiyoo - Atlantic Ocean
岸kishi - shore
海岸kaigan - seashore,beach
波nami - wave
『室戸』岬[Muroto] misaki - Cape [Muroto]
『能登』半島[Nooto] hantoo - [Noto] Peninsula
[津軽』海峡[Tsugaru] kaikyoo - [Tsugaru] Straits
運河unga - canal
川、河kawa - river
『淀』川[Yodo] gawa - [Yodo] River
流れる:流すnagareru:nagasu - flow:pour,let flow(vi:vt)
溢れるafureru - overflow
滝taki - waterfall
湖mizuumi - lake
『琵琶』湖[Biwa] ko - Lake [Biwa]
池ike - pond
沙漠sabaku - desert
『関東』平野[Kantoo] heiya - [Kanto] Plain
『甲府』盆地[Koofu] bonchi - [Kofu] Basin
『浅間』山[Asama] yama - Mt.[Asama]
『飛騨』山脈[Hida] sammyaku - [Hida] Range
火山kazan - volcano
地震jishin - earthquake
温泉onsen - hot spring,spa
丘、岡ka - hill
ちょうじょう、頂上choojoo - top,summit
岩iwa - rock
谷tani - valley
崖gake - cliff
森mori - forest
地図chizu - map
境界、境kyookai,sakai - boundary,border;frontier
地方、地域、地帯chihoo,chiiki,chitai - region,district,area

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2006 11:00 AM | 显示全部楼层

(viii)植物shokubutsu - plants

草kusa - grass
根ne - root
茎kuki - stem,stalk
幹miki - trunk
枝eda - branch
葉、葉っぱha,happa - leaf
つぼみtsubomi - bud
花びらhanabira - petal
がくgaku - calyx
花粉kafun- pollen
おしべ/めしべshibe/meshibe - stamen/pistil
とげtoge - thorn,prickle
種、種子tane,shushi - seed
苗nae - seeding
球根kyuukon - bulb
芽me - sprout
つるtsuru - tendril
実mi - fruit
ざっそうzassoo - weed
咲くsaku - bloom(v)
実るminoru - vear fruit
熟すjukusu - ripen
枯れるkareru - wither

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2006 12:15 PM | 显示全部楼层

(ix)宇宙uchuu - universe

天文台temmondai - astronomical observatory
天体tentai - heavenly body
たいようけいtaiyookei - solar systen
月tsuki - moon
太陽taiyoo - sun
惑星wakusei - planet
衛星eisei - satellite
彗星suisei - comet
星hoshi - star
火星Kasei - Mars
水星Suisei - Mercury
木星Mokusei - Jupiter
金星Kinsei - Venus
土星Dosei - Saturn
天王星Tennoosei - Uranus
かいおうせいKaioosei - Neptune
めいおうせいMeioosei - Pluto
星座seiza - constellation
流れ星nagareboshi - shooting star
mikazuki - crescent moon
半月hangetsu - half moon
満月mangetsu - full moon
隕石inseki - meteorite
日食nisshoku - solar eclipse
月食gesshoku - lunar eclipse
天の川Amanogawa - Milky Way
北極星Hokkyokusei - Polar Star
南十字星Minami Juujisei - Southern Cross
山羊座Yagiza - Capricorn
水瓶座Mizugameza - Aquarius
魚座Uoza - Pisces
牡羊座Ohitsujiza - Aries
牡牛座Oushiza - Taurus
双子座Futagoza - Gemini
蟹座Kaniza - Cancer
獅子座Shishiza - Leo
乙女座Otomeza - Virgo
天秤座Tenbinza - Libra
蠍座Sasoriza - Scorpius
射手座Iteza - Sagittarius
占星術、星占いsenseijutsu,hoshiuranai - astrology,horoscopu
宇宙開発uchuu kaihatsu - space exploration
人工衛星jinkoo eisei - sputnik,satellite
『気象』衛星[kishoo] eisei - [meterological] satellite
ロケットroketto - rocket
宇宙ひこうしuchuu hikooshi - astronaut
きどう/軌道kidoo - orbit

[ 本帖最后由 Shuelin 于 12-1-2006 12:28 PM 编辑 ]

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 09:54 AM | 显示全部楼层

(x)木ki - trees

やぶyabu - bush,thicket
木立kodachi - grove
林hayashi - forest
つたtsuta - ivy
苔koke - moss
しだshida - fern
櫻sakura - cherry tree
松matsu - pine
竹take - bamboo
梅ume - plum tree
しょうちくばいshoochikubai - ‘3 friends’;pine,bamboo & plum
柳yanagi - willow
椿tsubaki - camellia
杉sugi - cedar,cryptomeria
楓、もみじkaede,momiji - maple
いちょう、銀杏ichoo - gingko,maidenhair tree
樫kashi - oak
どんぐりdonguri - acorn
柏kashiwa - species of oak
藤fuji - wistaria
椰子yashi - palm
つつじtsutsuji - azalea
momi - fir
黒檀kokutan - ebony
紫檀shitan - rosewood,red sandalwood
まほがにーmahoganii - mahogany
ポプラpopura - poplar
nire - elm
南天nanten - nandin,sacred bamboo
ぶなbuna - beech
ならnara - Jap.oak
えぞ松ezomatsu - silver fir,Jap.spruce
白樺shirakaba - silver birch
桧hinoki - Jap.cypress
楠kusunoki - camphor tree
けやきkeyaki - zelkova
桐kiri - paulownia
萩hagi - bush clover
山茶花sazanka - sazanqua
山吹yamabuki - Jap.rose/globeflower
桑kuwa - mulberry tree
桂katsura - Jap.Judas tree
栃tochi - horse chestnut
榊sakaki - sakaki(sacred tree)
仙人掌saboten - cactus

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 10:20 AM | 显示全部楼层

【8】(i)食品shokuhin - food

食事shokuji - meal
ちょうしょく、朝御飯chooshoku,asagohan - breakfast
昼食、昼御飯chuushoku,hirugohan - lunch(hirugohan=colloq)
軽食keishoku - snack,light meal
夕食、晩御飯yuushoku,bangohan - supper,dinner(bangohan=colloq)
おかずokazu - side dish
デザートdezaato - dessert
お八つoyatsu - 10a.m,3p.m snack
夜食yashoku - midnight snack
肴、(お)つまみsakana,(o)tsumami - drink titbits,‘amuse-geule’
前菜zensai - appetizer
生鮮食品seisen shokuhin - perishable food
れいとう食品reitoo shokuhin - frozen food
kanzume - canned food
かんそう食品kansoo shokuhin - dried food
かこう食品kakoo shokuhin - processed food
インスタント[こうひい]insutanto[koohii] - instant[coffee]
日本りょうり、和食Nihon ryoori,washoku - Jap.cuisine
中華料理Chuuka ryoori - Chinese cuisine
西洋料理、洋食Seiyoo ryoori,yooshoku - western cuisine
しょうじん料理shoojin ryoori - meatless,vegetarian food
おせち料理osechi ryoori - New Year's food

[ 本帖最后由 Shuelin 于 16-1-2006 10:22 AM 编辑 ]

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 11:35 AM | 显示全部楼层

(ii)野菜yasai - vegetables

芋imo - potato(all kinds)
じゃが芋jagaimo - common potato
薩摩芋satsumaimo - sweet potato
玉ねぎtamanegi - onion
ねぎnegi - spring onion
人参ninjin - carrot,ginseng
大根daikon - giant radish
キャベツkyabetsu - cabbage
白菜hakusai - Chinese cabbage
レタスretasu - lettuce
胡瓜kyuuri - cucumber
トマトtomato - tomato
茄子(び)nasu(bi) - eggplant
ごぼうgobo - burdock(root)
きのこkinoko - mushroom(all kinds)
椎茸shiitake - mushroom(toadstool shaped)
松茸matsutake - mushroom(expensive)
えのき(茸)enoki(dake) - mushroon(finger shaped)
かぼちゃkabocha - pimpkin
もやしmoyashi - bean sprouts
竹の子takenoko - bamboo shoot
ふき、蕗fuki - butterbur,sweet coltsfoot
ほうれんそう、法蓮草hoorensoo - spinach
パセリpaseri - parsley
ピーマンpiiman - pimento,pepper
蓮根renkon - lotus root
セロリserori - celery

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 11:44 AM | 显示全部楼层

(iii)果物kudamono - fruit

りんごringo - apple
梨nashi - pear(apple-like)
桃momo - peach
ぶどう、葡萄budoo - grapes
みかんmikan - tangerine
栗kuri - chestnut
すいか、西瓜suika - watermelon
バナナbanana - banana
パイン、パイナップルpain,painappuru - pineapple
梅ume - plum
無花果ichijiku - fig
ざくろzakuro - pomegranate
びわbiwa - loquat,medlar
杏anzu - apricot
柿kaki - persimmon
メロンmeron - melon
レモンremon - lemon
桜んぼsakuranbo - cherry
苺ichigo - strawberry
やしの実、ココナッツyashinomi,kokonattsu - coconut

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 11:59 AM | 显示全部楼层

(iv)穀物kokumotsu - grain,cereal

米kome - rice
麦mugi - wheat,barley
大豆daizu - soybean
小豆azuki - red bean
糠nuka - rice bran
玄米gemmai - unhulled rice
白米hakumai - polished rice
御飯gohan - meal;cooked rice
赤飯sekihan - rice with red beans
[たき込み]御飯[takikomi] gohan - rice[boiled with few vegetables]
おにぎりonigiri - boiled rice ball
[うなぎ]丼[unagi] donburi - bowl of rice with (eel)
小麦粉komugiko - flour
pan - bread
サンドイッチsandoitchi,sando - sandwich
トーストtoosuto - toast
スパゲッチーsupagettii - spaghetti
うどんudon - fattish white wheat noodles
そばsoba - greyish buckwheat noodles
ラーメンraamen - thin yellowish wheat noodles
ビーフンbiifun - Chinese thin rice noodles

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2006 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

(v)魚sakana - fish

刺身sashimi - sliced raw fish
はまち、ぶりhamachi,buri - yellow-tail
鮪maguro - tuna
とろtoro - best tuna
鯛tai - sea bream,red snapper
鯖saba - mackerel
鮭sake - salmon
鱒masu - trout
鮎ayu - smelt
鯉koi - carp
鱈tara - cod
鰹katsuo - bonito
鰊nishin - herring
鰯iwashi - sardine
秋刀魚samma - mackerel pike
鰻unagi - freshwater eel
穴子anago - sea eel
すずきsuzuki - striped bass
ひらめhirame - sole,flatfish
かれいkarei - turbot,flounder
鯨kujira - whale
海老ebi - shrimp
伊勢海老Ise ebi - huge clawless prawn(not lobster)
車海老kuruma ebi - largish hairless prawn
おどりodori - still-alive prawn
蟹kani - crab
いかika - cuttlefish,squid
たこtako - octopus
うにuni - sea urchin eggs

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

(vi)肉niku - meat

牛肉gyuuniku - beef
豚肉butaniku - pork
鳥肉、チキンtoriniku,chikin - chicken
ハムhamu - ham
ソーセージsooseeji - sausage
ベーコンbeekon - bacon
焼豚yakibuta - roast pork
レバーrebaa - liver
卵tamago - egg

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:32 AM | 显示全部楼层

(vii)かいそう、海草kaisoo - seaweed

昆布konbu - tangle,kelp
海苔nori - laver(dreid,wafer-like seaweed)
わかめwakame - long,tendril-like seaweed

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

(viii)貝kai - shellfish

蛤hamaguri- clam
あさりasari - pullet(shell),short-necked clam
さざえsazae - kind of spiral-shaped shell
あわびawabi - abalone
かきkaki - oyster
鳥貝torigai - cockle
赤貝akagai - ark-shell

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:42 AM | 显示全部楼层

(ix)乳製品nyuuseihin - dairy products

牛乳、ミルクgyuunyuu,miruku - milk
ヨーグルトyooguruto - yoghurt
チーズchiizu - cheese
バターbataa - butter
クリームkuriimu - cream

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:48 AM | 显示全部楼层

(x)choumiryo - seasoning

さとう、砂糖satoo - sugar
塩shio - salt
酢su - vinegar
しょうゆshooyu - soy sauce
みりんmirin - sweet sake(for cooking)
油abura - oil
ソースsoosu - Worcester(shire) sauce
味噌miso - bean paste
胡麻goma - sesame seed

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 09:56 AM | 显示全部楼层

(xi)(お)寿司、(お)鮨(o) sushi - sushi,fish etc on rice

巻寿司makizushi - sushi in seawood roll
tekkamaki - sushi,tuna roll in seaweed
稲荷寿司inarizushi - sushi,rice in fried tofu
散らし鮨chirashizushi - sushi,with scattered goodies
握り鮨nigirizushi - raw fish on rice
ねたneta - fish,sushi material(sushi lingo)
紫murasaki - soy sauce(sushi shop lingo)
あがりagari - tea (sushi shop lingo)

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Shuelin 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 21-1-2006 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

(xii)りょうり、料理ryoori - cooking,dishes

(ビーフ)ステーキ、ビフテキ(biifu)suteeki,bifuteki - beefsteak
ハンバーグhanbaagu - hamburger
カレー(ライス)karee (raisu) - curry n rice
シチューshichuu - stew
グラタンguratan - dish served with creamy cheese sauce
[豚]かつ[ton] katsu - [pork] cutlet
ころっけkorokke - croquette
オムレツomuretsu - omelette
フライfurai - fry
天麩羅tenpura - tempura
鍋物nabemono - food cooked in pot(like next 4)
寿喜焼sukiyaki - meat n vegetables in sugar,soy,mirin sauce)
おでんoden - potato,konnyak,etc in soup
しゃぶしゃぶshabushabu - meat & vegetables in watery stock
ゆどうふ、湯豆腐yudoofu - tofu cooked in hotwater
冷奴hiyayakko - uncooked tofu,served cold
炉端焼きrobatayaki - hearth cooking
鉄板焼きteppan'yaki - hot plate cooking
お好み焼きokonomiyaki - vegetable & meat pancake
サラダsarada - salad
スープsuupu - soup
味噌汁misoshiru - miso soup
煮物nimono - boiled fish,fowl,vegetables
酢の物sunomono - vinegared dish

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