1. 你都傻的,好像問英國小孩有志向當英王嗎 李家坡只有50人有資格競選總統啊 难道你不知道,新加坡总统的地位,类似于大马最高元首吗?
谁说新加坡只有50人有资格选总统? 这种条件之下, 新加坡只有50个人吗? 只是合资格的不选, 不合资格的要选罢了。
For Presidential ElectionA person is qualified to be a candidate for election as President if he: is a citizen of Singapore; is 45 years old and above on Nomination Day; is registered as an elector in a current Registers of Electors; is resident in Singapore on Nomination Day and has been so for a total period not less than 10 years; is not subject to any of the disqualifications specified in Article 45 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore; is not a member of any political party on the date of his nomination for election; and satisfies the Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) that he has, at the date of the Writ of Election, met either the public sector or private sector service requirement and the period(s) of service that he relies on falls partly or wholly within the 20 years that immediately precede the date of the Writ of Election.
The qualifications and disabilities of the President are set out in Article 19, 19A and 19B of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore.
馬來土族想要公開買賣,就不能享有discount,你裝不知道嗎 在新加坡买房子, 大家是各凭收入和与父母房子距离状况拿discount, 没有分马来人,印度人或华人。卖房子都没有discount,有时还要抽levy。一视同仁。