


楼主: gavin@_@

印度恐怖分子用中國製手榴彈, 結果沒爆炸救平民一命

发表于 22-10-2017 08:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

  版权所有:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
  原文标题:Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China; netizens’ comments
  原文链接:http://www.ministryoftofu.com/20 ... s/?replytocom=45744


  Su (London)

  Why don India giv NE part to China。So Chinese taught

  Delhiwalas a good lesson????



  China should step in and take north eastern indian states。 Anyways indians from different states hate each other。 What big deal if india


  AK (Kunming)

  Bengal and North Eastern states should merge with China。 The former being communist and cultural affinity and the latter on racial make up。 Enough with Hindustani rule。 They will be more productive and prosper in China。


  I have been in China for 2 years, Both North Indian features and the Tibetean features very closer to Chinese features,their cultures is very similitude。


  China should take over this province,they will be treated in a more civilized manner。


  when china attacked india in 1962, no single citizen

  was harrased by chinease army。 People from assam and arunachal treated the

  indian army at their best who fled away from war。 ask any 1962 war veteran。

  but the sad part is that indian army is raping by 13 year old girl year old girl to 60 year old lady during operations against militant in NE as if they have been told NE is a colony of india





  karni pratap | September 30, 2012

  guys ! i am from rajasthan ! i belong to a rajput family ! in india tribals r given a 50% reservation in government jobs ! but v dont get a single percent ! but dis thing never bothered us ! we din ask indian govt. to separate us ! i hav got a lot of frnds in NE ! in my skul around 20 to 25 STUDENTS r frm NE ! u can ask any NE INDIAN who has been in here for a while if he/she has faced any problm in here !


  原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

  Jackie | September 30, 2012

  I’m Filipina & I had a boyfriend of 2 years from Nagaland. I admit that when I met him the first time, I mistook him for a local coz aside from his face that looks more Filipino than me (I’m Mestiza or half-White), he’s also a Christian which is the religion of 94% of Philippines, Catholics & Protestants combined. Anyway back to the topic, as I’m educating myself on his culture, I found out that they are being discriminated in other Indian states & some even question their Indianness simply because of how they look which isn’t fair & not only that, the economic situation there is really heart-breaking & therefore there is a lack of support from the Indian government. These factors, can lead to identity crisis & eventually an insurgency so you guys can’t really blame them. I feel sorry for these people, they are nice people overall, they have a fascinating culture which is also overlooked (I can’t find these in the “Incredible India” ads or on documentaries on TV about Indians). They also deserve to be treated equally.

  And about the Chinese, why are they sooo greedy to even think of invading another place? Aren’t they feel content that they have Tibet & has 1/3 of the world’s people? Then they also trying to claim the Spratlys Islands which really belongs to us. Shame on them >_<


  至于中国人嘛,他们为什么如此贪婪,还想入侵另一个地方?他们已经有了西藏,有世界三分之一的人,这样还不满足?南沙群岛真的属于我们,他们还极力声称对其拥有主权。太无耻了 >_<

  Jasmit | November 2, 2012

  Jackie, You have good points, i am also working with my Philippino counterparts and our offices r in Makati city Manila & Baguio, This is the speciality of India that we have unity in diversity..I do not agree that Indian govt. has discreminated the NE part of India. they have pumped alot of money in NE, lots of packages are being given to NE for their development, Its all drained out due to many reasons. The main reasons are the currupt politicians, and the second main reason is the residents of those states… I am sorry if some one feel hurt but that is the truth.. They are not maintaining the developments from the govt. side because they are being brain washed by the Chinese Pigs..even though they are not contributing in the development for their own states…I think NE peoples should raise their voice against the terrorists who threat them for money (without Discremination)..Till the time they support these types of terrorists, who are trying to brainwash NE people, NE cannot be the developed part of India.. Chinese Pigs are actualy cunning peoples, they don’t let the peace flourish in the NE region and will keep on trying to brainwash the localites due to their greed of invading the land…Philippinos are also look alike Chinese but they don’t wana give a inch of their land to China, Why some NE peoples are doing this?? simply its becouse of the Chinese influence and the money they are recieving from the Chinise govt in order to flourish the insurgency in this region. I think the ball is always in the court of NE peoples but the problem is they don’t know how to hit…


  wang-Indian | October 19, 2012

  To all those rubbish NE Indians speaking on behalf on NEians. I AM A PROUD INDIAN FROM NE INDIA L….Stop cribbing and trolling here. India is a land of oppertunity and freedom. You opt for china, u r dead instantly. I agree our facial, cultural etc resembles the chinese but that ain’t the criteria for opting China as a mother country. How stupid the thread starter is.

  I agree Indian congress govte has been neglecting NE India for so long but this isnt the case only with NE India, look at Bihar, Jharkhand, WB etc etc. Every states except for few has been neglected to core by this Congress govt. The reason why we have all sorts of problems in these states ranging from poverty, unemplyment to Naxalism worst than many NE states. Since 90′s crores of Rs has been pumped to NE India. Where have they gone??? Are the ministers, MLA’s doing enough except for core corruption. 1st ask your respective govt aboutr the funds alloted by center for developement. In every sector corruption bumps up. Just for a simple UDC/LDC , Police personal etc job lakhs of Rs is being demanded as a bribe else you wont get a job. Are roads, buildings etc being constructed properly from those crores of funds sent? And are you doing enough to prevent those before lamenting Indians and India here.

  For racism, i remember when we were in boarding and for that matter even in our locality, the outsiders were treated badly. I mean people from plains who doesnt look mongoloids, even from other tribes and states were racially abused. Its a human nature for taunting but thing is slowly coming to terms. Govt of India is doing enough , take an oppertunity and raise yourself. raise above the malicious thinking you have been jotting down here .




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楼主:Pro_server 时间:2013-01-04 02:06:00
  james | January 15, 2012

  aftr reading all the commnts ..i came at a point tat indians have treated people of NE v.badly..n nw also they do ,may be it has lessen but but..its v.poor thnkng of an Indian.
  Govt.of india should take care of every state especialy Tripura..becoz tat land belongs to Tripuri tribe..dan how can a bengali refugee is leading a state..n those people are cuming 4m bangladesh..through them out of country ..As Bengali leads in WB,Marathi leads Maharastra,Bihari leads Bihar etc etc etc dan why a Tripuri or Dberma is nt leading Tripura??
  if indian govt. and indian people cant treat or except The people of NE india as a true indian brother and sister than i think its better to be seperated.
  and that doesnt mean tat NE should Be added to China,its true that people looks same.but Chinese may also treat NE like Tibet. .better to form a seperate COUNTRY Or INDIAN govt.should change the situation Or Chinese can take NE giving a surety of proper Independence.
  No nid to fight
  What to do is v.simple just take public votes and comments and do as what the people of NE wants.
  thats it!
  all what i want is do not capture any1s right.
  i m jst talkng the reality.
  not with any1s favour.






  injo lore | January 27, 2012

  I belong to the galo tribe of arunachal pradesh and i hate this black indians….this indians treated us second class citizen,but what are they?They themselves are 3rd class in our eye’s,that why we called the indians as nyipak(nyi-man,pak,thrownway) that is thrownaway man,bastard who have no place to reside…this blacks are trying to influx north east and make it more look like a blacks regions,but we mongoliod people will not make it happen…..long live northeast



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发表于 22-10-2017 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
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违天命: 2016-12-28 11:02:54  评论
韩棒死绝喜大普奔: 2016-12-28 11:15:21  评论
评论 违天命:天生高种姓的是白种雅利安人,至于黄种人……艹那地方本来就是我们的,跟种姓没半毛钱关系
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楼主:Pro_server 时间:2013-01-04 02:07:00
  Subhodip Banerjee | February 1, 2012

  Hello all. I am from Bengal. It is really sad to hear about the atrocities that have been committed against people from North_east by mainstream Indians. I am from Kolkata and I see plenty of people from the North-East, who come here to study. To me they are just as normal as we are.

  I must confess that most of the mainstream Indian cultures are a bit insular, i.e., they are not open to mixing with people from other socities or races. This leads to a false sense of superiority among people, as they dont get the opportunity to evalute themselves in the eyes of others. I have heard people making derogatory comments over the appearance of North-easterners. Those comments have hurt me a lot. Even the young and modern generation suffers from such stereotypes.

  However, I can tell you that we are proud of the 7 states of the North-East. Atleast I am. They make our country colourful. Without them we will become poorer, culturally as well as intellectually. They produce some of our best sportspersons. Also, the N-E girls are far better looking than any girl from mainland India. By nature, they are straight forward and simple.

  It is my request to the people of the region to stick with India. Not all mainlanders are the same. You are always welcome to Kolkata, anytime, for anyhting. I am sure, you will find people in this city who will welcome you with open arms.





  voice of the insulted | February 2, 2012

  see dis dirty minded mainland indian wat dey r interested iz only wid the northeastern gal n itz land dey really dont kare abut uz at all due to dis mentality i hate dis main-lander indian we want to live to peace plz dont try to change our identity, plz dont torture us using wid u r force(indian army) plz stop raping our galz wen dey go to study in u r metro politan cites (coz u dint develop any job opportunities here in our land) plz not teasing uz plz stop taunting our galz n insulting dem coz dey r more beautiful n preety den u r dirty momz plz let uz develop plz not spread hatred among our own people plz dont try to change the demograpic of the area by sending more n more biharies n bengali from bihar n bangladesh plz stop exploting uz plz we want to live i n peace u people have done enuf in dis 60 years we were once proud community n u people have finished our economy our identity even our racial purity plz dont make uz black ,cheap, dirty n filthy like u are plz we want to live in peace an if dis iz given u kan be an proud indian.i myself iz an hindu n use to proud of it but now i m not i use to be proud of indian army but now i hate dem i use to feel proud dat we were part of india but i now rethink abut my pride. i dont want to an chinese also but i think sumtimes wud we have be given better treatment if we were part of china coz we have seen how indian treat uz in metropoliton city rape our sister in kill our brother in the name of unity in diveristy dey play wid our sister n leave dem n in name of unity (in rarest of the rarest case ) in trying to chage of population by marrying our ladies an trying to indanize uz we want to live wid pride an dignity not waz sex toyz n chowkidar of u r people. give uz our pride back plz..den we have no problem to be an indian . dont kill uz gradually like it .if it continue i think god ill send uz sumone to help uz may be our mongolaid brotherz residing in china.but india iz an strong nation n dey r tryin to bow by using der military n psychological warfare tactickz. n dey r succesful see how dis sex lusted indian look at our sister as if after having sex wid our sister dey have conquered china itz der mentality how cheap dey r dey r suffering for n inferioirty complexity from the chinese so dis pigz target uz to have an false sense of pride. indian plz we r not u r enemy n by targetting uz u r not defeating chinese u people r inferior to chinese n u people must know it we r also indian dont behave like an defeated pigz


  60年来,你们做的坏事够多了。你们终结了我们的经济,终结了我们的身份,甚至玷污了我们的种族纯洁性。请不要让我们变成你们那样下贱、肮脏的黑鬼。拜托,我们只想和平生活。 我是印度教徒,曾为此自豪,但现在不会;我曾经为印度军队自豪,但现在讨厌他们.....


  印度是强大的国家,试图使用军队和心理战来令我们屈服,他们成功了,看看性贪婪的印度人盯着我们的姐妹,似乎与我们的姐妹发生关系后就等于征服了中国,他们的思想多么下流。他们在中国人面前有自卑情结,所以把目标瞄准我们,以求找到虚伪的自豪感。印度人,拜托,我们不是敌人,把目标瞄准我们不等于击败中国人。你们不如中国人,但必须明白,我们也是印度人,不要做得像一头失败的猪一样。(原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
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大黑山魔怪: 2017-07-07 09:17:33  评论
蛋蛋hxy: 2017-07-18 15:08:17  评论
评论 Pro_server:我国政府一直承认阿鲁纳察尔帮人是中国公民啊,入境不用护照也不用签证。以前不7是有过多次,印度政府访问团,如果有阿帮人,中国外交部就说此人不用签证,结果印度政府不干了,直接取消访问团了。只是听说,印度政府把大量的印度本土人移到了阿帮
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楼主:Pro_server 时间:2013-01-04 02:08:00
  Subhodip Banerjee | February 14, 2012

  This is in response to the views of VOICE OF THE INSULTED. first of all, please stop refering to anyone has diry and dark. Hatred for each other will not solve any problem. I think you are trying to generalize all Mainlanders on the basis of comments made by a few of them, which is wrong. let me tell you something about China, the moment you join them, they will take away your culture with force and you will suffer the same fate as the Tibetans. This is not to say that I am Anti-Chinese. I have plenty of chinese friends in Kolkata. But that is the attitude of the present Government in China,

  If you cant live in peace in India, you wont find peace anywhere in the world.

  And as far as inter-marriage is concerned, marriage is a matter of choice, not coercion. If a Mainlander marries a North-easterner, it is because of love. There is no other intent involved. You can be rest assured about that.
  You to have you your heart and soul cleansed.




  Subhodip Banerjee | February 14, 2012

  The comment that I have made in my first blog about the beauty of the women from the North-East, is based out of my own observation and sense of respect. I did not make the comments out of lust or any other thing. Please be careful with what you write.


  Assamese | March 21, 2012

  Frank Chin called it racist love, another name for Yellow Fever. All you Indians do is fetishize women from the “north east”. Take your ugly Indian face to India. We want you out of Assam. We are not proud to associate with filth. The hindus from Assam, if they like india so much, they can leave. We don’t want them.


  Maithonghaan | February 14, 2012

  It’s true they will take all our culture. These Chinese will rule in their way and we will suffer like the tibetians. So I would request my northeastern people not to take any decision which would create problems to our own faults and u people would be living in a place which would be worse than hell.


  Subhodip Banerjee | February 15, 2012

  Thanks to Maithonghaan. Atleast one person understands me.

  This is to all my frineds in the North-East. Racism exists everywhere in the world. Let us use this forum to evolve ways of tackling racism in our country, by discussing among ourselves, what we can do to live happily with others.



  Jasmit | July 5, 2012

  Dear Subhodip, Your view is clear, you and me in this threat are fighting for the same issue. Some of our North Eastern brothers are brainwashed or watching dreams of becoming Chinese or a saparate nation. Being their own Brothers & Sisters We must convince them to come back to the mainstream of India forgetting about the Indian Government who is doing unfair with them.. Hope slowly slowly they will understand the right path.


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orangekyo: 2017-07-24 17:34:08  评论
ty_Upon775: 2017-07-24 20:04:55  评论
评论 orangekyo:流亡藏人,当然他们会说西藏的藏人比我们还惨。
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楼主:Pro_server 时间:2013-01-04 02:09:00
  pra senju syn-ha | February 29, 2012

  em a bishnupriya manipuri too…….em frustated n gutted by ppl calling me chinese hea……though it dsnt mean i wud go to china……but accept it…dey hav more balls den india……indians never confront d problem….. i dont c any change in der attitude n i guess it’l neva be……though i wud rather die den go to china…coz we north easterns respect our land d most which is not india in true sense


  chagatai | May 4, 2012

  im nyashang/nishi tribe Frm arunachal. Our religion is animist n I hate hindu people, out side different inside different.fucker india let us go china our tribes also in china


  Jasmit | July 5, 2012

  Dear Chagatai, If you think you are safe in China, Please forget this my brother try to peep in China’s Policy for their own people. they don’t care of their own people do you think they will welcome you or treat you good. No my dear they will treat you as third class people of thier country. so stop dreaming about China. I can guarentee you will be a slave for them not more then that. Your culture your religion will be snatched from you. You will not be the owner of your own land some chinese will be ruling on you and will ask you to serve a glass of water, prepare food and look after his family. Girls of North East will be treated as sex slaves for them. I am sorry to say just shake your head again and think. We will not let this happen with our own North Eastern Brothers and Sisters. My Appeal to all North eastern who soever are dreaming about becoming Chinese, Please look into chinese policy and then decide. I would rather advise to think on raising your voice against the discrimination happening against you in India rather then thinking of becoming Chinese or a saparate nation, and i also request to all my fellow Indians who soever visit this site must support the civilians of North East coz they are your own brothers and sisters.


  Kishor Singh | February 29, 2012

  Make south India a different country coz they all look alike (dirty nd half niggers) like many of u said.
  Make Haryana nd Punjab a different country coz they have heavy build, fair complexion,angular chins.
  And divide all the other regions on the basis of their ethnicity,religions nd looks because these features are the basis on which all the countries should be divided,according to you all.
  Ya nd by the way ,the northeast india was always a part of india,read your history first,then comment.



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满明主万年: 2016-12-28 12:02:11  评论
评论 Pro_server:印度不是中国核心利益,台湾才是,宁愿放弃西藏新疆,不能放弃国民党的台湾,
zhangdong8224676: 2016-12-28 12:25:16  评论
评论 满明主万年 :你怎么想的!我们没有一寸土地是多余的!新疆、西藏也是中国
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作者:Castiel_K 时间:2013-01-04 02:10:00

来自 天涯社区客户端 | 举报 | 收藏 |        5楼 | 打赏 | 回复 | 评论(3) | 赞
国民老宫: 2017-07-07 07:12:27  评论
楼主:Pro_server 时间:2013-01-04 02:10:00
  assamese | April 7, 2012

  north east india was never a part of india,indian cunningly occupied after indias independence from british rein,even this bengali motherfuckers tried to put their language on assam during those days,they totally destroy our tripura, this black nigger indians


  Jasmit | July 5, 2012

  Mr. Assamese, Who you are? from where you came? you need to read your history first before writing your bullshit comment here.

  tai ahom | August 3, 2012

  Hey Jasmit, frm where re u frm Punjab or Bihar? Or may be in assam, ahoms are the real peoples of assam,ok frm about 1400 AD ahoms were ruling, now a days assamese people detected as Indians, ahoms re pure mongoloids, I the late 18th century ahoms converted to hindus, that’s why there were requirement of brahmins and sheduale cast people. Many people frm north india, west bengal and frm bihar settled in lower assam. Northeast always belonged to mongoloids.


  Jasmit | July 19, 2012

  U nuts, your bloody china is cunnigly snatching you from India where you kinda assholes are helping them in achieving their target..Who said Indians destroyed Tripura or NE, Are you aware how much money Indian government has pumped in these states, Indian Government is pumping the money for your better future so that the NE people should start their own businesses and grow prosperity in NE states. But China is spreading drugs and making NE people drug addicts to spoil the future generation of NE. China knows that in the influence of Drugs people will support China but tell me you asshole do you think what you are gaining or loosing under the influence of Drug.. Come out of the drug influence and rethink.


  ZOZO | March 10, 2012

  Hi guys, I am from Mizoram of NE, the most peaceful state and the second least corrupted state in India. We, the Mizo’s believe that we came from China via Myanmar. Some says our forefather were among the people who built the Great Wall of China. The Chinese King treated them harshly then some escaped at night… some believe that our brothers are still in China around 30 millions of them (not known)…

  Communication gap is the main reason why all this happen in case of discrimination. Mainland India didn’t really know much about us so do us. For all the mainland people, the thing you read in the books,newspapers and the tribal you see around you are very much different from us. We are highly educated and civilized and you should know that. And we are not Nepalese please keep this in mind. Try to know more of your neighbors/brothers.Yes we are different from you in many ways, so are you in our eyes.

  I know China is good for its minorities that you have to take Inner Line Permit from the local authorities etc.(may not be on Tibetans) and we are very much alike than mainland Indian But the reality is the Divide and Rule Policy applied by the British colony upon us especially the Mizo and the Naga suffer a lot till today and continue by India government till late 80′s.In case of China, I don’t think it is good for us cause she is not democracy otherwise I am afraid our rich cultures and natural resources will be taken away (I mean India can wait longer). I would not say that we are Indian (because nothing about us is written in Indian history not even mighty Brahmaputra river in national anthem) but India Govt is cool for us. She appears to be awakened since the late 90′s seeing the opportunities here in NE. She is looking for east now.

  So lets wait and see what happen the time will tell everything even our future. By the way it is you and I responsibility to make thing happen peace, wealth, unity, healthy environment etc etc.

  嗨,各位,我来自东北的米佐拉姆邦,也就是印度最和平、第二清廉的邦。我们米佐拉姆邦人认为祖先从中国经缅甸来到印度。有些人说,我们的祖先修建了 中国长城,中国皇帝粗暴对待他们,其中一些人深夜逃跑.....有些人认为我们的兄弟仍然在中国,大概有3000万人......

  歧视的出现主要归咎于沟通落差。印度大陆人对我们了解不多,反之亦然。你们在课本上、报纸上看到的,你们在周围看到的部落,同我们有很大不同。你们应该了解一点,即我们文化程度高。请记住:我们不是尼泊尔人。尽量多了解你的邻居和兄弟。在你们眼里,我们与你们有很多不同之处,在我们眼里也是如此。(原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com




  nww16 | March 21, 2012

  North east india does not belongs to India at all…it was the british that occupies the area and gives it to “India” when they left. To make NE safer, they should be independent. To be free from the black indians rapists who always lusts for fair skin girls.


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
 Jamesxxx | March 24, 2012

  Hi m frm tripura n i knw wht is the condition of our state v r treated very bad by bengalis n they hd raped or sistrs n daughtrs soo much bt v didnt gt justice….in 1 village 1 tribal gul got chance to participate in sum progrms in delhi bt our c.m who is bengali said to wear sarees instead of wearng our taditional dress bt dat gul refusd to wear fr dat c ws killd… n in our own village our village ws burned by tripura force n some of our sistrs r raped…bt v didnt gt justice fr dat mny hv to bcme terrorist…n i relly relly cnt c dis…..dey r njoying in our own state n v r sufferng!! As v loose our powers v cnt do anything more..whenvr i c in agartala town evrywhr bengalis..bengalis n i knw dey r neithr indians dey r frm bangladesh so i hv nothing againgst on india bt i 1 indian govt to help us n undrstnds our sufferngs! N all NE people b awre n apply some hard rules to protct ur land frm bengalis othrwse dey vl dominte all ur lands n properties n specially dey sudn’t do business in da main city….soo b awre my dear NE bro n sistrs……long live northeast mongolian race!!


  assamese | April 7, 2012

  my brothers and sister of north east,our tripuras condition is pathetic, all of we should stand for our tripuri brothers


  ZOZO | July 28, 2012

  yes the condition of Tripura is very sad… alien ruled state… but why dont u stand ur ground before hand… all support from Mizoram


  jjjhgh6543 | March 24, 2012

  I ve listened 2 Jamesxxx”s comments. First of all I felt some sympathy 4r the bengalis……………….
  Bt if its true den its really very bad thing. As I m frm Assam so I dont knw about tripura, bt after hearing this I m really very sad. Bt seperating 4rm India will be very bad because u knw tat u tripuris have tibetan ancestry and u dont hv HAN CHINESE ancestry, you hv heard only how ur tibetan brothers are suffering in china, u sud read newspapers recently u can see tibetans protesting against china that “tibet doesnt belongs to china” U can”t trust the chinese as they will do similar with you also. First of all u sud b well educated first and defeat the bengalis in terms of education. You sud take the example of bodos of kokhrajhar- at a time dey were very poor but now see what is their position, they hv much developed. Good luck………….


  Rrr | March 24, 2012

  Northeast peoples lets b united to gt seperate country!n al those who r bengalis,beharis or any othr race they can leave the northeast!! N just answer me peoples y this pakistan got sepertd? May be they r also treated lik us before thats why they too they want seperate country …and just imagine if we r seperated how much peace we vl gt atleast we will be away frm this bloody rapist!!


  Subhodip Banerjee | March 30, 2012

  Rrr, You are a born racist. If you get a separate country, I am sure you will start to fight among yourselves very soon.


  Ning | March 28, 2012

  India izz a land of freedom, every people live in their own way irrespective of their skin, colour, religion etc.In India there are two types of mongoloids, one is the bodo- kachari group and other is the naga-kuki group. First group is the bodo-kachari group which includes (bodos, kacharis, tripuris, karbis, koch, rajbongsis, rabhas, dimasas, sonowals, garos, chutiyas, borahis, deuris, jaintias, khasis, arunachalis, chakmas, mishings etc.)- these people are of tibetan ancestral group. Other group is the naga-kuki group which includes (nagas, kukis, mizos, hmars, meitei manipuris, bishnupriya manipuris, hrangkhols, paites, ahoms etc.)- these people belongs to chinese-burmese ancestral group. I don’t know about sikkimese people. We know we northeast people don’t get that respect in comparison to others but it is really a free nation,we people may be people of chinese origin, bt we will not get freedom like India in that of china because India is a democratic country where as India is not. Our rich cultures will be lost as soon as Northeast goes to china. Manipuris are proud for their famous manipuri dance but as soon as it goes to china proud manipuris will start losing their identity, similarly people of other communities will lose their own identity, they will be harrassed like tibetans. But being in india it’s so free and pleasant. Then why we proud mongoloids are wanting to create problems for ourselves. Wake up……………


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
 Subhodip Banerjee | March 30, 2012

  Thank you Ning, Thanks for your comments. My regards for you.

  I am from Kolkata. I would love to see North-Easterners, coming to Kolkata, for education/employment/for whatever reasons. Please feel free to make use of every opportunity that you come across here. You can also ask your brothers/sisters from N-E to come here. We, Bengalis would be proud to have you among us.


  mizo | April 1, 2012

  if u see a snake and an indian, first kill the INDIAN.


  Subhodip Banerjee | April 2, 2012

  And then the snake will kill you.


  Jasmit | July 5, 2012

  Well said Subhodip.. Mizo must be a Chinese hiding himself in India due to errogant attitude of his own Chinese masters. He might have never seen the freedome in China as Indians have here…hahahahaha


  I am a Kuki n an Indian nt a Chinese | April 2, 2012

  As we all knw we North eastern people hav been most of da time discriminated n many Mainland Indians, they r nt even aware of our existence. Once i was travellin in a train to Kolkatta. There were sum Mainlanders sittin by my side who were conversing in Hindi, n to my surprise wer actually talking abt me. One of da fellow thought me to be a Chinese while the others corrected him n said,” He is no Chinese but a Nepali, who cum 4rm Nepal to loot India’s money ”. Unfortunately, they wernt aware that i understood every wrd they said. I interfered n told them that i was no foreigner n dat i hail frm Manipur state of North east India. They were at first amazed by me speakin Hindi. N after a minute of pausin and gazing they asked me dat isnt people of Manipur wear no clothes n cut peoples head.. Ohh..!! I was really shocked by those queries.. But then again i thought, not really their fault its bcoz they jus dnt knw much or anything abt us. So i suggest dat Indian govt should do more to educate da others abt North East n da different tribes inhabiting here.. N da people of mainland should also change their mentality they have abt North easterns being inferior, junglees n all dat… Becoz If we r called Indians then we should also be treated as one as we had pledged dat all indians r our Brothers n Sisters…

  众所周知,内地人大多歧视东北邦人,他们甚至不知道我们的存在。有一次坐火车去加尔各答,几名内地人坐在我旁边,用印地语交流。令我吃惊地是,他们在聊我。其中一个家伙以为我是中国人,其他人纠正说:“他不是中国人,是尼泊尔人,来印度抢钱的。”很不幸,他们不知道其所说的每一句话我都听得懂。我打断他们的话,说我不是外国人,来自印度东北的曼尼普尔邦。他们一开始对我会说印地语感到吃惊。经过短暂的凝视后,他们问道,曼尼普邦人是不是不穿衣服,是不是会砍别人的头.....哦.....!!这样的提问让我震惊拉。不过又想一想,这并非是他们的错,他们只是对我们了解不多或者压根不了解。我建议印度政府多宣传东北邦居住的各部落。内地人也应该改变其对东北邦人的思维,别以为东北邦人劣等,别以为东北邦是丛林人.....我们已经做出承诺,即所有印度人都是我们的兄弟姐妹,如果我们被称为印度人,那么我们就应该被当做一个整体看待........版权所有:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
  Ar.P | April 6, 2012

  Hey read dis..

  we Arunachalee families most of us have a large family precisely 8 to 15 members.. And so far as I know in China Only 2 Childs are allowed for a family.. think about it…
  And pls stop arguing among youself..
  And as for myslf.. Em studyin in Tamil Nadu and learning Tamil is much easier than Chinese I think..

  No offence.. It was jst my idea.. =)





  prashant | April 20, 2012

  after reading all ur comments i can say that most of the people of north east are saying everything out of frustration…..
  common people u wont get this much love and care anywhere in world and china ‘forget it…’
  i have friends from north east and i am proud to say that they dont think like u all and r proud to call themself an Indian. please people understand and be a integrated part of india…




  Jake | April 27, 2012

  I’m from South India and one guy from North-East India said that the North East Indians want to separate from India because of the North Indians treating them bad and as they look more like Chinese than Indian,most Indians don’t even consider them as Indians which is a sad truth and if anyone has the right to ask them to stop yelling,they should consider North East India as a part of India and the people in North East India as our own.


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
 deep | April 28, 2012

  look at the recent news or the past news.everytime there is crime commisted agianst the NE people .I would say INDIA is a filthy country filled with corruption, selfish people, murdurers, rapists and perverts. The NE people are very cultured and posses strong moral values, where as the people from mainland india are juglees.I have seen many students of mainland india who would cheat like anything in exams ,and very dirty minded fellows (99.99 %of men)of mainland india are perverts.when they eye a woman they eye them with very dirty mind.i dont know how they become like this (all i could say is ,its in the blood,cannot change ,never).and so sometimes i wonder at the strange way God works.HE gives give soo much good quality in particular group of person like the NE people-not only are they good looking , honest ,cultured and intilligent but also a very beautiful home did GOD has provided.but on the other hand considering the mainland india,NOT only is the weather and the place itself sucks , but also GOD created them as the ugliest in the entire universe,smelly,(armpits),could never learn english,and with very low character,dont even know how to talk-(very loud), not even a little bit of civic sense, .well but what can i say , GOD works in ways we will never understand.

  看看最近或者以前的新闻,每次有针对东北邦人的犯罪发生,我就会说印度是一个充斥腐败分子、自私者、杀人犯、强奸犯和性变态的污秽国家。东北人文化久远,拥有强大的道德观,内地印度人是丛林人。我看过许多内地学生考试作弊,思想肮脏,性变态,猥亵女人。不知道他们怎么会变成这样(可能是存在血液中,永远不会改变)。有时候,我对上帝的行为方式感到纳闷。一方面,上帝赋予了东北人等特定人群如此多优秀品质,不仅让其长得好看,人老实,有文化,聪明,而且给其创造很漂亮的家园;另一方面,看看内地,不仅气候糟糕,而且环境恶劣,上帝为那里创造的人也是全世界最丑的,散发臭味,永远学不懂英语,不懂说话礼仪,一点公民责任感都没有。我要说的是:上帝的行为方式,我们凡夫俗子永远不会懂。(原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
  Jasmit | July 19, 2012

  Have you read about Himachali & Uttranchali, Punjabi & Rajasthani Girls, they are also as beutiful as Northeastern Girls, How many rapes you have heard been commited in mainland India against them however they are living in between those men you are talking about.. You even yourself don’t know what you are talking about.. You 3rd grade idiot read your writing first before posting your comment. and yes please re do your schooling in English subject (unfortunately you will not get English education in China) i could barely understand your comment….Talking about curruption, you know Indian government is pumping lots of Money for NE states, where the money is going, your so called gentle NE politicians are doing this..Dear is your all five fingers are equal, certainly not likewise all citizens of a country can’t be equal good and bad persons are everywhere in your so called master China too. i am not saying 100% chinese are bad but majority of them are bad. so as in India common man is not bad but no one can trust on Politicians. The day you will understand this you will change your dirty mind.


  Rrr | April 29, 2012

  Yeah man u said it very true! N they cn produce childs soo much! LOL datz y spreadng evrywhr in northeast dat alsooo soooo ugly!! Y indians r very ugly ya! God please help them


  robin | April 29, 2012

  hey chinese men i am an indian and what the thing a war you are talking about.look after every war the main reason for which the war was done is forgotten whether it is about tibbetian. so dont get both the nations towards a nuclear war.


  Subhodip Banerjee | May 23, 2012

  If local N-E girls are marrying mainlenders(Bengalis, etc), it is out of love, not coercion. If that is too difficult for you to digest, then take a jump from the highest mountain peak, down in to one of the valleys, and kill yourself. Your family will be well compensated. Migration is a common feature in India, and in Kolkata itself, more than half the people are non- Bengalis. But we hardly ever complain. We have learnt to live with everyone, because we are all human beings.


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
  Alobo naga | May 19, 2012 |

  @Benarjee dada,hw u luk lyk xctly,r u luk lyk mongolian skin group or african skin group?any way let me tel u sme thing,if african cme n ocupy ur land i.e west bengal hw u wl feel?cos they are black n ugly.if dy mary al ur bangali gals n make tre childrns black n black ly gurela hw u wl feel? Same ting hapening hea…indian ugly people specialy bangali and bihari people doing dis…so giv sme mgs to ur brethn in NE to leave d place as soon as posible….otrwise NE wil becme lyk nigerian…so think bot it Mr.dada.


  Subhodip Banerjee | May 23, 2012

  Hey brother, are you referring to me? Anyhow, I will give you an answer. Please come down to Kolkata, any time of the year. You will find people from all over the country. In fact according to modern statistics, only, 43% of the people of the city are Bengalis. You will find plenty of people from the N-E who come and live here(specially Nagas & mizos). They come here to study, work, for medical treatment,etc. You can talk to them ask them how they are treated. I dont think they will have anything to complain about. It is because we have learnt to live with everyone.

  As far as my appearance is concerned, I neither look Mongoloid nor African. I think you should read science journals. Do you know that modern day Mongoloids are actually descended from people who left Africa 30,000 year ago, and settled in Uzbekistan first, and then spread to the far East? If not, kindly read an article by Dr. Spencer Wells, renowned Anthropologist.



  john | May 23, 2012

  why’re you guys so racist??? i’m mizo and i love my state and kolkata as well. we have chinese ancestry…we love india and china both! personally,I hate people making racial,filthy and dirty comments. just accept everyone as human like you created by God. its not easy once you learn… you will feel truely good and happy once you accept the principle of universal brotherhood. afterall india is a land of unity amidst diversity. good day everyone.

  Ranjit singh | May 24, 2012

  I suport NE guys as u want soverinity from mainland india we too want separate punjabi land as we are unique in culturaly,socialy,externaly etc…we must hv punjabi country as pakistanis got pakistan bengali got bangladesh and so on…i too hate this bengali people because they are so cunning like a fox,i hv my own experiment during ma visit to kolkata last year…sabhi logo ko indendent dena sahiye!


  Chinglen kangleicha | June 17, 2012

  I’m chinglen, belong to Meithei community of Manipur (kangleipak). i don’t to be part of india. fuck india and its army, peoples. they treat us liked 3rd class citizen as we are very similiar with chinese. Mainland indian looks very dirty, black skin.etc. We are not part of india. so, we want free kangleipak or merged with china or japan


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
 Vishnupur | January 19, 2012

  I m a bishnupriya manipuri, as in our community there are no muslims, no christians and have no other religions. We are the vaishnavites the worshippers of lord Vishnu. Our people are very strict people and our whole community are brahmins and I think it is the only community where all people of one community is of one caste ie. brahmins but we are considered kshatriyas too. but we do not have any shudras and vaishyas.

  I want a seperate vaishnavite country having no other religions-a unique religious country. As per ahom people are also vaishnavites i also want to join with them. As our bishnupriya manipuri people do not look like chinese, nagas like north asians and we have less mongoloid features than koch people also but our bishnupriyas look very similar like ahoms having slight mongoloid features having same face colour not very fair like chinese or koreans but not also dark like other indians like biharis or bengalis etc. We are tall people like ahoms other than other north-eastern people. We are very similar like ahom people having same religion ie. Vaishnavism. Leaving lower assam I want a seperate Vaishnavite nation uniting with the ahoms as our facial features and religion is same with them. That means we ahoms and bishnupriyas are not like north asians like chinese, japanese rather we look like south asians like thai, malayasians or indonesians. Ahoms are not the same people like lower assam people, they are different they are tai ahoms and assamese language is not also their original language.And the real fact is that lower assam don’t want a seperate nation.

  I want to include meiteis of manipur too because majority of meiteis are also vaishnavites as per from little parts of tripura, silchar linking with manipur upto upper assam can form a uniform vaishnavite country. As any other seperate religious nation like islamic nation ie Pakistan, bangladesh etc or christian nation ie. England, USA etc or buddhism nation ie. Bhutan, Myanmar etc. I also want a seperate vaishnavite nation to protect our vaishnavite culture. Not only for all this but also it is true that our identity is a north easterner, we are treated as inferior to others regions of India. We want our seperate Cricket team, football team, hockey team etc. We want our seperate President, seperate Prime Minister and other seperate organisations etc. And we are also very civilized too we can make our nation prosperous and wealthy too. We are not saying that we will join China rather we want to make a seperate vaishnavite nation. For these reasons I want to part from India. lol I love vaishnavism and long long… live Vaishnavism




  Yang.. Dimaxa | June 19, 2012

  M 4rm dimahasao… I fuck’ hate indian govt. Cz dey hd olwyz neglectd us 4rm d begng… India iz fo d non tribal .., itz nt switbl fo d trbl of noth east india..! V vil b hapi beng part of china rather den india!
  V r undr d colonial of india


  Don | June 28, 2012

  Yes we want to join china we are not Indian
  I am from Northeast



  Jasmit | July 5, 2012

  Don, Yang & Chinglan, Y you sitting on Indian land of North East, go to China and live their..You could be the better slaves of Chinese. Dont ever think of coming bak to India wen chinese pigs will peee on your face. the cunning dictators of china will treat you as the below 3rd class citizens. where your salary will be substrated with each kid. where you must seek permission to raom freely, even to pee (sir may i go to toilet please). You are shouting here against your own country (if you are Indian) when as Chinese can you shout?? In India you have right to speak, post it here if you get the similar right in China. Why you need to get visa to go to China instead you can freely work or get education here in India?? Wadda aaya China da dalal.

  Don,Yang和Chinglan,你们呆在印度的东北邦吗,去中国住一下,你们会更好地成为中国人的奴隶。一旦中国猪在你们脸上撒尿,别想着回到印度。狡猾的中国独裁者会把你们当做三等以下的公民。你们必须得到批准,才能自由流浪,甚至尿尿也必须得到允许(先生,我可以去厕所吗)。你们在对着自己的国家(如果是印度人的话)大喊大叫,当了中国人后,你们可以这样叫吗?你们在印度有言论自由的权利,在中国有吗?为什么你们需要签证去中国,其实你们可以在印度自由工作或者接受教育。(版权所有:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

  Subhodip Banerjee | July 14, 2012

  Jasmit, some people are difficult to handle. There is nothing you can do. We can only hope that better sense will prevail.


  seriwaza | July 19, 2012

  I dont think that China should rule India.Have you people forgot what has happened with Tibet??
  Even today Tibetians are fighting for their independence and justice.So in no way the North Eastern people and Chinese people can be considered the same…..though we may have similar Mongoloid features.
  Thanks !




  ZOZO the Mizo | July 28, 2012

  I wonder!!!How could university major Indian didn’t know NE states. Bring a map and ask me location of countries in Africa, Europe, America, Asia Pacific, Middle East . I can point them all in a sec… Try to be familiar with atleast South/South East Asia if you are an Indian… What ashame!!!! Omg!! one should go back to school….


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
 Smrila | July 31, 2012

  Reading all the comments made me sad. I am a bengali and i absolutely love n adore the north east and the people of north east. 2 of my closest friends are from Shillong and Assam and I have spend my college years with people from Assam, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. They are very simple and wonderful people. Yes i do empathize with them regarding the way the remaining country behaves, be it sexual harassment or cultural comments or comments made regarding food habits. It is horrible what the army does in the name is AFSPA while the remaining country is insensitive towards such a grave issue.

  My request to the young people of North east is that please do not have such hatred towards all indians, some of them genuinely feel for you. I am so proud of the young pool of talent that are representing india in the olympics from this region. I sincerely hope the situation will change some day soon. I have lived in Bangalore, New delhi, Dehradun, Bhubaneshwar and off course Kolkata and outside India, i know it feels horrible to have someone stereotype you just because you belong to a specific community. Like people laughing at the way bengali’s speak hindi. Or just assuming fish HAS to be my favourite dish!!

  I know it will take a long time to make this country more sensitive and less abusive, probably will never achieve Utopia, but hopefully one day we can atleast learn to respect people from all culture n colour.




  pherang | August 1, 2012

  Iam from tripura.We from the north east need not seek appreciation from rest of india.Instead we should give them the cold shoulder.Iam not interested in their culture.We live in a pristine place and have such a beautiful culture.We should develop our region as self sustaining ,ecologically pristine and safeguard our culture instead of thinking secession.Lets make north east— “The Shangri La”. And china is not that bad.I subscribe to China pictorial magazine.China has taken many steps to protect indigenous culture, even protecting tibetan art.I love chinese classical music and movies too.And also…Chinese invasion also would not matter….because india lost it once in 1962…Jawaharlal nehru thought india lost northeast forever.


  Subhodip Banerjee | August 2, 2012

  I like Chinese culture, music, etc a lot. In fact I can even speak a few Hakka Chinese words(thanks to my school). But that does not mean that I have to sell myself to another country. Appreciation for another culture/country is absolutely ok, provided, you know who you are and where you belong to. It seems that you have an Identity crisis. You need a reality check brother.

  我喜欢中国文化、中国音乐等各种喜欢。实际上,我还会说几句客家话(学校里学到的)。但这并不意味着我必须把自己卖给另外一个国家。只要你清楚自己是谁,清楚自己属于哪个国家,那么欣赏另一个文化或者国家就绝对没问题。似乎你有认同危机。或许你得了解一下真实世界。(版权所有:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

  Debashish Roy | August 11, 2012

  To all my dear friends from the North East – the first thing u guys should do is to have a good look at a country not so far away from u – PAKISTAN , a country which separated 65 odd years from today …do you really want your ‘separate ‘ existence like that ? About joining with China – do you really think the chinese will treat the former ‘Indians’ in the same way they treat their own…and i am not even going to a discussion on how they treat their own! Yes India has corruption , poverty and whole lot of different other problems..yes people from NE look different from people of north or west india like they the same way they look different from south india …ask yourself , is that the only reason why u want a separate country?? You want a separate country or merge with China becoz u want development , industrialization fund inflows…if you want that join politics and raise your issues in the parliament….INSTEAD you want the easy way out…..and just for the records…..if u say that china treats Tibet and it’s people well..take a history lesson brother or just type TIBET in wikipedia….JAI HIND.


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发表于 22-10-2017 08:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Sharad | August 5, 2012

  I would like to convey to all the NE people that there is no place in this world for Utopian thinking. What ails the people of NE is exactly ailing the people of Mainland. I used to live in Delhi and saw how we discriminated against each other. It did not matter if you are from North, South or the East!…Reading many comments here coming from the NE it appears all of you are equally fascist in your thinking but due to numerical imbalance unable to take it to the other camp!. Well would you show any patience to these “Black and dark” people if you were in majority??? I guess not…

  Away from all the bitterness i would like to say I married a lovely human being from Assam who completed me as a person. It did not matter if my parents were not pro-marriage as they just like everyone else here madly obsessed with their theories and reasons. We have a beautiful family and I just loved my experiences of traveling to NE states. I have become more educated about the beautiful NE and its culture. I never hated NE people an love them for their honest and hardworking nature.

  Please don’t be so negative in your thinking…OUR country has same evils that WE all need to conquer.

  To all those who think China is an option well you are in a fools paradise. I am sure they can accept you into their country when they dont accept the birth of an EXTRA kid in their own country!

  WE together can bring the change it begins with us…






  Naresh | August 6, 2012

  Hmmm we are living in strange times … really sorry to hear what the Indian Army did in the NE , probably they went mad with rage , paranoia and sickness … anyway there is no excuse for what happened … I like to think that I am a Planetary citizen … shameful when Human Rights violations happen … community , race , skin colour of the victims is of absolutely no consequence … It is a human tragedy , that is all

  I am from Bangalore … I taught at a school in NC Hills for a year , at Mizoram for few months, and also I served as a Hostel Warden in Arunachal pradesh …

  I am crazy about the “NE” for want of a better word to refer to that region … the Dazzling colours of the Meghalayan clouds , the vast stretches of rice fields in Assam , the Blue Mountains of Mizoram … the stunning visuals of Arunachal … I miss it … but I am not going to pack my bags and head to the NE anytime soon ! I used to do that in my younger days … I wish I could roam free in the NE , and enjoy the scenic beauty till my dying day … but I can’t … so now I am trying to learn astral travel / and wish I could become invisible …


  我来自班加罗尔,在NC Hills的一所学校教了一年书,在米佐拉姆邦教了几个月,还在“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”当过酒店管理员。


  patriot | August 19, 2012

  Its xtremely unfortunate that such illegitimate claims are made on indian army…..this is again a cheap chinese attempt to lure north east indians towards their side…but beware…the tibetans are already victims of chinas repressive policies


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发表于 22-10-2017 09:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
喂! 想裝死閃人,



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樓主在裝死嗎? 請出來回答眾網友的質疑






你當大家是LULU嗎? 丟!



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 楼主| 发表于 22-10-2017 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

玻璃心的亲共出来哭爸妈了。 印度人又伤了墙国人的玻璃心

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-10-2017 09:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
gavin@_@ 发表于 22-10-2017 09:42 PM
玻璃心的亲共出来哭爸妈了。 印度人又伤了墙国人的玻璃心



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 22-10-2017 09:55 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报


发表于 22-10-2017 10:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
gavin@_@ 发表于 22-10-2017 09:55 PM

https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/terrorists-are-using-chinese-grenades-in-kashmir-now-the-good-news-is-they-aren-t-exploding-3 ...

用點腦啦, 印度新聞造假, 把奧地利製的手榴彈嫁禍給中國,
你也照信不誤. 看手榴彈的外型本來就是奧地利製. 中國沒有

自己啥冬都不懂, 卻只會人云亦云,


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
Johanson1 + 5 我很赞同



使用道具 举报

发表于 22-10-2017 10:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
杀龟大郎 发表于 22-10-2017 04:45 PM


使用道具 举报

发表于 22-10-2017 10:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-10-2017 11:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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