除了前篇说的Ever Nature(这家主要买吃的和护肤品),我们也光顾以下几家手信店:
这家也是同事介绍的,重点是可以在5am 后去逛,哈哈!关于手信,澳洲受欢迎的koala kangaroo 夹子,keychain 类,我都没有买,所以只能说同事比较过,这家是比其他地方如fremantle 卖的来得便宜。假如CBD 是你的第一和最后一站,可以先看它的价钱,再和其他地方比较,真的便宜就倒回来买。
地址:109 Barrack Street Perth WA(就在BarrackSt路旁,外观蓝色,挺显眼的)
Opening Hours: Mon. to Thur:9.30am to 7.30pm. Fri:9.30am to 9.00pm. Sat.:10.00am to 9.00pm. Sun:10.00am to 7.00pm.
这店位于Murray St Mall广场旁的商店 – 广场就在火車站的正前方,有个仙人掌造景标志;在BocelliEspresso的旁边。
地址:Shop 11-12 Forest Chase Shopping Centre,MurraySt. Mall, Perth
电话:08-9325 2190
在E Shed 里面,黄色招牌,很显眼!在这里买了几件t shirt ,小朋友的A$4.95– A$7.00 ,成人的A$4.00- A$4.50 。看到蛮便宜的帽子,才A$1.50- A$3.50 ,当手信也不错哦!
地址:Shop M13-M15.E Shed Markets, Peter Hughes Dr, FremantleWA 6160
珀斯机场退税是在一楼(ground floor),没记错就在马航登机柜台旁边,在电梯的下方,有个小办公室。据我网上找到的资料- “要是平时是没有人在的,玻璃门的右手边有个电话,你直接拿起电话,不用拨号的,等接通之后,你就跟对方说你要办理退税,大概过个一两分钟之后,工作人员就会过来了。
我去的时候刚好有人在里面办着退税,工作人员就出来问我是不是退税。基本上他们要核对tax invoice 和要退税的物品,所以需要办理退税的物品不能托运,先去办退税,再去办理登机牌。不过,那个工作人员只看朝我的行李看了一眼,就在我的taxInvoice 盖章,他会指示你下一步骤(当然我也会告诉你下一步)。哦... 别忘了带护照!
办了登机牌和托运,就上二楼准备离境。过了海关(护照盖章),就可以看到TRS (tourist refundscheme) counter。提交刚才的tax Invoice,退税可以通过:支票,直接存钱到澳洲银行账户或者国际信用卡。
To claim a refund you must: - spend $300 or more (including GST) in a single business;
- purchase goods no more than 60 days before departingAustralia;
- wear or carry the goods on board as hand luggage (unlessthey are liquids, gels or aerosols or oversized or bulky goods which theairline require to be checked in) and present them along with your tax invoice,passport and international boarding pass to the TRS facility;
- have paid for the goods yourself; and
- have an original tax invoice for the goods.
Claims are only available up to 30 minutes prior to thescheduled departure of your flight. To make sure you have enough time to makeyour TRS claim, you should complete your departure immigration clearance atleast 90 minutes before the scheduled departure time of your flight.
本帖最后由 agnesksy 于 16-10-2014 04:51 PM 编辑