


楼主: men2725


发表于 23-10-2013 04:46 PM | 显示全部楼层


今天Mask Man重新整理了1997年亚洲股汇风暴过后不久,美国股汇炒家索罗斯在曼谷邮报发表的一篇批判马哈迪的文章;让大家温故知新;回头看看马哈迪掌政马来西亚22年里,是如何通过栽培朋党掏空国库。







在马哈迪视为不共戴天仇敌的国际对冲基金玩家乔治索罗斯Geogre Soros的眼中,马哈迪却是一个对国际期货买卖不懂装懂的笨蛋!


在一篇发表于泰国曼谷邮报的文章中,索罗斯毫不客气的指责马哈迪是导致马来西亚在1997年经济几乎崩溃的祸首。他说:《你的人民陷入经济困境,数百万人面对一蹶不振的商业市场一筹莫展,这完全是你一手造成的!》索罗斯以第一人称写这封信给马哈迪,但是当年马来西亚没有任何一家报章,杂志,电子媒体敢刊登;索罗斯只得将它交给曼谷邮报发表。他说,马哈迪毫无节制的推行各种大型发展计划,也是导致马来西亚经济崩溃的主要原因之一。《马哈迪在吉隆坡兴建亚洲最高的电讯塔楼(Kuala Lumpur Tower)和世界最高的建筑物双峰塔(Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower);只能证明他是多么的愚蠢自大。》







《我们都知道你在国际间有很多花名,在澳洲,他们称你为〈顽固自大的家伙〉(recalcitrant ego maniac);在英国,他们叫你为〈贪污的杂种〉(Corrupt bastard),那是因为你胡乱花钱购买英国的电影制片厂,还有花2亿9千万买下实际上已经濒临破产的莲花汽车公司。》


在英国,有超过17家报章刊登你的大头照,称呼你为《贪污的独裁者》(Corrupt Dictator);在马来西亚,你也有个外号叫作《国际大嘴巴》(IBM=International Big Mouth);在日本,他们叫你做《那个最小的》(意思是说你的脑袋是最小的,最愚蠢)(The Smallest One(Brain size) )。

还有,在太平洋岛国之中,他们叫你做《圣诞老人》Santa Claus,那是因为你经常给他们一些听了会精神错乱的劝告;还有还有,在南美洲国家,他们习惯称你为《鹦鹉》。知道那是什么意思吗?就是说你只会讲个不停,但实际上连你也不懂自己在讲什么!

当然,在菲律宾,他们也习惯称呼你为《活着的马可斯》(The Living Marcos)。


虽然我同意不是只有西方人有智慧,但是你的行为和决策看起来也是毫无智慧。你倡导的《东亚经济论坛》(East Asia Economic Conference,简称EAEC)完全得不到支持,就算东合国家也未必全部支持你。每年一次的最高领导人会议变成了服装秀!你的《南南对话会议》(South-South Dialogue)同样反应冷淡。还有,我听说你还准备在全世界国际船运业最繁忙的马六甲海峡兴建一条长32公里,横跨海峡直通印尼苏门答腊的大桥!天!世界上还有谁比你更疯狂?


还有一个你沾沾自喜的《多媒体超级走廊计划》(The Multimedia Super Corridor简称MSC);其实根本不知所谓!在美国,这样的概念早在一光年以前就提出来了,后来经过不断的检验,证明那根本是多余的!美国有一个矽谷计划(Silicon Valley),将所有电脑科技研究中心集中在那里就行了!

你可以将整个矽谷计划照抄过来就是了,为什么你偏偏喜欢劳民伤财,将人民辛苦赚到的血汗钱挥霍在这些不知所谓的发展计划上?难道真的只是为了你背后可以赚到20%的计划回酬吗?就像砂拉越峇贡水坝计划一样,这些所谓的超级发展计划到最后都成了被半途搁置,浪费金钱人力时间的白象计划。我一直都认为,搞政治的人不应该涉及商业利益;但是你看看你的内阁成员,几乎每一个都牵涉商业金钱利益;他们所掌管的部门,都成为他们捞取金钱油水的地方。看看你的国际贸工部长拉菲达阿兹斯,利用职权便利,卖了多少张进口车AP(Approved Permit)?每一张AP价值介于两万到3万令吉,她至少拥有超过1万张AP,搜刮到的钱财高达数亿元!


你的首席部长不断批准许多中看不中用的发展计划给他们的朋党,然后从中获取金钱利益。你的土地发展局(Land Development Board)和经济发展局(Economic Development Board)根本就是为了保护你的朋党利益而设立的。这两个机构专门负责提供资金给你的朋党进行许多白象发展计划;赚到了钱,就归朋党们所有;亏光了钱,就由国库搬钱出来解决!国库的钱是谁的?是属于全体马来西亚人民的血汗钱!你的朋党赚了钱就进自己口袋,亏了钱就要全民帮他们买单!当你所有发财的好处都给了少数朋党的时候,你拿什么来缩短国民之间的贫富差距?当你国内数以百亿计的钱财被朋党通过贪污手法转移到海外的时候,你拿什么来说你可以让国民脱离贫穷?

我们再看看你那个俗称《白毛》的砂拉越首席部长吧!他将价值超过百亿的木材,以台底交易(Under table)方式卖掉了。从中得到多少分成?他还将砂州许多值钱的地皮以私相授受的方式,没有通过公开招标就卖给那些跟他有利益挂钩的商人。他还以自己拥有的公司去垄断中央政府发放给砂州的发展计划;甚至公然售卖他的签名,砂州商人都知道,只要你付得起钱,就可以拿到他批准文件的签名!



还有你,你是真正会流鳄鱼泪的大鳄。你推展的各种高速达到兴建计划是完全没有通过公开招标的。只有你的朋党才有机会拿到这些计划,而且建筑经费都比实际的数目高出至少一倍!你的浮罗交怡机场跑道就是用双倍价格兴建的;承建的就是你自己当幕后老板的伊佳兰公司(Ekran)!按照我最保守的估计,过去10年(1991至2001),由于你的贪婪滥权,马来西亚国民至少损失超过300亿。其中最好笑的是你宣称用了10亿元向英国订购一批《天鹰战斗机》(Sky hawk war plane), 但是现在过了多少年?战斗机在哪里?还收藏在美国的内华达沙漠里吗?有谁看到过这批战斗机?你以为日子久了就没人记得这件事了吗?然后这10亿元就这样消失在你的口袋里了吗?






我们也都知道(截至2002年)你们马来西亚有 超过5万名优秀生没有办法在国内取得大学进修的学位,他们必须到海外深造;就是因为你那愚蠢的种族主义政策和固打制,令到数以十亿计的学费随着这些优秀生流到海外去;使得马来西亚蒙受惨重的外汇损失!








The Malaysians' prayer:
"Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain And look we are back to square one again So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well."




现在你的三个儿子,同时在超过200家企业集团担任董事。他们是不是都毕业自哈佛大学商业企管系?而且获得荣誉学位?还是说,他们只是在你的《你不认识我就别想在马来西亚做生意》(you don't know me you don't do business in Malaysia)的《企业原则》下受惠?数以十亿计的公积金存款和国家石油共司的公款都被你挪用,用来救济你儿子所有亏本的投资计划。你是多么的不道德,多么的贪污滥权啊!

你的每一个政治追随者,都在好多家上市公司,甚至超过10家以上,担任董事。他们根本不必做任何事,每个月就有非常可观的董事费进帐。这些公司利用它们的《VIP》身份签名向银行贷款,不必任何抵押就能借到钱;经过多年的挥霍成性,现在这些贷款全都变成了银行的烂账(Non Performing Loan)!

现在你还要两千多万马来西亚人民为你一个人牺牲?为什么你不干脆辞职,承认自己的错误?承认自己贪污了国家数百亿的金钱?我可以教你如何让你国家的经济回到正常 轨道;不过,前提是你必须向所有犹太人道歉,也必须向所有马来西亚人民道歉!




使用道具 举报


发表于 23-10-2013 04:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
Subject: The corruption of Mahathir:
published by Bangkok Post

Taxpayers and voters were made to pay for his visionionary expenses enriching selected vendors along the way all paid by taxpayer or rakyat's money.

The corruption of Mahathir: SOROS' REPLY TO MAHATHIR – Adapted from Bangkok Post (Not published locally)

I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people. Nowonly you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega projects at tremendous cost to the country.

The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam, it has totally no purpose.

If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there for free.

This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The satelites make this totally unneccesary. A fool and his money are soon parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and billions of shares corruptly acquired.

Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of course, corruption.

You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself to the tune of billions.

You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the ills of corruption.

Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you. A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?

You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility. Instead they just add on to traffic jams. What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. And the bridge across from Malacca to Sumatra across international waters?

Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your 20%. You called me a Moron. How can a Moron make so much money. By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks we fund managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations.

You lose all Malaysians' money, therefore you are the Moron. Now you know too late and start crying over spilt milk.

In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UK the corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the 290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them.

What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of the Malaysian government..

Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.

In the UK your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth. In Japan they call you the 'smallest one' (brain size). In Pacific islands, the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right). In south America they call you the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In Manila the living Marcos.

In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk rubbish scaring every foreigner away. When he is dumb he is doubted a fool, when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt."

While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your actions are not the wisest either. Your EAEC has totally no support even in Asean. Your South-South dialogue meets with the same fate and what is this I hear of the Bridge from Peninsula Malaysia to Sumatra covering 20 miles across International shipping lane?

How crazy can one get? Even the Japanese don't have the money. This world's stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man's mind - yours.

The multimedia super corridor - MSC -. Well in USA its Most Stupid Concept because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if it makes money, we can copy this concept can't we?

Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not your government sell them and make the money? She has acquired millions of shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them.

Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions. Unfortunately he was caught with a few million pocket money in Australia.

Every Chief minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then collecting secret pay offs on the side. The Land Development Boards and the Economic Development Boards are used to bail out any loses suffered by politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?

Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee 'you pay I approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river..

Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while the natives do not have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.

He lost 300 million of the Sarawak government money trying to make computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so shallow it needs dredging every year. The Prime Minister built highways without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double. Your Langkawi airport runway was built double the cost by your own company, Ekran.

The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10 years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom Skyhawk war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert, USA?). 3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity at its best. 6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even knows where the money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal when George Tan bribed all the bank officials to lend him the money.. 6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara (the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the world's tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture imported from France - not Malaysia) and 1 billion lost from purchase of British warships including fees paid to the broker and under the table.. Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.

In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the Indonesians to take honour of Number One.

There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billions of dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent overseas. A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigeous than any Australian counterpart. You have been colonised by the British so long you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or Singapore, less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local university, and at the same time raising your own standards.

Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without homes, bathing in rivers shitting in holes in the ground, without water and electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic. Yet you still keep on building high rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly plant your feet in the ground. Your schools are cramped 500 students to an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politicians who leave them idle. Your parks are being taken by politicians to build shophouses and every cabinet minister is a land-grabbing businessman who builds roads only to their cronies' land.

The Malaysians' Prayer, "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain and look we are back to square one again. So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well."

In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times. Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you. Then use your left hand and handcuff your right hand. You have put the opposition leader and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.

So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this world? Your 3 sons are sitting on the board of directors of more than 200 companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and obtained distintions? Or is it "you don't know me, you don't do business in Malaysia" law that applies.

Billions of ringgit of Employee's Provident Fund and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money. How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians is sitting on the board of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral.. Now these have become non- performing loans. Now you want 20 million Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign
and admit he wasted and took most of the money.

I could teach you how to put your economy on track but first you must apologize to the Malaysian people.

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2013 05:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2013 05:50 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2013 06:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
出自索罗斯,可信度 负100%

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发表于 23-10-2013 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2013 06:15 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2013 06:24 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 23-10-2013 07:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
空中说话 发表于 23-10-2013 09:07 AM
我们的电视机每天不停的责骂索罗斯造成经济风暴,谴责安华勾结外国(美国,犹太 ...

自 1997, 2008 后,

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发表于 23-10-2013 08:09 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2013 08:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-10-2013 01:05 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-10-2013 03:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
不是曾经, 曾经是表示过去式,我们到现在还是那样的烂。。。。。

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发表于 24-10-2013 03:40 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 24-10-2013 03:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-10-2013 05:24 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 24-10-2013 05:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
Barryliaozs 发表于 23-10-2013 04:14 PM




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发表于 24-10-2013 08:40 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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