我觉得,教会的死活,不是interior designing的死活,是里面的人worshiping有没有那个spirit。那spirit比较重要。
如果教会里的人来只是for the sake of coming/好像为了做好一个基督徒的本分(当然,这也很重要),而且到了教会,也只是唱唱圣歌,听听牧师讲道就走人,这样我觉得教会就会看起来很“死气沉沉”(想不到什么词可以形容,只好用这个)。因为很多人都把到教会的目的给搞错了。要记得,我们道教会是为了敬拜神,不是为了自己(我们活着的目的是敬拜他),而敬拜神的方法,不只是唱唱歌/听听道而已(听过一首歌叫Heart of worship吗?知道这首歌的来源吗? )。把自己献给他,让圣灵带领你为他做事。只要大家都有那spirit去为神做事,worship他(人常常讲的,ada "um" ),这样教会就会有起生命来了。对不对?
We burn, we shine, we are hot because of Jesus, Amen?
P/S:Heart of Worship:-
Heart of WorshipMatt Redman
When the music fades and all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart
I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
All about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the things I've made it
When it's all about You
All about You, Jesus
King of endless worth, no one could express
How much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor, all I have is Yours
Every single breath
原帖由 @res 于 30-11-2007 05:31 AM 发表
我觉得,教会的死活,不是interior designing的死活,是里面的人worshiping有没有那个spirit。那spirit比较重要。
如果教会里的人来只是for the sake of coming/好像为了做好一个基督徒的本分(当然,这也很重要 ...
原帖由 @res 于 30-11-2007 05:31 AM 发表
如果教会里的人来只是for the sake of coming/好像为了做好一个基督徒的本分(当然,这也很重要),而且到了教会,也只是唱唱圣歌,听听牧师讲道就走人,这样我觉得教会就会看起来很“死气沉沉”(想不到什么词可以形容,只好用这个)。