
楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2008 02:21 PM
回复 255# 无花 的帖子
那辆车是否被批,就要看NAZA了。 |
发表于 4-12-2008 02:30 PM

楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2008 02:35 PM
发表于 4-12-2008 02:39 PM

楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2008 02:45 PM
发表于 4-12-2008 02:48 PM
bestari 会好吗?
改天要维修也很难找Spare parts....
小弟觉得买Proton 的新Saga 还不错。。。 |
发表于 7-12-2008 08:54 PM
发表于 4-12-2008 06:57 PM
发表于 5-12-2008 10:34 AM
发表于 5-12-2008 10:44 AM

楼主 |
发表于 5-12-2008 11:37 AM
发表于 5-12-2008 11:51 AM
原帖由 tan81 于 5-12-2008 11:37 AM 发表 
没有错,的确是Naza 借的。
我要换车 |
发表于 5-12-2008 11:57 AM
很巧,我也要换车。趁还有旧价钱时买一辆Proton Saga, RM35000。明年SAGA就要加价RM1500了。。。
发表于 5-12-2008 12:02 PM
回复 265# tan81 的帖子
studio看到怎样了? |
发表于 5-12-2008 12:03 PM
回复 267# Mr.Business 的帖子
现在不是有trade in旧的可以rebate 5000对吗? |
发表于 5-12-2008 12:07 PM
回复 269# pipi88 的帖子
你是指15年以上的Proton旧车可换得RM5000的voucher?不是还没实行吗? |
发表于 5-12-2008 03:27 PM
发表于 5-12-2008 04:04 PM
发表于 6-12-2008 04:05 PM
Government makes RM16mil a day from fuel windfall
KUALA LUMPUR: The Government is set to get windfall gains of up to RM16mil per day based on yesterday’s crude oil price of US$44 (RM158.40) per barrel and a consumption estimate of 27.5 million litres per day .
This windfall comes about because the pump prices of fuel have not been reduced enough to reflect the lower crude prices, oil analysts said.
This has prompted the Federation of Malaysian Consumer Associations (Fomca) to request the Government to reveal how it plans to spend the windfall revenue.
Its secretary-general Muhd Sha’ani Abdullah urged the Government to invest the money in public transportation for the benefit of everyone.
The crude oil price in New York fell to a four-year low at below US$44 per barrel yesterday, dragged down by demand worries amid the worsening outlook of the global economy.
At this level, the market price for RON 97 grade petrol should be about RM1.30 per litre, which is 60 sen lower than the RM1.90 per litre Malaysians are currently paying, the analysts said.
Based on a consumption estimate of 27.5 million litres per day, this translates to roughly around RM16.5mil in extra revenue a day for the Government.
It is believed that revenue collected by the Government from RON 97 sales at local pumps ranged from a low of RM100,000 to as high as RM20mil a day since mid-October.
This takes into account international oil price movements, as well as the four price cuts at local pumps over the period. Crude oil prices had slumped 19% this week alone, and was more than US$100 (RM360) down from at its July peak of US$147 (RM529.20) per barrel.
In all, total revenue for the Government from the sale of RON 97 over the past two months would probably be around RM500mil, the analysts, who declined to be named, said. This, however, excludes duty paid by pump operators for sales of RON 92 and diesel.
RON 97 is the most popular petrol grade among Malaysian drivers, accounting for about 80% of total fuel sales at local pumps.
But while the Government gets extra revenue from fuel sales, as opposed to having to subsidise before, falling crude oil prices also means less profits for Petronas, the national oil corporation.
Income from Petronas, in terms of petroleum tax and dividends, accounted for about 40% of the latest national budget. Latest results showed Petronas made a net profit of RM42.7bil in its fiscal first half ended Sept 30.
This was 46% higher compared to same period last year. It would be tough to match that level of profitability during the current six-month period ending March 31, 2009.
Sha’ani said while Fomca and consumers were agreeable that petrol sales results in more revenue for the Government, they should be told how their money is spent.
He said the profits from petrol must be channelled in such ways to further reduce the burden of consumers and help them cope with the cost of living especially in the current financial downturn.
He added that the fuel pump price should not be lowered further as it would only encourage more private vehicles on the roads and fewer people would take public transportation.
He said the Government must make it a priority to greatly improve public transportation and educate the public to use it as their main mode of transportation.
“People need time to change their transportation arrangements,” he said.
On Nov 25, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad was asked if the situation now was akin to consumers subsiding the Government.
He replied: ‘’The Government collects taxes. It is government revenue. When the price is high, the Government gives subsidy.’’
On Wednesday, he said, consumers would know next week if the Government will implement a floor price mechanism for petrol and diesel.
He said consumers should also brace for the decision of having a managed flotation mechanism for oil prices based on market rates.
Shahrir said many aspects had to be looked into before finalising the issue, including generating revenue for the Government and providing stronger purchasing power to consumers.
http://thestar.com.my/news/story ... 6651&sec=nation |
发表于 5-12-2008 06:35 PM
原帖由 tan81 于 28-11-2008 10:19 PM 发表
这2天,听闻Kota Damansara 开了一家新的Giant。 然后又是由许多师奶拼命去抢货,听说很便宜。11月而已,还没有看过这么多促销。
不如我们决定在29/30 在怡保见面。欢迎你的一家大小,住宿由我包办。我们可以约Ckyan。
陈总, 29 & 30我要留在家里backup噢!
我们公司很惨,又要shut down叫我们on leave, 又要我们随时backup customer request.
本来说Christmas shut down 4天, 今天又宣布,农历新年要shut down 3 天。
全球电子业的低糜,可想而知。。。我的一个德国客户, Fujitsu Siemens Computers 宣布将裁员700人。
我的德国朋友,都没有心情过圣诞了。。。唉!除了叹息,还是叹息。 |
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