发表于 11-5-2013 06:33 PM
好练王 发表于 11-5-2013 06:18 PM
@三言两 ...
只是entertainment而已, 不稀罕和中国人争论太多。
发表于 11-5-2013 06:39 PM
momochacha2007 发表于 11-5-2013 06:32 PM
Aiyoh......I said KY Lee is his fourth generation in his family at Singapore........So now his son ...
O i c.
PS. I hope my conversation with U will convince xiaomimi that I am truly, madly, deeply , both in and out, left and right ,upside down, insideout a Singaporean虽然我的华语也不错(起码比James LYE 好)
发表于 11-5-2013 06:39 PM
Foojee 发表于 11-5-2013 06:39 PM
O i c.
PS. I hope my conversation with U will convince xiaomimi that I am truly, madly, deeply ...
Hahahaha |
发表于 11-5-2013 06:45 PM
Foojee 发表于 11-5-2013 06:39 PM
O i c.
PS. I hope my conversation with U will convince xiaomimi that I am truly, madly, deeply ...
等下我叫 @alancari 的表妹用水枪射你. |
发表于 11-5-2013 06:49 PM
发表于 11-5-2013 06:58 PM
Foojee 发表于 11-5-2013 06:49 PM
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4923114/worlds-ex-fattest-man-Paul-Mas ...
东方不败............ |
发表于 11-5-2013 08:40 PM
小熊不怕被射水槍 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 08:51 PM
Foojee 发表于 11-5-2013 06:39 PM
O i c.
PS. I hope my conversation with U will convince xiaomimi that I am truly, madly, deeply ...
oh,no wonder u start the english conversation.ya,i believe u is singaporean nw. |
发表于 11-5-2013 08:57 PM
One thing I find Singaporeans funny is that, they are proud of their nation's economic achievements, but at the same time they also feel insecure, that's why even though on a national level they are quite advanced, but on the individual level they love to participate in those meaningless competitions such as bigger cars, gadgetry, or whose HDB got more rooms, which school their kids enrol in, which stream their kids in, everything and anything trivial will be included in their ever long going list of competitions, which baffles outsiders.
and then they will love to become gurus and "teach" other nations, how much better they were in governing their nation, how can you compare, for instance, a discussion in malaysia about a possible terrorist attack versus singapore, which constituency gets HDB refurbishments first?
It's a different kind of level and complexity. And iyet they would love to put on their pride for parade and tell people, "see, my country is better than yours, your country is shit and you should be lucky that we allow you to come inside our country to work."
Well, please allow me to clarify and point out a few things to my Singaporean friends, and your so called "advantage" is actually nothing but a pipe dream, just as you make use of cheap foreign labour to boost your economy and keep production costs down, we the people from poorer countries also uses you as a launching platform to project ourselves to other more advanced economy countries such as Australia or USA should opportunity arises, PR-ship to us is actually nothing but as a passport to better countries than yours.
So in the end, we are just using each other, you get our youthfulness and we use you to gain experience
, what happens next is solely depend on us: whether we are stupid enough to be continue exhausted by you or we are smart enough (which you don't like) to dump you and either go back to malaysia or start a brand new life in other countries after gathered enough money and expertise in business and worldwide investment.
In long term (30 years), Singapore is actually at a losing end, the wealth distribution inequalities will continue to widen, causing society rift, and population aging will soon catching up the ever shrinking birth rate, the usable land is getting scarcer the days go by, and there will be a massive emigrating rush, when these people saw no hope in staying in Singapore, by then, what will Singapore have left?
发表于 11-5-2013 11:11 PM
玩具熊 发表于 11-5-2013 05:32 PM
新加坡和新山的關係, 就好像香港和深圳的關係, 至少1997年以前都是如此,你不會這些都不知道吧? 真的不 ...
我是蛮好奇的,马劳在发现自己中文程度不如新加坡人时,为什么都会如出一辙的说对方是中国人?是为了维护那么一点点可怜的自尊心吗? 本帖最后由 三言两语 于 11-5-2013 11:25 PM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:13 PM
三言两语 发表于 11-5-2013 11:11 PM
我是蛮好奇的,马劳在发现自己中文程度不如新加坡人时,为什么都会如出一辙的说对方是中国人?是为了维护 ...
我也很好奇。為什麼你這個中國人一直來挑撥星馬人的關係阿? |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:15 PM
玩具熊 发表于 11-5-2013 05:33 PM
連英文都不會,你在新加坡怎麼混下去的我倒是很好奇,你該不會真的以為懂中文就可以可以獨步天下?你們這些 ...
我阿公阿嬷也不会英文,一样在新加坡混的很好,还请了许多会英文的马劳做工。 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:18 PM
玩具熊 发表于 11-5-2013 05:39 PM
我SHOOT的是所有以為新加坡是超級強國的新加坡人民,他們似乎忘記了什麽叫一山還有一山高,我從不認為馬來西 ...
哇,你说自己周游排列国,眼光见识却和另外两位假马来西亚人一样,难怪马国。。。。。。。。。 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:22 PM
xiaomimi 发表于 11-5-2013 11:13 PM
做贼喊抓贼,好像这帖子是你开来骂新加坡人的。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:22 PM
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:23 PM
三言两语 发表于 11-5-2013 11:22 PM
我罵新加坡人幹你什麼事?你又不是新加坡人。 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:27 PM
xiaomimi 发表于 11-5-2013 11:22 PM
http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/%5Bbreaking%5D-21-malaysians-have-been-arre ...
知道自己不对,然后还不准别人说,马国人真是无可救药。 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:29 PM
xiaomimi 发表于 11-5-2013 11:23 PM
都说挑拨离间居心叵测的人是你了,现在愿意承认了吧。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:30 PM
三言两语 发表于 11-5-2013 11:27 PM
看了就不爽阿。抓了就抓了講那麼多做麼。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 11:31 PM
三言两语 发表于 11-5-2013 11:29 PM
你這話阿中心機真的很重下! |
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