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发表于 11-11-2010 09:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-11-2010 09:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
悍马 发表于 11-11-2010 09:41 AM


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发表于 11-11-2010 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-11-2010 10:24 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-11-2010 11:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
(吉隆坡10日訊)楊忠禮電商(YTLE,0009,創業板科技股)以1800萬令吉,出售Extiva通訊90%股權給楊忠禮通訊(YTL Communications)。




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发表于 11-11-2010 02:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

    * 大馬財經

2010-11-11 14:11

(吉隆坡10日訊)楊忠禮電力(YTLPOWR, 6742, 主板基建計劃組)即將在本月19日推出高速寬頻互聯網服務,加上私有化傳言刺激,該股今天騰漲刷新高。









市場較早也盛傳楊忠禮電力或私有化,但聯昌認為,集團進行重組的幾率不大,因在現有時機,大股東楊忠禮機構(YTL, 4677, 主板建筑組)要付出昂貴代價。


再者,楊忠禮機構預料將投標總值100億至120億令吉的子彈火車計劃,也將耗資龐大現金,因此,楊忠禮機構若要推行私有化計劃的話,將先從小型的公司開始,包括股票流通量較低的子公司,如楊忠禮電子(YTLE, 0009, 創業板科技組)及楊忠禮置地(YTLLAND, 2577, 主板產業組)。


配合科技發展活動,並把握其他業務成長,楊忠禮電子(YTLE, 0009, 創業板科技組)以1千800萬令吉,全面脫售Extiva通訊公司股權予楊忠禮通訊。



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发表于 11-11-2010 07:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
系列计划未明朗 杨忠礼电力可守住
2010/11/11 6:55:41 PM






http://www.nanyang.com/NewsCente ... mp;SID=7&CID=12

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发表于 12-11-2010 05:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
bluemoon82 发表于 11-11-2010 08:30 AM

YTLPI is the builder and owner of two gas fired combined cycle power plants with a combined capacity
of 1,212 MW in Malaysia.YTLPI also owns a 60% stake in YTL Communications, which has approval from
the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to operate a 2.3 GHzWiMAX wireless
broadband network in Malaysia to be launched on 18thNovember 2010. YTLPI has 100% stake in Wessex Water,
serving an area of thesouth west of England, isone of the most efficient water and sewerage operators in the
United Kingdom.YTLPI has a 35% stake in PT Jawa Power, the second largest IPP in Indonesia,which owns
a 1,220MW coal-fired power plant located at the Paiton PowerGeneration Complex in East Java, Indonesia.
YTLPI also owns a 100% interest in PowerSeraya Limited, the second largest power generation company in
Singapore interms of installed capacity, with a total licensed capacity of 3,100 MW.

ElectraNet Pty Ltd
In 2000, YTL Power had acquired 33.5 % of Australia'sElectraNet Pty Ltd for some RM1.9 billion. ElectraNet
which owns and operatesthe power transmission network in South  Australia, is operated under a 200-year
power transmission concession.

Wessex Water
In May 2002, YTL Power International acquired 100% stake in Wessex Water for £544.5 million in cash and
assumed £695 million ofdebts. Wessex Water is a regional water and sewerage operators in the United Kingdom
serving parts of south west andsouthern England.The area cover by Wessex Water include Dorset, Somerset,Bristol,
most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire.Wessex Water is recognized by the water industry
regulator, Ofwat,as one of the most efficient water and sewerage companies in England and Wales.

PT Jawa Power
In 2004 YTL Power International bought a 35% stake in PT JawaPower for US$139.4 million from PT Bumipertiwi Tatrapradipta. PT Jawa Power is the second largest independent power producer (IPP) in Indonesia. It has a 1,220MW coal-fired power plant located at the Paiton Power GenerationComplex in East Java, Indonesia.
PT Jawa Power has a 30-year PPA with PT PLN(Persero), the state-owned electric utility company.

In December 2008, YTL Power International Bhd announced that itwill pay S$3.6bil cash and take on a debt of
$201 million for Power Seraya Ltd. Power Seraya is the second largestpower generation company in Singapore
by installed capacity, supply about a quarter of Singapore's total licensed generation capacity. It has alicensed
generating capacity of 3,100MW and is situated on Jurong Island, Singapore. Seraya Energy Pte Ltd, a 100%
subsidiary of Power Seraya, is the leadingpower supplier in Singaporeelectricity market with 18% total market
share in 2007.

长远看。。YTL Power还是YTL e-Solutions比较有钱途和潜力??

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发表于 13-11-2010 11:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
YTL Power International Bhd
(Nov 11, RM2.50)

Friday, 12 November 2010 11:38

Hold at RM2.60 with target price under review: YTL Power International Bhd’s (YTLP) 60%-owned YTL Communications Sdn Bhd has acquired a 90% stake in Extiva Communications Sdn  Bhd from YTL e-Solutions Bhd for RM18 million cash.

Extiva, principally involved in developing and marketing voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) telephony and other advanced network media appliances for the service provider and enterprise telephony markets, registered a decline in net profit from RM3 million in FY08 to RM1 million  in FY10.

This is due to stiff competition in Malaysia’s VoIP and alternative voice service provider (AVSP) markets.

But YTLP appears to hope its WiMax investment will provide new revenue streams for Extiva’s telephony services.

Compared to Axiata Group’s FY10 price-to-earnings ratio (PER) of 13 times and price-to-book (PB) ratio of 1.8 times, the purchase consideration for Extiva  appears a little pricey, translating to a FY10 PER of 15 times and PB ratio of three times.

But given the relatively small value, this will have an insignificant impact on YTLP’s FY11 to FY13 earnings.

YTLP shares have recently surged on news that the pre-launch response to its WiMax service has been above management’s internal targets.  But note that this is not confirmed registration as the actual launch will only be on Nov 18.

The group also plans to invest up to RM2 billion to deploy hybrid television services in Malaysia and the Asia Pacific region to provide content for the WiMax wireless broadband services.

We have not assigned any value for the WiMax investment to our sum-of-parts (SOP) valuation of RM2.15 a share. Assuming one time book value, our SOP will rise to RM2.33. We place YTLP’s fair value under review pending greater clarity on the response to the WiMax service.

The stock trades at a fully-diluted 2011 PER of 18 times, above its three-year diluted PER band of 10 to16 times. It still offers a decent dividend yield of 5%, which we understand is unlikely to be adversely affected by the RM2.5 billion WiMax capital expenditure programme. — AmResearch, Nov 11

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发表于 14-11-2010 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

(吉隆坡14日訊)楊忠禮通訊(YTL Communications)19日推出比3G快速4至5倍的“Yes”4G流動網絡服務,除了當天將邀請首相拿督斯里納吉主持推介外,為搶奪消費者眼球,將採用“白武士(Stormtrooper)大戰隆市街道”行銷策略。


除了傳統的廣告開銷,還加入新元素,將Danny Choo開創的星際大戰(Star Wars) 白武士舞蹈帶到位于樂天廣場(Lot 10)的“Yes”旗艦店。






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发表于 15-11-2010 11:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
小胖1120吉隆坡开音乐会 Lot 10 Yes 旗舰店推介礼
2010/11/14 5:34:52 PM

(吉隆坡14日讯)小胖林育群将于11月20日(星期六)傍晚7时,在吉隆坡乐天广场(Lot 10)Rootz举行大马唯一一场音乐会。所有已购买小胖专辑《It’s My Time·梦想启航》或《未来的第一站》的朋友,只要在当天携带正版专辑到音乐会现场即可免费入场欣赏到这位台湾之光的现场演唱功力。


11月18日(四),10.00pm,MY FM电台访问

11月19日(五),7.00pm,Lot 10 Yes 旗舰店推介礼(地点:吉隆坡乐天广场底层大厅)

11月19日(五),9.00pm,ONE FM电台访问



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发表于 15-11-2010 11:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 15-11-2010 03:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

Fazk.wordpress.com, November 14, 2010

Posted by Faz
I attended the soft launch of YTL Communications 4G mobile internet service, yes. That’s the name, yes. Or maybe I should say yes is its name  Check out the website www.yes.com.my.  A few friends shook their heads when I told them about that though.  Not 4G, they tell me. That set me off on a quest to look for the differences between 3G and 4G (you know me and how much I enjoy asking questions, right?) So here’s what I got from the most-top rated website that Google Chrome returned right after I entered the question:

3G is the current generation of mobile telecommunication standards. It allows simultaneous use of speech and data services and offers data rates of up to 14 Mbps downlink and 5 Mbps uplink, while…

4G is the fourth and the next generation of mobile telecommunication standards. Its infrastructure will be only packet-based (all-IP). 4G will probably combine 3G, GSM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and VoIP.

Other than being able to surf, call and sms on the laptop or computer, the main differentiator is the speed. It means, 4G will be (or should be) super duper fast. How fast is fast, we may ask. Well, the YTL Comms 4G network is 3 to 5 times faster than 3G; an all-IP network that is designed with the Internet in mind. With yes, YTL Communication aims to offer Broaderband (clever play on the word, yes) where voice service is part of mobile Internet.

During the soft-launch event, I piggy-backed on the wireless network yes (thanks to @davybates) and I was shocked at how fast my pages loaded. I got whole pages up faster than a blink of an eye, and I tell you now, I can blink quite fast. YTL Comms CEO Wing was very happy with my experience when I told him about it. And frankly, so was I. Wouldn’t you be happy if you can watch YouTube videos with minimal pauses while loading? In my work, I deal with content a lot. I work with agents who send me links to their huge files via yousendit or other bulk-file transporters. I don’t need to tell you how frustrating it is to click on the download button, walk (at a very leisurely pace) to the pantry, fill the kettle, boil water, make yourself a cup of coffee and walk back to your desk at a much slower pace so as to not spill the coffee and find that your 42Mb file is still downloading at a baby snail’s pace. You yourself know how cringe-worthy those moments are, don’t you?

Back to more pleasant times, I am attending the yes launch on the 19th. I RSVP’d to the event and I’m genuinely looking forward to it. I want to find out how else yes can turn my phone into an extension of my computer and vice versa, so that I can send files, make and receive calls, play games (ok maybe not so much of this one), send and receive SMS, on any device, anytime, anywhere.

I also want to find out more about how yes has no separate plans for data, calls and SMS (did you catch my attempt at wordplay there with “yes has no..”? *wink*) and how I can say goodbye to multiple plans and high monthly commitments because the soft launch mentioned how I pay only for what I use, just like electricity. And did I mention that the credit doesn’t expire?

So yes, there a lot of things that I want to find out about yes (OK, I should stop now – but puns are just too irresistible - whether they work or not! LOL) and to my friends who say “It’s not 4G” with their upper lip curling with contempt, I say this: check it out first, AND THEN decide. If  yes is something that could give me a great value, with a price tag that I am happy to pay for, I’d give it a shot. And I can qualify my own statement – after all, I subscribed to P1 WiMax, didn’t I? I will continue practicing my power of choice the best I can. Will you?

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发表于 15-11-2010 03:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
Yes 4G : Today YTL Communications held a signing ceremony with RTM and Primeworks (Media Prima Group) where they have agreed to jointly create new productions for local and regional broadcast. YTL Communications will also be hosting RTM’s and Media Prima Group’s channels and their existing quality local content on its next generation TV service. So that's good news all around folks!

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发表于 15-11-2010 06:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
YTL enters into collaboration with RTM and Primeworks (Of the Media Prima Group)

From left: Datuk Ibrahim Yahaya ¨C Director General, RTM, Tan Sri Dato¡¯ (Dr.) Francis Yeoh ¨C Managing Director of YTL Corporation Bhd and Executive Chairman of YTL Communications Sdn Bhd, Dato¡¯ Amrin Awaluddin ¨C Director of Primeworks and Group MD Media Prima group
Kuala Lumpur, November 15, 2010

Continuing the strong momentum to launch a next generation TV service by the end of 2011, YTL Communications Sdn Bhd today signed agreements with RTM and Primeworks Studios Sdn Bhd of the Media Prima Group to collaborate and further enhance the local television experience and propel Malaysia into a regional, digital broadcast hub.

RTM is a Malaysian state-owned public broadcaster and Primeworks Studios is Malaysia's biggest production company and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Media Prima Group, Malaysia's leading integrated media investment group.

YTL’s next generation TV service is the most advanced, digital TV service that seamlessly integrates traditional television and Internet content, while automatically recording and organizing the customer’s favourite shows. This is a continuation of YTL’s journey to bring Malaysians into a true digital era that will start with the launch of its Yes 4G Mobile Internet with Voice service, on November 19. Based on this leading-edge 4G mobile Internet architecture, YTL’s Yes service will bring together the world of mobile Internet and voice communications at the launch.

This network will grow into a fully wireless quad-play service by 2011, which will will effectively give users mobile broadband, mobile voice, home TV and mobile TV all in one account.

Under the agreements signed today, YTL Communications will work towards hosting RTM’s and Media Prima Group’s channels and their existing quality local content on its next generation TV service. The partners will also undertake to jointly create new productions for local and regional broadcast.

“With YTL’s next generation TV service, we are accelerating the Government’s plan to digitize broadcast by 2015. This certainly bodes well for our local content industry, as it will spur digital media creation called for by the domestic and regional demand”, said Datuk Ibrahim Yahaya, Director General of RTM.

“Together, we are making Malaysia the regional hub for digital media and content. I’m positive that through our existing content and the new productions that we will be making together, we will grow to serve a market that is beyond the 28 million people of this country and reach to the billions across Asia Pacific”, said Dato’ Amrin Awaluddin, Director of Primeworks Studios Sdn Bhd and Group MD Media Prima Berhad.

“I am very pleased with this collaboration and I thank both RTM and Media Prima Group for their support of YTL’s efforts to make Malaysia a fully converged wireless quad-play country. This will cement our position as the world’s most advanced wireless country”, said Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr.) Francis Yeoh, Executive Chairman of YTL Communications Sdn Bhd. “With this collaboration, content and technology are coming together to encourage those who have never felt the need to embrace broadband, to now do so. We are working side by side to provide quality content and make it relevant to all Malaysians to adopt broadband at a faster rate. This is what a true nation building exercise is all about”.

YTL’s next generation TV service will enable content providers to deliver new and innovative services to their stakeholders and customers. This is the foundation of an advanced two-sided business model, where a next generation TV network serves as a distribution platform for content as well as new application services. Such capability will unlock many new business opportunities and drive economic growth.

This collaboration between YTL Communications, RTM and Media Prima Group will create a vibrant and healthy ecosystem of content services, which will drive the growth of high skilled, high-income jobs, in line with government’s drive towards high-income economy, anchored in innovation.

wire, GCT Semiconductor, Samsung and Intel, YTL Communications will roll out a nation-wide 4G mobile Internet network in 2010. For more information please visit: www.ytlcomms.my.

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发表于 15-11-2010 06:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
November 15, 2010 18:08
http://www.chinapress.com.my/con ... mp;art=1116bs03.txt

楊忠禮機構旗下楊忠禮通訊(YTL Communications)將在19日推出的“YES”4G流動網絡服務及語音服務,將會與國內外各資訊服務供應商合作,以在1年后推介混合電視(Hybrid TV)服務。















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发表于 15-11-2010 06:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
与RTM和首要传媒合作 杨忠礼通讯招揽本地节目
2010/11/15 5:23:12 PM
http://beta.nanyang.com/NewsCent ... mp;SID=7&CID=12
(吉隆坡15日讯)杨忠礼机构(YTLCorp,4677,主板建筑股)与大马国营广播电视台(RTM)和首要传媒(Media,4502,主板贸服股)签署了解备忘录,探索为杨忠礼通讯(YTL Commnunication)供应国内节目内容。


杨忠礼通讯即将在本月19日推出4G服务,并将会在明年杪推出具流动宽频、流动语音、家庭电视和流动电视于一个户口的无线混合式电视服务(Hybrid TV)。








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发表于 15-11-2010 06:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 15-11-2010 07:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

    * 大馬財經
    * 即時新聞

2010-11-15 13:01

(吉隆坡15日訊)楊忠禮機構(YTL, 4677, 主板建筑組)旗下的通訊臂膀-楊忠禮通訊(YTL CORP)與首要媒體(MEDIA, 4502, 主板貿服組)及大馬電台與電視台(RTM)今天簽署一項合作諒解備忘錄,以進一步增強本地電視的體驗,把大馬推向區域化的數碼廣播樞紐。

首要媒體是通過旗下獨資子公司Primeworks Studios私人有限公司簽署,後者是國內最大規模的製作公司,前者是大馬領先綜合媒體投資集團。RTM則是大馬國營公共廣播電台及電視台公司。

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发表于 15-11-2010 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

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