发表于 25-4-2007 06:03 PM
When will the stock market crash again?
My usual answer for this question is the stock market will not crash as long as you continue to worry about when it will crash. The market will crash at the time when you least expect it to happen. Investors should remember that the market always performs beyond your expectations.
What triggers a downfall in the market?
Wednesday April 25, 2007
Ooi Kok Hwa is a licensed investment adviser and managing partner of MRR Consulting and he writes on 'Personal Investing'.
AS a result of China's higher-than-expected economic growth of 11.1% and fear of possible further interest rate hikes in China, regional markets, including Malaysia, fell sharply last Thursday.
This was the second time after Chinese New Year (CNY) that a drop in Chinese stock prices rattled the markets across Asia.
According to Lee In Ho in his study on Market Crashes and Informational Avalanches, there are four stages in a market crash. They are boom, euphoria, trigger and panic.
Under the boom stage, the market will normally have a main theme that excites everyone about stocks.
In Malaysia, several positive measures under the Ninth Ma- laysia Plan got investors excited about the construction and property sectors. At this stage, this is seldom a bubble as companies continue showing good corporate results. A bubble will be created at the euphoria stage. The unjustified extrapolation of future earnings and the revision of higher target prices by research analysts can cause overconfidence in companies’ future performance.
A bubble will start to take shape when the general public reacts to this overconfidence. An irrational exuberance will occur when market prices and expectations about future values are far beyond the fundamentals of the companies.
However, no one will know when the rise will stop. A market will resume its upward trend until something triggers the downfall.
Usually, the stock prices get higher and steeper just before the market crash.
At the trigger stage, private information will reach a threshold that triggers other traders to alter their behaviour. At this critical situation, when almost everyone is at irrational exuberance, any event can trigger the market to tumble.
In January 1994, our stock market put the blame on former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin for saying that he had sold all his shares because prices had reached dangerous levels.
Until now, nobody can really understand the main reason behind the sharp plunge on the Shanghai Index right after the CNY.
According to some fund managers in China, the selling was mainly due to investors panicking when they noticed that their friends were selling stocks.
A famous researcher in behavioural finance, Robert Shiller, conducted a survey by asking institutional and individual investors what was in their mind during the stock market crash in 1987. One conclusion he drew was that the crash was due to people reacting to each other with heightened attention and emotion.
Investors seemed to follow what other investors were doing. As a result of action and reaction, a feedback loop was created when everyone had a simultaneous reaction to common stimuli.
A market crash is described as a process that corrects a public belief that is inconsistent with the current distribution of private information. The severity of a crash will depend on whether the market is filled by “new generation” investors or experienced traders.
“New generation” investors do not know anything about the stock market but are greedy and want to get quick money from it. A market will not crash if it has experienced traders who know how to control risk and when to cut losses.
However, if a market is filled by “new generation” investors with no holding power and do not know when is the right time to sell a stock, any sharp drop in prices could result in panic selling. At this panic stage, the fear of further drops could cause big fall in prices.
When will the stock market crash again?
My usual answer for this question is the stock market will not crash as long as you continue to worry about when it will crash. The market will crash at the time when you least expect it to happen. Investors should remember that the market always performs beyond your expectations.
We should not be too worried about when the market will crash. Instead, we should consistently review our portfolio and sell those stocks whose prices have gone beyond their intrinsic value.
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 25-4-2007 06:05 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 25-4-2007 06:04 PM
回复 #2081 shuhjiunho 的帖子
它的厂不大,但是很多,好像整条街都是它的厂。 |
发表于 25-4-2007 06:26 PM
发表于 25-4-2007 06:59 PM
原帖由 magnumao 于 25-4-2007 06:26 PM 发表
所以,越多人看到是风险的,我通常都会把它看成是机会!反其道而行! |
楼主 |
发表于 25-4-2007 07:11 PM
Fred J, Young曾经说过:
If you are not a chronic optimist, you will not have the courage to buy when stocks are at the bottom.
但是,这个人却能够凭据悲观的性格而成功,真的不简单。 |
发表于 25-4-2007 07:32 PM
回复 #2086 klse.8k 的帖子
你又怎么知道他 (moola) 成功了?
其实看他的 blog 有一个好处--他有 follow-up,可以 retrospectively 学习如何避免投资错误。
我有看的喔! |
发表于 25-4-2007 08:15 PM
1. 三星拟推蓝光/HDDVD双模DVD 消除格式之争
2007年4月16日 13点51分 来源:CNET科技资讯网
厂商打仗,用户遭殃。用户搞不清楚应该选购哪种DVD播放器。 这两种格式的播放器去年均已上市,但销量非常糟糕。
2. 复合更有前途 三星今夏正式上市双格式高清蝶机
更新时间:2007-4-17 0:13:40 作者:飘飘
三星电子数码AV分部执行副总裁Dongsoo Jun表示,三星电子对于推出该类复合播放功能的高清设备充满信心,当前消费用户已经非常热衷于高清电影内容,但是格式不同确实令人感觉厌烦,三星的复合高清播放机则可以帮助用户解除这个烦恼。
3. 三星弃单一蓝光 重回双标准格式之间
文章出处:eNet硅谷动力 2007-04-17 16:46
刚刚于去年在市场上推出一款蓝光DVD播放器的三星电子公司日前表示,三星未来还将支持蓝光格式的竞争对手——HD DVD格式产品。
三星未来还将支持蓝光格式的竞争对手——HD DVD格式产品
当前市场上,蓝光格式产品的销量要超出HD DVD格式产品。HDDVD格式得到了三大影音公司寰宇影视、华纳兄弟以及派拉蒙公司的支持,但华纳兄弟及派拉蒙同时在支持着蓝光格式,而20世纪福克斯电影、沃尔特·迪斯尼电影、索尼影音等势力雄厚的娱乐公司却是蓝光格式忠实信仰者。
消费电子市场上,蓝光格式也占据了领先地位,三星、索尼、飞利浦以及松下等公司都推出了蓝光格式的机顶盒播放产品,HD DVD方面,唯独东芝推出了HD DVD格式的播放器。索尼的PlayStation3内置了蓝光格式播放器,所幸的是微软 Xbox 360上也附带了光驱设备,而且支持的是HD DVD格式。
三星电子公司数字AV分部的副总裁Dongsoo Jun表示,“三星公司将根据市场消费需求,适时推出一款单一支持HD DVD格式的播放器产品”
“我们所关注的不是技术本身,而是消费者的选择。就当前而言,消费者非常盼望HD格式的节目,但市场上偏偏大量充斥了与之相悖的格式内容。” Jun称。
环球家庭娱乐公司(Universal Studios Home Entertainment)公司总裁CraigKornblau对于三星公司拟推出HD DVD产品计划非常兴奋,他称,“作为长期支持蓝光格式产品倡导者,三星公司也开始逐渐承认HDDVD格式的巨大市场潜力”。
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 25-4-2007 08:16 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 25-4-2007 08:36 PM
回复 #2087 web 的帖子
以前他有个DELPHI FORUM(已经收档了),曾在那里和他打过交道.那时还年轻,所以就对他很崇拜. |
发表于 26-4-2007 06:21 PM
Wal-Mart Names HD DVD the Winner
There is one retailer that has the power to call the winner of the protracted Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD fight and that vendor is Wal-Mart. Over the weekend they apparently leaked plans to bring in a massive number of low cost (possibly sub $200) HD DVD players for Christmas.
The manufacturing side of this has apparently been in the works for a few years but this is the first time we have had projected prices for the result.
Why Wal-Mart, Why Now?
Wal-Mart uses DVDs to build store traffic. They tend to subsidize the price for the movies they feature to get folks into the stores and once there, these folks tend to buy other things. DVDs have been so effective for the company they threw their body at movie downloadsinitially and delayed the related services by several years. However,they have now realized that this kind of thing is coming regardless and have brought out their own movie download service to compete. But that doesn’t address the store traffic benefit that will be evaporating as people move away from DVDs for standard definition downloadable movies.
Wal-Mart sees the new high definition formats as a way to bring in store traffic again but they realized that won’t happen unless the players are affordable and there is only one standard. They recognized their own power in being king maker previously and are now using that power to drive the format that works best for them. They could care less about the technology as this is all about making money and they (like every other retailer in this space) know that two formats won’t allow the market to move outside of the fringes and the dual-mode players are simply way too expensive.
So they need one standard and a lot of players in market before theirDVD customers wander off to download land and stops coming to Wal-Mart for movies.
Why HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray?
For Wal-Mart the only real metric is cost. Wal-mart doesn’t really make money off of the movies and do not sell high-end home theater equipment. They are known for aggressive prices and, as mentioned above, they subsidize their DVD sales. They needed something that could sell for under $200 soon and they needed the lowest cost of the new formats. This is where HD DVD shines, not only had Toshiba agreed to license to low cost manufacturers early on, but HD DVDs are pressed on the same lines that regular DVDs are, they require no major equipment change out and the blanks, when compared to Blu-Ray are less expensive as well.
This made the decision simple, Blu-Ray was just too expensive to make this work and any technical advantages were insignificant against Wal-Mart’s need for the lowest cost offering. For them it is about price and that is where HD DVD clearly has the sustainable advantage.
What does this Mean?
It means that any studio wanting Wal-Mart’s supportafter year end had better be selling HD DVD movies. Wal-Mart won’t be promoting Blu-Ray and, after year end, will increasingly focus their marketing on getting people to buy into HD DVD players and the related HD DVD movie from them.
In short, the Blu-Ray aligned studios will now have to either support both formats or risk losing much of Wal-Mart's business and given how material this business is to them, you have to think that an anti-Wall-Mart decision would have a material impact on their bonuses and career longevity. It certainly puts Columbia Pictures,which is owned by Sony, in a particularly uncomfortable position.
So, if this move by Wal-Mart is true, and it appears to be (but we won’t know for sure for a few months yet), the format war is likely over and Wal-Mart has declared the winner.
[ 本帖最后由 四伯爽 于 26-4-2007 06:33 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-4-2007 06:38 PM
以WAL-MART的规模,如果选择HD DVD的话,肯定会有一定的影响吧 |
发表于 26-4-2007 06:48 PM
发表于 26-4-2007 07:03 PM
Wal-Mart Enters HD Packaged Media in Earnest
Posted: April 20, 2007
Retail behemoth Wal-Mart, heretofore a spectator regarding HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc, is quietly ramping up efforts to overcome its late arrival to the next-generation optical media party.
Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart is selling the recently reduced $399 Toshiba HD-D1 player ($348 online) and Blu-ray RCA HD V5000 ($450) and Philips BDP900 ($898) in about 750 stores, with movies in both formats available in additional stores, according to a company spokesperson.
Melissa O’Brien, senior manager of corporate communications for merchandise, said the chain will carry Sony’s new Blu-ray player when it is released. Wal-Mart also stocks Sony’s PlayStation 3 game console, which includes a Blu-ray drive.
Wal-Mart’s beachhead in high-def packaged media could evolve into something more significant following a report the retailer had ordered 2 million Chinese-made HD DVD players for $100 million.
AVS Forum reported that upstart Taiwanese consumer electronics manufacturer Fuh Yuan had partnered with TDK in China to manufacture the projected $299 players.
Spokesperson O’Brien wouldn't comment on the HD DVD player order but said Wal-Mart is in the process of revamping its electronics department to entice both tech savvy early adopters as well as general consumers with improved products at discounted prices.
“[Most] of the shoppers asking about and purchasing either Blu-ray or HD DVD are already pretty savvy technically about both — they are the kind of consumer that absolutely wants the very best and latest in quality that's available,” said O’Brien via e-mail. “It's not quite yet a product the average shopper is attune too, but we anticipate that will change very soon as prices continue to come down.”
http://www.homemediaretailing.co ... fm?article_id=10557 |
发表于 26-4-2007 07:07 PM
The Wal-Mart $299 HD DVD player on the way
Posted Apr 20th 2007 6:52AM by Thomas Ricker
Filed under: Industry, HD DVD, Players, Others
Get ready to get your cheap HD on kids. Wal-Mart just threw down some serious green for a batch of Chinese-made HD DVD players. Just as they brought DVD players down to near-disposable status, their deal for 2 million HD DVD players produced by China's Great Wall corporation will ultimately do the same for hi-def optical. The guts are developed by Taiwan's Fuh Yuan with a touch of help from Japan's TDK. How much? A magical $299, that's how much -- $100 less than the cheapest available HD DVD rig (Toshiba's A2) and half of Sony's $600 BDP-S300 Blu-ray Disc player. It's not clear when we'll see the first units on Wal-Mart shelves, only that the final shipment from the order is expected before 2008 is over.
Update: Pull back the reigns HD DVD fanboys, Akihabara now says that they've made a "huge mistake" with their translation: the original source called it "藍光HD DVD and 藍光means Blu-RAY." In other words, Blu-ray HD DVD. Huh? Word to the wise: since both formats use blue lasers, it's best to wait for an English press release before either camp celebrates.
福彥 獲沃爾瑪大單 | 【經濟日報/記者宋健生/台中報導】
| 2007.04.16 02:13 am |
| | | 福彥總經理鄧鴻吉展示藍光HD-DVD機芯,零售業巨擘沃爾瑪下單採購200萬台藍光HD-DVD播放機,總金額高達3億美元。
記者宋健生/攝影 | 福彥電子位於中部科學園區的研發營運總部昨(15)日落成啟用,總經理鄧鴻吉宣布,福彥已接獲零售業巨擘沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)採購200萬台藍光HD-DVD播放機訂單,總金額達3億美元,明年底前將全數交貨。
【2007/04/16 經濟日報】
| http://www.udn.com/2007/4/16/NEWS/STOCK/STO5/3804769.shtml
福彥電子公司中科廠在歷經一年的籌建,昨天上午舉行完工啟用儀式,前監察院長錢復夫婦等黨政要員均出席了這項盛會。董事長鄧鴻吉在新廠啟用典禮中,也對外發表新的產品「藍光HD DVD」機芯,而這也是由國人自行研發的第一台高解析度的藍光HD DVD。
鄧鴻吉也提到、藍光HDDVD機芯為高容量、高畫質、高解析的新視野,可以讓影像更為逼真、畫面更絢麗。其優勢是更容易與現行DVD光碟保持相容性,且可繼續使用現有DVD光碟的生產設備,便於擴大光碟和物鏡的距離,不需要光碟卡匣等,大幅降低從現有DVD過渡至HD DVD所需的成本,使得碟片生產廠商由DVD轉換至HDDVD時所需的成本能夠降到最低。此外,HD DVD碟片記錄容量雖較小,但防刮、防污能力好,不需卡匣,因此生產製程較容易且成本較低。
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 26-4-2007 07:11 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-4-2007 10:13 PM
对不起 对不起
我是在 http://digg.com/ 上面看到的 |
发表于 26-4-2007 10:28 PM
希望它的spill-over effect会对光碟业有正面的影响
我会不会太乐观了呵 |
发表于 26-4-2007 10:28 PM
由此可见,megan小股东刻骨铭心的机会也越来越大了。 |
发表于 27-4-2007 01:11 AM
[ 本帖最后由 北风沙 于 27-4-2007 01:13 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 27-4-2007 01:31 AM
Blu-ray Reaches 1 Million Milestone
Blu-ray Reaches 1 Million Milestone
Blu-ray Disc (BD) has become the first high definition format to sell more than one million discs, and the format accounted for 70% of high-definition movies sold during the first quarter of this year, according to sales figures from Home Media Research (HMR).
Blu-ray’s sales lead has increased each month since the first of the year and nearly three out of every four high-definition movies sold in March were on Blu-ray Disc, according to the HMR sales figures.
Blu-ray Disc titles accounted for eight of the top ten selling high definition titles in the first quarter of this year and since the introduction of both high definition formats, seven of the top ten selling high definition movies are on Blu-ray Disc, according to the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA).
According to U-Tech, Taiwan's largest maker of pre-recorded discs, the top eight Hollywood studios and some independent movie producers currently have only a few OEM makers, such as Austria-based Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation (DADC) and Japan-based Memory-Tech, producing their blue-laser movie discs and are not expected to release OEM orders to new makers for the time being.
Sony DADC has three production lines with a monthly capacity of 750,000 pre-recorded Blu-ray discs while Memory-Tech has invested in Shanghai United Optical Disc for the production of HD DVD discs, industry sources in Taiwan pointed out.
Story source: digitimes.com. |
发表于 27-4-2007 01:46 AM
发表于 27-4-2007 08:09 PM
| 7101 MEGAN MEGAN MEDIA HOLDINGS BHD | Changes in Director's Interest (S135) | | Particulars of Director 37 | | Name | : | DATO' DR MOHD ADAM BIN CHE HARUN | NRIC/Passport No./Company No. | : | | Nationality/Country of Incorporation | : | | | Address: | CENDERAWASIH, LOT 995, AIR DINGIN, 16200 TUMPAT, KELANTAN DARUL NAIM | Descriptions (Class and Nominal Value): | ORDINARY SHARES OF RM1.00 EACH | | Name and Address of Registered Holder: | | | Details of Changes | | Date of Notice | : | 26/04/2007 | | Transactions: | No. | Date | Transaction Type | No of Shares | Price (RM) | 1. | 20/04/2007 | Disposed | 150,000 | -[/td] | 2. | 23/04/2007 | Disposed | 187,500 | -[/td] | 3. | 24/04/2007 | Disposed | 224,000 | -[/td] | 4. | 25/04/2007 | Disposed | 180,000 | -[/td] |
| | Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred: | DISPOSED VIA OPEN MARKET | Nature of Interest: | BENEFICIAL INTEREST | Consideration:
| | No of Shares Held After Changes: | Direct | : | 6,017,806 shares (2.9600%) | Indirect/Deemed Interest | : | 0 shares (0.0000%) | Total | : | 6,017,806 shares | | Remarks: | N/A | | Submitted By: | WONG AI LENG |
27/04/2007 05:54 PM |
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