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发表于 10-3-2010 09:06 AM | 显示全部楼层

http://www.wbsp.net     2010-02-23    来源:美国商业资讯

加利福尼亚州圣何塞--(美国商业资讯)--GCT半导体公司是面向全球市场的移动WiMAX解决方案领先供应商。公司今日宣布杨忠礼通讯私人有限公司承诺采购100万件WiMAX单芯片,其中包括GCT公司的GDM7205 WiMAX单芯片和GDM7215 WiMAX/WiFi双模单芯片。



  首席执行官Wing K. Lee说:“今天的宣布标志着杨忠礼通信的又一个重要里程碑。我们生态系统建设工作的中心是通过我们的努力推动规模经济,建立全球首个全国性的4G网络。这个重要订单几乎是WiMAX历史上最大的订单,确保我们未来的客户在4G产品方面获得最好的性价比,GCT公司在4G芯片组生态系统中是家关键的公司,其WiMAX解决方案提供同类领先的功耗和移动性能。我们相信,结合GCT公司经市场验证的解决方案和专长,我们将实现我们的目标,使马来西亚跃进成为一个宽带国家。”

  GCT半导体公司总裁兼首席执行官Kyeongho “KH” Lee博士说:“我们很高兴通过这个大订单进一步参与杨忠礼通信的4G部署工作并为之做贡献。杨忠礼通信这个100万件芯片订单将牢牢确保GCT公司无可争议的市场份额领先地位,使公司在今年能够维持60%以上的市场份额,并与40多个国家进行设计合作,包括马来西亚、韩国、日本、俄罗斯和美国。”


  杨忠礼通信私人有限公司是杨忠礼电力国际公司的通信事业部,后者是马来西亚企业集团杨忠礼集团的子公司。杨忠礼通信获得马来西亚通讯和多媒体委员会(MCMC)的批准, 以 2.3 GHz WiMAX 无线宽频网络在马来西亚进行网络运营,为人们提供支付得起的世界级服务,从而改善马来西亚人的工作、学习和娱乐方式。借助母公司强大的财力支持和同类最佳的战略伙伴(如思科、Clearwire、GCT和三星)的技术知识,杨忠礼通信公司将在2010年推出全球首个全国性的4G网络。作为一个负责任的企业公民,杨忠礼通信将竭尽所能弥合城市和农村社区的数字鸿沟,改善人们生活质量,并支持促进科技创新的工作。要了解更多详情,敬请访问: www.ytlcomms.my


  杨忠礼电力国际公司是一个公用事业集团,活跃于全球公用事业的主要领域。总部位于马来西亚,公司在马来西亚证券交易所上市(截至2009年10月31日,公司市值为129亿令吉或38亿美元),并在英国、新加坡、澳洲和印尼开展营运服务。其核心业务包括:发电、零售、输电、供水和污水处理服务。杨忠礼通讯公司是杨忠礼电力国际公司在通讯业务的首次投资。杨忠礼电力国际公司是杨忠礼集团的子公司。要了解更多详情,敬请访问: www.ytlpowerinternational.com


  GCT半导体公司(GCT Semiconductor)是一家领先的委外代工型半导体企业,从事设计、开发和营销业务,为无线通信行业提供集成电路创新解决方案。凭借在CMOS射频和系统芯片(SOC)方面可靠的专长经验,GCT公司帮助3G和4G手机生产商降低物料成本和功率消耗,尽可能缩小部件的形状尺寸,为他们提供最先进的CMOS射频收发器、CMOS单芯片卫星数字多媒体广播(Satellite-DMB)数字接收器以及移动WiMAX解决方案。如需了解详细情况,请访问:www.gctsemi.com

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发表于 10-3-2010 09:33 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-3-2010 01:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
Wao~~杨先生的大公子是WiMAX部的Deputy CEO。。


the two eldest children of tan sri Francis Yeoh carry themselves with a dignity that belies their age. Both are still in their twenties, but are already working in the family’s multifarious business concerns.

Ruth the oldest grandchild to Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Yeoh Tiong Lay, is Finance Director of Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons Holdings. At the corporate level, she holds the title of Director of Investment. Younger brother but eldest son, Jacob, is Executive Director of Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay and Deputy CEO of the newly-established WiMAX division.

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-3-2010 04:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
Wao~~杨先生的大公子是WiMAX部的Deputy CEO。。


the two eld ...
klagigi 发表于 11-3-2010 01:10 AM

I do hope they are not those 3rd generations that are incapable but simply taking up a high post just because they are the heirs to a multibillion business. They have absolute advantage, superb exposure & have been living high up since they were borned. They should perform, as they are trained to do so. Lets hope our faith for YTL group will not go into drain.....pray hard.

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-3-2010 06:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
今 天 吃 了 点 泻 药
是 因 为 15 号 股 息 的 调 整 吗 ?

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-3-2010 12:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 klagigi 于 13-3-2010 12:58 AM 编辑
今 天 吃 了 点 泻 药
是 因 为 15 号 股 息 的 调 整 吗 ?
siokae0422 发表于 12-3-2010 06:09 PM

15/3才是dividend ex-date。。


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Follow Us
发表于 15-3-2010 01:39 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 16-3-2010 02:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
Four Companies Selected To Rehabilitate Klang River

Bernama, March 13, 2010

KLANG, March 13 (Bernama) -- The Selangor government has selected four companies to carry out the Klang River rehabilitation and development project, which is part of the state's economic stimulus package, unveiled last year.

Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the three companies, TSS-Mako Engineering Sdn Bhd, GJA Engineering Sdn Bhd and Wessex Water I-Bhd Consortium were chosen from among 37 companies.

Meanwhile, DPZ Asia Sdn Bhd was selected to design and plan the project given its wide experience not only in Malaysia but also in Vietnam, China, New Zealand and the United States.

Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the Klang River Carnival at Taman Pengkalan Batu here, he said the three companies were financially strong and were experienced in river cleaning and development.

He said TSS Mako would work closely with Handong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Korea Engineering Consultants Corporation and Yooshin Engineering Corporation of South Korea.

The companies were previously involved in various water projects including South Han River Maintenance, Seoul-Incheon Navigation Channel Project and Gemalink Container Terminal Project Phase One in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, GJA a Bumiputera company, designed and built several projects for the Education Ministry in Malaysia while Wessex Water, which was acquired by YTL Power supplys water and sewerage treatment in South West England.

It will team up with I-Bhd, the developer of the RM2.0 billion digital i-city project in Shah Alam for this river rehabilitation project.

"This is a public-private partnerhip, where senior and technical representatives of each of the three companies will form the Klang River Rehabilitation and Development Project Secretariat with the Selangor state government," he added.

He said the RM1 billion would be spent in development cost while another RM1.0 billion would be spent on cleaning and rehabilitating the river.

The government has gazetted 50 metres from the river as a "river reserve" to prevent any new development or settlement along the 120 kilometre-long river.

The initial stage of the project would take between two to three years to complete while the entire project will be developed in about 15 years.


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发表于 16-3-2010 02:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
Four firms to carry out RM50b Klang River rehabilitation project

NST Online, March 15, 2010

KLANG: The Selangor government has appointed four companies to carry out a RM50 billion Klang River rehabilitation project.
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the entire project would take 15 years to complete.

"We are looking at cleaning up the river first within the first two to three years, which involves RM1 billion for treatment and another RM1 billion for development," he said after the launch of a Klang river carnival here on Saturday.

The companies are TSS-Mako Engineering Sdn Bhd, GJA Engineering and Construction, Wessex Water I-Bhd Consortium and DPZ Asia.

TSS-Mako, GJA Engineering and Wessex Water were selected from 37 companies, which had submitted their proposals in October last year after the project was advertised by the state government. DPZ Asia was appointed by the menteri besar.

TSS-Mako blends local talents with three of South Korea's biggest engineering firms.

GJA Engineering is a 100 per cent Bumiputera-owned company, which for the last three years has been involved in the development of design of projects for the Education Ministry.

Wessex Water is a sewage treatment company based in the UK and is owned by YTL Corp Bhd.

Khalid said more details of the project would be made public after a briefing for the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah on March 29.

Wessex Water managing director Gareth Jones said the status of the Klang River now lies between a critical and bad stage.

"There is a lot of trash that needs to be weeded out but the river can be saved and improved," he said, adding that the company will start work by next year.

TSS-Mako Engineering Sdn Bhd managing director Ryan Park Youngsuk said the company's tasks included beautification work.

"We are looking at developing the area with a giant theme park in time to come.

"What is important now is to clean the river first."

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发表于 1-4-2010 06:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-4-2010 11:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问你买了多少LOTS? 平均价是多少?

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发表于 2-4-2010 12:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
请问你买了多少LOTS? 平均价是多少?
adamcc 发表于 1-4-2010 11:07 PM

40粒平均价很高。2.18。 收了半年多,拿了5千多股息。

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发表于 18-4-2010 02:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
40粒平均价很高。2.18。 收了半年多,拿了5千多股息。
独孤球拍 发表于 2-4-2010 12:05 AM

    不 错 不 错
大 家 一 起 再 接 再 励

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发表于 2-5-2010 10:18 AM | 显示全部楼层

Interview: Wing Lee of YTL Communications
Global Telecoms Business, April 29, 2010

One of Sprint’s passionate supporters of WiMax is now in Malaysia building a nationwide 4G network and is offering innovators around the world the chance to win $1 million for the best new application or device for the mobile internet.

Wing Lee is the CEO of YTL Communications, owned by a large Malaysian corporation, and is planning to launch its WiMax network soon with the support of the country’s government. “The government gets it,” says Lee. “The country needs 4G.”

And WiMax is more than just a wireless way of getting the internet, he insists. First, it’s essentially mobile — something that many WiMax operators have not yet exploited. And second, its introduction is going to stimulate the development of wholly unimagined applications. That’s why his company is offering prizes worth $1 million for the best.

YTL is one of the largest corporations in Malaysia, with interests ranging from power generation to construction and hotels to transport — it runs, with Siemens, the rail link from Kuala Lumpur to the airport. “Everything we do is first class and first world,” says Hong Kong-born Lee. And now it is spending $850 million on the WiMax project.

It’s a rich company with, says Lee, “$3 billion in the bank”, and it has global ambitions. A national WiMax network in Malaysia is not enough. “My goal is to make sure we launch in Malaysia and then take it elsewhere.” He’s aiming for “a soft launch in Q3 and a commercial launch in Q4” in YTL’s home country.

Order for one million chips

How big? Some idea of the scale that YTL plans is shown by an order it placed with a chip maker, GCT Semiconductor, in February 2010 for one million devices. YTL will deliver the devices to terminal makers later in 2010.

“We’re not just launching dongles,” says Lee. “We’re not going to be investing this money just to launch dongles. It’s safe to say that everyone understands the potential of WiMax but few understand its true potential.”

WiMax, he says, “is synonymous with the vision of the mobile internet. What are the new devices out there that need to be connected to the internet but aren’t today? The internet is going mobile. We’re changing the paradigm and new opportunities are bound to show up.”

Lee has been with YTL only since September 2009, but he’s been with WiMax for much longer. Educated in the US, he spent 15 years working in innovation at US operator Sprint Nextel “which was where I got so passionate about WiMax”. Sprint originally had its own WiMax project in the US but in 2008 merged its operations with those of a rival, Clearwire, in which it is now the biggest shareholder — along with some other significant companies such as Google. Lee joined Clearwire to continue working on the merged WiMax project.

At the same time YTL was given the opportunity by the government of Malaysia to build a 4G network. “As a new technology the government decided it was best not to give it to incumbent operators,” says Lee. “They would sit on it because they would not be motivated to disrupt their own business. That decision was strategic and historic.”

YTL did its own investigation of the technology. “They talked to Motorola and Samsung, and did due diligence. They talked to Sprint. That’s how they met me.”

Samsung and Cisco as vendors

The company decided to work with “the world’s best for wireless infrastructure”, he says. “Samsung is the world’s best for WiMax base station technologies. We need a strong IP backbone. Who’s best for IP networking? It goes without saying that it’s Cisco.”

So Samsung is providing base stations and in-building technology, and “we have awarded the IP backbone business to Cisco”, says Lee.

“Cisco saw the vision and got excited.” The company wanted to take a larger role “and Cisco is now responsible for the design and integration of the networks.”

This is a deep collaboration between the wider YTL group and Cisco. At the time of the deal, in 2008, Cisco and YTL said they want to create a “WiMax centre of excellence in Malaysia to become a world destination for WiMax technology development”.

Cisco’s chief globalisation officer, Wim Elfrink, said at the time “This collaborative model is a first for Cisco, and demonstrates how governments and technology leaders can together provide the network as a ‘fourth utility’ for delivering services that enhance business productivity and quality of life.”

As part of the deal, Cisco will be moving more into managed services than it has before: running the network operations centre once the network is commercial, says Lee. “Cisco will take it over.”
This launch, a few months away, will be “a multi-faceted launch, not just data only”, he adds, stimulated by the GCT chip order — “the largest single order in WiMax history”, he says.

“With a network across the country the true potential of the mobile internet can be demonstrated. There will be new applications that wouldn’t come alive unless there were a nationwide footprint.” With such a wide-ranging network, “the very proposition changes, the opportunities change”.

But why WiMax and not 3G? “The biggest difference is the chipset. Everything else is common,” says Lee. “The chipset is not yet a commodity, but you can drive down the cost and improve adoption by removing the economic barrier. That opens up the customer base. That’s powerful, right?”

Mobile technology

Existing WiMax deployments “don’t do justice to WiMax”, he adds. “It’s supposed to be a mobile technology. How can you deploy mobile technology and then tell me to use it at home?”

So WiMax will roam? “Roaming is not that complex,” says Lee. YTL is working with Clearwire which has “taken leadership in global roaming. We have to build critical mass and roaming is an important part of it. We are very much part of that partnership programme.”

But the main goal “is to deliver on our promises in Malaysia”, he adds. “Once we’ve done that other opportunities will open up.”

Malaysia has 27 million people, with an average age of only 26, and the internet reaches only 25%. “Our goal is to improve Malaysia’s connectivity year by year to get Malaysia to be comparable with its peers in the region — which is much larger than 25%. We believe this country deserves a lot more than it has now. I guarantee the demand is there.”

At the moment access is concentrated in urban areas: YTL wants to run a nationwide service in the peninsula of Malaysia.

He returns to the scope of the service that YTL aims to offer. “Globally WiMax operators are just selling dongles. That is not what WiMax is supposed to be. Our aspiration is to unleash the potential of WiMax.”

The company has “a unique calling to show the world how this promise is to be realised”, says Lee. “The internet is about democratising the flow of ideas.”

What can it do? Clearly Lee and YTL believe it can do more than just provide access to regular internet services — and in order to stimulate the development of new applications and devices the company has created a competition with prizes of $1 million.

The mYprize Global Developer Challenge, as it is called, “challenges developers from across the world to create unique applications, content or devices that highlight the benefits of YTL Communications’ 4G network in Malaysia”, says the company.

The competition — closing date September 30 2010 — is aimed at developers or anyone “who believes in the impact of your creation”. It is open to anyone around the world, including individuals and teams, and ideas can be in concept form or at beta stage.

There are prizes in three categories — applications, ideas and devices — with prizes ranging from $200,000, and a special extra prize for the best Malaysian winner of $120,000.

But he’s expecting entries from everywhere. “We welcome anyone who wants to create a better tomorrow. Innovation is a global phenomenon.” GTB

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发表于 26-5-2010 11:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
放上一些新闻。 最近股市大跌, 但YTLPower 完全不受影响。 想要加码也难啊。。。。。


PowerSeraya eyes expansion with YTL

Reuters) - Singapore's second-largest utility firm PowerSeraya Ltd, together with Malaysian parent YTL Power, is seeking to expand its operations, which could include selling utilities, fuel trading, and oil storage, in the region.
"We're looking for expansion opportunities in the utility arena, which could include power, electricity, water, tank management, fuel trading," Chief Executive Officer John Ng told the Reuters Energy Summit.
"If there are opportunities, we will certainly work together with our parent, YTL Power, within this region, and even outside this region," he said, adding there were no immediate plans or targets on the company's horizon at this time.
Malaysia's construction-to-power conglomerate YTL Corp (YTLS.KL), bought PowerSeraya from Singapore state investor Temasek Holdings in December 2008 for S$3.8 billion. ($2.3 billion)
YTL Power International Bhd's (YTLP.KL) businesses include power generation in Malaysia and Indonesia, power transmission in Australia and provision of water and sewage services in the UK.
PowerSeraya, which owns a 10,000 cubic-meter Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant and a 3,100-megawatt power plant, is in the last stages of commissioning a new S$800 million 800 MW Co-Generation Combined Cycle Plant. The unit, which will come on line by end-June, will generate both electricity and steam.
It also operates a 20-tank oil storage farm with a total capacity of about 1 million metric tons, including two new blending tanks that were completed at the end of 2009 for S$20 million.
"The new tanks complement our fuel oil supply and trading business," Ng said.
PetroSeraya, the company's physical trading arm, employs a handful of fuel oil traders. It more than doubled its net profit to S$12.2 million for the year ended March 31, 2009, despite volatile oil prices. Total traded volumes were 900,000 metric tons, with sales of S$673.6 million.
When asked if the company planned to build more tanks, Ng said: "What we have right now is sufficient for our needs for the next couple of years. We're constantly looking at markets around Singapore, to see whether there's a need for us to invest further."
PowerSeraya, a market leader in the Singapore electricity generation market with a 28 percent share, uses piped natural gas to generate power, besides fuel oil and diesel.
It has committed to buy liquefied natural gas (LNG) from BG Group (BG.L) once the S$1.5 billion Singapore LNG Terminal is completed in 2013.
"From two feedstock options, we're moving into three," Ng said.
Asked if PowerSeraya would venture into gas trading, Ng said it was too premature to draw conclusions.
"Asia has no gas trading hub. Will Singapore develop into a gas trading hub? It's early days yet. If there is a market for gas trading, we will not rule out exploring this opportunity," he added.
"We are constantly exploring what we can do with the underlying commodity that we use."
For the financial year ended March 31, 2009, PowerSeraya reported a net profit of S$171.9 million, on revenues of S$3.58 billion. It had cash and cash equivalents of S$248.4 million at the end of the period. The company is moving to a new financial year that ends on June 30, 2010.
(Editing by Ramthan Hussain)

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发表于 27-5-2010 12:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
是罗 ~  可以两块就好 ~

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发表于 27-5-2010 07:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
Entitlements (Notice of Book Closure)
Reference No YP-100527-0AA3E

Company Name
Stock Name
Date Announced

Entitlement date
Entitlement time
05:00:00 PM
Entitlement subject
Interim Dividend
Entitlement description
Third interim single tier dividend of 7.5% or 3.75 sen per ordinary share of 50 sen each in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2010.
Period of interest payment
Financial Year End
Share transfer book & register of members will be
to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlements
Registrar's name ,address, telephone no
YTL Corporation Berhad
11th Floor, Yeoh Tiong Lay Plaza
55 Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel No. 603-2142 6633
Payment date


Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers


Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit
c.Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange.
Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable)
Entitlement indicator
Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Entitlement in Currency

Remarks :
Holders of Warrants 2008/2018 are reminded to lodge with the Company's Registrar, YTL Corporation Berhad of 11th Floor, Yeoh Tiong Lay Plaza, 55 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, their subscription forms and subscription monies for subscription of new shares by 5.00 p.m. on 18 June 2010 to qualify for the above dividend entitlement

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发表于 27-5-2010 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
Financial Results
Reference No YP-100527-7713E

Company Name
Stock Name
Date Announced
Financial Year End
Quarterly report for the financial period ended
The figures
have not been audited

Converted attachment :

Please attach the full Quarterly Report here:


Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)


2Profit/(loss) before tax
3Profit/(loss) for the period
4Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
5Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit)
6Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit)

Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$)

Remarks :

Definition of Subunit:
In a currency system, there is usually a main unit (base) and subunit that is a fraction amount of the main unit.
Example for the subunit as follows:

Country Base Unit Subunit
Malaysia Ringgit Sen
United States Dollar Cent
United Kingdom Pound Pence


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发表于 28-5-2010 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
YTL Power果然是稳如泰山,股市大跌也能保持价位,证明了投资首选股。新手可从这股开始投资。

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-5-2010 11:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问有人convert 过YTL-POWER 的warrant 吗?需要给任何手续费吗?我想先累积warrant后才换去股票。欢迎给意见。

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