发表于 27-7-2014 07:51 AM
发表于 28-7-2014 05:05 PM
《刺客信条:大革命(Assassin's Creed Unity )》新宣传片 介绍故事背景
《刺客信条:大革命》是育碧所推出的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年10月28日登陆欧美,11月20日则将登陆日本。近日育碧公司公开了本作的一段新宣传片,和以前的官方视频相比,该影像显得非常独特。据报道本次的新宣传片是由《行尸走肉》系列的联合创始人Tony Moore负责打造的,其显得稍微有点血腥而且看上有着一定的丧尸风格,显得非常有趣。而该宣传片重点描述了本作的剧情内容,以这种独特的画面风格为大家讲述了法国大革命的背景故事。
《中土世界:暗影魔多(Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor)》新影像 介绍游戏剧情
《中土世界:暗影魔多》是由曾开发了《极度恐慌(F.E.A.R.)》以及多人连线竞技游戏《中土守护者》的Monolith Productions负责制作的新作,游戏将于2014年10月7日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方放出了本作的最新宣传影像,为大家介绍了本作的剧情内容,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
《中土世界:暗影魔多(Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor)》新影像 介绍游戏剧情
《中土世界:暗影魔多》是由曾开发了《极度恐慌(F.E.A.R.)》以及多人连线竞技游戏《中土守护者》的Monolith Productions负责制作的新作,游戏将于2014年10月7日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方放出了本作的最新宣传影像,为大家介绍了本作的剧情内容,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
《质量效应(Mass Effect)》新作首批细节公开 Mako战车回归
发表于 28-7-2014 05:35 PM
《降世神通:科拉传奇(The Legend of Korra)》15分钟实际游戏影像
此前动视公司公开了新作《降世神通:科拉传奇(The Legend of Korra)》,这款根据热播动画《降世神通》的游戏将于2014年秋季登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX 360、3DS和PC平台。本作的PC版和家用机版一款第三人称动作游戏,而3DS版则为回合策略游戏。而近日本作的首段实际游戏影像也已经出炉,这段长达15分钟的演示视频为大家展示了本作的战斗场景,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
KOEI TECMO集团今日宣布,准备将旗下的两家子公司KOEI TECMO GAMES(KTG)与GUST合而为一。2011年KT集团就已经将GUST收购,但其品牌与KTG并行存在。如今两家即将合并,成为真正的“KTG”。
整个合并过程将于10月1日正式完成,合并方式为吸收合并,GUST今后将成为KTG的“GUST长野开发部”,公司名继续保持KOEI TECMO GAMES不变,而相关的游戏开发工作则不会受任何影响。官方公告 - http://www.koeitecmo.co.jp/php/pdf/news_20140728_02.pdf
《行尸走肉》游戏版是由同名漫画改编的章节式游戏作品,其第一季于2012年4月推出,第二季则于2013年12月开始登陆各大平台,而游戏第二季第四章也已经于2014年7月22日登陆PS3和PSV平台,7月23日登陆XBOX 360。不过这还并不是游戏版的完结,目前游戏开发商Telltale Games已经确认他们计划推出本作的第三季。
该消息是《行尸走肉》系列的创造者Robert Kirkman在圣地亚哥动漫展2014期间公开的,而Telltale Games很快也通过官方推特确认了这一情报。不过目前官方并没有公开进一步的详情,具体内容还有待公布。
《魔法科高校的劣等生 | 魔法科高校の劣等生 Out of Order》TVCM3 花音与干比古
BNGI预定于10月30日在PSV平台上推出的动漫改编动作游戏《魔法科高校的劣等生:Out of Order》公开了本作的第四个TVCM视频。这次登场的角色为千代田花音(CV:大西沙织)与吉田干比古(CV:田丸笃志),同时两人的战斗场面也有所展示。
发表于 29-7-2014 06:32 PM
发表于 30-7-2014 01:50 PM
《COD:高级战争》故事宣传片 世界皆为战场
Activision和Sledgehammer Games日前公布了《COD:高级战争》的故事宣传片,游戏计划于2014年11月4日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。Activision官方也不断的公布着游戏的剧情,“随着国家由一个全球性的恐怖组织袭击,整个地球都已经在全球最大的私人军事公司——Atlas的掌控之内。力量,也许可以改变一切。”预告片会带给你不一样的震撼,FPS游戏也会有深邃的剧情。
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Story Trailer




COD: Advanced Warfare Limited Editions Announced, Multiplayer Reveal on August 11
《COD:高级战争》限定版公开 数字内容丰富



Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Collector’s Editions Announced
With just a few short months to go before Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare hits store shelves, Activision and Sledgehammer Games have announced a trio of collector's edition versions of the games with a variety of in-game content and collectible items.
On November 4th, fans will have their choice of the Atlas Limited Edition, Digital Pro Edition, and Atlas Pro Edition of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, priced at $79.99, $99.99, and $119.99, respectively.
Each version, including the downloadable Digital Pro Edition, will come equipped with the Atlas Digital Content Pack, which features two new weapons — the Bal-27 AE Assault Rifle and Atlas 45 AE Pistol — as well as a unique Atlas exoskeleton, helmet, player card, and five bonus supply drops that unlock new in-game gear. Players will also be able to upgrade their exoskeleton in the campaign early with new powers and abilities via an extra upgrade token.
What’s more, the collector's edition versions of the game will include Atlas Gorge; a bonus multiplayer map that reimagines Pipeline, a fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Both the Digital Pro Edition and Atlas Pro Edition will also come with the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass, which unlocks access to four forthcoming DLC multiplayer map packs.
For those that prefer tangible collectibles, the Atlas Limited Edition and Atlas Pro Edition will come with a unique steelbook case, the game’s official soundtrack, and the Atlas: Advanced Soldier manual — a collection of original concept art and historical and tactical information.
While you won’t be able to get your hands on the collector's edition versions of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare until this November, check out the story trailer to see more of the game’s campaign and to get a small taste of what to expect from the multiplayer reveal on August 11th.
シャリーのアトリエ ~黄昏の海の錬金術士~ 艾斯卡DLC将推迟一周再配信
《龙腾世纪:裁判所(Dragon Age: Inquisition)》系列介绍宣传片第一弹
《龙腾世纪:裁判所》计划于2014年11月18日登陆PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3和XBOX360平台。
发表于 30-7-2014 02:01 PM
《植物大战僵尸:花园战争(Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare)》PS4版开发日志
《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》早于2014年2月份在XBOX ONE平台上发售,当初公布的时候是微软和EA通过基友关系换来的限时独占,而EA也于早些时候公布该作将登陆PS4平台。日前官方放出了游戏PS4版开发日志,游戏开发人员深度介绍了在PS4平台上开发该作的故事。
视频中还展示了游戏通过Remote Play在PSV上游玩的画面,当然演示中我们似乎看不到操作演示,希望真正游玩的时候也能有流畅的体验。PS4版《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》将于2014年8月19日发售。
EA Announces Subscription Service for Xbox One
EA Access新服务登陆XBOX ONE
微软和EA哥俩好,基情活动再次展开,日前EA宣布将为XBOX ONE提供一个独占服务——EA Access。订阅该服务不但可以买游戏优惠,还有很多钱买不到的服务。
服务的费用每月4.99美元,包年29.99美元。目前正在进行限定玩家数量的公测,正式版很快推出。在公测期间,订阅服务的玩家可以无限次的玩EA的特定游戏,现在支持的游戏包括《FIFA 14》、《麦登NFL25》、《幻幻球2》、《Battlefield 4》。
随后,订阅的玩家可以享受9折购买XBOX ONE版EA游戏的权利,在EA游戏发售前五天还可以提前试玩,存档继承到正式版中。目前支持提前试玩的游戏包括《麦登NFL 15》、《NHL 15》、《FIFA 15》、《NBA Live 15》和《龙腾世界:审判所》。喜欢EA的玩家,请认准XBOX ONE……

Announcing EA Access for Xbox One: The Best Way to Play EA’s Games
Today we’re revealing a new way for gamers to play more EA games. This is something we’ve never done before and we’re excited to share it with you.
We have partnered with Microsoft to deliver EA Access, an all-new monthly (or annual) membership for gamers exclusively on Xbox One that starts at just $4.99 a month. The service is being rolled out in beta to a limited number of players today, but it will launch for everyone on Xbox One soon. At EA, we are always looking for new ways to make it easier for gamers to play more EA games across all platforms, and we are excited about what EA Access will offer to players on Xbox One.
EA Access membership unlocks The Vault, a collection of EA’s biggest games on Xbox One ready for you to download and play. During the beta, gamers will have unlimited access to four great EA games: FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, Peggle 2 and Battlefield 4, with more titles being added soon. That’s over $100 worth of games for $4.99 a month. You can play these EA favorites as much as you want with the click of a button.
EA Access is a totally new way for you to play more of the games you love, for less. Here’s a rundown of the additional benefits EA Access members will get:
• Awesome Value – Besides the great games in The Vault, EA Access members will save 10% on purchases of EA digital content for Xbox One offered through the Xbox Games Store. From full digital-download titles like the upcoming Dragon Age™ Inquisition or NHL®15, to additional membership services such as Battlefield 4 Premium or even FIFA Ultimate Team points, it’s all 10% off for members.*
• Play First – Membership in EA Access lets you experience trials of new EA games up to five days before the release date.* It starts with Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but more are on the way. If you decide to buy the game, your progress will carry over so you can pick up right where you left off.
ou can join EA Access for just $4.99 per month, or you can purchase an annual membership for $29.99 per year on Xbox Live.
Soon, fans of GameStop will be able to purchase their EA Access membership in local retail stores. GameStop and Amazon will also carry EA Access memberships for Xbox One gamers across Europe, as well as EB Games in Canada.
Excited to check it out? EA Access will launch on Xbox One soon. You will find more information on the program at the EA Access website. Be sure to follow EA Access on Facebook and Twitter as well.
Stay tuned!
发表于 31-7-2014 06:17 PM
发表于 31-7-2014 06:24 PM
4.6 million people played Destiny's beta
《命运》Beta测试人数史上最大规模 超460万
Activision也公布了一个更确切的数字,准确的说应该是有4638937名独立的玩家参与了《命运》的Beta测试。测试时间为7月17日开始,PS4和PS3平台优先开启,而XBOX ONE和XBOX360隔了一段时间才开启,测试时间 截止到7月27人。
“这是次世代上迄今为止规模最大的一次新游戏Beta测试。”Activision的CEO Eric Hirshberg兴奋的说道:“能把测试弄成这样的规模真的是一个令人难以置信的壮举。我们很高兴看到玩家们惊人的反馈,同时公测只是一次尝试,我们正在为游戏9月9日的发售做着准备。”

Largest Console Beta for a New Video Game IP
Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, and Bungie today confirmed millions of people have played their upcoming and award-winning game Destiny during their beta test to gather vital information in preparation for launch. The Destiny Beta included a sampling of major activities featured in the full game. The beta began first on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 on July 17 and came to a close Sunday evening, with 4,638,937 unique players participating.
"This is the biggest beta of this console generation by a wide margin and the largest console beta ever for a new video game IP to date," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. "Hosting a beta at this scale is an incredible feat, so we're thrilled to see the phenomenal response. But the beta is just a taste of what's to come. We're counting down the days to our launch day, September 9th."
"We were totally blown away by the number of people who played the beta," said Pete Parsons, COO of Bungie. "We surpassed even our own goals and the feedback was invaluable. We cannot thank the community enough, the response was humbling and in the weeks ahead we'll be working hard to ensure that Destiny lives up to the expectations at launch."
About Destiny
Players are cast as Guardians of the last city on Earth, who will explore the ancient ruins of our solar system from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Able to wield incredible power, gamers must battle humanity's enemies and reclaim all that was lost during the collapse of mankind's Golden Age. In a story-driven universe, Destiny unfolds through grand tales and epic adventures by immersing players in a bold new universe filled with cooperative, competitive, public, and social activities, all seamlessly connected.
For more information, visit DestinyTheGame.com. For exclusive updates, follow the official Destiny social channels at facebook.com/DestinyTheGame and @DestinyTheGame on Twitter, and interact directly with the developers atBungie.net.
光荣《真三国无双7:帝国》将登陆PS3/PS4/XBOX ONE平台,预定于9月25日发售,游戏售价PS4、XBOX ONE版各7344日元(含税),下载版6480日元(含税),PS3版为6264日元(含税),下载版5554日元(含税)。官方日前公布了游戏初回特典内容,决定为“换装编辑部件DLC下载码”。
《情热传说| テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア》未参战天族也可随时呼出神依化
《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布。来自VJUMP杂志偷跑图公开了主人公斯雷与四属性天族神依化战斗画面!火对应的是莱拉(大剑),水对应的是米克里欧(弓),风对应的是德泽尔(刀剑),地对应的是艾德娜(拳)。另外没有参加战斗的天族,也可以随时作为搭档呼出进行神依化!
D3 Publisher 制作,预定10 月30 日推出的动作游戏《性感女剑士》系列PS4 最新作《性感女剑士Z2 ~混沌~(お姊チャンバラZ2 ~カオス~)》,现释出首部宣传影片,供玩家参考。
《性感女剑士Z2 ~混沌~》是《性感女剑士Z ~神乐~》的续篇新作,首度跨足PS4 新世代主机,将以1080p + 60fps 流畅地呈现剽悍女角的华丽战斗。系列玩家熟悉的吸血族姊妹「神乐&沙亚也」与忌血族姊妹「彩&咲」将一同登场,为了对抗巨大阴谋的幕后黑手破天荒携手合作。
本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 31-7-2014 06:55 PM 编辑
发表于 31-7-2014 06:52 PM
发表于 1-8-2014 06:30 PM
PlayStation Now PS4 open beta begins tomorrow, full walkthrough video
PS NOW北美地区开始公测 PS4玩云端PS3游戏
从昨天起,索尼的PS NOW业务正式在北美地区开始公测。
在公测阶段,所有北美PS4用户都可以在PS商店中看到PS NOW游戏。PlayStation Now是索尼在今年早些时候公布的一项云端游戏传输服务,玩家可以PS4、PS3、PSV,甚至电视、平板和智能手机上运行云端游戏。下面是PS NOW的官方介绍视频,一起来看一下。
目前索尼在北美的PS NOW服务共为PS4玩家提供了100多款PS3游戏,之后还会陆续添加,游戏采用按时付费租赁的方式,租赁时长分别为4小时、7天、30天和90天,价格也随时长递增。
PS NOW中的PS3游戏拥有所有普通PS3游戏的功能,支持云存档和奖杯,还可以在线无缝和其它玩家联机。索尼称,PS NOW业务在之后几个月还会陆续登陆其它PS平台。
PlayStation Now Open Beta – Our Journey Begins
As we announced back at CES, PlayStation Now (PS Now) is the first-ever game streaming service available on a game console, where you can quickly access a rich and expanding library of PlayStation 3 games from our cloud servers. Since January, PS Now has been in Private Beta for select gamers across the country, and I’m happy to announce that the Open Beta will be available to all PlayStation 4 owners in the U.S. and Canada starting tomorrow.
As part of this Open Beta, PS4 users will see PS Now titles fully integrated into PlayStation Store, available to be streamed for various rental durations. Check out the video walkthrough of how it all works.
During the PS Now Open Beta, PS4 users will see a diverse library of more than 100 titles to rent, with more added regularly. PS Now will offer a variety of rental periods depending on the game, including 7-days, 30-days or 90-days, as well as a short 4-hour duration, so players can sample the experience first.
With a strong and stable broadband connection, visual and gameplay quality will be much like what you’re used to with other PS3 games. PS Now will also feature cloud game saves, as well as support for other popular network features such as Trophies, friend lists and leaderboards. You can also play seamlessly online with other people on PS Now, or even players who have the downloadable or disc based version of the game. As you know, the PS3 catalog of games is massive and incredibly diverse, and we’re thrilled to make these epic experiences available to PS4 first, followed by our other PlayStation platforms in the coming months.
Since we’re still in Beta, and in the very early days of PS Now, we plan to continue to collect feedback during this Open Beta phase to make further refinements to the service, so please provide us feedback once you’ve experienced the service.
We want to thank those that have been participating in the PS Now Private Beta for their time, dedication and valuable feedback, which have helped us continue to shape the service.
You will immediately see a clear breakdown of what’s included with game rentals, so it’s easier to tell what content you’re getting with your rental, especially since several games offered through PS Now include DLC that increase the value of the offering. Also, in a few weeks, you will start seeing reduced pricing on some 4-hour rentals which will appear at $1.99.
In addition, we’ve heard you loud and clear for an update on a PS Now subscription option and want to reassure you that we are working on it. We think PS Now represents the next step toward the future of gaming and we’re excited to have the PlayStation Nation come along with us on the beginning of this journey.
Digimon All-Star Rumble Announced for PS3 & Xbox 360
《数码宝贝全明星大乱斗(Digimon All-Star Rumble)》全新作登陆PS3平台
《数码宝贝》系列游戏一直在PSP和PSV等掌机上推出,而家用机玩家也将迎来系列新作。日前BNGI正式宣布将在北美和欧洲市场上推出《数码宝贝全明星大乱斗》(Digimon All-Star Rumble),该作计划于2014年11月11日登陆PS3和XBOX360平台。

Digievolve with Bandai Namco Games Europe’s Digimon All-Star Rumble in Europe this fall (November 11 in North America)
Bandai Namco Games Europe today announces that Digimon All-Star Rumble is scheduled to arrive at retailers in Europe and Australasia for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft in fall 2014. Digimon All-Star Rumble is a thrilling party-arena multiplayer game based on the popular Digimon entertainment franchise that encompasses toys, anime, manga, films and video games.
In Digimon All-Star Rumble the Digital World enjoys a time of restored peace after overcoming numerous wars and crises. However, Digimon must battle to Digivolve, so the restless Digimon propose to hold their first ever “Digimon Evolution Tournament” to determine who is the strongest of them all. In the vivaciously competitive tournament, up to four players will be able to select from a roster of 12 popular base Digimon characters and play as a total of 32 Digimon forms pulled from every Digimon series ranging from Digimon Adventure to Digimon Fusion. Players control these digital monsters and battle for supremacy in the main Versus Battle mode that players of all skill levels will be able to pick up and enjoy.
By powering up in battle, players can Digivolve into a much more powerful form, creating a unique combat atmosphere where players must balance attacking and simultaneously attempt to Digivolve and gain the upper hand. Utilizing special techniques during matches such as activating a Digimon’s “Evolution” power-up along with employing an aggressive attack or defensive strategy will provide colorful and exciting party-arena gameplay so that Digimon fans of all ages can face-off against rivals and become a true Digimon hero!
“For more than 15 years now, the Digimon brand has been growing up all over the world along with its incredibly passionate fan base. Thanks to Digimon All-Star Rumble, we look forward to delivering a battle arena experience that Digimon fans are waiting for!” Herve Hoerdt, Vice President of IP Strategy, Marketing & PR at Bandai Namco Games Europe.
Digimon All-Star Rumble is scheduled for release in Europe and Australasia on the PlayStation 3 system and Xbox 360 in fall 2014.
Jam-packed with an all-star cast from the Digimon Universe, Digimon All-Star Rumble throws down with immersive 3D battle arenas and high-impact, in-your-face fighting action.
After overcoming countless crises, the Digital World now exists peacefully once again. Although Digimon quarrel amongst themselves on occasion, the world as a whole is a peaceful place… perhaps too peaceful…
The incredible defenders of the Digital World have grown bored and peace brings no satisfaction. A world without chaos has extinguished the driving force behind their existence – to Digivolve. To pacify the growing unrest, a proposal was made… “Let us gather all Digimon who seek to Digivolve and hold a tournament to crown the strongest of them all!” And so began, the “Digimon Evolution Tournament.” A tournament of Digi-monumental proportions.
• All-Star Cast - Digimon All-Star Rumble features an all-star cast of characters, each with their own unique fighting style and moves. Choose from 12 of your all-time favorite characters from the Digimon Universe spanning from Digimon Adventure to Digimon Fusion. Digivolve to unlock advanced forms!
• All New Story - Digimon All-Star Rumble features an in-depth campaign mode where players can explore the Digital World through 3D stages. Your ultimate goal is to battle your way to the top of the Digi-Rankings!
• Digi-destined to Digivolve! – Power up and Digivolve to gain advantage over your opponents and deal massive damage!
• Fun for All Ages – Easy pick-up-and-play controls for beginners.
• 10 Different Battle Arenas – Throw down in stages pulled straight from the Digimon Universe!
• DigiCards – Collect DigiCards to enhance and strengthen your Digimon in battle!


















发表于 1-8-2014 06:49 PM
BioWare releases second teaser for new project
BioWare新作第二弹预告片命名星火 科隆Gamescom公布
目前这个项目还没有确定一个标题,上周有传闻称该作可能叫“影子国度(Shadow Realms)”,具体公开时间确定于2014年8月13日。
<失落的次元 | ロストディメンション》最新角色影像公开 基恩德介绍
Call of Duty: Ghosts’ final DLC pack is 'Nemesis', hitting Xbox on August 5

Ghosts' Fourth DLC Pack Delivers the Last Four New Multiplayer Maps Plus the Epic Conclusion to the Game's Extinction Saga, Where Mankind Makes Its Final Stand Against the Cryptid Invasion
Call of Duty: Ghosts caps off an extraordinary season of content with the release of the fourth and final DLC pack, Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis, coming first, exclusively to Xbox platforms on August 5. Throughout this year's DLC season, Call of Duty: Ghosts has introduced several franchise firsts, including new killstreaks featuring the galaxy's ultimate hunter, the deadly Predator, and one of cinema's most iconic horror characters, Michael Myers, new weapons like the dual purpose "Maverick" Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle and the tactical 2-in-1 Ripper SMG/Assault Rifle, as well as an all new episodic saga for Extinction.
"First off I want to thank every one of our fans. The dedication of our players is overwhelming. The whole team at Infinity Ward is really excited about the release of the Nemesis and we think it's a great way to close out what's been a really fun DLC season," said Mark Rubin, Executive Producer at Infinity Ward. "DLC is a great way to unleash creative new content that is often the direct result of community feedback and interaction. So thank you again to the millions of people who play Call of Duty: Ghosts every day and keep the feedback coming!"
The DLC season closes out strongly with Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis, which introduces four new multiplayer maps from the most varied locales, each with unique Field Orders specific to the map, and includes the exhilarating conclusion of Extinction's four-part narrative with "Episode 4: Exodus," where players fight for mankind's survival as the Cryptid invasion reaches its deadly climax.
The four new small-to-medium multiplayer maps in Nemesis are designed specifically for Call of Duty's distinctive fast-paced, gun-on-gun gameplay.
• "Goldrush" is set in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States, where an intricate network of cavernous tunnels and perilous shafts create the ideal setting for medium to long range combat; while two mine carts race along the abandoned tracks offering players a fast way to traverse the map. Players who complete the unique field order on Goldrush will unleash a howling pack of wolves that will descend upon their enemies.
• "Subzero" drops players into a frigid Canadian submarine base that has been hastily evacuated, with control room, submarine pen and research facilities all left eerily empty. Built around the traditional three-lane design, this medium-sized map harbors a mysterious terror that will decimate your enemies upon completion of the map's unique field order.
• In "Dynasty," players are transported to a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by picturesque mountains, vivid gardens, and spectacular architecture - a serene environment that is anything but Zen-like. Multiple pathways crisscross the village in this medium map with a variety of elevation and numerous back alleys that create flanking routes. The unique field order on "Dynasty" allows players to call in an air strike of vertical takeoff fighter jets, while one lingers behind to give you unmatched air superiority.
• Nemesis cranks the frenetic multiplayer action to unprecedented levels with the fourth multiplayer map, "Showtime," a sadistic reimagining of the smallest map in Call of Duty history, the fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare "Shipment." In the futuristic arena of "Showtime," blind corners and narrow pathways provide momentary reprieve from the outright mayhem within the central square comprised of several shipping containers. Tight confines call for shotguns and SMGs. Survive long enough to be rewarded with one of three killstreaks: lethal automated gun turrets at key locations on the map, an air drop with multiple care packages or a deadly gas attack that forces the action back into the center of the arena.
Closing out the final DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts is the dramatic conclusion in the Extinction narrative, "Episode 4: Exodus." Following the CIF Unit's harrowing escape from the alien underworld and the successful recovery of Dr. Cross and the cortex, the team has flown in to fight off the Cryptid army's siege of the last bastion of human resistance. Your mission is to get key personnel to safety by restoring power to the shuttle and launching the shuttle to a low earth orbit space station.
"Episode 4: Exodus" gives players unprecedented control of their escape route - choose your path, gather new intel, craft new weapons - and introduces the deadliest of enemies with a range of lethal powers, including mind control and psionic attacks - the Ancestors. As the battle for our survival draws to a close, the fate of mankind is in your hands.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis will be available beginning August 5th first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, with other platforms to follow.
Nemesis is available a la carte for a suggested retail price of $14.99, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to all four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned for release in 2014 - Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis - at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99.
《怪物猎人:边境G | モンスターハンター フロンティアG》PSV版最新PV 游戏介绍
发表于 4-8-2014 06:29 PM
《FIFA 15》最新宣传片放出 细节取胜无可比拟
日前,EA公布了一段《FIFA 15》的一段最新宣传片,宣传片的名字为“灵活与掌控”,向玩家们展示了一些《FIFA 15》的最新特性。
此外,《FIFA 15》中经过对人与人对抗的精密模拟,身体接触、铲断、肩部碰撞、推拉机制已经做得丝丝入扣,全新进化的球衣技术让球员对拉扯球衣的反应更加明显。一起来看下视频吧。
BNGI(Bandai Namco Games Inc.)日前发售中的PS3游戏《机动战士高达:极限对决 火力全开》之前已经公布将于8月6日配信新DLC的情报,日前又放出了新追加机体DLC的介绍PV,各机体售价分别为:高达X 381日元,双头龙高达476日元,异端高达金色机天蜜纳381日元(均未含税),可通过视频了解一下!
《欧米伽组曲 | *ω*Quintet(オメガクインテット) 》官网更新 通常限定版封面公开
任天堂授权、KOEI TECMO Games 制作,预定8 月14 日推出的《萨尔达传说》系列最新作Wii U 动作游戏《萨尔达无双(ゼルダ无双)》,今(4)日公布拉娜的第二武器「大树」以及预定随首波游戏与宝箱版游戏提供的「勇气」与「智慧」特典服装套组的游玩影片。
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发表于 5-8-2014 06:53 PM
发表于 5-8-2014 07:10 PM
《塞尔达无双 | Hyrule Warriors Zelda无双》直面会详情汇总 加农压轴登场
拉娜 拥有德库树力量的木杖
角色可以升级。战斗可以收集各种素材,可以用它们合成徽章,以此来增加攻击Combo, 随着级别的增加,招式也越来越多。
《铁路战争 | RAIL WARS! -軽井沢より殺意を乗せて-》公开TVCM 舞台为秋天的轻井泽
《自由战争》下次更新或在9月末 增加PVP要素
发表于 6-8-2014 06:10 PM
PlayStation Gamescom 2014 Teaser Video
2014年的科隆游戏展将于8月13日至8月17日在德国科隆举行,在这个欧洲最大的游戏展会中,各大游戏厂商将齐聚一堂,再度为玩家们奉上一场精彩的游戏盛宴。索尼作为参展厂商之一,也会准备丰富的内容供到场玩家体验。而日前索尼公司也放出了科隆游戏展的预告影像,展示了一片染血的雪花,看上去和PS Move游戏《黎明之前(Until Dawn)》主题相同。这或许意味着索尼会在本次科隆游戏展上公开这款沉寂已久的游戏的新情报,不过目前尚不清楚官方的具体计划,详细情报还有待公开。


Assassin's Creed Rogue World Premiere Cinematic Trailer
『Assassin's Creed Rogue (刺客教條:叛變)』預告片公開!
《刺客教條:叛變》正式确认将于PS3 与Xbox 360 平台推出,在系列作中首度扮演圣殿骑士来猎杀自己过去的刺客弟兄。 PS3繁体中文版将与全球同步在11 月11 日发售、另将于Xbox 360推出英文版。
本作背景发生是在七年战争,玩家将可首次以圣殿骑士的角度来游玩,并且将会衔接《Assassin's Creed III (刺客教條 3)》与《Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (刺客教條4)》背景年代之间的故事剧情。
Allegiances Change and Revenge Rules in Ubisoft's assassin's Creed Rogue
Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Rogue, an exciting new installment in the franchise currently in development for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, will be available worldwide on November 11.
Assassin’s Creed Rogue is being developed by Ubisoft Sofia, in collaboration with Ubisoft’s Singapore, Montreal, Quebec, Chengdu, Milan and Bucharest studios. Set in the middle of the 18th century during the Seven Years War, Assassin’s Creed Rogue gives players new locations across North America to explore, including the frozen North Atlantic, the Appalachian River Valley and New York. In Assassin’s Creed Rogue, players experience the Assassin’s Creed universe through the eyes of a Templar. As Shay Patrick Cormac, players suffer the brotherhood’s betrayal and transform into an Assassin hunter.
The acclaimed naval components from previous Assassin’s Creed games have been enhanced in Assassin’s Creed Rogue. The game also gives players new weapons to use on both land and sea in pursuit of taking down the Assassins, including a new ship called the Morrigan.
“We know that there are many Assassin’s Creed fans with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles who want to get their hands on a new Assassin’s Creed game this year,” says Martin Capel, game director, Ubisoft Sofia. “Assassin’s Creed Rogue completes the North American saga started with Assassin’s Creed III and Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag and gives previous generation console owners an exclusive opportunity to experience fan-requested features, such as playing as a Templar.”
1751. North America. Amidst the chaos and violence of the French and Indian War, Shay Patrick Cormac, a fearless young member of the Assassins order, undergoes a dark transformation that will shape the future of the brotherhood forever. After arguing over a dangerous mission gone tragically wrong, Shay is betrayed by the Assassins who attempt to end his life. Cast aside by those he once called brothers, Shay sets out on a mission to wipe out all who turned against him and ultimately become the most feared Assassin hunter in history.
Introducing Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the darkest chapter in the Assassin’s Creed franchise yet. As Shay, you will experience the slow transformation from Assassin to Assassin Hunter. Follow your own creed and set off on an extraordinary journey through New York City, the wild river valley, and far away to the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic in pursuit of your ultimate goal to bring down the Assassins
Key Features
• Become the Ultimate Assassin Hunter
For the first time ever, experience the Assassin’s Creed universe from the perspective of a Templar. Play as Shay, who, in addition to the deadly skills of a Master Assassin, also possesses never before seen skills and weapons of the enemy:
- Equip Shay’s deadly air rifle to be used for both short and long range combat. Distract, eliminate, or confuse your enemies by using a variety of ammunition, including specialised grenades
- Protect yourself from hidden Assassins in the crowd with your enhanced eagle vision. Use your vision to constantly assess your surroundings and detect Assassins hiding in the shadows, on rooftops, and in the crowds
• Slowly Descend into Darkness
Witness Shay’s transformation from an adventurous assassin to a grim and committed Templar willing to hunt down his former brotherhood. Experience first-hand the events that will lead Shay down a dark path and set him on a course that will forever change the fate of the Assassins.
• New and Improved Naval Gameplay
Cast off in your ship, The Morrigan, and fight your way through the icy seas of the North Atlantic and the narrow waters of America’s river valleys. Assassin’s Creed® Rogue builds on the award winning naval experience from Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ with all new gameplay including:
- New enemy tactics: Defend yourself from reverse boarding as the Assassins attempt to board your ship and overthrow your crew. Fight them off quickly to avoid losing too many crew members.
- New weapons such as burning oil, which leaves a trail of fire behind to burn enemy ships, and the puckle gun, capable of delivering continuous machine-gun-like fire.
- Use the arctic to your advantage: Destroy icebergs to gain additional loot or ram through ice sheets to overtake enemy ships.
• Vast Diverse Open World to Explore
Shay’s story will allow you to explore three unique environments.
- The North Atlantic Ocean. Experience the cold winds and towering icebergs of the arctic in this expansive naval playground.
- The River Valley. A large hybrid setting of the Native American Frontier mixing seamless river navigation and ground exploration.
- New York City. One of the most well-known cities in the world, fully recreated as it existed in the 18th century
此前已有传闻透露,除了对应次世代平台的《刺客信条:大革命》外,育碧公司还在开发一款本世代平台的《刺客信条》游戏。而日前育碧公司就正式公开了《刺客信条:叛变(Assassin’s Creed Rogue)》,并确认这款系列最新作将于2014年11月11日登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台。
《刺客信条:叛变》由育碧索菲亚工作室负责开发,并与育碧新加坡、蒙特利尔、魁北克、成都、米兰和布加特斯特等几家工作室进行合作。本作的舞台设置在18世纪中叶的七年战争时期,而在游戏中玩家们可以探索北美地区的许多新场景,比如北大西洋、阿巴拉契亚河谷还有纽约。此外在本作中,玩家们将在系列中首次以圣殿骑士的视角来看待游戏的世界。玩家们将扮演主角Shay Patrick Cormac,他遭到了兄弟会的背叛,因而转变成了一位刺客猎人。
育碧索菲亚工作室的游戏总监Martin Capel表示:“我们知道许多拥有PS3和XBOX 360的《刺客信条》粉丝希望在今年尝试《刺客信条》新作。《刺客信条:叛变》将完成起始于《刺客信条3》以及《刺客信条4:黑旗》的北美传说,并让本世代主机拥有者有机会体验许多粉丝想要的功能,比如操作圣殿骑士。”
1751年的北美。经历了法国和印度之战的混乱之后,年轻无畏的刺客成员Shay Patrick Cormac在经历了一个黑暗的转变后,将会永远改变兄弟会的未来。在争论某个导致悲剧错误的任务后,Shay遭到了刺客们的背叛,他们试图终结Shay的生命。因为被那些他曾称呼为兄弟的人的背弃,Shay开始进行的任务就是要消灭那些所有对他反目为敌的人,他最终将成为历史上最可怕的刺客猎人。
- 新的敌军战术:现在敌方将像刺客那样尝试登上玩家的船并推翻船员。他们的战斗过程飞快,玩家们需要小心的防守,避免失去太多船员。
- 新的武器:本作将加入新武器,比如能够用以烧毁敌船的烧油等。
- 利用寒带优势:玩家们可以毁掉冰山获得额外战利品或者利用冰盖消灭敌舰。
- 开放世界:玩家们可以探索多样化的广阔开放世界。








官方确认Grand Theft Auto V 出货量已突破3400万
2014年5月的时候,Take-Two公司曾表示GTA V 自2013年9月17日发售以来的销量已突破3300万份。而几个月过去后,Take-Two公司再度宣布了游戏在销量上的新成绩。日前官方确认GTA V的出货量已经突破3400万份,虽然成长速度已经远远比不上发售初期的那种盛况,但这款游戏的销量仍然在稳步增长中。
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发表于 6-8-2014 06:28 PM
Evolve delayed to February 2015
《恶灵进化》将延期至2015 年2 月推出
《恶灵势力(Left 4 Dead)》团队Turtle Rock Studios 开发,2K Games 原定今年10 月21 日推出的PC / PS4 / Xbox One 多人对战射击动作游戏《恶灵进化(Evolve)》,日前在母公司Take-Two Interactive 的2015 年度第1 季财报中,确定将延后至2015 年2 月10 日推出。
《恶灵进化》是款融合合作与竞争双重要素的多人连线对战游戏,以遥远未来的外星球为背景,让玩家分为“猎人” 与“猎物” 两方,其中4 名玩家扮演身怀绝技的猎人,1 名玩家扮演能不断进化的怪兽,在充满着凶猛野生动物的蛮荒边境星球舞台,展开“猎杀” 与“被猎杀” 的刺激对战。在本届E3 展中获得「最佳展出游戏」在内超过50 个游戏奖项肯定。

About the new Evolve release date (February 10, 2015)
Hey all. As you know, the release date got pushed back and people are understandably feeling a little deflated and hoping for answers. We understand. Here's how it went down.
As we got closer to the October date, we were able to look at where the game was going to be, and compare that to where we all dreamed it would be. In a meeting with the top brass I described it as "painfully close."
Fortunately 2K feels the same way and is willing to put extra time into the game so that we can make our dream a reality. That's huge for us, and for the future of Evolve. We want to be proud of every aspect of the game on release day.
Hang in there. There's a lot to look forward to between now and February.
And thanks again to everyone who helped us with the Alpha test. It was a huge success! We learned so much!
《怪物猎人边境G | モンスターハンター フロンティアG》多罗猫小黑变身武器参战
《暗黑破坏神3:终极邪恶版(Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ – Ultimate Evil Edition™ 》最新CM影像公开
《暗黑破坏神3:终极邪恶版》是《暗黑破坏神3》与《暗黑破坏神3:夺魂之镰》的资料篇合辑,游戏将于2014年8月19日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。继此前的实际游戏演示影像后,现在官方又公开了本作的最新TVCM影像,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。
《灵魂能力失落之剑 | SOULCALIBUR Lost Swords》拉斐尔(Raphael)参战 宣传片公开
《灵魂能力:失落之剑》是BNGI(Bandai namco games)所推出的一款PS3免费游戏,采用道具收费的方式来运营,方式上和比较《铁拳:革新》类似。目前官方确认拉斐尔从今天8月6日日本时间16时开始实施的解放任务起正式参战!并放出了介绍影像。
发表于 6-8-2014 07:03 PM
英国零售商公开《光环:士官长合集(Halo: Master Chief Collection)》限定版
《光环:士官长合集》是微软所推出的一款系列合集之作,将收录《光环:战斗进化编年史》、《光环2:周年版》、《光环3》和《光环4》四款游戏,而本作计划于2014年11月11日登陆XBOX ONE平台。日前英国零售商GAME公开了本作的两种针对预购玩家的限定版,虽然目前官方并没有确定这些版本是否会在欧美其他地区发售,不过从GAME的官方推特来看这两个版本是针对英国而特别推出的。这两个特别版收录内容如下:
The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC
The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC
- A Collector’s Limited Edition Steel Book Case: Display your Halo: The Master Chief Collection game with pride with this stylish Steel Book.
- A Physical Map Book: Featuring all the maps from all different iterations of Halo, the Map Book will give you the tactically knowledge needed to help Master Chief outwit his foes.
- The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC: Celebrate every headshot with the Grunt Funeral Digital Skull, which causes each of your precision kills to trigger a confetti filled explosion.
- The Master Chief Artfx Statue: Standing nearly 12 inches tall, this statue displays Master Chief in his iconic MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armour. Complete with his trusty Battle Rifle and interchangeable arms, you can position Master Chief in any number of unique poses.
Limited Edition
- A Collector’s Limited Edition Steel Book Case: Show off you Halo: Master Chief Collection game with the Limited Edition Collector’s Steel Book Case, perfect for keeping your game safe and stylish at the same time.
- A Physical Map Book: Never get lost in any of the Halo games with the detailed and informative physical map book, which features every map available in all the Halo games. Learn the battlefield and get the upper hand against your opponents.
- The Grunt Funeral Digital Skull DLC: Have a party taking down Grunt after Grunt with this DLC which will cause your foes heads to explode in a shower of confetti upon scoring a headshot.
Mortal Kombat X Raiden Variation Gameplay
华纳公司在E3 2014来临之前正式公开了《真人快打》系列最新作《真人快打10》,而他们也在索尼的E3展前发布会中展示了这款游戏。近日华纳公司放出了本作的角色宣传片,继续为大家展示了将会在本作中登场的系列经典角色Raiden。
《真人快打10》预计将于2015年登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台,本作会用卓越的画面表现和最新的元素为系列粉丝带来最血腥的游戏体验,而这款新作还会增加全新的线上对战系统。

Mortal Kombat X - Raiden Character Variation Gameplay
Narrated by Mortal Kombat co-creator and NetherRealm Studios’ creative director Ed Boon, the new gameplay video guides players through Raiden’s character variations and play styles, each with their own offensive and defensive advantages. The video highlights three of the protector of Earthrealm’s fighting styles: “Thunder God, Displacer” and “Storm Lord.”
Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios released a new Mortal Kombat X gameplay video showing off series veteran, Raiden, as he pummels sun god, Kotal Kahn in a battle of epic proportions.




《海贼王超巨人战争X | ワンピース 超グランドバトル!X》第一弹PV公开 正统续作
《LoveLive!学园偶像生活 | ラブライブ! School idol paradise》公开售前最新PV
角川游戏预定于8月28日发售的PSV音乐节奏游戏《Love Live!学园偶像生活》近日公开了最新版的宣传视频,相比之前的宣传视频背景乐曲与角色服装都发生了变化。而大家最关心的游戏画面问题,似乎是有那么一点点改进。距离发售日已不远,估计最终游戏应该也就是这个样子了。
发表于 7-8-2014 06:27 PM
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Coming to PS4 & Xbox One on October 14
2014年流行“决定版( Definitive Edition) ”,在不少上世代平台作品推出了次世代高清版之后,《沉睡的猎犬:决定版》(Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition)的消息也于近日传出,亚马逊在商品列表中揭露《沉睡的猎犬》将高清重制登陆PS4和XBOX ONE平台,于2014年10月14日在北美市场发售。

《女神异闻录4U2》女帝降临 玛格丽特参战详细
《刺客信条:大革命(Assassin's Creed Unity)》和《全境封锁(Tom Clancy The Division)》两款游戏均会采用剧场展示的形式来展出,其中《刺客信条:大革命》所用的是150人剧场,而《全境封锁》所用的伪85人剧场。
《刺客信条:叛变(Assassin's Creed Rogue)》:40个试玩台
《飙酷车神(The Crew)》:24个试玩台
《孤岛惊魂4(Far Cry 4)》:90个试玩台
《舞力全开2015(Just Dance 2015)》、《舞力全开Now(Just Dance Now)》以及《塑身(Shape Up)》将在育碧的中心舞台展示。
《孤岛惊魂》系列粉丝可坐在Pagan Min的宝座上拍照。
小编:抽时会带给大家简单简介的Gamescom 消息
继此前BioWare公司先后公开其神秘新作的两段预告影像后,现在他们又公开了本作的第三段预告片而,本次的预告片名为“冲击(Impact)”。目前本作还没有正式公开这款新作,不过有传闻称本作可能被命名为“影子国度(Shadow Realms)”。而BioWare将在科隆游戏展中正式公开本作。
《X苍炎 失落记忆 | エクスブレイズ ロストメモリーズ (XBLAZE Lost Dimension_》详情公开 主要角色介绍
ArcSystemWorks预定于2015年发售的PS3/PSV双平台AVG新作《X苍炎 失落记忆》公开了本作的详细情报。本作是以著名格斗游戏《苍翼默示录》的世界观制作的一款AVG游戏,此前曾于2013年7月发售过系列前作,而本作则是系列的完结篇。游戏将以新的女主角诺芭迪为中心展开故事。
发表于 7-8-2014 06:55 PM
SEGA 亚洲业务主管瀬野宏专访畅谈游戏中文化进程与未来发展方向
SEGA 日本亚洲营业部亚洲团队主管瀬野宏(Seno Hiroshi),日前在2014 巴哈姆特游戏大赏颁奖典礼上,宣布旗下得奖游戏《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》中文版将于今年冬季推出,同时透露SEGA 后续将积极投入中文化游戏制作,在明年春季之前预定推出多款中文化游戏。
为了让台湾玩家能进一步了解SEGA 后续在亚洲市场推动游戏中文化的计画,巴哈姆特GNN 特别邀请瀬野宏进行独家专访,披露具体的中文化游戏阵容,以及中文化计画的进程与方向。

巴哈姆特 GNN 編輯以下簡稱「巴哈」,瀬野宏以下簡稱「瀬野」
巴哈:非常感谢您抽空接受巴哈姆特GNN 独家专访,首先能否请您简单自我介绍一下?
瀬野:您好,我是SEGA 的瀬野,从2009 年担任SEGA 家用游戏软体亚洲业务的负责人至今, 曾经手过的游戏包括《人中之龙》系列、《初音未来》系列、《音速小子》系列等。
巴哈:这次SEGA 之所以决定大举投入游戏中文化进军亚洲市场的理由是?
瀬野:有两个最大的理由,其一为台湾是目前日本各大游戏发行商都相当关注的市场,其二就SEGA 针对香港、台湾市场进行调查的结果,认为游戏中文化能获得更多玩家青睐,基于这两个理由而决定投入中文化。
巴哈:先前您曾经手过PS Vita 免费游玩线上游戏《武士斗恶龙(Samurai & Dragon)》中文版在台湾的推广,不知道当时推出中文版时玩家的反应如何?
巴哈:那么终于要来到正题了(笑),您先前在2014 巴哈姆特游戏大赏上曾宣布在明年春季之前还会有多款中文化游戏推出,能否请您具体说明预定要推出的中文化游戏阵容以及推出时程呢?
瀬野:除了现场宣布的PS3 / PS Vita 音乐游戏《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》中文版会在今年12 月11 日推出之外,后续还预定于同时间的12 月11 日与日本同步推出PS3 角色扮演游戏《光明之响(Shining Resonance)》(※)中文版,同时也会推出同捆人物模型的限定版。中文版的官方网页也在制作中,将会在9 月先行公开预告网页。 PS Vita 动作角色扮演游戏《梦幻之星NOVA(Phantasy Star Nova)》中文版则预定于明年春季推出。目前确定的是这 3 款。
※ 先前报导暂译为《光明共鸣曲》,现制作团队确认将依照系列惯例定名为《光明之响》
巴哈:除了这3 款之外,是否还有其他中文化游戏在进行呢?
巴哈:《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》中文版为什么会与日文版相隔超过半年才推出呢?
瀬野:主要是因为SEGA 先前没有太多中文化的经验,所以在这款初次尝试大规模中文化的游戏上花了比较多的时间。而且因为这次的中文化相当彻底,不只系统介面中文化,连歌词的字幕也全部都翻译成中文。毕竟歌词不同于一般的文章,翻译起来难度相当高。为了尽可能将歌词的本意传达给玩家知晓,所以花了不少时间与这些歌曲的原作曲者一一确认翻译后的含意是否正确。
巴哈:《梦幻之星NOVA》与《梦幻之星Online 2》的世界观是共​​通的,中文版是否有计画与台湾代理营运的《梦幻之星Online 2》进行合作呢?
巴哈:除了初次挑战的《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》之外,后续的《光明之响》与《梦幻之星NOVA》一个是与日文版同步发售,一个却比日文版晚发售,之所以如此决定的理由是?
瀬野:《梦幻之星NOVA》的中文版是基于日文版开发完成后,再将中文的内容汇入。而《光明之响》一开始制作的时候就已经决定要中文化,所以中文化的作业可以与日文版同步进行。 《梦幻之星NOVA》则是在制作途中才决定要中文化,因此就没办法与日文版同时发售。
巴哈:不少台湾玩家相当期待《人中之龙》系列能中文化,日前SEGA 才刚宣布《人中之龙》系列最新作已经在PS3 / PS4 上进行开发,不知道这款开发中的系列最新作是否会中文化呢?
瀬野:在年初我们参加台北国际电玩展时,收到非常多玩家希望中文化的声音,3 月开设的SEGA 亚洲官方Facebook 粉丝专页上也有不少回响。现阶段我只能说大家的心声我们听到了,但目前还没有中文化的决定。
巴哈:在决定大规模投入中文化之前,SEGA 花了多久时间调查呢?
瀬野:前后大概花了2 年时间,我们拜访台湾北中南各地的小卖店,听取业者的意见。当然其他游戏厂商将游戏中文化之后在台湾获得的优异成果,也是鼓舞我们决定投入中文化的原因之一。
巴哈:SEGA 是否有调整组织来因应大举投入中文化的决策呢?
瀬野:去年7 月我们成立了日本亚洲营业部,统合日本与亚洲的业务,将亚洲视为与日本本土同等重要的市场,因为亚洲对日本制游戏的接受度很高。在这之前日本本地的业务与亚洲是分开的。部门成立之后招募了更多成员,其中包括通晓中文的成员在内,以因应未来的需求。目前全公司都倾全力投入亚洲市场的发展,敬请期待。
巴哈:除了PlayStation 平台之外,其他平台的游戏是否也有中文化的计画呢?
瀬野:SEGA 旗下的原创作品,不论是在哪个平台上,有机会的话当然都希望能中文化。不过目前SEGA 的作品在日本是以Sony 推出的平台为主力,所以中文化游戏自然也是以PS3、PS Vita 平台为主。
瀬野:其实台湾市场与日本市场很像,不过近年来欧美制作的游戏在台湾发行的数量有明显增加的趋势。另外,我接触过的台湾玩家中,有很多都是相当资深的SEGA 迷,对SEGA 的了解甚至比我还深,相当厉害(笑)。
巴哈:那么目前是否有计画引入美国SEGA 制作的游戏中文化在台发行呢?
瀬野:这部分要看合作对象的台湾索尼电脑娱乐(SCET)方面的决定,当然就SEGA 来说是非常希望能参加像台北国际电玩展这样在亚洲举足轻重的电玩展。
巴哈:很荣幸您能代表SEGA 亲自出席巴哈姆特游戏大赏颁奖典礼,还发表台湾玩家关心的重要宣言与抽空接受巴哈姆特的独家专访,不知道您个人对巴哈姆特的印象是如何呢?
瀬野:这个嘛...我希望能了解台湾玩家「对今后的SEGA 有什么样的期待?」。在3 月的时候我们开设了SEGA 亚洲官方粉丝专页,如果玩家有什么期待或建议,都可以到粉丝专页上发表。
《光明》系列最新作《光明之响》确定12 月同步在台推出中文版
SEGA 今(7)日宣布,PS3 专用游戏软体《光明之响(Shining Resonance)》繁体中文版将于12 月11 日与日文版同步上市。
本作主角之一的「雾香(キリカ)」人物模型也将以同捆版的方式出现在本作的特别限定版中。由知名绘师Tony 描绘的「雾香」将身着泳装并以1/7 比例的模型忠实呈现。特别限定版包中还内含可以在游戏中使用的产品下载代码,输入后能让雾香以泳装的姿态登场游玩。
《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》中文版12 月推出支援中日字幕切换
SEGA 今(7)日宣布,在日本台湾拥有高人气、曾获得2014 巴哈姆特游戏大赏年度人气奖项肯定的PS Vita / PS3 游戏软体《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》繁体中文版,确定将于12 月11 日在台上市。
《初音未来-Pr​​oject DIVA- F 2nd》中文版除游戏介面中文化之外,还收录完整翻译的中文字幕歌词,让玩家充分了解歌词的含意。原有的日文字幕也会保留,玩家可自由选择切换中文或日文(游戏介面与歌曲字幕)游玩。此外,日文版的保存资料也能继承到中文版继续游玩。
《光明之响 | Shining Resonance》新登场角色及战斗基本行动介绍

职业:魔炮枪骑士/武器:魔动炮 神典/主要魔法:回复&辅助魔法
职业:暗黑神官/武器:断末魔刃 独眼巨人/主要魔法:暗黑魔法
攻击 O键
BREAK攻击 △键
Force技 L1+△/O/X/口键
龙奏骑士所用的“龙刃器”不仅是武器,还有着作为乐器的机能,战斗中队伍全员都可以演奏魔法的音乐“圣印歌”,这个演奏系统就是“B.A.N.D.”,演奏中心的角色不同音乐效果也会改变,还有着中心人物专用演出! 本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 7-8-2014 07:09 PM 编辑
发表于 7-8-2014 07:09 PM
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