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发表于 26-8-2016 07:27 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 谷成 于 27-8-2016 07:35 PM 编辑



马哈摩嘎喇那(Mahamoggallana)以天眼观察业报法则的运作。他一次次看见人们如何造恶业伤害自己的同胞,转生饿鬼道,并在那里承受更多痛苦,而修善与正直的人则转生到天界。他经常揭发这些事,以阐明业报法则。这些报告都收集在巴利藏经中的两部经中,一部是《饿鬼事经》(Petavattbu,共五十一则),另一本则是《天宫事经》(Vimanavattbu,共八十五则)。————何慕斯.海克(Hellmuth Heeker)撰,《神通大师——马哈摩嘎喇那》


第一蛇品,户外鬼事(Outside the wall),第2楼
第一蛇品,人形鬼事(Advice to a daughter),第16楼
第一蛇品,秃头鬼事(Dressed in hair),第17楼
第二郁婆利品,离轮回鬼事(Sariputta bhante helps a ghost),第2楼
第二郁婆利品,舍利弗母鬼事(Sariputta bhante's mother),第3楼
第二郁婆利品,财护鬼事(Wealthy Dhanapala),第4楼
第二郁婆利品,郁多罗母鬼事(Uttara's mother),第5楼
第二郁婆利品,线饿鬼事(The thread offering),第6楼
第二郁婆利品,无耳犬鬼事(The dog with the torn ears),第7楼
第三小品,造车鬼事(The ghost of Rathakara lake),第8楼
第三小品,猎鹿鬼事(The deer hunter),第9楼
第三小品,不敬塔鬼事(Insulting the relics puja),第10楼
第三小品,小儿鬼事(The abandoned baby),第18楼
第四大品,难提迦鬼事(The ghost Nandaka),第11楼
第四大品,儿童鬼事(The ghost princes supreme),第12楼
第四大品,王儿鬼事(The son of a king),第13楼
第四大品,粪食鬼事( Excrement eating male ghost),第14楼
第四大品,庵罗鬼事( The mango ghost),第15楼

愿以分享此文功德,回向一切众生,回向一切恶道众生,愿他们离苦得乐,回向无上菩提,回向四众和合,回向正法久住,Sadhu x 3.


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
素还真 + 5 sadhu sadhu sadhu



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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 08:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 27-8-2016 07:05 PM 编辑


五 户外鬼事

一 「彼等住家外,街头四处立,自向旧家行,便立于门。
二 依于过去业,多获饮食物,供养软硬食,彼是世因缘,谁会忆彼等?
六 此实死世界,无耕无畜牧,亦无如商贾,及钱作买卖。
七 由此处所受,得生死界之饿鬼。如水高向低流,此处实如是;此处之所施,利益诸饿鬼。
八 川涌流满海,此处实如是;此处之所施,利益诸饿鬼。
一○ 勿泣勿悲伤,其余所叹息,亲亡有何益?如是利彼亲----
一一 然,施物施僧团,供彼僧伽之使用,常为死者益,善为彼得利。』
一二 此处之所记,于此亲朋者,所作之义务,供养诸饿鬼,僧伽处施力,汝甚得福不少。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

The Supreme Buddha gave this sermon to king Bimbisara:

After they have been born in the ghost world, departed relatives will come back to their own houses by the doors. They also stand outside the walls and at intersections.

Some people in the family will enjoy delicious foods without remembering about their departed relatives. Departed relatives are forgotten because of their bad karma.

Some compassionate people offer delicious food and drinks to virtuous people and share merits with their departed relatives saying, “Let this be for our relatives! May our relatives be happy!” Departed relatives gather to these places and highly appreciate the offering. They bless their relatives saying, “May our relatives who compassionately offered us these gifts have long, happy, and healthy lives.” The givers also gain good results.

Beings in the ghost world do not farm, herd cattle, trade, buy, sell, or use gold and money. They survive from merits shared by humans. As water rained on the top of the mountain flows down to the bottom, so will the merits shared from the human world reach the beings in the ghost world. Just as streams of water fill the ocean, so will the merits shared from the human world reach the beings in the ghost world.

One should share merits with departed relatives recalling, “He gave to me, he worked for me, he was a relative, friend and companion.”

Weeping, sorrow, and lamentation will not benefit departed relatives in any way. They will remain in the ghost world no matter how much we cry.

Great king, the merits shared from the donation that was given to the noble disciples of the Buddha will be received by the departed relatives right away. They will enjoy happiness for a long time. Sharing merits with departed relatives is a very good habit to develop. You have respected departed relatives and supported the monks. By doing this you have collected many merits which will result in extraordinary happiness for a long time, great king.




一 离轮回鬼事

二 「尊者!我是饿鬼女,住恶趣,阎魔罗世界;行恶业来此,饿鬼之世界。」
三 「如何身口意,以造此恶业?如何业应业,而入饿鬼界?」
「尊者 !我无父无母、无亲无知人,告我以诚心,布施婆罗门。
六 尊者!我心尊敬汝。贤者!汝有大神通,同情怜愍我。布施何奉事,尊者!救我出恶趣。」
七 善哉答彼女,悲深舍利弗,施比丘少食,掌大之布片,
八 与钵盂饮物,布施为彼女;剎那之奉献,立即果应现。
九 衣服与食饮,此是布施果;彼女着美服,上衣迦尸绢,诸色之衣服,而近舍利弗。
一○ 「汝女美姿容,见之有如神,又如晓明星,辉耀照十方。

一一 缘何有是姿,依何有幸福?食物为汝生,内心有愉快。
一二 我今且问汝,女神!汝有神通者,汝今现为人,如何作福业?由此汝色辉,光辉照十方。」
一三 「我于恶趣界,颜色多苍瘦,裸体又饥渴、皮肤成黑皱;圣者慈悲,于恶趣见我。
一四 施比丘少食,掌大之布片,饮物一盂钵,汝为我布施。
一五 请见少食果,享受一千年;我享诸食味,快乐甚喜悦。
一六 掌大布片果,请看如何耶!难陀王王国,布匹多如此。
一七 尊者!我有更多衣服物,绢织与毛织、麻织及木绵。
一八 数多价且高,此等空中悬,随我心所好,任意可穿着。
一九 一盂钵饮物,请看果如何!深而有四角,技巧筑之池。
二○ 光辉美水滨,清泠又好香,上覆赤青莲,百合花充满。
二一 今我无何恐,愉悦且享乐;尊者!感谢慈悲深圣者,我今来此世。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

Sariputta Bhante sees a female ghost and asks:

Sariputta Bhante:  You are naked and very ugly, your veins are popping out. You thin person with your ribs sticking out, who are you?

Ghost: I am a ghost, sir. I am suffering in the world of Yama. I have done an evil deed as a human and have been reborn in the world of ghosts.
Sariputta Bhante:  Now what evil deed have you done by body, speech, or mind for you to have been born in the world of ghosts?

Ghost: Nobody had sympathy for me. My father, mother, or relatives did not encourage me to give alms to monks. Therefore, I did not give alms to monks. I must wander around the world naked and always hungry for 500 years. This is the result of my evil deed.  

I pay respect to you good sir, with a very pleasant mind, please have compassion towards me, oh noble monk. Please offer something and share the merits with me. Please release me from this state of misery.

Sariputta Bhante: Very well.

Sariputta Bhante had kindness and offered a handful of rice, a piece of cloth and a bowl of water to monks. He then shared the merits with the female ghost. The result of that merit was received by the female ghost immediately in the form of food, drinks, and clothing. She became clean and fresh with the cleanest and finest clothes. She approached Sariputta Bhante.

Sariputta Bhante:  Who are you, with heavenly beauty, shining in all directions like a star? Why are you so beautiful? What merit have you collected when you were a human?  

Ghost: Sariputta Bhante you were very compassionate when you saw me in a miserable state: thin, starved, and naked with rough skin. You offered the monks a handful of rice, a piece of cloth, and a bowl of water then dedicated the merit to me.  

Now look at the result of offering a handful of rice. For 1000 years, I will eat delicious foods whenever I want.  

Look at the result of offering a piece of cloth.  There are as many clothes as king Nanda has. Still I have more clothes than that, made from silk, wool, linen, and cotton. There are lots of expensive clothes. They even hang from the sky and I can wear whichever I want.

Look at the result of offering a bowl of water. I have gained a beautiful pond with clear and cool water. It is surrounded by fine sand and there are fragrant lotuses and lilies with flower petals floating in the water. I am very happy playing in the water. I am not afraid of anything. You were very compassionate to me Bhante. I have come to worship you.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 08:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 26-8-2016 09:41 PM 编辑




二 舍利弗母鬼事

一 「裸体且丑态,瘠瘦现血筋,唇皮之突出,瘦者!立此汝为谁?」
二 「我于前生时,为汝之生母,生于饿鬼界,饥渴受苦恼。

三 弃除之垢物,唾痰与鼻汁,燃烧身体油,或者出产血,
四 又有负伤人,剥鼻人之血,无论男与女,饥迫我所食。
五 动物人脓血,我食得生存,无住无隐家,暗黑住卧榻。
九 剎那现献果,饮食及衣服,则为布施果。
一○ 衣服与饮食,此是布施果;彼女着美服,上衣迦尸绢,诸色之衣服,而近舍利弗。
一二 缘何有是姿,依何有幸福?食物为汝生,内心有愉快。
一三 我今且问汝,女神!汝有神通者,汝今现为人,如何作福业?由此汝色辉,光辉照十方。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

Sariputta Bhante sees a female ghost and asks.

Sariputta Bhante: You are naked and very ugly, your veins are popping out. You thin person with your ribs sticking out, who are you?

Ghost: I was your mother in a previous live. Now I am living in the ghost world suffering from hunger and thirst. My food is saliva, mucus, phlegm; the fat of burning bodies, the blood of women giving birth; blood of wounds, pus, and the blood from shaving wounds. I can only feed on the pus and blood of humans and animals. I do not have of a house of my own, therefore I stay in the cemetery. Oh my son, please offer alms to monks and dedicate that merit to me. Then I will be free from eating pus and blood.

Having heard what his mother said, the compassionate Sariputta Bhante called Mogalana Bhante, Naruda Bhante, and Kappina Bhante.

Sariputta Bhante built four huts and offered those huts along with food and drinks to the world wide Sangha and dedicated the merit to his mother.

The result of this donation immediately took effect in the form of food, drinks, and clothing for the ghost.

She became pure, wearing the cleanest and finest clothes with jewellery. Then she approached Mogalana Bhante.

Mogalana Bhante: Who are you, with heavenly beauty, shining in all directions like a star? Why are you so beautiful? What merit have you collected when you were a human?  

Ghost: I was Sariputta Bhante’s mother in a previous live. I was reborn in the ghost world suffering from hunger and thirst. My food was saliva, mucus, phlegm, the fat of burning bodies, the blood of women giving birth, the blood of wounds, pus, and the blood from a shaving wound. I could only feed on the pus and blood of humans and animals. I did not have a house of my own, therefore I stayed in the cemetery.

I am very happy now, rejoicing in Sariputta Bhante’s gift. I do not fear anything. I have come here to worship the compassionate Sariputta Bhante.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 08:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 26-8-2016 09:36 PM 编辑




七 财护鬼事

一 「裸体且丑姿,瘠瘦见血筋,唇皮又突出,瘦者汝为谁?」
二 「尊者!恶趣阎魔界,我住为饿鬼,以造诸恶业,生此饿鬼界。」
三 「汝之身口意,造何之恶业?何业以应果,生此饿鬼界。」
四 「达桑那之国,爱拉卡奢有名之城市,前世住此处。我是大富商,被称护财人,此地人皆知。
五 我有八十车,巨多之金宝,真珠与宝石,尽是我所有。
六 有此大财宝,我非爱布施,乞食不见我,闭户居享乐。
七 贪欲无信仰,吝啬骂他人,种种以妨害,众多布施人。
八 『布施无应果,布施何所得?』莲池与水井,植树之庭园,水道与架桥,悉为我破坏。
九 我不为善业,为恶离世去,生至饿鬼界,饥渴受苦恼,离世死以来,五十五年余。
一○ 我未得食物,亦不知饮料,吝惜吝物人,一切均废灭,凡为废灭者,皆为吝物人,饿鬼等实知,吝者皆废灭。
一一 前世我吝物,虽有多财宝,不以行布施,虽有布施物,不作庇护所。
一二 故我受业果,至今后悔迟,四个月之后,期限已到来。

一三 我恐生地狱,非常之苦极,四角有四窗,诸屋皆相似,铁壁围四周,顶栅以铁覆。
一四 铁地用火烧,四侧百由旬,充满烈火焰,每时皆此状。
一五 此处长期间,我为恶业果,不得不受苦,是故我悲叹。
一六 汝等集此处,我说幸福言,于显及于冥,勿为恶业行。
一七 若既为恶业,或将为恶行,汝苦不得脱,飞去亦难逃。
一八 汝等敬父母,家庭敬长者,沙门婆罗门,皆应得尊敬,汝等如是行,必生于天国
一九 若作诸恶业,欲入虚空中,浸入大深海,或于山窟中,亦难脱恶业。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

A group of merchants sees a ghost and questions him.

Merchant:  You are naked and very ugly, your veins are popping out. You thin person, with your ribs sticking out, who are you?

Dhanapala (Ghost): I am a ghost, sir. I am suffering in the world of Yama. I have done an evil deed as a human and have been reborn in the world of ghosts.

Merchant:  Now what evil deed have you done by body, speech, or mind for you to have been born in the world of ghosts?

Dhanapala: I was a wealthy merchant named Dhanapala who lived in the city of Erakaccha as one of the Dasannas people. I possessed eighty cartloads of gold, and many others of pearls and precious stones.

Even though I was very rich, I did not give anything to anybody at all. I used to close the doors of my house when I was eating fearing that beggars would come to me. I was rude, greedy, and insulted others. I did not believe the Supreme Buddha.  

I often tried to get in the way of people when they were giving alms by saying, “There is no result from giving. Nothing good comes from following precepts.” I destroyed lotus ponds, water pots, gardens, and bridges that were meant for the public.   

The only deeds I did were evil ones. After my death, I was reborn in the world of ghost, suffering from hunger and thirst. It has been 45 years since I left the human world. I do not remember of ever having eaten food or drunk water. This is the result of being greedy.

In the past, I was very foolish. I did not give anything even though I was rich, even though there were many opportunities to give. I did not collect merits for the protection of my future lives. Now I regret my previous evil actions.  

Four months from now, I will die and fall to the very scary and terrible hell. That hell has four corners and four doors. It is divided into parts, surrounded by an iron wall and covered by an iron roof. Its iron floor is glowing with heat. Flames cover the area for hundreds of miles. I will experience pain there for a very long time as the result of my evil deeds. Because of this I am very sad.  

Therefore, I warn you all, do not commit evil deeds either openly or in secret, because you cannot escape their results, even if you fly up and run away.

Be respectful to your mother, father, elders in the family, as well as monks and ascetics.  In this way, you will be reborn in heaven.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 08:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 26-8-2016 09:30 PM 编辑






一○ 郁多罗母鬼事

一 日中恒河岸,停住一比丘,饿鬼女近前,姿丑令人惧。
二 彼女发极长,悬垂接地面。彼女发覆面,彼对沙门言:

四 「雪山流出水,清泠入恒河,汝可汲取饮,为何乞求我?」
五 「尊者!若我自汲恒河水,河水化为血,是故我于此,向汝乞饮物。」
六 「汝之身口意,如何为恶业?依何业应果,恒河变成血。」
七 「尊者!我子郁多罗,信深优婆塞,彼反我之意,四事供沙门。
九 『衣服与饮食,资具及寝具,汝于彼世界,一切化为血,郁多罗!』依此业应果,恒河变成血。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

A female ghost who was very ugly and scarey, approached a monk who was resting on the bank of the Ganges river. Her hair was extremely long and touched the ground. Covered by her hair, she spoke to the monk.

Ghost:   Bhante, It has been 55 years since I died in the human world. I have not eaten anything or drunk water since then. Please give me some water, I am very thirsty.

Monk:   There is this cool water in the Ganges River flowing down from the Himalayan Mountains. You can take some from here and drink. Why do you ask me for water?

Ghost:   Oh Bhante, If I take water from the river, it turns into blood. That is why I am asking you for water.

Monk:   Now what evil deed did you do by body, speech, or mind so that the water of rivers now becomes blood for you?

Ghost:   I had a son named Uttara who was a disciple of the Supreme Buddha. He donated robes, alms food, shelters, and other supplies to monks. I did not approve of what he did, so I got angry and cursed him by saying, “Hey Uttara, may the food and everything you give be received as blood in your next life!”  Because of this action, the water of rivers becomes blood when I take it.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 09:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 27-8-2016 07:44 PM 编辑




一一 线饿鬼事

一 「我曾于前世,施与比丘线,彼来至我家,向我乞线去;我得多应果,着物数千万。

三 依此业应果,快乐幸福受,再来人间界,以行诸福业,圣弟子导我。」
四 「汝曾来此处,已逾七百年,汝年老力衰;知己亲友死,汝由此处去,意欲作何为?」
五 「来此七百年,幸福惠如神,再来人间界,以行诸福业,圣弟子导我。」
六 彼取彼女手,强固捕捉腕,如衰弱老妇,再得领回归,对来此人言:『汝等为福业,即能得幸福。』
七 依我之所见,不为善业者,将受饿鬼苦,多为幸福业,人天立福界

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

The Thread Offering

A ghost, in disguise as a human, causes his former fiance to give string to a monk. He then takes her from the human world to his peta mansion to live for 700 years.

Young Woman: One day a monk came to me needing some string. As a result of offering string to him, I now have beautiful clothes. There are beautiful flowers around this mansion. There are many devas and deities who watch over me. I wear beautiful and divine clothes. I am very comfortable living here; my comforts do not end. I have received all these pleasures because of that offering of string. Please, noble man, take me back to the human world so I can collect more merits. Ghost:

It has been 700 years since you left the human world. If you go there now, you will appear in the form of a very old woman. All your relatives will have already passed away. What will you gain by going there?

Young Woman: I have enjoyed these heavenly pleasures for 700 years. Please take me to the human world. I want to collect more merits.

The ghost took her by the arm and led her back to the village where she was living and said to her: Ghost: You should tell other people that if they want happiness, they need to do meritorious deeds.  

Young Woman: I have seen with my own eyes what happens to those who do not do meritorious deeds. They are sad when they are in the human world and also when they are in the ghost world. But those who do meritorious deeds are happy when they are in the human world and in the heavenly world as well.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 10:38 PM | 显示全部楼层



一二 无耳犬鬼事

一 「金色砂之上,竖立金色梯,此处百合美,芳香浸心脾。
二 诸树覆地面,散布种种香,红莲覆一面,池中聚白莲。
三 香气荡心上,微风徐吹熏,水鸟苍鹭歌,白鹅竖声鸣。
四 种种百鸟集,诸声歌嘹亮,树有种种实,森有种种果。

五 汝所住宫殿,多数金银造。人间世界中,城市无此貌。

六 壮丽四方辉,五百诸侍女,此为汝眷属,对汝为侍奉。
七 指环与腕环,金色布为饰,卧榻金银造,是为汝之物。
八 羚羊鹿皮覆,羊毛敷整备,彼处汝卧居,安然享快乐。
九 时间至中夜,汝由此处起,出至庭院行,围绕莲华池。
一○ 汝于池边立,周围绿草生,美丽无耳犬,啮汝手与足。
一一 啮尽销骨时,汝已堕池中,汝体已复元。
一二 由此汝站立,汝为爱美姿,汝再着衣服,来至我之前。
一三 汝之身口意,如何为恶业。依何业应果,汝为犬所啮?」
一七 以此无耳犬,当啃我四肢。』因此业果报,以及此虚言
一八 苦恼七百年,为此无耳犬,而啮我四肢。

一九 然汝多能神,为我来此处;救我脱犬难,无恼亦无恐。
二○ 尊神我归命,合掌我乞求,超人间快乐,我与神共享。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

24. The Dog with the Torn Ears

A king sees a female ghost and says, King: In your wonderful garden, there are golden stairs. Golden coloured sand is spread all over the garden. There are lovely, sweet smelling white water lilies in the pond. There are various kinds of trees in the garden. The garden is covered by the sweet smell of flowers. Swans, herons, geese, and various birds sing throughout the garden. The trees are full of sweet fruits. A garden as beautiful as this could not be found anywhere in the human world. These beautiful mansions are made of gold and silver which shines in all directions. There are 500 divine servants for you. They wear golden bracelets and bangles. There are many beds made of silver and gold covered with comfortable mattresses. You enjoy happiness resting on them.  But surprisingly, you wake up in the middle of the night and go to the pond of the garden. You are sitting on the bank. Oh, sadly, a dog with torn ears comes to you and eats your flesh until you become a skeleton. Then you go into the pond and your body returns back to normal.  With your body back to normal, you put on beautiful clothes and come to me. What evil deed did you do by body, speech, or mind that a dog to eats your flesh every night?

Ghost: In the city of Kimbila there was a male lay disciple of the Buddha, and I was his wife. I was very evil and unvirtuous. I committed sexual misconduct. Having seen my bad character, my husband said to me “You cheated on me. It is not good for you.” When he said this to me, I lied and swore an oath saying “Oh no! I have not been disloyal to you in body or thought. If I have done bad things, may a dog with torn ears eat my flesh.” As a result of my bad action and lie, I have been eaten by a dog with torn ears for 700 years.  

Great king, by having come here, you have helped me very much. I am freed from the dog and have no fear or sorrow.

Great king, I pay respect to you, putting my hands together, I beg you to come here to enjoy divine sensual pleasures with me.  

King: My dear, I have already enjoyed divine pleasures with you, now please take me back to my city quickly.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层



三 造车鬼事

一 「具大神力之女神!汝煌饰宫殿,美辉宝石柱,犹如十五日,满月之月坐。
二 容颜辉金色,光耀且极美,汝坐高贵椅,无夫汝一人。
三 莲池多莲华,金砂之所敷,金色水荡漾,不见土绿叶。
四 此亦有白鸟,快心并悦目,成群水中游,鸣声如天鼓。
五 草美有光辉,汝倚船头立,双眼浓睫毛,微笑有爱语,手足齐甚美。
六 清净此天宫,立于平等地,充满快乐园,欢喜并愉悦,汝最上胜者,我来欢喜园,愿与汝共娱。」
七 「此世为善业,并有精进心,满汝快乐愿,汝将可得我。」

八 善哉彼女言,彼已为善业,善业为彼女,生为年少者,与彼同住宿。

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

28: The Ghost of Rathakara Lake

A woman was born as a ghost due to previous bad actions. But the results of different good actions arose to her in the form of great luxury. However, she was very lonely. So one day she set out a very sweet fruit to lure people to come to her. A young man found the sweet fruit and went to search for the place that the fruit came from.

He sees the ghost and asks her, Young Man: Your mansion is supported by many pillars. Countless paintings are in the mansion. When you are in the mansion you shine like the full moon. Your body glows like gold, you are very nice to look at. You are sitting on a beautiful couch decorated with precious jewels. But you are sitting alone, It looks like you do not have a husband. There is a lotus pond surrounding your mansion, filled with flowers and lotuses, golden coloured sand is spread around the pond, while mud and duckweed is nowhere to be seen. Beautiful swans glide on the water all the time singing beautiful songs. You are in a ship floating around the pond. You have thick beautiful eyelashes and your face is very delightful, always smiling. You are extremely beautiful, happy, and speak very pleasantly. This place is perfect, I wish that I could enjoy the heavenly pleasures here with you in this divine  park, as beautiful as the Nandana Grove.

Ghost: If you want to come live with me here collect many merits, always keep this place in your mind and never forget it. After death, you will be reborn here and live with me.

Young Man: Okay, I will do as you say. The young man performed lots of meritorious deeds. He always thought about the mansion, and after death, he was reborn there and lived with the ghost.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 11:14 PM | 显示全部楼层



七 猎鹿鬼事(一)

一 「汝为一青年,天男女所尊,夜间享欲乐,昼间受恼苦,前生行何业?」
二 「前世王舍城,乐住美山窟,赤血涂满手,残酷猎鹿者。
三 残酷暴虐手,人中持恶心,常喜害他物,行为不自制。
六 我愿求幸福,与彼具友情,虽闻同情言,但我未相从。不至持正智,以长离诸恶。

一○ 若汝依正信,奉行善逝教,归信常专念,完全得不死,以达无为境。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

32. The Deer-Hunter

Man: You are young and surrounded by male and female deities. You look very happy with all the pleasures that you have. But in the daytime, you experience very painful feelings. What did you do in your previous life?

Ghost: I was a cruel deer hunter living in the city of Rajagaha. I was always looking for something to kill. I did not have any pity on innocent beings. I had a friend who was very compassionate, a disciple of the Supreme Buddha. He always said, “Do not do evil deeds my friend; do not be reborn in a bad world. If you wish to go to a happy world after death, then stop killing living beings.” I did not listen to his advice because I took pleasure in killing and was very foolish. My friend again advised me saying “If you must kill in the daytime, then please at least stop killing at night.” So I killed living beings in the daytime and stopped at night. That is why I enjoy heavenly pleasures at night, but in the day, dogs come and tear off my flesh. Even though I only restrained from killing at night, I still gained good results from it. Now I imagine the disciples of the Supreme Buddha, who practice the Dhamma diligently throughout their lives, and surely will attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.

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 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2016 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

摘自:南传圣典《饿鬼事经》 第三小品



一○ 不敬塔鬼事

一 「汝停在空中,腐败漾恶臭,尸虫齐来集,食汝恶臭口。
二 前世为何业,刀剑自割胸,伤口洒矾咸,再三再四割?
三 如何汝之身,以作恶业行,如何业果报,汝得受此苦?」
四 「我住王舍城,美乐山窟中,我为支配者,己身持多财。
五 此为前世妻,我女与义女。我有好香树,树名达玛拉,我有青莲华,拒不敬佛塔,依此恶业果,
六 我等各受苦,有八万六千,骂敬佛塔者,地狱食谷壳。
七 或供养佛塔,而行大祭时,以现于恶意,彼等各分裂。
八 见人空中来,庄严持花环,受此业应果,彼等富幸福。

九 而此不思议,见之以惊叹,归依圣贤人,归命大牟尼。
一○ 我由此处去,我身受人胎,供养诸佛塔,从此不怠慢。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

35. Insulting the Relics Puja

Monk: While you are floating in the air, a bad smell comes out of you. Worms are eating your mouth. What evil deed did you do in your previous life? Afterwards, a group of ghosts slice your mouth with knives. They slice again and again placing salt on the wounds. What evil deed did you commit by body, speech, or mind in your previous life? What is that the result of?

Ghost: In the city of Rajagaha I was an extremely wealthy person. One day my wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law were ready to go to worship a stupa that held relics of the Buddha. They had prepared lotus flowers, garlands made of flowers, and incense. I stopped them from going there. That was the evil deed I did. There are about 86,000 ghosts here suffering each in their own way. They all committed the same evil deed of insulting the worshipping of the Buddha’s relics. We are suffering intensely in this ghost world as if we were in hell. If one criticizes worshipping the relics of the Supreme Buddha, that person loses a great meritorious opportunity. Look at those female deities travelling in the sky, decorated with garlands and flowers. They enjoy this great happiness as a result of offering flowers to the relics of the Supreme Buddha. Having seen this marvellous, amazing, and hair raising result of merit, wise people salute and pay homage to the great sage, the Buddha. When I am released from this ghost world and reborn in the human world, I will diligently worship again and again the stupas of the relics of the Supreme Buddha.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 01:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 27-8-2016 01:06 AM 编辑




三 难提迦鬼事

一 苏喇咤之国,王名宾伽罗,朝奉孔雀王,回返国途中。
二 暑天正日中,王行沼泽地,王见有好路,此是饿鬼道。
三 国王语驭者,此地是好道,此路无恐怖,安全又幸福。
四 国王由此路,驶向苏喇咤,四种之军队,伴王为前进。
五 人人心忧虑,臣下对王言,恶路易迷惑,前途有惊险。
六 前路虽显现,后路则不见,王迷恶路中,近接阎魔众。

七 荡漾非人气,闻声无慈悲,国王心惊惧,乃对驭者语。
八 我今迷恶路,心实恐又惊,路前将可见,后路不见得。
九 我迷于恶路,近接阎魔众,荡漾非人气,闻声无慈悲。
一○ 乘象眺四方,欣见一榕树,延根伸水中,树下有日荫。
一一 等同黑云色,云色尖端辉,王向驭者语,等同黑云色,云色尖端辉,大此何所见?
一三 等同黑云色,苏喇陀见此,云色之光辉,由此而出发。
一四 王行乘象群,接近大榕树,王臣与家仆,均在坐木根。
一五 见水流满瓶,并有软食物,人人如神姿,一切着美饰,近苏喇股王,以作如是言:
一七 王与诸臣仆,一同进饮食,且食又且饮,苏喇陀王曰:

二○ 「汝于前世时,在苏喇陀国,以如何守戒,如何为善业,如何为梵行,依何业应果,汝等享此身?」
二二 须拉陀王!我等持恶心,我等持邪见,我等不守戒,利己而骂人。
二三 布施善行者,我等予妨碍,他人为布施,我等予障害。
二五 有情皆平等,何处受最上,尊敬之人耶?无力无精进,何有最上人?
二六 布施无有果,不能除敌意,应得所得果,步入命运途。
二七 无父母兄弟,由此无他世,无施无供牺,不知其效果。
二八 如断他人头,未作杀人事,谁亦无有杀,唯置间隙体。
二九 有情之生命,无可能被杀,如图八角玉,五百由旬长,谁有此价值,断绝其生命。
三○ 如投之丝球,随走而了解,如是彼生命,亦随走而已。
三一 如村入他村,如是彼生命,唯移其它体。
三二 如由家而出,以入其它家,如是彼生命,唯移其它体。
三三 八万四千劫11,或愚或贤者,轮回而苦已,恰似陀那量,苦乐满一箱,一切之经验,而移次存在。』如是之见解,而持至前世。

三四 次移彼邪见,邪见不持戒,利己且恶口,六月后之死。
三五 非常苦激恐,受生入地狱,四角有四窗,诸屋相似分。
三六 铁壁四周围,顶上以铁覆,铁地烧以火。
三七 四侧百由旬,充满烈火焰,时时见此状,百千年之间,常闻此声音。大王!亿年为百度,十万倍之间,百千亿年间,邪见不持戒,诽谤阿罗汉,应受此业苦;我于长期间,受苦实无限。
三八 为此恶业果,是故大悲痛,扩国征服者,大王汝谛听。我女郁多罗,为汝赍福德。
三九 彼女为善业,安住喜戒律,宽大持正见,亲切离贪欲。
四○ 他门有义妹,彼行诸学处,彼于释迦前,荣为优婆夷。
四一 具戒比丘尼,托钵来我村,举自能自制,入念守诸根,沿门托钵行,来至彼住居。
四二 郁多罗见彼,『尊者!大王为汝赍福德。』满水瓶食物,布施与彼女。
四四 王!我于如是思,如意得饮食;大王!扩国征服者,大王请谛听。
四五 佛为最上者,为神为人说,征服者!与汝家族共,皆应归命佛。

四六 依八支圣道,可达不死域,征服者!汝与家族共,皆应归命法。
四七 志于四道者,住于四果者,僧园正行者,慧戒达成者。
四八 征服者!汝与家族共,归命于僧园,速速离杀生,远离不与取,勿酒勿妄语,己妻为满足。」
五○ 我将归命佛,归命最上法,人天之僧团。
五一 我速禁杀生,离弃不与取,不酒不妄语,己妻为满足。
五二 一切抛舍离,速行如疾风,远离诸恶见,专念佛说法。」
五三 国王如是言,远离诸恶见,归命于佛法,进车指东归。

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

38. The Ghost Nandaka

There was a kingdom called Surattha which had a king named Pingalaka. One day, the king went to help King Moriya. Once he was done, King Pingalaka headed back home in the middle of the day. At that time the weather was very hot. Suddenly a path appeared, created by ghosts. The king saw that beautiful path.

Unaware of the ghosts who created that path, he addressed the driver, King: Driver, that road is beautiful, safe, and peaceful. Please go and follow that road, it will lead us back to Surattha faster. The king along with his army entered the path and followed it for a while.

All of a sudden, one of the soldiers let out a terrifying scream, Soldier: Great King, we have taken the wrong path which is scary and hair-raising! We can see the road ahead, but there is no road behind us. I think we have come to an area where ghosts live. The smell of ghosts is thick, and frightful screams can be heard.

The king was afraid and said to the driver in a terrified voice, King: Driver, we have taken a wrong path which is scary and hair-raising. We can see the road ahead, but there is no road behind us. I think we have come to an area where ghosts live. The smell of ghosts is thick, and frightful screams can be heard. Suddenly, the king climbed up on the back of his elephant and looked carefully at the surrounding.

He saw a huge banyan tree that provided lots of shade. It looked very beautiful, like a blue cloud. King: Driver, look at that! What is that huge thing that looks like a blue cloud?

Driver: Great King, it is a banyan tree with lots of shade. The king approached the huge banyan tree and climbed down off his elephant. He and his ministers went to the tree and sat down in the shade. There was a pot filled with water and some sweet oil cakes there.

Suddenly, a being wearing beautiful jewelry like a god appeared in front of the king and said, Ghost: Welcome great King. Your arrival is a blessing. Please drink this water and eat these cakes. The king with his ministers ate the oil cakes and drank the water.

He then questioned the person, King: Are you a god, a heavenly musician, or Sakka, leader of the gods? Please tell us who you are.

Ghost: Great King, I am not a god or a heavenly musician or Sakka, leader of the gods. I am a ghost. I came here from the state of Surattha.

King: When you were in the human world, what kind of good deeds did you do? How did you gain this divine power?

Ghost: Listen to me, great King, ministers, and soldiers. I was an evil person from the state of Surattha. I held wrong view, behaved badly, and was very greedy. I insulted others. I stopped people from doing good deeds. I did not let others practice generosity. I held the following wrong views:

• There is no result of giving.
• There is no result of following precepts.
• There are no people called teachers in this world.
• It is impossible for an untamed person to help others.
• All beings are equal.
• There is no point in respecting elders.
• Nothing can be achieved by making effort.
• There is no need to develop energy.
• No one can be purified through good deeds.
• Beings experience happiness and suffering due only to natural law.
• One’s mother is not a special person. There is no need to be grateful and respect her.
• One’s father is not a special person. There is no need to be grateful and respect him.
• There is no such thing as a brother and sister.
• There is no rebirth after death.
• Supporting and helping others and collecting merits do not give result.
• If someone beheads another, it does not count as killing. It is only putting a sword through the parts of a body.
• The soul of life can never be destroyed. It is like a ball that is 500 kilometres high. Just like a ball of thread unwinds itself when thrown, it will only keep rolling as long as there is thread. This life is also like that.
• Just like somebody goes from one village to another or from one house to another, this soul goes from one body to another.
• Regardless of whether one is wise or a fool, everyone has to wander in this samsara for eighty-four hundred thousand great eons. Only then would one end this great suffering.
• It is like the happiness and suffering of beings has been measured from a bucket. There is a limit of how much suffering and happiness a being can receive.
• Only realized people understand these things, everyone else is deluded.  

I held such wrong views in the past. I was so deluded and covered by ignorance. I committed evil deeds, was very greedy, and insulted others. Six months from now, I will die and fall to the fearful and terrible hell. That hell has four corners, four doors, and is divided into sections. It is encircled by an iron wall with a roof of iron above. It is covered by burning flames for hundreds of miles. Great King, the complete lifespan of beings in that hell is one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) years. Once they have suffered 100,000 years, suddenly they hear a strange sound. This is how they know they have suffered for 100,000 years. People who held wrong views, committed evil deeds, and insulted noble ones are boiled in hell for one trillion years. I am destined to suffer in that hell. That is why I am extremely sorrowful. Great King, you defeat enemies and you develop your state. May my blessings be with you. Please listen to me great King. My daughter’s name is Uttara, she is still in the human world. She protects the five precepts throughout her life and observes eight precepts four times a month. She is not greedy, very generous, offers alms and leads a very restrained life. She is very humble towards others and always uses pleasant words, like this she does lots of meritorious deeds. Most importantly, she is a lay disciple of the Sakyan sage, the glorious Gautama Supreme Buddha. Just now a virtuous monk, mindful, with his eyes looking down approached the village where she lives. That monk was going from house to house begging for food. Great King, I am very fortunate that my daughter saw that monk. She offered some water and a sweet oil cake to the monk and dedicated the merit to me saying “Bhante, my father has passed away, may he receive this merit. At that very moment, I received the result of that merit. Now I enjoy wonderful things here, just like Vessavana, the king of gods.

Great and powerful King, listen to me. In this world with its gods, the greatest being is the Supreme Buddha. You along with your wife and children should go for refuge to the Supreme Buddha. The Noble Eightfold Path is the only way leading to Nibbana, the end of suffering. You should go for refuge to the Dhamma. The community of monks is very virtuous, well concentrated, and wise. They are the disciples of the Buddha. It consists of eight individuals and four pairs or persons. Go for refuge to that Sangha. Abstain from killing beings right now, stop stealing, do not take intoxicating drinks and drugs, do not tell lies, and be satisfied with your own wife.

King: Yes, I will take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha right now, place confidence in the Triple Gem, observe and keep the five precepts honestly. I will stop killing beings right now, stop stealing, will not take intoxicating drinks and drugs, will not tell lies, and I will be satisfied with my own wife. Just as hay is carried away by strong wind and grass is carried away by the current of a stream, I vomit up my wrong views right away. I have true confidence in the teachings of the Buddha. Saying this, the king stopped doing bad deeds. He worshipped the Supreme Buddha, got on to his carriage, and headed east towards his kingdom.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 10:28 AM | 显示全部楼层




六 儿童鬼事

一 「我闻雪山坡,有城名舍卫,彼处有二人,儿童之王子。
二 王子多放逸,尽享肉体乐,执着现在乐,不作未来想。
三 彼等人间死,而趣他世界,彼等哭泣说,前世所造业。
四 有多人施物,我等赍幸福,不能自己作。
五 是故何恶业,清净王族死,后至饿鬼世,以遭饥渴苦。
六 此世支配者,其处无支配,由高而降低,于人间世界,彷徨为饥渴。
七 知此王位险,王位应舍弃,生善趣贤人,贤人身坏后,身享善趣乐。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

41. The Ghost Princes Supreme

Buddha: There once was a city called Savatti located near the Himalaya Mountain. I have heard that there were two princes who lived in that city. They enjoyed sensual pleasures too much and thought only about happiness in the present life and not the future. When they died, they were reborn in the ghost world. Experiencing the results of the evil deeds that they did, with invisible bodies in the same city, they were crying with regret.

Ghost: Alas, we had plenty of food and wealth, there were also lots of noble monks living in the city. But we did not give anything to them, we did not collect any merits leading to happiness. Previously, we were the sons of a royal family. But now we are suffering in the ghost world with hunger and thirst. What greater misfortune can there be than this? When we were in the human world, we were rulers, but in the ghost world, we are not. Having fallen from a high status to low, we are suffering. We are roaming for food, overcome by hunger and thirst.

Supreme Buddha: Too much enjoyment caused this misfortune. Having understood this danger, one should not be intoxicated with pleasures and not be arrogant. That wise person, after death will be reborn in heaven.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 10:46 AM | 显示全部楼层



七 王儿鬼事

一 「前世造业果,而是恼其心。色声香味触,或悦于其心。
二 彼多舞蹈乐,游戏耽享乐,寻游于乐园,而入山巴家。

四 彼由大象降,王子取其钵:『尊者!汝欲得布施。』取钵高举呼。
六 手造恶业果,王子汝作此,应受地狱果。
八 仰向或倒卧,左右之步行,两足行倒立,愚人受长苦。
九 数千年之后,以至九万年,有罪业之人,地狱受大苦。
一○ 侮辱仙人者,有此恶业故,加害善人者,如是受极苦。
一一 彼处数千年,以受此极苦,由此而死去,生入饿鬼道。
一二 见生于王位,如是有危险,彼舍王位去,住入寂静处。
一三 见法赞叹人,向佛彼尊敬,贤人身坏后,善趣得受身。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

42. The Son of a King

Supreme Buddha: That prince experiences all these wonderful things as a result of his previous good karma, but he is obsessed by delightful forms, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. One day he went to a park and enjoyed dancing, singing, and playing sports. Upon returning, he entered the city of Rajagaha. There, he saw a Pacceka Buddha named Sunetta who was very calm, concentrated, and virtuous. He led a very simple life. He was on his alms round begging for food. The prince was riding an elephant and climbed down and asked the Buddha mockingly, “Bhante, did you get food?” The prince forcefully snatched the Buddha’s bowl from his hands and smashed it on the ground. Laughing at the Buddha he said, “Hey monk, I am the son of King Kitava. You cannot do anything to me.” The result of that evil deed was very painful. After death, he fell directly into hell. He suffered for a long time. Exactly how long? Six times 84,000 years. That many years he had to suffer in the miserable hell. One time he was boiled legs first, and another time he was boiled head first. One time boiled from the left side, another time boiled from the right side. Thus he experienced immense pain. Having gotten angry at that Buddha who never got angry, the foolish prince suffered many hundreds and thousands of years in hell. After a very long time, he died there and was reborn in the ghost world as a ghost suffering from hunger and thirst. Arrogance caused this misfortune. Having understood the danger of too much enjoyment, wise people should be very humble. If one respects the Buddhas, that person is praised in this very life. After death, that wise person will be reborn in heaven.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 11:10 AM | 显示全部楼层




八 粪食鬼事(一)

一 「匍匐上粪池,汝现居何处?汝为何恶业,汝有何信仰?」
二 「尊者!我为一饿鬼,堕入阎魔界,我为恶业故,堕入饿鬼趣。」

三 「汝之身口意,如何为恶业,依何业应果,受此恶业苦?」
四 「我家比丘居,彼心嫉妒深,贪我家族利,利己多谩骂
六 「仇敌假友谊,与汝为伴侣,愚人身坏后,死后入何趣?」
七 「我为恶业故,住彼头顶上,彼堕于鬼界,为我之从者。
八 有幸者!他人排泄物,以为我食物,我之排泄物,彼亦赖为生。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

43. Excrement Eating Male Ghost

Moggallana Bhante: Oh unlucky one, you are standing in a pit of excrement. Who are you? What kind of evil deed did you do? How can I know for sure what happened to you?

Ghost: Bhante, I am a ghost. As a result of my evil deeds I have been born in this ghost world. I am suffering very much.

Moggallana Bhante: What kind of evil deed did you do by body, speech, or mind to suffer like this?

Ghost: When I was in the human world, I let a monk stay in my house. The monk was very greedy and jealous of his supporters. He insulted good monks. I listened to that evil monk’s words. Following him, I too insulted good monks. That is the evil deed I did from which I was reborn in the ghost world.

Moggallana Bhante: You associated with that evil monk thinking that he was a good friend. What happened to the monk after death?

Ghost: Bhante, that evil monk has also been born in the ghost world. He is suffering in the same pit of excrement where I suffer. I am standing on his head. He lives as a servant to me here. Bhante, I have to eat other people’s excrement, while he has to eat mine.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 11:25 AM | 显示全部楼层



一二 庵罗鬼事

一 「此汝美莲池,平坦休息所,水多花满开,蜂蝶来群集;缘何业应果,汝得此美物?

三 「庵罗果实水,米汁凉心乐,我女行布施,我得生此处。」
四 「自制与节制,布施果现前,为家族侍女,今为家义妹,且为支配者
五 如是不愉快作愉快颜色,爱不爱颜色,苦为乐颜色,以胜于懈怠。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

47. The Mango Ghost

A group of traders see a ghost and ask about his beautiful park.

Traders: This lotus pond of yours is extremely delightful. It has beautiful, even banks, it is full of water, flowers are everywhere, and bees can be heard buzzing all around. How did you gain this beautiful pond? This mango park of yours is also very beautiful and mangoes grow all year round. The trees are covered in flowers and bees can be heard buzzing everywhere. How did you gain this delightful mango park?

Ghost: My daughter is in the human world right now. She offered mangos, water, and rice gruel to the Buddha and the monks and shared the merit with me. That is how this pond, mango park, and cool shade appeared for me.

Later on the daughter finds out about the result of her merit and tells her son, Daughter: Understand the good results of giving, living a life of restraint, and following precepts. I was a servant in my master’s family, then I became the daughter-in-law of the same family. Now I have become the mistress of the house. This is all the result of doing good deeds.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 11:42 AM | 显示全部楼层



四 人形鬼事

一 「但得有机会,无贪为布施,前世为饿鬼,今作地居神。
三 勿泣勿悲伤,其余所叹息,彼鬼有何益?如是利彼亲?
四 然,施物施僧团,供彼僧伽之使用,长为彼利益,善作利彼事。

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

4. Advice to a Daughter

Consoling a crying daughter, the Supreme Buddha gives advice after an alms giving. Unselfish people give gifts to virtuous people with the intention of sharing merits with departed relatives in the ghost world, or deities who live in their houses.

Those who share their merits with Kuvera, Dhatarattha, Virupakkha and Virulhaka deities—the powerful four great kings who guard this world, will receive great benefits. Weeping, sorrow, and lamentation will not benefit departed relatives in any way. They will remain in the ghost world no matter how much we cry. The merits shared from the donations given to the noble disciples of the Buddha will be received by the departed relatives right away. They will enjoy happiness for a long time.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层



一○ 秃头鬼事7

一 「汝住宫殿中,为何不外出,汝本是何人?幸福者出来,我等欲见汝。」

二 「裸体行外出,我耻且为难,我只被毛发,福业几无作。」
三 「我与汝外衣,取此而着之。幸福之人!汝可来外面,我等欲见汝。」
四 「贵君所施与,此物我无益;此有佛弟子,信深优婆塞,
六 此等众商人,使彼女入浴,涂香并着衣,为彼献布施。
七 无间捧献果,衣服与饮食,得成布施果。
八 于此彼女美,身着清净衣,上衣迦尸绢,微笑出宫殿。「此为布施果」彼女作此言。
九 「满足心喜悦,辉耀汝宫殿,问汝如神者,何业得此果?」
一○ 「正行一比丘,我以清净心,供奉油果子。
一一 依此善业果,我得住宫殿,长久得享受,今此时已短。
一二 自今四月后,期限已来临,我恐生地狱,非常之苦极。
一三 四角有四窗,诸屋皆相似,铁壁围四周,顶栅以铁覆。

一四 铁地用火烧,四侧百由旬,充满烈火焰,每时皆此状。
一五 此处长期间,我为恶业果,不得不受苦,是故我悲叹。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

10. Dressed in Hair

A group of merchants sees a ghost and asks.

Merchant: Who are you, the one staying in the mansion? Why don’t you come out? My dear, we would like to see you and your psychic powers.

Ghost: I am naked and embarrassed to come outside. I wear my hair as my only clothes. I have collected only a small amount of merit in my previous life.

Merchant: Alright my dear, I will give you my cloak. Put it on and come outside. We would like to see you.

Ghost: I cannot receive what is given by your hand directly to mine. But within your group, there is a lay follower of the Supreme Buddha who is very faithful to him and his teachings. Offer him the cloak and share the merits with me, then I will be happy and have all the comforts I desire. Those merchants washed the lay follower and offered him the cloak. They then shared the merit with the ghost.  The ghost received the result instantaneously in the form of food, clothing, and drinks. This is the result of the sharing of merit. Then she became pure, wearing the cleanest and finest clothes. Smiling, she came out from the mansion saying, “This is the fruit of your gift.”

Merchant: Your mansion is very beautiful and shines very brightly. Oh devata, tell us of what good karma is this the result.

Ghost: When I was living in the human world, a monk was going on his alms round. I had a very pleasant mind about him and offered an oil cake. As a result of that good karma, I have lived happily in this mansion for a long time. But that result will come to an end soon. In four months, I will die and fall to the very scary and terrible hell. That hell has four corners and four doors. It is divided into sections, surrounded by an iron wall and covered by an iron roof. Its iron floor is glowing with heat. Flames cover the area for hundreds of miles. I will experience pain there for a very long time as the result of my evil deeds. Because of this I am very sad.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 02:31 PM | 显示全部楼层

摘自:南传圣典《饿鬼事经》 第三小品



五 小儿鬼事

一 善逝不思议,应人而说法,有者持多德,有者德且寡。

三 产时不净物,鸟群为运去,目中诸秽物,鸟亦为运啄。此儿无保护,一切皆不设,无药无芥子,亦无芳香物。
四 既不为占星,亦不为招福,不为撒谷物,此儿陷苦境,夜间之持来,舍弃于墓处。
五 颤动如鲜酪,身处危险境,为其它生命,共同所守护。人神尊敬彼,佛遇见此儿,见此而记说:
六 「此儿高贵族,富有人之子,彼如何尽行,宗教之义务;如何为梵行;前生为何业,有此业应果。虽然蒙此忧,彼能享神力。」
七 「人人对比丘僧团,尊佛为上首,而承事尊敬,此儿之内心,对佛有误解,口出粗恶语,对佛且无礼。

九 尽宗教义务,且又为梵行,彼依此善行,得此善应果。彼因蒙受难,然享彼神助。
一○ 彼于百年间,住此人间世,满一切欲望,四大且分离,生为帝释子,再生来此世。」

English translation(Petavatthu Pali - Stories of Ghosts ):

30: The Abandoned Baby

Villagers: The great Buddha’s knowledge is wonderful. The Blessed One knows perfectly who has lots of merits and who does not. This baby has been abandoned in the cemetery. He survives by drinking milk oozing out of his thumb. Demons or non-humans will not harm him. This is because the baby has previously done many meritorious deeds. Dogs lick his feet to clean them, while crows and jackals protect him. Flocks of birds remove the impurities from his birth, and crows wipe of the dirt from his eyes. There are no parents or relatives to protect him, to provide him with medicine, or to celebrate his birth.

Being in such a horrible state, abandoned, cold and shivering, his survival is uncertain.

The extremely wise Supreme Buddha, teacher of gods and humans saw him and announced, Supreme Buddha: This baby will become a member of a high cast family with great wealth.

Villagers: What has the baby done in his previous life to get this result? Having fallen to a miserable state, how would this baby become a member of a high cast family?

Supreme Buddha: In his previous life, he insulted a group of people who were giving alms to the monks headed by the Buddha and he spoke harshly to the Buddha and the monks. Afterwards, he abandoned that evil mind. Becoming a devoted disciple, he developed a pleasant mind towards the Supreme Buddha and monks. Furthermore, he offered rice-gruel to the Supreme Buddha for seven days. These were his good actions. That is why even though he is miserable now, he will be very wealthy and happy in the future. He will live in this world for 100 years as a very wealthy and happy person and after death be reborn in the Tavatimsa Heaven with the god Sakka.

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发表于 27-8-2016 03:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 路人。 于 27-8-2016 03:17 PM 编辑

摘自:[锡兰]化普乐·罗睺罗大长老 Walpola Rahula《佛教的宗教态度》



此等有三有:欲有、色有、無色有。 是以此謂之
執著 故而有生死輪迴。


二十八:见巴利文《中部经》第九十五经 Canki Sutta。
二十九:见巴利文学会版《小部经》经集第一五一页。( V.798 )
三十:见巴利文《中部经》第三十八经( Mahatanhasankhya Sutta )。(译者注:约相当于汉译《中阿含经》第二零一嗏帝经。)

有取故而有 故有






助人是施,離苦是捨,法是緣,緣起緣滅,一切 “” 如過渡的木筏,是用来济渡河川的,而不是供执取的,如贪取它,把玩它,珍藏它,执著它,
知道、明白、理解 唯有放下木筏才能渡過苦海彼岸不再有


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发表于 27-8-2016 11:15 PM | 显示全部楼层

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