发表于 15-3-2004 10:32 PM
dunno 于 15-3-2004 01:13 PM 说 :
沒錯﹐是可以的。略說下﹐方法是upload這emu(xbox用的)上xbox的hdd﹐然後在evolution menu設好目錄﹐然後在evolution的menu進入後選擇這模擬器運行和玩。
XBoyAdvance - GBA/GBC/GB/SGB/SGB2 Emulator for XBox v8
What's New:
- Update to current UI bugfixes/features
- Music Control Menu - press LTHUMB anywhere to bring up the music control menu.
This is also a customizable controller action while in-game. Configure it
via the Controller Configuration -> UI Mappings menu.
- Can now save any string setting (like Samba/Relax share names) and directory
locations via menus. To change Samba/relax share names, go to Configuration ->
Network/Netplay Configuration. To change the default directories, go to
Configuration -> Change Default Directories
- Can enter descriptions for cheat codes using virtual keyboard or real keyboard.
- Can now wrap backwards from first screenshot to last screenshot
Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD,
FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance,
DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X...
what's next?
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