


楼主: chukh1


发表于 10-9-2007 07:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 綠葉島 于 9-9-2007 11:29 PM 发表
武大樓主躲在後山盤算大局 ......


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发表于 10-9-2007 09:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-9-2007 09:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-9-2007 12:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
有人说,某某黑手在美国 9 月 21 号到期的期权(option)市场大量卖空 USD4.5 billion。

倒数计时:10 天

希望这 10 天都能世界和平吧!

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-9-2007 01:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Harimau 于 11-9-2007 12:51 AM 发表
有人说,某某黑手在美国 9 月 21 号到期的期权(option)市场大量卖空 USD4.5 billion。

倒数计时:10 天

希望这 10 天都能世界和平吧!

share option ?

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-9-2007 08:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
是put option吧...


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发表于 11-9-2007 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Harimau 于 11-9-2007 12:51 AM 发表
有人说,某某黑手在美国 9 月 21 号到期的期权(option)市场大量卖空 USD4.5 billion。

倒数计时:10 天

希望这 10 天都能世界和平吧!

市场大量卖空会有做什么 后果?

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-9-2007 10:30 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #284 Harimau 的帖子



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发表于 11-9-2007 11:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
USD4.5 billion对美国市场是非常小的数目,没有什么特别。

不过USD4.5 billion对美国市场依然是非常小小小小小的数目

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-9-2007 11:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
老马一直说 97 年亚洲国家被弄垮关他事的死对头犹太人,曾经为了赚一亿把整个英国银行弄垮。97 年,他们"才"赚多少?


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发表于 11-9-2007 11:56 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #289 8years 的帖子


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发表于 11-9-2007 12:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #290 过路客 的帖子




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发表于 11-9-2007 12:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #291 hijaak 的帖子




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发表于 13-9-2007 03:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Harimau 于 11-9-2007 12:51 AM 发表
有人说,某某黑手在美国 9 月 21 号到期的期权(option)市场大量卖空 USD4.5 billion。

倒数计时:10 天

希望这 10 天都能世界和平吧!

虎兄,原来那个 bin laden trade 是一种集资的手法。

他们称 box spread。有点类似对冲,但是玩法是 4 边。这个玩法是在 1700 点和 700 点各做 long call、short put 和 short call、long put。这样一来即使股市上下对他们完全没有影响。


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发表于 17-9-2007 12:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
新一波的次贷风波将来自英国 Northern Rock 的余震。星期六排队去提款的人数仍然非常"踊跃"。

FTSE 星期五收市前从下跌超过 2% 到技术回弹大约 1%,星期一能否持续下去?

英国政界和经济家说情况受到控制,但有其他分析家说这个 credit crunch 的问题将延续到下个春季。


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发表于 19-9-2007 03:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
我在这里等消息(现在已经是半夜三点),真的是 50 个点!其实之前放风说通货膨胀没有恶化已经露出一些马脚了。




哈哈,这个长篇连续剧真好看。再看完 bloomberg,是时候去睡觉了。

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发表于 19-9-2007 08:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
[size=180%]Tuesdays With Greenspan

[size=130%]AlanGreenspan launched his new book yesterday, perfectly timed. Its titledThe Age of Turbulence and has every biz commentator trying to get asoundbite on it.

[size=130%]An excerpt from the book, “The great problem inherent in capitalism [is] that creative destruction is often, and by a great many, viewed[size=130%]simply as destruction. Capitalism creates a tug-of-war within each ofus. We are alternately the aggressive entrepreneur and the couchpotato, who subliminally prefers the lessened competitive stress of aneconomy where all participants have equal incomes,” Greenspan writes.

[size=130%]TheWall Street Journal asked Greenspan “Many people, including some formercolleagues of yours from that period, believe the Fed kept interestrates too low for too long, thereby contributing to the housing bubbleand problems in subprime mortgages. Do you agree?” Greenspan agreeswith the “too low, too long” charge. “Wekept them too low for too long because we were effectively creating aninsurance against [deflation]. The problem in making choices is thatyou recognize that if you miss, you can end up with interest rates toolow, too long,” he replies.
As part of Greenspan's book contract, I think he has to go to all the interviews and tv shows to talk about his book.

[size=130%]Greenspansays basically that his critics under-estimate the dangers to thebanking system and the broader economy in the early years of thisdecade, in trying to justify his keeping interest rates so low for solong. Greenspan raised rates in 2004. But only after he held interestrates at historically low level for three years, while the bubble, thehousing bubble was forming. That was the growing perception in tradingrooms nowadays - that Greenspan was largely the unwitting architect forthe current subprime mess. And during that 3 years Greenspan made 13rate cuts in that period of time. "Itwas our job to unfreeze the American banking system if we wanted theeconomy to function. This required that we keep rates modestly low," Greenspan says.

[size=130%]In an interview with The Financial Times,
[size=130%]Greenspanmakes lots of inflation hawkish noises and notes that he weighs thedata differently from those such as economist Martin Feldstein who havecalled for aggressive rate cuts. “You have got to be a lot more careful in lowering rates in response to crises, ” he says. Greenspan also makes some bleak
[size=130%] predictions about the US housing market[size=130%],telling the FT that the downturn is likely to be worse than manyexpect. Greenspan said he would expect ‘as a minimum, largesingle-digit’ percentage declines in US house prices from peak totrough and added that he would not be surprised if the fall was ‘indouble digits'.

[size=130%]Asif this was a conspiracy by all media to try and help Greenspan sellhis book, Newsweek is putting Greenspan on their cover this week. Thisis bigger than Harry Potter's next movie!!! [size=130%]Greenspan's views on the “moral hazard/bailout/subsidy” question about Fed cuts - “Tothe extent that [the Fed] interferes with the economy, we do help someof the people who are involved in rather questionable financialactivities. The problem basically is that if you do effective monetarypolicy and stabilize the economy, you will raise all asset prices—thosethat are assets owned by prudent investors, but also the prices ofassets of those who have taken very silly risks and should be punishedas a consequence. There is no simple solution. If we do something whichworks for the society as a whole, we will inadvertently and undesirablybail out, if you want to put it in those terms, the people who havetaken silly risks,” This is the one big contention amongall investors, should the Fed step in to bail out less-than-prudentinvestment decisions made by some? To take the narrow road and sayeveryone should bear the risks and consequences of their actions ismyopic and unwise. Take LTCM, should the Fed not have bailed them?That's because the consequences of leaving them to act out theconsequences brings about far greater damage to the global economy,which may result in some nations losing tons in wealth and may find itnear impossible to recover. Should all Asian nations be left to die andunwind on its own following the 97 crisis?? After all, it is Asia'sproblems right?
[size=130%]Bykeeping interest rates too low for too long, Greenspan encouraged aborrowing-fueled speculative binge, which has now given way to a creditsqueeze. But his greatest failing was towards the end of his reignwhere he failed to crack down on the mortgage industry, he allowedsubprime hawkers to peddle dubious loans.

[size=130%]So,would I go and buy his book, probably not. I have read books about himand by him before and never came away knowing much more. Its justamazing the way the media & investors alike would put Greenspan ona pedestal, and for what? Basically he made a career in a job whosemain responsibility is to pick (a), (b) or (c). The first being tolower rates, the second to raise rates, and the third to do nothing. Ifyou are really unconvinced, just do (c). If people keep pestering youone way or the other, just follow the tide.

[size=130%]The reputable Bob Woodward in the Washington Post probably summed up best when he said "[size=130%]AsI've said many times before, the Federal Reserve is far less importantthan most people realize. I think the fact that it's so secretive helpskeep the illusion alive,”.

Malaysia-Finance Blogspot

[ 本帖最后由 hijaak 于 19-9-2007 08:16 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 14-10-2007 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

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