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舉債來投資 MEGAN 值得嗎 ? (九)

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发表于 3-7-2007 06:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 江湖 于 3-7-2007 06:07 PM 发表
我以为你认识阳萎翔, 以为是阳萎翔的告白信。。

我要买起他:@ :@


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发表于 3-7-2007 06:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 江湖 于 3-7-2007 04:41 PM 发表
借问各位kawan megan, 你们是持着什么心态持股?还搏他反弹?
如果你们认为megan 已死, 为什么你们不卖出?


P。S:我 ...


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发表于 3-7-2007 06:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
03-07-2007: Whopping losses
by Gan Yen Kuan

Megan Media Holdings Bhd, which reported accounting fraud at its subsidiary early last month, yesterday surprised the investing public with a huge unaudited net loss of RM1.27 billion for the year ended April 30, 2007 (FY07).

The FY07 results were weighed down by the RM1.14 billion loss in the fourth quarter (4Q), due to the skyrocketing operating expenses of RM1.16 billion. Subsequent to the huge net loss, it posted a loss per share of RM6.23 for FY07.

Its FY07's loss dwarfed the year's revenue of RM122.18 million. Its 4Q revenue was RM21.42 million. The 4Q results, approved by its board of directors, were released on Bursa Malaysia's website yesterday.

As investigations into its accounting fraud were ongoing, Megan Media said further adjustments might be required, pending the receipt of the investigative auditor's final report, and the completion of the statutory audit by the company's auditors.

"In this regard, any comparison to the group's prior quarter results announced for the current financial year ended April 30, 2007, and the prior year audited accounts for the year ended April 30, 2006, may be meaningless.

"Megan Media wishes to reiterate that further to previous announcements, the investigation work into the fraud and irregularities is still ongoing. The company's current annual audit is also in progress," it said.

In the notes accompanying its 4Q results yesterday, Megan Media said it incurred operating expenses of RM1.16 billion, which included:
• impairment loss of property, plant and equipment of RM488.1 million;
• write-off of investment in subsidiary no longer consolidated of RM138.5 million;
• write-off of deposit for machinery of RM198.7 million;
• write-off of trade receivables of RM189.9 million; and
• provision for crystallisation of corporate guarantee granted to a subsidiary of RM118.9 million.

The de-consolidation involved Megan Media's unit MJC (Singapore) Pte Ltd and MJC's associated company, PT Megaplast Jayacitra (PTMJ), after the High Court of Singapore appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers as interim judicial managers to MJC, resulting in Megan Media losing control of MJC.

On June 11, Megan Media announced accounting misstatements in its books going back to its 2005 financial year, when its trade receivables were first inflated. The accounting fraud was uncovered at its subsidiary, Memory Tech Sdn Bhd.

On June 19, it was classified as a PN17 company, and was given eight months to submit a substantive plan to regularise its financial condition.

"The continuance of the company as a going concern is subject to a successful implementation of debt restructuring and regularisation plans," it said.

Megan Media hogged the limelight, only after it announced in early May that Memory Tech and MJC defaulted on RM47.36 million trade facilities, and indicated both companies would not be able to meet other repayments.

Things worsened when a probe into Memory Tech in early June revealed that there was deliberate falsification of the group's financial performance.

Commenting on Megan Media's FY07 net loss, an analyst said he was surprised by the unexpected huge amount of losses while another said most research houses had stopped coverage on the counter even before the accounting fraud was uncovered.

"Nobody really bothers. I think the banks would be more concerned due to the defaulted loans, not the investors," he added.

Trading in shares of Megan Media was halted yesterday and will resume trading today. Its share price lost some 66% to close at 10.5 sen last Friday from 31.5 sen on June 5.

http://www.theedgedaily.com/cms/ ... a-16f70a40-8d977061


03-07-2007: Transmile up, Megan down after revealing losses
By Joseph Chin

Transmile Group Bhd’s share price rose as much as 18 sen or 3.96% to RM4.72 in early trade on July 3 as investors had already factored in the RM496 million losses for FY05 and FY06.

However, Megan Media Holdings Bhd tumbled as much as 5.5 sen to 5 sen in early trade as the net losses of RM1.27 billion for FY07 was more than expected.

Transmile opened 14 sen lower to RM4.40 with 63,700 shares done, however, it rebounded. Within the hour, there were 3.24 million shares transacted at prices ranging from RM4.32 to RM4.72. At 10am, it was trading at RM4.68, up 14 sen.

Megan Media opened at seven sen, down 3.5 sen. Within the first 60 minutes of trade, there were 8.9 million shares done at prices ranging from five sen to 7.5 sen. At 10am, it was trading at six sen, down 4.5 sen.

On July 2, Transmile revealed that it had racked up total losses of RM496 million for the financial years ended Dec 31, 2005 and 2006, according to a final audit of its financial statements.

It made additional adjustments to the accounts on top of that recommended by Moores Rowland Risk Management in its special audit. As a result, it reported a higher pre-tax loss of RM417 million in FY05 than the RM67 million suggested in the June 16 announcement. For FY06, however, Transmile reported a pre-tax loss of RM125 million instead of the indicated RM140 million.

All in, Transmile made adjustments of RM899.3 million to the pre-tax profits for both years.

Aseambankers Equity Research maintained its “Sell” on the air cargo transporter as its revised net asset value (RNAV) valuation based on 2006’s balance sheet - after imputing lower property, plant and equipment - was RM4.07.

“As earnings clarity remains unclear, maintain Sell with a lower, revised target price of RM4 from RM4.50 previously, based on its RNAV,” it said.

Megan Media, which reported accounting fraud at its subsidiary early last month, revealed a huge unaudited net loss of RM1.27 billion for the year ended April 30, 2007 (FY07).

The FY07 results were weighed down by the RM1.14 billion loss in the fourth quarter (4Q), due to the skyrocketing operating expenses of RM1.16 billion. Subsequent to the huge net loss, it posted a loss per share of RM6.23 for FY07.

Its FY07's loss dwarfed the year's revenue of RM122.18 million. Its 4Q revenue was RM21.42 million. The 4Q results, approved by its board of directors, were released on Bursa Malaysia's website yesterday.

As investigations on its accounting fraud were ongoing, Megan Media said further adjustments might be required, pending the receipt of the investigative auditor’s final report, and the completion of the statutory audit by the company’s auditors.

http://www.theedgedaily.com/cms/ ... a-16f70a40-be8a74f0

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发表于 3-7-2007 06:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 江湖 于 3-7-2007 05:12 PM 发表

对,令人匪夷所思。。。他们抱着什么心态购入呢?要投机为什么不卖炒股? 而买入出名烂股? 我听一个前辈说过炒股一定要有量, 可能就因为它的量吧。。

不如, 我们大家研究研究
之前, 我有分析过 ...



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发表于 3-7-2007 06:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ee33 于 3-7-2007 06:23 PM 发表


一场战役如果真的败北的话, 将军的任务是如何让伤亡减到最低,能救回多少就多少, 退兵并不可耻的。能屈能伸才是真英雄。



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发表于 3-7-2007 11:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
你们一大早不见15%,你们MAMAK档开PARTY庆祝, 我今天晚PAN PACIFIC HOTEL开香槟。

有位网友和我顶嘴,讲他会在香格里拉酒店吃牛扒,而我只在pan pacific开香宾,希望他现在不好茅街睡觉。

[ 本帖最后由 猪先生2 于 3-7-2007 11:26 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 4-7-2007 01:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
Megan Media in more hot water
By Goh Thean Eu

July 4 2007

OPTICAL disc maker Megan Media Holdings Bhd has run into more trouble, this time revealing it has defaulted on close to RM900 million in bank loans.

Megan's revelation yesterday comes hot on the heels of a report by investigative accountant Ferrier Hodgson MH Sdn Bhd which had said that certain trades in the company's accounts last year were "fraudulent".

Ferrier Hodgson's final report is expected to be out in next six to eight weeks.

The company, whose subsidiaries defaulted on RM47.36 million maturing trade loans in May this year, said that it has since "defaulted on RM899.96 million in maturing banking facilities".

The announcement came a day after it reported a RM1.3 billion net loss for its financial year ended April 30 2007.

Megan shares fell sharply on requotion yesterday, after being suspended on Monday.

The stock closed 33.33 per cent, or 3.5 sen lower, at 7.5 sen, with more than 16.63 million shares traded. Its warrants closed 25 per cent lower at 3 sen.

Its shares have depreciated by 88.8 per cent so far this year.

While Malaysian creditor banks have noted the defaults in repayments, Megan said none has initiated legal proceedings against the company.

In Singapore, its subsidiary MJC (Singapore) Pte Ltd, was sued by The Bank of East Asia for a claim amounting to S$3.04 million (RM6.84 million) although the company has given corporate guarantees for the loans and is defending the suit.

The Securities Commission (SC) is also looking at the case closely. It launched an investigation into the firm's accounts last month.

"Our investigation into these cases of financial irregularities is already being expedited with the view to taking swift enforcement action.

"We will take all appropriate steps, including the strengthening of corporate governance and financial reporting framework, to minimise the likelihood of these occurrences in the future," an SC spokesperson told Business Times in an e-mail reply yesterday.

Meanwhile, Megan said it is working with its creditor banks to restructure its debts.

"We are also working with our legal counsel, specialist advisers and investigative accountants to initiate legal proceedings to recover all amounts lost due to the irregularities.

"The company is closely monitoring its short-term cash flow and has sufficient short-term cash flow based on its current modus operandi," Megan said in a statement.

Trouble began for the optical disc maker when its subsidiaries Memory Tech Sdn Bhd and MJC defaulted on a RM47.36 million loan.

Since then, its co-founder George Yeo Wee Siong has resigned without giving any reasons, while the Singapore High Court appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers as interim judicial managers to MJC, taking the subsidiary over from Megan.

On Bursa Malaysia, Megan has also being classified as a Practice Note 17 company and has eight months to submit a plan to regularise its financial conditions.

http://www.btimes.com.my/Current ... egan03.xml/Article/

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发表于 4-7-2007 01:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
更新: July 3, 2007 21:39













http://www.chinapress.com.my/con ... mp;art=0704bs30.txt

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发表于 4-7-2007 01:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

updated:2007-07-03 18:16:29 MYT











媒岸控股截至2007年4月30日止第四季就虧損了11億4000萬令吉,主要原因來自新加坡子公司MEMEORY TECH虛報資產和實虧報盈的假賬事件。

MEMEORY TECH虛報4億5600萬令吉資產、截至今年1月31日的第三季或蒙受5億5209萬虧損,而非報的盈利1055萬令吉,還有5億8000萬固定資產在調查中。 (星洲日報/財經•2007.07.03)

http://biz.sinchew-i.com/content ... ;artid=200707030847

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发表于 4-7-2007 01:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2411 Mr.Business 的帖子

megan每次都是暴跌后, 荣升10 排行榜

megan 是笨猪跳跌法, 不是玩过山车, 出票机会很少。
试想想, 如果之前有人收票的话, 不知几个炒家葬身于此。 如果rm 0.13 买了rm 10,000 也是亏50%, 几时买也会死。


[ 本帖最后由 江湖 于 4-7-2007 01:54 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 4-7-2007 05:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
Hi, Kawan,

我是说老实话, 不要 xxxx 我,  OK ?

不要只怪责杨小子啦!  他只是个替死鬼罢了。(也许是同族的关系)。

megan 的 project 这么大, 这么严重,  怎么可能只是他一人干的。

友族这么多位董事, 肯定有份参与啦! (你看他们现在打太极就看出来)。

后来再加入的 吉灵仔, 也有参与啦!  现在才博周情, 吃人不吐骨。


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发表于 4-7-2007 05:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2414 khokhokho 的帖子


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发表于 4-7-2007 08:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 4-7-2007 07:09 PM 发表

印度人; 花旗銀行; 回教債券行。

花旗銀行最 ...

不定要花旗银行;印度人; 花旗銀行; 回教債券行,大众银行,马来亚银行,土著银行,affin bank, eon bank, BIMB, 等等也可以嘛。



p/s:就算收购了他,有什么好处?继续让megan亏本?酱的话-> 长痛不如短痛。

[ 本帖最后由 jackphang 于 4-7-2007 08:09 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 4-7-2007 08:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 jackphang 于 4-7-2007 08:08 PM 发表

不定要花旗银行;印度人; 花旗銀行; 回教債券行,大众银行,马来亚银行,土著银行,affin bank, eon bank, BIMB, 等等也可以嘛。

或者我们也可以请来台湾厂用一块钱来收购megan,就如proton用一块钱把摩多 ...


原帖由 猪先生2 于 16-6-2007 11:13 PM 发表

原帖由 猪先生2 于 24-6-2007 10:42 AM 发表

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发表于 4-7-2007 09:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 猪先生2 于 4-7-2007 08:50 PM 发表






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发表于 4-7-2007 09:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2404 khokhokho 的帖子


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发表于 4-7-2007 09:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 4-7-2007 09:26 PM 发表

狫弟弟,我第一次回復你的話,megan賣完所有的資產也不夠還債務,那如果你是銀行/回教債券行的負責人的話,你會讓megan破產嗎,錢收不回來,讓那些做假債的人沒事嗎?破產就等於那些人做了犯法的事情,最終完全 ...

老友!我讲他除牌你讲到哪里?????叫我狫弟弟???? ,我念你才三十几你要叫我长辈!

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发表于 4-7-2007 10:11 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-7-2007 11:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
舉債來投資 MEGAN 值得嗎 ?  快要 100 页了 ,万岁

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