查看: 1315|回复: 3
1) WHOSE WHO WHOM 的分别和用法。
2) animal 是 singular or plural? 那几时要用animals? 请给予一些例子。
3) 你是如何办到的?how do you make it? or how did you make it? 哪一个对?该用past tense or present tense?
4) SOME, A LOT, A BIT 的用法和分别。
谢谢。thank you in advance.
[ 本帖最后由 yen1988 于 25-2-2007 06:23 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-2-2007 10:18 AM
1. animal是singular. plural的用法其实跟其他名词一样.
当你要指所有动物/general term的时候,通常是用animals (major grp of organisms)
2. 要看你是指什么
how did you do it / how do you make it.
3. some, a lot, a bit.要看你是如何用.
some = countable/uncountable.
a lot of/ lots of= much & many 的informal用法.可以是countable & uncountable.看你指什么.
a bit = 没有a bit.只有a little bit of/little.也是uncountable nouns
发表于 26-2-2007 05:44 PM
1 Whose 谁的 Who 谁(Subject 主语) Whom 谁(object 宾语)
1 Whose bag is this?
2 Who bought this bag?
3 This bag belongs to whom ?
[ 本帖最后由 黄丽珠 于 26-2-2007 05:49 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 1-3-2007 02:52 PM
谢谢各位! |
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