各位大大,我是一名砂劳越的学生,我最近在做一个research关于education reformation melaka before independence.不知那位大大可以告诉我以下的答案呢?
1. What was the condition of education before Colonisations?
2. How many types of schools existed before Colonisations? What were their purpose?
3. What was the condition of education during Colonisations?
i)Portuguese ii)Dutch iii)British iv)Japanese.
4. How many schools existed during each colonisations?What were their functions & focus?
5. What were the effects of the existence of different schools?
6. Elaborate the followings (What is it?Who were involved?Why was it created?When was it established?What were effects each report?)
i) Cheeseman Plan
ii) Holgate Report (1949)-Central Advisory on Education
iii) Barnes Report (1950)
iv) Fenn-Wu Report (1951)
v) Education Ordinance (1952)
vi) The Razak Statement (1956)