脊背手印 - 舒緩腰痛 / Merudanda Mudra - Relieves Back Pain
Endless Back Pain? HunchBack? Try Merudanda Mudra!
Benefits of This Mudra
1. 舒緩腰痛
relieves pain in back
2. 拉伸背部
straightens the back
3. 導引氣息至橫隔膜及太陽輪
directs flow of breath to diaphragm & solar plexus
4. 改善呼吸、血液循環及專注力
improves respiration, blood circulation & focus
1. 飽腹時,不宜練習
Avoid practising with full stomach
2. 高血壓或心臟病患者,不宜練習
Strictly prohibited for people with high blood pressure or heart disease
3. 每次練習5分鐘
Practise 5 minutes for each trial