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发表于 18-4-2005 07:43 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
風象星座(Air Signs): 雙子座、天秤座和水瓶座便屬於風象星座,代表智慧及思巧的過程。

水瓶座年代(Aquarian Age): 歷時二千年的年代,水瓶座的影響十分顯著,二千年後又會重返太陽運行的軌�[。

弧(Arc): 天空上兩個行星之間的角度。

上升星座(Ascendant/ Rising Sign): 指出生當時由出生地延伸到東方地平線,再向外延伸到黃道上所指的星座。大約每兩小時有新的星座上升;而上升星座代表了個人的性格和形象。

占星學(Astrology): 行星對地球上任何行為、活動等的影響的研究;是人類命理的自然線索。

出生圖(Birth Chart, also known as a Chart or Chart wheel): 列出個人出生時行星位置的「地圖」,由個人出生的地點、日期和時間作為資料來源,才能做出個人的出生圖。

基本星座(Cardinal Signs): 白羊座、巨蟹座、天秤座和摩羯座,代表主動性。

天際物體(Celestial body): 於太空存在的實體,例如行星。

形態(Configuration): 三個或以上行星的外觀。

星群(Constellation): 天際上可看得見的一群恆星。

尖端(Cusp): 兩個星座之間的中間點;亦可指出生圖上黃道宮的開始。

循環周期(Cycle): 行星在黃道帶內的周期; 行星在天際上完成一個循環的時間。

角度(Degree): 量度圓形的單位,亦是占星學上常用的量度單位。

土象星座(Earth Signs): 金牛座、處女座和摩羯座屬於土象星座,代表現實主義。

第八宮(Eighth House): 亦稱為性別宮,代表分享的資源、遺傳、生活費、稅款和手術;亦是新生、死亡和復活的黃道宮。

選擇占星學(Electional Astrology): 占星學的一個支派,有關選擇適當的時機去開始任何活動或計劃。

元素(Elements): 將十二星座分為火、土、風、水,這四種元素在黃道十二宮的排行上對應,相生相�,屬同一元素的星座有相近的性格。

十一宮(Eleventh House): 亦稱為朋友宮,代表友誼和瞭解,以及希望與夢想,掌管團體、人民主義和博愛的態度。

曆書(Ephemeris): 列出某段時期的星座位置及其他天文資料的年鑑。

晝夜平分點/ 春分或秋分(Equinox): 指白天與晚上的時間一樣長的日子,這個日子每年出現兩次,分別標誌著春天和秋天的開始。

陰性星座(Feminine Signs): 即土象和水象星座,包括金牛座、巨蟹座、處女座、天蠍座、摩羯座和雙魚座,代表被動及接收能量。

第五宮(Fifth House): 亦稱為遊樂宮,代表浪漫、創意、兒童、趣味及沉思,掌管個人的戲劇和藝術細胞。

火象星座(Fire Signs): 白羊座、獅子座和射手座,代表暴躁和熱烈的性格。

第一宮(First House): 亦稱之為個人宮,代表外在性格,是我們向世界投射的形象,亦即我們的面具。

固定的星座(Fixed Signs): 金牛座、獅子座、天蠍座和水瓶座, 特性是固執和墨守成規。

預測(Forecast): 估量行星的移動,而對未來走勢的預測。

第四宮(Fourth House): 亦稱家庭宮,代表居所、物業、世系及過去,亦談及父母的影響。

大十字(Grand Cross): 四個行星組成共有的正方形的形態,增加緊張的狀態。

大三分一對座(Grand Trine): 三個行星(通常屬同一元素的)相遇成三角形的狀態,產生和諧的力量。

時辰占星學(Horary Astrology): 占星學的一派,據提出問題時的天象進行占卜。

星座(Horoscope): 「星座」這個詞彙在本世紀中,便是每天在報紙、雜誌和網上的很多運程預測。字面上解釋為「時間的標誌」,是某人誕生時各天體的位置(學術上與「出生圖」同義)。

黃道十二宮(Houses): 占星術中分周天為360度,以30度為一宮,通常以逆時針方向(由九時的位置開始),稱為「第一宮」、「第二宮」、‥‥‥「第十二宮」,每一宮代表某人生命中的某一元素。

木星(Jupiter): 象徵幸運、哲學觀、宗教、深造、倫理價值、擴展、豐裕和過盛,亦掌管長途旅行、渴望及判斷。

火星(Mars): 代表行動、激情、衝動和決斷,與個人的性慾、力量、勇氣、好鬥的本性、積極和果斷有關。

陽性星座(Masculine Signs): 即火象和風象星座,包括白羊座、雙子座、獅子座、天秤座、射手座和水瓶座,代表果斷和有自信的力量。

水星(Mercury): 代表溝通、智慧、自覺、交通、機靈和思想。

月亮(Moon): 代表母親和一個人生命中所接觸的女性,養育、家庭、感情、直覺和記憶;亦代表個人對環境和經驗的情感反應。

世俗占星學(Mundane Astrology): 占星學的一派,與人的出生地點有關;世界大事及趨勢都是焦點所在。

易變的星座(Mutable Signs): 即雙子座、處女座、射手座和雙魚座,本性較靈活。

海王星(Neptune): 掌管音樂、電視、電影、潮流、魔法、夢想、幻像、藥物,都是無形的及難以捉摸的;亦代表抽象的思想、酒精和潛意識的精神力量。

第九宮(Ninth House): 亦稱為哲學宮,代表宗教、旅遊、外國、法律、深造、出版、進/出口及倫理。

行星(Planets): 占星學上,「行星」指太陽、月亮、水星、火星、金星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星,而地球是我們涉及的一點,因此並不包括在內。一般來說,地球是循著一定的軌跡,圍繞著太陽而運行的主體。

冥王星(Pluto): 主宰轉變、重生、復活、破壞、毀滅、力量及消滅,亦代表原子能、緊張、罪行、死亡和地獄。

特質(Qualities): 不同的星座有本身的特性。

土星(Saturn): 代表紀律、責任、野心、限制和延遲,亦透過毅力和年紀,掌管老人、傳統、權力、架構、耐性和智慧,讓我們接受人生的教訓。

第二宮(Second House): 亦稱之為擁有宮,代表個人的物質資產、收入及賺錢的方法,亦顯示個人生命中最重視甚麼。

第七宮(Seventh House): 亦稱為夥伴宮,代表婚姻、合股、投機及生意夥伴,亦支配離婚、法律上的義務、公開對抗、合約、訴訟及談判

第六宮(Sixth House): 亦稱為健康宮,有關個人的工作、規律、日常義務、飲食習慣、顧員、寵物和健康,亦與責任的完成和知性的思想有關。

至點(Solstice): 即夏至或冬至,當太陽下傾至最盡頭的時候,每年有兩次至點,代表夏季和冬季的伊始。

太陽(Sun): 代表自尊心、個人、意志力、獨特性和個性,是個人的身分,亦代表父親和生命中男性的影響。

太陽星座(Sun Sign): 某人出生時,太陽在黃道帶上的位置,顯示個人的基本性格特徵,是每個人作為獨立的個體,所有的潛力和獨特性質的中心。

第十宮(Tenth House): 亦稱為社會地位宮,代表個人的才能、工作、專業、野心、名譽、權力、聲望及成就,亦掌管體制,與個人父母影響力有關。

第三宮(Third House): 亦稱為溝通宮,是我們表達自己的方法,在知識層面上的思考方式,亦代表知覺、兄弟姊妹、鄰居及本身的環境,還有是早期的教育、對機器的靈敏及短途旅遊。

第十二宮(Twelfth House): 亦稱為無意識宮,代表隱藏及未知、潛意識的思想、無 形的東西如睡眠、夢境、命運及精神負擔;亦掌管孤獨、限制、恐懼、悲傷、秘密、潛在的敵人、不真實、機構及慈善。

天王星(Uranus): 代表不穩定、奇異及與別不同,掌管自由、創新、原創、電腦、科技、科學、電力、革命、叛亂及改變,天王星衝破障礙及傳統。

金星(Venus): 代表愛情、浪漫、漂亮、文化、美學的、感情、個人的吸引力及接受能力,還有是品味、和諧及價值觀。

水象星座(Water Signs): 即巨蟹座、天蠍座及雙魚座,有情緒、感覺及直覺的本性。

黃道帶(Zodiac): 天上的分為十二星座的軌道,每段包括30度經度,作為不同的人類特性的晴雨表。

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 21-8-2005 08:26 AM | 显示全部楼层

阿拉伯点:Arabic Parts(Arabic Points,AP) 通常以某一行星的黄经加上升的黄经,再减掉另一行星的黄经,所得之度数为一阿拉伯点,每个阿拉伯点有不同意义,其中最为人知的即为「福点」 (Part of Fortune)


八分相:Semi-square(半四分相) [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成四十五度的视角

本初子午圈:Prime Meridian 通过英国格林威治的子午圈,也就是经度零度

本位星座:cardinal signs 指牡羊座、巨蟹座、天秤座、摩羯座

本命占星学:Natal Astrology占星学的一支,以人的出生星位图为研究对象

本位宫:angular houses包括第一、四、七、十宫


变动星座:mutable signs包括双子座、处女座、射手座和双鱼座

补八分相:Sesquiquadrate [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成一百三十五度的视角

补五分相:Sesquiquintle [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成一百零八度的视角

补十二分相:Inconjunct or Quincunx [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成一百五十度的视角

倍五分相:Bi-quintile [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成一百四十四度的视角

标准时:Standard Time以GMT为准订出的国际时间标准

标准时区:Standard Time Zone 每十五度经度为一个标准时区,全球共有二十四个标准时区,台湾为-8(CCT)

牡羊座:Aries [星座] 黄道上的第一个星座,在黄经0度起到30度前的区间,太阳约在每年的三月二十一日 到四月二十日通过这个区间;牡羊座由火星守护,金星在此为失势位置,太阳在此为强势位置,土星在此为弱势位置



出生图的守护星:Chart Ruler 出生图中上升星座的守护星

出生图型态:chart shaping 把出生图中行星分布的型态加以分类

出生图:birth chart 表示出生时当地天体运行状况的图表,通常包含行星所在星座、宫位及相互之间的相位

出生星位图:natal horoscope 同 birth chart;表示出生时当地天体运行状况的图表,通常包含行星所在星座、宫位及相互之间的相位

出生资料:birth data 计算出生图时必要的资料,包括日期、时间和出生地

出生时间: birth moment 通常是以剪断脐带后第一声哭声为准

初始图:radical chart 以标的所在的时间地点画出的星位图,常指出生星位图

赤经:right asceasion(RA) 由春分点起算天球赤道上的刻度

辰星:morning star


处女座:Virgo [星座] 黄道上的第六个星座,在黄经150度起至180度前的区间,太阳约在每年的八月二十一日到九月二十三日通过这个区间;处女座由水星守护,海王星在此为失势位置,金星在此为弱势位置

超个人行星:transpersonal planets 指天王星、海王星和冥王星

春分点:Vernal Equinox 太阳由南向北时通过天球赤道的点,同时也是牡羊座零度

重置出生图:relocation charts 以相同时间在不同地点画的出生图

赤纬:declination [坐标] 星体与赤道面的夹角

赤道:equator 地球上位于两极间之距离一半的假想大圆

次级推进:Secondary Direction 将出生图上的星体及基本点位置,以一日代表一年的方式计算其移动,来作某种预测,有时也称作 progressions

次守护关系:sub-rulership 在现代行星被发现之后,水瓶座改由天王星守护, 原来守护水瓶座的土星 则被视为水瓶座的次守护星; 双鱼座改由海王星守护,原来守护双鱼座的木星则被视为双鱼座的次守护星 天蝎座改由冥王星守护,原来守护天蝎座的火星则被视为天蝎座的次守护星

财经占星学:Financial Astrology


第一宫:first house [宫位] 掌管本命

第二宫:second house [宫位] 掌管钱财、工作能力

第三宫:third house [宫位] 在占星学中掌管学习、知识、旅行、手足关系

第四宫:fourth house [宫位] 掌管位嫁娶前的家庭运

第五宫:fifth house [宫位] 掌管爱情、照顾子女方式、艺术

第六宫:sixth house [宫位] 掌管职业、健康

第七宫:seventh house [宫位] 掌管婚姻、对手

第八宫:eighth house [宫位] 掌管公共财物、投资运、生死

第九宫:ninth house [宫位] Novile 九分相[相位]两星或星与基本点间成四十度的视角,掌管高等知识、 长途旅游、迁移

第十宫:tenth house [宫位] 在占星学中掌管事业、社会地位

第十一宫:eleventh house [宫位] 掌管朋友、理想、社团

第十二宫:twelfth house [宫位] 掌管精神、负面情绪、信仰

大十字:Grand Cross [相位组] 有两组行星之间成对相,且两两成四分相

大三角:Grand Trine [相位组] 三颗行星之间互相成三分相

大圆:great circle [坐标] 通过地心的平面与天球切出的圆

大年:Great Year(the Great Age)天文学上的春分点岁差绕行天球一周为一个大年

对相星座:opposite signs相距一百八十度的两个星座,在黄道上共有六对对相星座,分别是牡羊座-天秤座, 金牛座-天蝎座,双子座-射手座,巨蟹座-摩羯座,狮子座-水瓶座, 和处女座-双鱼座

对相:Opposition [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成一百八十度的视角

对宫:polarity 黄道上对相的星座或宫位

等宫制:Equal House System [分宫制] 以上升为基准,依逆时针方向,将黄道等分为每宫三十度的宫位制

地平线:horizon [坐标] 将星位图分为上下两部分的线

短上升星座:Short Ascension 在北半球包括摩羯座、水瓶座、双鱼座、牡羊座、金牛座和双子座

定位星:dispositor 星体所在星座的守护星

东方点:east point 地平线与主垂圈在东方的交点



二分点岁差:Pression of the Equinoxes天文学上的春分点以每年约五十点二秒的速度在黄道带上逆行

二分点:Equinoxes 即春分点(太阳由南向北时通过天球赤道的点,同时也是牡羊座零度)和秋分点(太阳由 北向南时通过天球赤道的点,同时也是天秤座零度)



分宫制:House division 划分宫位的方法

分点星座:equinox signs指牡羊座及天秤座

发光体:luminaries(lights) 在占星学上常指太阳和月亮

福点:Part of Fortune (幸运点) [阿拉伯点] 在日间出生者:上升的黄经加上月亮的黄经,再减掉太阳的黄经;在夜间出生者:上升的黄经加上太阳的黄经,再减掉月亮的黄经

符号:glyphs 占星学上所用的速记符号

风筝:Kite [相位组] 有一星与形成大三角的其中一星成对相,且和其它二星成六分相

风象星座:air signs 包括双子座、天秤座、水瓶座


个人星:personal planets 在出生图中的太阳、月亮、上升星座的守护星、太阳所在星座的守护星和月亮所在星座的守护星;有时指太阳、月亮、水星、金星和火星

个人点:personal points 指出生图上的上升和天顶

关系图:relationship chart 找出两人出生时间和地点的中点,以此画出一张星位图

关键词:keywords 将占星学上星体、星座、宫位或其它分析工具的意义,用几个词简单的词代表,以利学习和记忆

宫主星:lord of a house 与某个宫位宫头落入的星座有守护关系的星

宫位:houses 将黄道分为十二个部分以代表世俗的不同部分

宫位书:Tables of Houses 在采非等宫制时所用记载宫位划分的图表

共同守护关系:joint rulership 在三个现代行星被发现之前,在占星学上, 日月之外的五个星行都守护两个行星,水星守护双子座和处女座,金星守护金牛座和天秤座,火星守护牡羊座和天蝎座,木星守护射手座和双鱼座,土星守护摩羯座和水瓶座

固定星座:fixed signs 包括金牛座、狮子座、天蝎座和水瓶座

固定宫:succedent houses 包括第二、五、八、十一宫

格林威治标准时:Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) 格林威治当地测量出的标准时间

谷神星:Ceres [小行星] 为天文学上的第一号小行星,也是最大的小行星


火星:Mars [行星] 由太阳算起第四颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管性、发脾气的方式、女性欣赏男性的类型

火象星座:fire signs 包括牡羊座、狮子座和射手座

火车头型:Locomotive Shape [出生图型态] 行星分布在出生图中留下一百二十度空白的型态

恒星:fixed stars 在占星学上指太阳以外的恒星,但大多只使用接近黄道的恒星

合图:synastry 将两张星位图作比较和分析

合相:Conjunction [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成零度的视角

合轴星:angular planets(angularity)与基本点合相的行星,有时也指在一、四、七、十宫中的星

黄纬:celestial latitude [坐标] 星体与黄道面的夹角

黄经:celestial longitude [坐标] 黄道上由春分点算起,从零度到三百五十九度的坐标

黄道:ecliptic 由地球上看太阳在天球上运行的轨道

黄道带:Zodiac 由地球上看太阳运行的轨道,向两侧延伸八度的区域

婚神星:Juno [小行星] 为天文学上的三号小行星,是第四大的小行星

回归黄道:Tropical Zodiac 以春分点为准画出黄道,即一般占星学上称之黄道带

回归:returns 行星回到其出生图上相同的位置 海

王星:Neptune [行星] 由太阳算起第八颗(>天文学上的)行星,掌管文化、精神生活

互容:mutual reception 两行星互相位于对方所守护的星座

弧:arc 圆周上的一部分或是一段曲线

恒星时:Sidereal Time(ST) 利用恒星为准算出之时间

恒星黄道:Sidereal Zodiac 以天文学上的星座为准画出的黄道带

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 21-8-2005 08:27 AM | 显示全部楼层

吉星:benefics 通常指木星和金星

金牛座:Taurus [星座] 黄道上的第二个星座,在黄经30度起至60度前的区间, 太阳约在每年的四月二十日 到五月二十一日通过这个区间;金牛座由金星守护,冥王星在此为失势位置,月亮在此为强势位置,天王星 在此为弱势位置

金星:Venus [行星] 由太阳算起第二颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管审美观、男性欣赏异性类型、 女性如何展现魅力

巨蟹座:Cancer [星座] 黄道上的第四个星座,在黄经90度起到120度前的区间,太阳约在每年的六月二十一日到七月二十二日通过这个区间;巨蟹座由月亮守护,土星在此为失势位置,木星在此为强势位置,火星在此为弱势位置

集团型:Bundle Shape [出生图型态] 行星皆位于出生图中一百二十度内的型态

界线:cusp 星座或宫位的分界

基本点:angles 指上升、下降、天顶和天底四个点


扩展型:Splay Shape [出生图型态] 行星在出生图中不规则的散布,而且有些成群的型态

凯龙星:Chiron (半人马星)[小行星] 为天文学上小行星第2060号


龙头:Dragon's Head 黄道和月亮轨道的北交点,也叫月的北交点

龙尾:Dragon's Tail 黄道和月亮轨道的南交点,也叫月的南交点

六分相:Sextile [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成六十度的视角


摩羯座:Capricorn [星座] 黄道上的第十个星座,在黄经270度起到300度前的区间,太阳约在每年 的十二月二十三日到一月十九日通过这个区间;摩羯座由土星守护,月亮在此为失势位置,火星在此为强势位置,木星在此为弱势位置

面:Face 每个星座可分为六个面,每个面皆为五度

玛雅占星学:Mayan Astrology

木星:Jupiter [行星] 由太阳算起第五颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管理想、人生目标

冥王星:Pluto [行星] 由太阳算起第九颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管创造、新生、钜变、毁灭

美国占星家协会:American Federation of Astrologer Inc.(AFA)


内行星:inferior planets 指水星和金星,有时也包括火星

逆行:Retrograde Motion(R) 从地球上看行星在星空背景中由西向东行


平太阳时:mean solar time 一般时钟所指示的时间


七分相:Septile [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成五十一度四分的视角

跷板型:See-Saw Shape [出生图型态] 行星位于出生图中相对两群的型态

强势:exaltation 行星处在易于发挥其正面特质的星座

区间:decanates(decans) 一个星座可分为三个区间,每个区间皆为十度

秋分点:Autumnal Equinox 太阳由北向南时通过天球赤道的点,同时也是天秤座零度


日心占星学:Heliocentric Astrology是以太阳为计算基点的占星学,不同于一般以地球为计算基点的占星学

日行:daily travel 行星每日移动的距离

日光节约时间:Daylight Savings Time由于纬度的关系,由国家规定将时间播快一小时,以节约能源

日回归图:solar ruturn chart 太阳回到其出生图上同一位置的星位图

容许度:orbs 计算相位时可容许与标准值间的误差值

入相位:applying aspect 两行星正接近形成准确相位视角的位置



上升:Ascendant(Asc) [基本点] 东方地平线和黄道带的交点,在大部分的宫位制中是第一宫的起点

上升星:Rising Planet 和上升星座合相的星

上升星座:Rising Sign or Ascendant Sign星位图中上升点所落入的星座,掌管本命、外貌、自我

十分相:Semi-quintile or Decile(半五分相) [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成三十六度的视角

十二分相:Semi-sextile (半六分相) [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成三十度的视角

水瓶座时代:Aquarian Age 十二个大月之一,是以春分点移位经过(天文学上的)水瓶座的一段时期

水瓶座:Aquarius [星座] 黄道上的第十一个星座,在黄经300度起到330度前的区间,太阳约在每年的一月二十日到二月十九日通过这个区间;水瓶座由天王星守护,太阳在此为失势位置,水星在此为强势位置

手指:Yod (Y型三角)[相位组] 有两行星成六分相且有另一行星与此二行星皆成补十二分相

水象星座:water signs 包括巨蟹座、天蝎座和双鱼座 双鱼座:Pisces [星座] 黄道上的第十二个星座,在黄经330度起到0度前的区间,太阳约在每年的二月二十日 到三月二十日通过这个区间;双鱼座传统上是由木星守护,现在则加上海王星共同守护,水星在此为失势位置,金星在此为强势位置

双子座:Gemini [星座] 黄道上的第三个星座,在黄经60度起到90度前的区间,太阳约在每年的五月二十二日到六月二十一日通过这个区间;双子座由水星守护,木星在此为失势位置

狮子座:Leo [星座] 黄道上的第五个星座,在黄经120度起至150度前的区间,太阳约在每年的七月二十三日到八月二十二日通过这个区间;狮子座由太阳守护,天王星在此为失势位置,水星在此为弱势位置

数字学:Numerology 研究数字象征及意义的学问 数律分析法:harmonics 将出生星位图上各星体及基本点的黄经,乘以某一整数,再除以三百六十度,所得的余数所代表的黄经位置,再绘制一张星位图,据之以分析

手指:finger of fate [相位组] 同Yod;亦即「Y型三角」,有两行星成六分相且有另一行星与此二行星皆 成补十二分相

莎比恩象征:Sabin Symbols 将黄道上的每一度都以一句诗文形容,赋与不同的意义

时区标准时:Zone Standard Time(ZST)在当地时区所用的时间,与GMT差整数个小时

射手座:Sagittarius [星座] 黄道上的第九个星座,在黄经240度起至270度前的区间,太阳约在每年的十一月二十三日到十二月二十二日通过这个区间;射手座由木星守护,水星在此为失势位置

事件图:event chart 为一特别事件发生时所画的星位图

时距加速值:acceleration 用来修正平太阳时与恒星时的差距,在计算上升点时必须要用到

守护星:Ruler(Ruling Planet) 同 Chart Ruler,指出生图中上升星座的守护星,有时也指与某星座有守护关系的星

守护宫:Ruler's House 守护星所在的宫位

守护关系:rulership 每一星座有某行星守护的关系,如下:牡羊座-火星、金牛座-金星、双子座-水星、 巨蟹座-月亮、狮子座-太阳、处女座-水星、天秤座-金星、天蝎座-冥王星(火星)、射手座-木星、 犘羯座-土星、水瓶座-天王星(土星)、双鱼座-海王星(木星)

生时校正:rectification 以已发生的事件去逆推算出精确出生时间的方法

社会行星:social planets 指木星和土星

水星:Mercury [行星] 由太阳算起第一颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管沟通、表达、价值观

失势:Detriment 行星处在不易发挥其特性的位置

顺行:Direct Motion(D) 从地球上看行星在星空背景中由东向西行

手相学:Palmistry 研究人的手掌以了解个人整体状态的一种学问

世运占星学:Mundane Astrology 研究天体运行和世局变化关系的学问

受克:affliction 星体处于不利的位置;通常指与其它星体或基本点成对相或四分相,有时也指星体落入对其不利的星座或宫位

四分仪制:Quadrant Method [分宫制] 宫位以上升第一宫始点,天顶为第十宫始点,共分为十二宫的宫位制

四分相:Square [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成九十度的视角

四合星座分类法:quadruplicity 将星座分为本位星座、固定星座和变动星座

四分相:Quartile [相位] 同 Square

三分相:Trine [相位] 两星或基本点间成一百二十度的角度

三合星座分类法:triplicity 将星座分成火象星座、土象星座、风象星座和水象星座

宿命点:Vertex 主垂圈与黄道在西方的交点

缩写:abbreviations 在占星学上常用前两(三)个英文字母来代表一些占星学上会用到的术语

散落型:Splash Shape [出生图型态] 在出生图中每一行星皆位在不同星座的型态


天底:nadir [坐标] 天球上的最底点

天蝎座:Scorpio [星座] 黄道上的第八个星座,在黄经210度起至240度前的区间,太阳约在每年的十月二十三日到十一月二十二日通过这个区间;天蝎座传统上由火星守护,现在则加上冥王星共同守护,金星在此为失势位置,天王星在此为强势位置,月亮在此为弱势位置

天球坐标:celestail coordinates [坐标] 指定天球上天体位置的各坐标

天球赤道:celestail equitor [坐标] 天球上与天极等距的大圆

天极:Celestial Poles [坐标] 天球旋转轴的两端

天球:Celestial Sphere [坐标] 以地球为中心,半径为无限大的一个假想球,所有的天体运行看起来都在 等距的天球表面上进行

天王星:Uranus [行星] 由太阳算起第七颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管选择的朋友、加入的团体、机会

天顶:zenith [坐标] 天空中的最高点

天文学:astronomy 研究天体、太空和宇宙的学问

天顶:Medium Coeli(MC) [基本点] 所在地子午线和黄道在空中的交点

天底:Immum Coeli(IC) [基本点] 所在地子午线和黄道在地下的交点

天秤座:Libra [星座] 黄道上的第七个星座,在黄经180度起至210度前的区间, 太阳约在每年的 九月二十三日到十月二十二日通过这个区间;由金星守护,火星在此为失势位置,土星在此为强势位置,太阳在此为弱势位置

太阳:Sun [行星] 太阳系的中心星体,为一恒星(star),但在占星学上亦视之为行星(planet),在占星学中掌管人生观、即性格

太阳星座占星术Sun Sign Astrology 只以个人的太阳星座来进行预测的说法

同度相:Parallel [相位] 两星位于相同的赤纬上

推进星位图:Progressed Horoscope(progressed chart) 计算推进之后画出之星位图

推进:progressions 将出生图上的星体及基本点位置,以某种方式计算其移动来作预测,有时也指次级推进

塔罗牌:Tarot 在西方常见用来问卜的纸牌,分为大阿尔克那22张及小阿尔克那56张,共有78张

特质:qualities 行星在四合星座分类法中所属的类别

土星:Saturn [行星] 由太阳算起第六颗(天文学上的)行星,掌管考验及责任

土象星座:earth signs 包括金牛座、处女座和摩羯座

T型三角:T-Square [相位组] 两行星成对相且有另一行星与此二行星皆成四分相

提桶型:Bucket Shape [出生图型态] 九颗行星位于出生图中一百八十度的范围,只有一颗行星个落在外面


无相位星:unaspected planet [相位组] 一行星与其它行星或基本点之间无主相位

无依星座:intercepted signs(interception)在星位图中没有宫位界线通过的星座

碗型:Bowl Shape [出生图型态] 行星皆位于出生图中一百八十度内的型态

五分相:Quintile [相位] 两星或星与基本点间成七十二度的视角

问卜占星学:Horary Astrology 以问事当时的星位图来判断事情的占星学

外行星:superior planets 指火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星,有时将火星除


小行星:asteroids 占星学上常用的有谷神星、智神星、婚神星和灶神星

星座:constellation 天文学上将天空分为八十八个星座

星位图:horoscope 表示天体某一特定时间所在位置的图表

星座:signs 黄道带上由春分点开始,每三十度为一个星座

星象制图学:Astro Garto Graphy 以天文投影的方式画出在特定时间(通常是用个人的出生时间),各行星和基本点在何地升起和降下的地图,主要用来研究个人在何地能有较好的发展

星历表:ephemeris 记载星体运行状况的图表

相位:aspect 两星或星与基本点之间的相对位置(有时也指星所在的位置)

相位表:aspect grid 表示星体之间相位和其与基本点之间相位的图表

相位组:aspect patterns 由两个以上行星相互间的相位形成特别的组合

现代行星:modern planets 指天王星、海王星和冥王星

夏令时间:autumn time 同Daylight Savings Time

凶星:malefics 常指火星和土星,有时也包括天王星、海王星和冥王星

选择占星学:Electional Astrology 以占星的原理选择行事合适的时间、地点

下降:Descendant(Dsc) [基本点] 西方地平线与黄道带的交点

幸运点:Fortuna [阿拉伯点] 同Part of Fortune

行星:planets 占星学上通常是指太阳、月亮、水星、金星、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星 和冥王星


一级推进:Primary Directions or one degree method将个人出生图上的各点以每年前进一度的速率推运的方法

阳性星座:masculine signs or positive signs包括牡羊座、双子座、狮子座、天秤座、射手座和 水瓶座

阴性星座:feminine signs or negative signs 包括金牛座、巨蟹座、处女座、天蝎座、摩羯座和 双鱼座

印度占星学:Indain Astrology

医药占星学:Medical Astrology 研究天体运行和人体健康之间关联的学问

月亮:Moon [行星] 地球的卫星,但在占星学上亦视之为行星(planet),掌管情感、与女性的关系、饮食口味

月之交点:Moon's Node 指龙首和龙尾,及月亮的北交点和南交点

月相:moon phases or phases of the moon 月亮相对于太阳的位置,在西方分为New Moon, Crescent Moon,First Quarter Moon,Gibbous Moon,Full Moon, Disseminating Moon Last Quarter Moon,和Balsamic Moon等八种月相

月回归图:lunar return chart 月亮回到其出生图上同一位置的星位图

原型:archetype 在心理占星学上有一派认为,十二个星座为西方文化中十二个最具代表性的原型

运行星:transits 在天空中正实际运行的星

元素:elements 占星学上指火、土、风、水四元素


中点:midpoint 指两星或基本点之间黄经相加除以二的位置

众星云集:Stellium(Satellitium) [相位组] 有三颗星以上位于同一个星座或宫位

占星学:Astrology 研究天体运行和地球上发生事件的关系

周日运动:diurnal motion 由于地球的自转,星体在一日内的视运动

智神星:Pallas [小行星] 为天文学上的二号小行星,也是第二大的小行星

主垂圈:Prime Vertical [坐标] 天球上通过正东方、正西方和天空中最高点的大圆

主相位:Major Aspects 通常指合相、对相、三分相、四分相、六分相,有时也包括补十二分相


政治占星学:Political Astrology 世运占星学的一支,研究政治现象和天象之间的关系

综合判读:synthesis 将星位图上所有信息综合起来作一个系统的讲解

组合图:composite charts 用两张或两张以上的星位图,找出对应行星和基本点的中点,所画出的另一张星位图

子午线:meridian [坐标] 通过南北两极点的大圆,作为南北方向的基准线

灶神星:Vesta [小行星] 为天文学上的第四号小行星,是第三大的小行星

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2005 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层



Accidental rulership Caused by the constant rotation of the Signs in relation to the Houses. Thus it is possible to have any of the 12 Signs on the cusp of the 1st, or indeed any, House. The Sign on the House cusp is said to be the accidental ruler. Also known as Temporary rulership.

Affliction  When a planet or Angle is subject to a difficult aspect it is said to be afflicted.

Air Signs  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Angles  There are four; the ascendant, descendant, Mc and Ic.

Applying aspect  This occurs when two planets approach exactness - zero degrees. Example: Moon at 6 degrees Sun at 10 degrees. The Moon has a faster rotational speed and will therefore catch up to the Sun with the passage of time. In this scenario, the Moon is said to be applying to the Sun. Applying aspects are usually marked in the aspect grid with a + sign. They are of no importance in natal charts, but do find a use in future trends.

Aquarius  The water carrier. 11th Sign of the Zodiac. Positive, Fixed, Air. Ruler - Uranus & Saturn.

Aries  The ram. 1st Sign of the Zodiac. Positive, Cardinal, Fire. Ruler - Mars.

Ascendant  Usually abbreviated to Asc. It is the eastern point of the line of the horizon and the cusp of the first House. Considered to be the most important of the Angles.

Ascendant ruler  The planet ruling the Sign on the cusp of the 1st House.

Aspects  When two planets form specific angles to each other they are in aspect. [See also Orbs and
individual aspects].

Aspect grid  Used to display aspects in a chart.

Benasp  Short for Beneficent Aspect. Refers to aspects which are considered beneficial.

Benefic  The planets Venus and Jupiter.

Birth chart  The common name for an Astrological chart.

Biquintile  An aspect of 144 deg. Not normally used.

Cardinal Signs  Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Cancer  The crab. 4th Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Cardinal, Water. Ruler - Moon.

Capricorn  The goat. 10th Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Cardinal, Water.

Combust  Any planet conjunct the Sun. Some consider this planet to be overpowered by the Sun.

Conjunction  A major aspect of zero degrees. Orb is 8 degrees.

Constellation  A group of stars. There are many, the most notable ones are said to outline a mythological figure, such as Taurus the Bull. These are NOT the same as the Signs of the Zodiac.

Culminate  When a planet arrives at the Mc it is said to be culminating.

Cusp  A line marking the beginning of a House.

Debility  A planet in a weak position.

Decanate  An ancient division of the Zodiac not used by modern Astrologers. Each Sign is divided into three divisions of 10 degrees each one ruled by one of the Signs in the triplicity in their natural Zodiac order. For example: in the Sign of Aries, the 1st decanate is ruled by Aries, the second by Leo and the third by Sagittarius.

Declination  The distance a planet is north or south of the equator. Parallels of declination are derived from this.

Decile  An aspect of 36 degrees. Not normally used.

Degree  The Zodiac is divided into 360 degrees, each Sign is 30 degrees.

Descendant  Usually abbreviated to Des. Lies immediately opposite the ascendant and is the western point of the line of the horizon. Also the cusp of the 7th House.

Descendant ruler  The planet ruling the Sign on the cusp of the 7th House.

Detriment  A planet is said to be weakened when in a Sign of detriment. An ancient technique not used much these days.

Dignity  A planet is said to be in dignity and there fore stronger when it lies in a Sign it rules or is exalted in. An ancient technique not used much these days.

Direct  This refers to a planet which has been in retrograde motion and is now moving forward.

Dispositor  Any planet in a Sign is ruled by the ruler of that Sign. This ruler is known as the dispositor. For example; if the Sun, Mercury and Saturn where in Taurus then the ruler of Taurus - Venus - is the dispositor of all three planets. Chains of dispositors, some leading to a final dispositor [See final dispositor] may be formed.

Doctrine of correspondences  An ancient method of categorising planetary rulership of specific objects, traits, events, etc. Also known as the Doctrine of Signatures.

Doctrine of   Signatures  Another name for the Doctrine of Correspondences.

Double rulership  Refers to the fact that some Signs - Scorpio, Aquarius & Pisces - have two ruling planets.

Dragon's Head  The north node of the Moon. Said to be beneficial but best ignored.

Dragon's Tail  The south node of the Moon. Said to be harmful but, like the north node, best ignored.

Earth Signs   These are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Eclipse  This occurs when two planets are in the same degree on the ecliptic and are also in the same degree of declination. Only solar or lunar eclipses are used by astrologers.

Ecliptic  The apparent path of the Sun through the heavens. Given this name because eclipses occur on or near to it. It differs from the equator in that it is inclined at 23 ½  degrees to the equator. This inclination gives rise to the seasons.

Electional chart  This is a specialised branch of Astrology dealing with the choice of time for an important event to begin based on the best planetary  positions and aspects for that event. Examples of this are the founding of a business, or best day for a marriage. When this time and date has been selected, the resulting chart is known as an electional chart.

Elements  These are Fire, Earth, Air & Water.

Emphasis  Used to describe any chart factor which stands out in some way. For example: several planets in a House.

Ephemeris  A book containing the planetary positions for each day over a period of time - usually at least one year. It is usual to find these calculated for either noon or midnight. Other information, such as declinations, mutual aspects, times of eclipses, etc. may be included.

Equal House  The primary House system used in astrology. Each House is exactly 30 degrees. The oldest and most reliable House system. There are others known as Quadrant systems, which although popular among some Astrologers are unreliable and best avoided.

Equinox  There are two, spring and autumn. Occurs when the Sun enters the Signs of Aries and Libra respectively. The days and nights are equal when this happens.

Exaltation  A planet in a Sign in which it is said to be exalted is considered to be stronger than normal. An ancient technique not used much these days.

Fall  Refers to a planet in a Sign in which it is said to be in detriment and is thus considered to be weakened. An ancient technique not used much these days.

Fire Signs  These are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Final dispositor  The planet which disposits all the others is known as the final dispositor and it is considered to be a powerful influence. Opinions differ, but there is some merit in this.

Fixed Signs  These are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Fixed stars  Used by some Astrologers. Like the planets, they are said to have meanings.

Gemini  The twins. 3rd Sign of the Zodiac. Positive, Mutable, Air. Ruled by Mercury.

Geocentric  Astrologers assume that the earth is central for the purposes of their work. In actual fact, the Sun is central, but this does not mean that we Astrologers believe the earth is the centre of the Universe in reality.

Hard aspects  Another name for difficult aspects.

Harmonics  A system first proposed by John Addey which opens up a completely new way of looking at charts by dividing the circle into equal segments, layering them, and then treating the layered segments as a whole circle. For a fuller discussion see Techniques  [Quick Select - Harmonics].

Heliocentric  Alludes to the fact that the Sun is the centre of the solar system. A branch of Astrology uses heliocentric charts rather than, or in addition to, normal geocentric  charts.

Horary Astrology  A branch of Astrology which attempts to answer questions based on the chart drawn up at the time of asking the question. Applauded by some, derided by others. I have yet to see convincing proof.

Horoscope  The old term for a birth chart now largely abandoned due to its association with  Sun Sign readings and other types of fortune telling. The modern terms are now natal or radix chart. The original name is derived from the Greek name for the Sun - Horos.

Houses.  A division of the earth into 12 parts. Each division represents a sphere of mundane influences quite specific to the House in question, such as finances, home, career, etc. The equal House system uses Houses of exactly 30 degrees, but other systems do exist.


Ic  The planet ruling the Sign in which the Ic is placed.

Immum Coeli  Ic for short. One of the four chart Angles, it equates to the north point in a chart and is directly opposite the Mc. Relates to matters of the home and has similarities with the 4th House.

Inceptional charts  Similar to birth charts except used in non-human affairs, such as the founding of a business. Not to be confused with electional charts in which a special time is chosen for the commencement of an event. These charts are drawn up for the time and date when something actually began - after the event.

Inferior planets  Not to be taken in its literal sense. Refers to planets lying between the orbits of the Sun and the earth. These are Moon, Mercury and Venus.

Ingress  The entrance of a planet into a new Sign or House. Major changes can often occur when this happens.

Intercepted  One of those nonsensical terms used in quadrant systems to cover up the inadequacies of the system. When a Sign does not lie on a House cusp it is said to be intercepted. As a result, the planetary ruler of this Sign cannot rule a House!

Keyword  A word or phrase used in interpretation which embodies specific information about a planet, Sign or House.

Latitude  The distance north or south of the equator in degrees.

Leo  The lion. 5th Sign of the zodiac. Positive, Fixed, Fire. Ruled by the Sun.

Libra  7th Sign of the Zodiac. Cardinal, Positive, Air. Ruled by Venus.

Longitude  The distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian measured in degrees.

Long ascension  So called because they take a long time to rise over the horizon. Cancer to Sagittarius inclusive.

Luminaries  Sometimes known as the 'lights'. They are the Sun and Moon.

Lunar return  Used in future trends. When the Moon returns to its birth position a chart is erected which indicates future trends until the next return. Probably overrated, but is useful in a general sense. As the Moon moves so quickly, the time of birth needs to be quite accurate to give accurate lunar returns. See Techniques [Quick Select - Return Charts].

Lunation  The time period between one new Moon and the next. Around 29 days.

Mc ruler  The planet ruling the Sign in which the Mc is placed.

Medium Coeli  Mc for short. Also known as the Midheaven. This is the highest point of the ecliptic at any given time. It is the south point of the chart and so has similarities with the 10th House.

Malefic  Many opinions on this. Generally, Mars and Saturn are considered malefic (bad) but in truth any
planet can be malefic due to bad aspectation. The modern planets, Pluto and Uranus are also classified as malefic. Probably best ignored.

Major aspect  Not to be taken as implying that these aspects are stronger than the minor ones. Conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition & square.

Malasp  Refers to planets having difficult aspects.

Meridian  An imaginary circle passing round the earth from pole to pole through the zenith of the observer. The Sun crosses this at midday.

Midheaven  Another name for the Mc.

Midpoints  The point in space lying exactly between two planet (using the shortest distance) is considered to be a sensitive point which embodies the qualities of both planets. The planets need not be in aspect. For a fuller discussion see Techniques  [Quick Select - Midpoints].

Minor aspect  Semisextile, Semisquare, Sesquiquadrate, Quincunx. Not to be interpreted as being lesser in effect to the major aspects.

Modes  A name used to describe the Qualities, Elements & Polarity of Signs.

Mundane Astrology  Generally deals with national and worldly affairs using various 'base' charts to predict events.

Mutable Signs  These are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Mutual aspects  Used to describe aspects between planets in a progressed chart.

Mutual reception  Caused when two planets are in each other's Signs. For example; Mars in Cancer - Moon in Aries. The planets do not have to be in aspect but are obviously stronger if they do. Not used much.

Natal chart  Another name for a birth chart.

Natural rulership  This alludes to the natural affinity between Signs and Houses. Aries naturally rules the 1st House, for example. Also applies to planets and Houses. For example; Aries rules the 1st House because it naturally rules Aries which, in turn, rules the 1st.

Negative Signs  These are the Water and Earth Signs.

New Moon  Used by some Astrologers to predict future trends. When the declination is small the new Moon becomes an eclipse which is considered to be a powerful influence.

Nodes  Every planet has its nodes which are the intersection of a planet's path with the ecliptic, but only those of the Moon are used. Of dubious value.

Nonagesimal  The point at 90 degrees from the ascendant. Not used much.

Opposition  A major aspect in which two planets are 180 degrees apart. Indicates difficulties and stress. The orb is 8 degrees. Some Astrologers consider this the be the aspect of perfect hatred!

Orbs  Applies to aspects. The orb of a planet (or Angle) is the number of degrees either side of the planet's position in which an aspect can be formed. Varies according to the type of aspect. See Standards [Quick Select - Aspects].


Parallel  Short for parallels of declination. There are two types - parallel  and counter parallel. The first occurs when two planets are within 1 degree of each other either north or south of the equator. This is similar in action to a conjunction. The second occurs when two planets are within 1 degree of each other on opposite sides of the equator. This is similar to an opposition.

Part of fortune  One of the numerous Arabic Parts. It is a mathematical point in space derived from the relationship between the Sun, Moon and ascendant. Said to indicate fortune. May have some merit, but little used.

Pisces  The fishes. 12th Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Mutable, Water. Ruled by Neptune and Jupiter.

Polarity  Used to describe the condition of a Sign, either Positive or Negative.

Positive Signs  These are the Fire and Air Signs.

Progressions  Used in predicting future trends. The chart is moved forward in time and then compared with the original, deductions being made from any aspects formed between the two charts or any changes in Sign or House by planets. There are many systems of progression, the main one being Secondary progressions. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Progressions].

Quadrants  The division of the heavens into four equal parts. Some Astrologers use these in a similar way to the hemispheres in order to deduce character traits.

Quadrant systems  Are quite different to the equal House system, using complex mathematical rules to derive Houses. Also, the Mc and Ic are taken as the cusps of the 10th and 4th Houses respectively. There are many systems, among the most popular are: Regiomontanus, Placidus, Koch, Porphyry, Campanus, Alcabitus, & Topocentric. Controversy rages as to which is the best, the eventual reason for a preference seems to be 'because it seems to work'. Apart from problems with Signs having no House rulership and planets being in the wrong Houses, it is impossible to produce charts at certain latitudes. Best ignored. See Standards. [Quick Select - Houses].

Quadruplicities  See Qualities.

Qualities  Also known as quadruplicities, these are the three conditions of Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable.

Quartile  Another name for a square aspect.

Quincunx  A minor aspect of 150 degrees. Implies difficulties and strain. An orb of 2 degrees is used.

Quintile  An aspect of 72 degrees. No longer used.

Radix  Another name for birth chart.

Rectification  The process of attempting to correct inaccurate birth times by various means. Not as scientific and certain as some would have you believe.

Retrograde  Under certain conditions, a planet can appear to be moving backwards in the heavens and is said to be in retrograde motion. Retrograde planets are said to cause delays, frustrations and introspective thinking and going back over old ground. There is some merit in this with transits and progressions, but they are of no consequence in natal charts.

Return charts  When a planet returns to its natal position, a chart can be erected which can be used to determine future trends. Only the solar or lunar returns are of any real value. The other planets cause problems due to retrograde action, not to mention the limits on accuracy imposed by calculation. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Return charts].

Rising Sign  Usually known as the ascending Sign, it is the Sign on the ascendant at birth.

Rulership  A complex series of interrelationships between planets, Signs and Houses. It is a powerful tool in Astrological work.

Sagittarius  The archer. 9th Sign of the Zodiac. Positive, Mutable, Fire. Ruled by Jupiter.

Satellitium  Another name for stellium.

Scorpio  The scorpion. 8th Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Fixed, Water. Ruled by Pluto & Mars.

Secondary progressions  The main system used to progress a chart for the purposes of deducing future trends. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Progressions].

Semiquartile  Another name for semisquare.

Semisquare  As its name implies, it is half of a square - 45 degrees. A minor aspect, said to be difficult and stressful. Orb is 2 degrees.

Semiquintile  An aspect of 36 degrees. Not normally used.

Semisextile  A minor aspect of 30 degrees. There are mixed opinions on this aspect. My own work suggests that this is a difficult and stressful aspect. The orb is 2 degrees.

Separating. The exact opposite of applying [which see]. Said to be weaker in effect than normal or applying. Of no use in natal charts, but in the case of progressions and transits, there is no doubt that once a planet has reached exactness, its power and effects are greatly diminished.

Sesquiquadrate  A minor aspect of 135 degrees. Indicates difficulties and strain. Orb is 2 degrees.

Sextile  A major aspect of 60 degrees. An active and beneficial aspect. Orb is 6 degrees.

Sidereal time  Differs from clock time in that it is based on the earth's rotation compared to a fixed point in space - zero degrees Aries. Used in Astrological calculations.

Significator  Various meanings for this. Taken to mean a specific type of keyword which can be described.

Shaping  Refers to the distribution of planets around the Zodiac forming certain patterns which have meaning.

Short ascension  Signs which rise fairly quickly over the horizon. Capricorn to Gemini inclusive.

Soft aspects  Another name for the major aspects.

Solar return  A very important method of charting used in future trends. Generally not used by most Astrologers in this country but is gaining favour. Depends on ascertaining the exact time when the Sun return to its birth position. The resulting chart is then used to determine the future trends for the coming year. Very accurate. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Return Charts].

Solstice  There are two, summer and winter. Occur when the Sun enters the Signs of Cancer and Capricorn respectively.

Spring equinox  Occurs when the Sun enters the Sign of Aries around the 20th March each year.

Square  A major aspect of 90 degrees. Difficult and stressful, but could be a spur to achievement. Orb is
8 degrees.

Stationary  The point at which a planet appears to stand still before going retrograde or moving from retrograde to direct motion. Of no use in natal charts but can be useful in future trends.

Stellium  Sometimes known as a satellitium. It refers to a group of three or more planets in a Sign or
House. Indicates emphasis.

Synastry  A branch of Astrology dealing with relationships by comparing the charts of two people. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Synastry].

Taurus  The bull. 2nd Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Fixed, Earth. Ruled by Venus.

Temporary rulership  Another name for accidental rulership.

Transits  A term used to describe the movements of the planets in the heavens over the points of a natal chart. Used to predict future trends. Although some sources advocate using all the planets, this is going too far. In actual fact, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus transits are very useful. Saturn and Jupiter are of limited use, while the rest can safely be ignored. An orb of 1 degree is used between transits and natal planets. See Techniques. [Quick Select - Transits].

Trine  A major aspect of 120 degrees. Beneficial and fortunate, although it does not incline towards the grasping of opportunities like the sextile. An orb of 8 degrees is used.

Triplicities  Another name for the elements.

Vernal equinox  Another name for the spring equinox.

Virgo  The virgin. 6th Sign of the Zodiac. Negative, Mutable, Earth. Ruled by Mercury.

Void of course  Not used much, except in Horary Astrology. A planet - usually the Moon - is void of course when it reaches that point in a Sign where it can make no further aspects before it leaves the Sign.

Water Signs  These are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces.

Zodiac  A division of the ecliptic into 12 equal Signs of 30 degrees.

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