We wish to announce that on 12 February 2010, Mems had entered into an Exclusive Supply and Distributorship Agreement (“ESDA”) with Lityan Holdings Berhad (Company No. 260002-W) having its registered office at Bangunan C ,Peremba Square, Saujana Resort, Section U2 , 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan (“Lityan’) for the appointment of Lityan as the exclusive distributor of Mems’s products worldwide.
Background Information of Lityan
Lityan is principally an investment holding company. Through its subsidiary companies, the Group is engaged in selling, marketing and provision of maintenance services and rental of computer equipment and telecommunication equipment, peripherals, other office equipment and supplies, public mobile data network operator, provision of building maintenance and management services, selling and provision of maintenance and professional services on data communication and information networking systems, dealers , software writers, compilers and testers, systems developers, trainers and consultants in computers and all services related to information technology industry.
Background Information of Mems
Mems is principally involved in the design, development, testing and manufacturing of microelectro-mechanical systems based products, for the use in the electronics sector, namely mobile phones and computers.
Business Rationale
The Exclusive Supply and Distributorship will further strengthen Mems’s business position in World market and provide a synergy as Lityan is in the Information Communication Technology industry.Lityan intends to tap on Mems’s international presence. The Exclusive Supply and Distributorship is expected to contribute positively to the earnings of Mems.
Financial Effects
(a) Share Capital and Substantial Shareholders’ Shareholdings
The ESDA is not expected to have any material impact on the issued and paid up share capital and the substantial shareholders’ shareholdings in Mems.
(b) Net Assets and Earnings per share
With the assumption that all external conditions and factors in the industry remain constant, the ESDA is expected to contribute positively to the earnings per share and the net assets of Mems for the financial year ending 31 July 2011 only.
Directors’ and Substantial Shareholders’ Interest
None of other directors or person connected with them have any direct or indirect interest in the ESDA.
Save for Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH), being the Major Shareholder and the Holding Company of Lityan and the Major Shareholder of Mems, who is deemed interested in the above ESDA, none of other substantial shareholders or person connected with them have any direct or indirect interest in the ESDA.
Statements by Directors
The Directors , having considered all aspects of the ESDA, are of the opinion that the ESDA is of the best interest of the Company.
Approvals Required
As the ESDA is a Recurrent Related Party Transaction, the transaction is subject to the shareholders’ approval at the Ninth Annual General Meeting of Mems to be convened.
This announcement is dated 12 February 2010. |