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转化外汇平台IBFX 到 ForexPro.紧急

发表于 22-11-2009 03:41 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你们有听说过FXPRO吗?因为IBFX全部都要调整到1:100而已。所以。 一个朋友介绍到FXPRO,你们有用过这个平台吗?


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发表于 22-11-2009 05:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
yes, i 有,


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 楼主| 发表于 23-11-2009 12:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-11-2009 02:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主在哪里收到消息的?ibfx要转到1:100 ?

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发表于 23-11-2009 02:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
Dear Valued Customer,

In compliance with the upcoming NFA regulations, we will no longer be offering accounts with more than 100:1 leverage.  We are also required to alter the leverage levels on our existing accounts.   We want our customers to be aware of these new requirements to determine in advance how this may affect their trading plans and decisions.

As of market open on November 29, 2009, all currency pairs will have a maximum leverage of 100:1, with the exception of the USD/SGD and the USD/ZAR which will have a maximum leverage of 25:1.

Please be aware that this change will impact your margin requirement for any open or future positions.  For example, if you抮e trading in a mini contract worth $10,000 at 100:1, you will need to post a $100 margin to open that mini lot trade.  For a nano lot, which is 0.01 of a mini contract, you will be required to post $1.  

The margin call and stop levels on your 100:1 account will be:  At the 100% margin level, you will not be able to place any new trades and you will be stopped out when your margin reaches 50%.  As a contrast, if your account was 400:1 your levels would have been: Margin Call - 125%, Stop Out - 100%. We also want you to understand how leverage can work both for and against you.   

Please consider your account balance and how the new margin requirements will affect you.  If you need to deposit funds, simply click on the link below and remember, we now offer no fee credit card deposits.

Deposit Funds by clicking this link - https://secure.ibfx.com/tradingaccount/deposits.aspx

If you have not already done so, you can also register your account for our 10% deposit match promotion.  Simply click on the link below and register your account.

Register for the 10% match by clicking this link - https://secure.ibfx.com/promotions/customer/10percent.aspx

If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact us via email, online chat, or on the contact numbers below.

We thank you for your continued support, and best of luck with your trading.

The Interbank FX team

We are available by telephone 24 hours a day from Sunday at 5:00PM EST to Friday 5:00PM EST.

Toll Free:
US and Canada: 866.468.3739
Australia 1.800.884.912
Indonesia 001.803.017.9112
Malaysia 1.800.813.776o
New Zealand 0800.445647
Singapore 800.101.2097
South Africa: 0.800.980.319
United Kingdom 0.808.120.1966
International: +1.801.930.6800

Interbank FX?LLC ?Registered FCM, Member NFA ?DISCLAIMER: Trading in the off exchange retail foreign currency market is one of the riskiest forms of investment available in the financial markets and suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions. The possibility exists that you could sustain a substantial loss of funds and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Interbank FX is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM), registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
Tel: 1.866.468.3739 | Copyright?2008 | IBFXTM is a trademark of Interbank FX, LLC
IBFX / Interbank FX | 3165 Millrock Drive STE 200 | Salt Lake City, UT 84121
To opt-out of future emails from IBFX / Interbank FX, click here

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发表于 23-11-2009 04:25 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-11-2009 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-11-2009 02:50 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-11-2009 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

用liteforex 地,个人觉得在买卖价里头,有时候会耍些花样。


使用道具 举报

发表于 26-11-2009 11:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 forexkaki 于 23-11-2009 02:47 PM 发表
Dear Valued Customer,

In compliance with the upcoming NFA regulations, we will no longer be offering accounts with more than 100:1 leverage.  We are also required to alter the leverage levels on o ...

请问各位大大 ,29/11/09之前开的trade会影响到吗? 我是玩SWING的。

使用道具 举报

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