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fxcm 是不是在骗钱的?
上个礼拜我开了2000美金,结果 stop loss 出现了很大问题(拿命的)
请refer图的 P1

我在1.66606价位做 Buy Stop,Stop Loss1.66500/Take Profit1.66900
后来它的确碰到我的 Buy Stop 1.66606而入场,但突然间狂跌 30 多pips
价位SL已经碰到了,甚至跨越了我的 SL1.66500
最后它选择在1.66280出场,离我原来的 SL 再下 22 pips 才出场
我过后和他们fxcm联络,他们说由于新闻事件,太多人交易,所以导致我 SL 不能出场
如果它无法执行TP/SL的功能,那么TP/SL要来干嘛!!! |

楼主 |
发表于 17-9-2009 05:51 PM
Dear XXX,
Your case has been forwarded to my attention for review. I have now investigated your complaint fully and would like to apologize for any inconvenience/distress this matter may have caused you.
Although we understand your disappointment with respect to the trading results pertaining to your account please be advised that FXCM takes the allegations made in your letter seriously and has fully investigated the matter.
MT4 Login: 100xxx,
FXCM Account: 20xxxxxx06
FXCM Ticket and/or MT4 Deal: MT4 - 1608273, FXTS - 20826910
Currency Pair: GBP/USD
Trade Size: 10k
Buy/Sell: Buy
Stop was placed in MT4 @ 1.66500 and it got slipped to 1.66280. Slippage is due to market news event.
Resolution: Client was slipped during big news event. Please read the execution risks of trading during news times here: http://www.fxcm.co.uk/trading-execution-risks.jsp
Adjustment: none
Please note that, under terms of our Complaints Procedure you do have the option to dispute this with our compliance department. Their email address is [email protected] or if you are still dissatisfied with the resolution, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You need to do this within six months from the date of this letter.
For further information please refer to the following FOS explanatory link ‘Your Complaint and the Ombudsman’.
The address of the Financial Ombudsman Service is:
Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
London E14 9SR |

楼主 |
发表于 17-9-2009 05:55 PM
发表于 17-9-2009 06:21 PM
发表于 17-9-2009 07:47 PM
我有看过网上fxcm骗钱的手段。你中的slipped 应该是滑点。。。
FXCM have managed to cheat people for no fear of infringement. When someone starts earning profits at his own, FXCM tends to change his/her account without any intimation. In turn, when they are being requested for changing back the account, their replies comes in negative. Everything is wrong with them slippage, freezing, time wasting when you call the helpdesk and every other manipulative method to run you down.
When dealing with scammers, retail speculators suffer from at least 5 additional disadvantages:
- They have no competitive prices to trade against, i.e. they must accept their broker\'s price or not trade.
- The broker may show them actual prices from the forex market, but only with several minutes delay. Thus the broker has better information to trade on.
- They are sometimes encouraged to over-leverage their trades, thus almost insuring that they will "receive a margin call" allowing the broker to close any open trade immediately, at the broker\'s price.
- The brokers work as a team of several people as the forex market trades 24 hours a day. An individual trader will not be able to monitor his trades (and his broker\'s actions) for 24 hours a day. In some cases, the brokers may be aided by computer programs, which have near-instant reaction times and never make mistakes or take breaks.
- They look to the brokers for training in the foreign exchange market and may actually buy their trading advice.
[ 本帖最后由 ToyStory 于 17-9-2009 07:49 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-9-2009 07:53 PM
nonono,you ‘re wrong。。。
他们不同department,可是他们会在chatting 中转台帮你settle的。。。
之前本魔open 户口的时候,application 的document没有人去理。
直到我吹的时候,他们才发现我的application form 没有send 过去另一个department。
这是他们跟我讲的。。。 |
发表于 17-9-2009 09:04 PM
Slippage和Widening Spread在新闻事件时是正常的。如果你是赚少少就跑的那种就不要在新闻时间交易。 |
发表于 17-9-2009 09:41 PM
原帖由 JamesBull 于 17-9-2009 09:04 PM 发表 
Slippage和Widening Spread在新闻事件时是正常的。如果你是赚少少就跑的那种就不要在新闻时间交易。
往往只是non farm 才会很高的,也是几个月一次的事情。。。
如果真的像楼主说的,那每天scalper 交易者吗不是要scalp 到办死吗。。? |
发表于 18-9-2009 11:15 AM
滑点是因为它Trading System的Data Feed不够快,跟不上News Feed,就会造成所谓的滑点。
比如说,你有没有是过赌球的时候,赢了球庄家跟你说刚刚下的球不算,就是因为data lag了一下,一样的道理来得。 |
发表于 18-9-2009 11:56 AM
以后就不要用FXCM了 有很多外汇商都有保证TP/SL的。 |
发表于 18-9-2009 02:29 PM
原帖由 JamesBull 于 17-9-2009 09:04 PM 发表 
Slippage和Widening Spread在新闻事件时是正常的。如果你是赚少少就跑的那种就不要在新闻时间交易。
如果是在完全不 set TP/SL 情况下,我可以了解
但 TP/SL 应该是一个保证,意味着价位它不会跨越 TP/SL |
发表于 18-9-2009 02:37 PM
原帖由 eric^zai 于 18-9-2009 02:29 PM 发表 
如果是在完全不 set TP/SL 情况下,我可以了解
但 TP/SL 应该是一个保证,意味着价位它不会跨越 TP/SL
他们的主机restart ,弄到你单的hang。。。
毕竟fxcm micro 是对赌的,钱输给fxcm ,而不是市场。。。
可是,你的单子中滑点,就算输钱,都是直接进他们的pocket 。
就算你要把责任推给他们,他们都不愿意把pocket 里面的钱挖还给你。。。
[ 本帖最后由 土产马来人 于 18-9-2009 02:58 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 18-9-2009 05:53 PM
原帖由 土产马来人 于 18-9-2009 02:37 PM 发表 
他们的主机restart ,弄到你单的hang。。。
毕竟fxcm micro 是对赌的,钱输给fxcm ,而不是市场。。。
可是,你的单子中滑点, ...
简单来说 庄家 永远都是大赢家啦 |
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