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vincent tan ,mphb 入股 U mobile (下面那張貼卡貼,麻煩版主刪一下)
Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd (MLPM.KL), whose principal activity is in the gaming industry, has sprung a surprise by entering the highly competitive cellular phone market indirectly by undertaking a put option to purchase a 41.63 percent block in loss-making U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Multi-Purpose Holdings said in a statement.
As Vincent Tan is buying out the two foreign shareholders(日本Docomo 16.5%,韓國KT 16.5%) in U Mobile Sdn Bhd
看來以後可以直接用 U mobile來下注 magnum跟toto了
只顯示以下訊息 , 沒有編輯功能
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[ 本帖最后由 LIKA 于 16-9-2009 09:51 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 16-9-2009 09:46 AM
发表于 16-9-2009 04:56 PM
为何会一开盘就大跌呢? |
发表于 16-9-2009 10:42 PM
U mobile 可以打赢 maxis, celcom, digi,还有 tune talk??? |
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