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发表于 24-7-2009 01:19 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Muslim 'pub' proposal for Kuantan
Wednesday, 07 May 2008 08:35AM

Straits Times (Used by permission)
by M. Hamzah Jamaludin

KUANTAN, MALAYSIA: The word "pub" may assume a new meaning here soon.
Kuantan Municipal Council president Datuk Azizan Ahmad has proposedthat a Muslim pub be opened where patrons could enjoy soft drinks andfruit juices.
"I think we should have a Muslim pub as it will allow those who wantclean entertainment to unwind at such an outlet," he said when closinga dialogue between the police, council and entertainment outletoperators yesterday.
Azizan said it was not a new idea as such a pub was already operational in the United Kingdom.
The first Muslim pub opened in Oldham, Greater Manchester, last month where visitors are served non-alcoholic drinks.
The pub, which caters mainly to men, has a restaurant and prayer andsteam room. Customers only listen to traditional Islamic music.
Azizan later said the council wanted to encourage entertainmentoutlet operators to improve their image as the industry has always beenassociated with vice and other negative elements.
"It's a good concept. I hope some entrepreneurs will be interested in opening a Muslim pub here."
Azizan said the council would not approve new entertainment licencesas there were already 135 entertainment outlets here includingdiscotheques, night clubs, karaoke centres and "dangdut" pubs.
He said the council also planned to relocate all entertainmentoutlets to a designated area to enable enforcement agencies to monitorthe industry.
Among areas under consideration included Jalan Datuk Wong Ah Jang, where most of the outlets were located.
Azizan had earlier presented anti-drug bunting to 80 entertainment outlet operators who attended the dialogue.
The distribution of the bunting, with the "Happy But No Drugs"tagline, is part of a campaign to curb drug trafficking atentertainment outlets here.
State Police Anti-Narcotics Department chief Superintendent BaljeetSingh reminded operators to inform the police if their premises werebeing frequented by drug traffickers or criminals.
"We will raid such premises and ask the relevant agencies to close them if the operators refuse to co-operate," he added. -NST

(例如 bar, nightclub, lounge, bistro 之类的) 在哪? 毕竟曾有人将关丹称为 "东海岸的合艾" (Hatyai Pantai Timur),更何况我家就在 Jln Wong Ah Jang 附近,可是就从来没见过.

看了以上新闻后,我也感到很好奇: 请问大家到目前为止有在关丹看过什么 Muslim pub 吗?

[ 本帖最后由 广西佬 于 24-7-2009 01:42 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 24-7-2009 02:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

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