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发表于 9-11-2008 11:43 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radiumthat a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug wasexpensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what thedrug cost him to produce. He paid $200 for the radium and charged$2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's husband, Heinz,went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only gettogether about $ 1,000, which is half of what it cost. He told thedruggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper orlet him pay later. But the druggist said, "No, I discovered the drugand I'm going to make money from it." So Heinz got desperate and brokeinto the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.

Should Heinz have broken into the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not?

Pre-ConventionalThe pre-conventional level of moral reasoning is especially common in children, although adults can also exhibit this level of reasoning. Reasoners in the pre-conventional level judge the morality of an action by its direct consequences.The pre-conventional level consists of the first and second stages ofmoral development, and are purely concerned with the self in an egocentric manner.
In Stage one (obedience and punishment driven),individuals focus on the direct consequences that their actions willhave for themselves. For example, an action is perceived as morallywrong if the person who commits it gets punished."the last time I did that I got spanked so I will not do it again" Theworse the punishment for the act is, the more 'bad' the act isperceived to be.[12]This can give rise to an inference that even innocent victims areguilty in proportion to their suffering. In addition, there is norecognition that others' points of view are any different from one'sown view.[[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipediaitation_needed]citation needed[/url]] This stage may be viewed as a kind of authoritarianism.[[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipediaitation_needed]citation needed[/url]]
Stage two (self-interest driven) espouses the what's in it for meposition, right behavior being defined by what is in one's own bestinterest. Stage two reasoning shows a limited interest in the needs ofothers, but only to a point where it might further one's own interests,such as "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours".[3] In stage two concern for others is not based on loyalty or intrinsicrespect. Lacking a perspective of society in the pre-conventionallevel, this should not be confused with social contract (stage five),as all actions are performed to serve one's own needs or interests. Forthe stage two theorist, the perspective of the world is often seen as morally relative.

ConventionalThe conventional level of moral reasoning is typical of adolescentsand adults. Persons who reason in a conventional way judge the moralityof actions by comparing these actions to societal views andexpectations. The conventional level consists of the third and fourthstages of moral development.
In Stage three (interpersonal accord and conformity driven), the self enters society by filling social roles.Individuals are receptive of approval or disapproval from other peopleas it reflects society's accordance with the perceived role. They tryto be a good boy or good girl to live up to these expectations,[3]having learned that there is inherent value in doing so. Stage threereasoning may judge the morality of an action by evaluating itsconsequences in terms of a person's relationships, which now begin to include things like respect, gratitude and the 'golden rule'. "I want to be liked and thought well of apparently not being naughty makes people like me." Desire to maintain rules and authorityexists only to further support these social roles. The intentions ofactions play a more significant role in reasoning at this stage; 'theymean well...'[3]
In Stage four (authority and social order obedience driven), it is important to obey laws, dictums and social conventions because of their importance in maintaining a functioning society.Moral reasoning in stage four is thus beyond the need for individualapproval exhibited in stage three; society must learn to transcendindividual needs. A central ideal or ideals often prescribe what isright and wrong, such as in the case of fundamentalism.If one person violates a law, perhaps everyone would - thus there is anobligation and a duty to uphold laws and rules. When someone doesviolate a law, it is morally wrong; culpabilityis thus a significant factor in this stage as it separates the baddomains from the good ones. Most active members of society remain atStage four, where morality is still predominantly dictated by anoutside force.

Post-ConventionalThe post-conventional level, also known as the principled level,consists of stages five and six of moral development. Realization thatindividuals are separate entities from society now becomes salient.One's own perspective should be viewed before the society. It is due tothis 'nature of self before others' that the post-conventional level,especially stage six, is sometimes mistaken for pre-conventionalbehaviors.
In Stage five (social contract driven), individuals are viewed as holding different opinions and values. Along a similar vein, laws are regarded as social contracts rather than rigid dictums. Those that do not promote the general welfare should be changed when necessary to meet the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This is attained through majority decision, and inevitably compromise. In this way democratic government is ostensibly based on stage five reasoning.
In Stage six (universal ethical principles driven), moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Laws are valid only insofar as they are grounded in justice,and that a commitment to justice carries with it an obligation todisobey unjust laws. Rights are unnecessary as social contracts are notessential for deontic moral action. In this way action is never a means but always an end in itself; one acts becauseit is right, and not because it is instrumental, expected, legal orpreviously agreed upon. While Kohlberg insisted that stage six exists,he had difficulty finding participants who consistently used it. Itappears that people rarely reach stage six of Kohlberg's model.


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发表于 9-11-2008 12:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 9-11-2008 02:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 9-11-2008 02:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
Level 1 (Pre-Conventional)1. Obedience and punishment orientation(How can I avoid punishment?)在这个道德层次下,股民思考我怎么样可以避免亏钱?保本第一.(这种人通常只会买所谓"保本安全"的投资.结果没有例外,都是亏钱,看下亏多亏少而已.

2. Self-interest orientation(What's in it for me?)在这个道德层次下,股民思考,这可以为我带来每年/每次多少%的收益.(这类人通常会拥有比较多股票知识,会成为短线炒家.)

Level 2 (Conventional)3. Interpersonal accord and conformity(Social norms)(The good boy/good girl attitude)在这道德层次下,股民思考,如果周围的人参与股票交易,我也参加,周围的人买保险,说保险安全,有保障,我也买,报纸,朋友都说长线投资好,价值投资好,他们就长线投资,认为价值投资是对的,投机是错的,卖空是不道德的.(这类人,通常没有什么主见.别人做什么,他跟着做什么.如果别人去读cfa,frm,mba什么的,他也跟着去做.)

4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation(Law and order morality)在这道德层次下,股民认为国家领导层是有道德,有责任感,会救市的,政府做什么,不管是管制外汇,限制资金流动,印钱,降低利息,还是提高利息,股民都认为这当中一定有合理性的存在.(他们看新闻会比较多点.)

Level 3 (Post-Conventional)5. Social contract orientation在这道德层次下,股民思考:现在我把辛苦赚来的钱投进股票市场,换来这张股票,到底这值得么?我辛苦劳动,管理层劳动什么?政府监管部门牺牲了什么?这公平么?一家公司一上市,股东资产翻3倍,我还只能寄望不亏钱就好.这对社会投资者公平么?(他们开始深入思考股票市场本质.)

6. Universal ethical principles(Principled conscience)

使用道具 举报

发表于 10-11-2008 10:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
有感而发,到底何谓universal ethical principles ?


有一本书,“101个道德难题”(101 ethical dilemma), by Martin Cohen,觉得很不错。

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