我是天主教徒(Roman Catholic),当然有这类宗教朝圣团,以色列Visa申请所提供的文件资料也要详尽,包括证明你是教友身份的文件。批不批你的以色列Visa和能不能顺利入境以色列,这是以色列政府的权力,不是马来西亚政府。陆路海路空路入境都可以,只要持有效以色列Visa和老实,确实的回答入境柜台移民官员所问的问题。年青人(单身)自由行不鼓励,最主要考量两国没有邦交,个人自由行要得到以色列Visa相当困难(除了是公司外派到以色列工作,有公司担保和公司信)。只要教会有去以色列的朝圣团又是教友都可以参加。费用和天数/行程而定,与参加旅行团没差别。
Malaysia Passport:
Restrictions on travel
As Malaysia does not recognise nor have diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, [7] Malaysian passports bear the inscription: "This passport is valid for all countries except Israel". Likewise, Israeli passport holders are not permitted to enter Malaysia without written permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs. Officially, the Malaysian government allows Christians to visit Israel for religious purposes. In 2009, the government imposed a ban on visits to Israel, ostensibly due to heightened security risks posed by the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[8]The ban was lifted in 2011, albeit with restrictions such as a quota of 700 pilgrims per year with not more than 40 pilgrims per church group, and pilgrims must be at least 18 years old and not visiting Israel more than once every three years with each stay a maximum of 10 days.[9] On 20 December 2013, the government announced a relaxation of the ban, which lifted most of the restrictions while increasing the maximum duration of stay to 21 days, subject to the security situation in Israel.[9] However, the restrictions imposed by the Malaysian government do not prevent Israel from issuing visa on a separate sheet of paper to Malaysian citizens for entering Israel, and Malaysians are known to have visited Israel with or without permission from the Malaysian government. Previously, Malaysian passports were not valid for travel to various communist countries, Israel and South Africa due to its apartheid system. Following the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and improving ties with the remaining communist countries, the countries were removed, leaving Israel and South Africa. South Africa was removed following the end of apartheid in 1994, leaving Israel as the only country on the list.
馬來西亞不承認 以色列,和以色列沒有外交關係,故此馬來西亞護照上用 馬來文和 英文印上「本護照於各國有效,以色列除外。」字句。但是以色列仍會向馬來西亞公民在另一張紙上發給入境簽證。 实际上,马来西亚政府允许 基督教徒以宗教理由前往以色列。2009年, 以巴冲突升级,政府以安全理由突然禁止公民前往以色列,直到2011年才撤销禁令。但是却对基督徒採取更严厉的 朝圣措施,这包括每年只允许700人前往以色列,每个教堂的朝圣团限制在40人以下,3年內只能朝圣一次,每次只可以在以色列旅游最多10天,不能以私人名义前往以色列,以及朝圣者必须超过18岁等等。 2012年12月19日,政府正式放宽基督徒前往以色朝圣的限制,不再限制朝圣者的年龄,每年的朝圣人数,朝圣次数,教会朝圣团人数,同时允许基督徒在当地逗留长达21天。