At noon,| the sky |was dimmed,| but shone| the mar|ble floor. |
Beside| the walls, |the Bud|dhas sat| in so|lid gold,|
Without| a look| of mer|cy nor| disdain,| in cold.|
Along| the long| varan|da, staged| an an|cient lore.|
Delight|ing, were| the co|lours ne|ver seen| before,|
And so| bizarre|ly did| the wan|drous myth| unfold.|
As Ra|ma slew| the e|vil Ra|van, lo'n| behold!|
A he|ro hence| is hailed,| ten thou|sand years| and more!|
The lamps| in hun|dreds kept| the tem|ple bright| for good.|
The pray|ers filled| the room,| along| with chimes| of bells.|
And sure| enough| those sounds,| the world| above| had reached.|
And then| beyond| my sense, |for de|cades I| had stood|
As though| my world| were still| and I| were caught| in spells.|
The Boes| were rat|tling out|side, while| my mind| was bleached.|
[ 本帖最后由 又是一阵风 于 30-4-2008 03:37 PM 编辑 ] |