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谁 来救救 砂州子民!

发表于 18-3-2008 12:07 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Who will rescue Sarawak?
Al Tugauw | Mar 17, 08 4:30pm
            Whyis Sarawak still 30 years behind Malaya? When Sarawak, Sabah andSingapore joined Malaya to form Malaysia in 1963, it is unfortunatethat Sarawak's leaders then did not have the foresight to reserve thestate's oil and gas resources for the state itself.
Perhaps thiswas also a good thing, otherwise Sarawak's oil and gas resources couldalso have been plundered by its own leaders, like its timber and landresources now, without any real benefit to the bulk of the ordinarypeople of the state.
Today, Malaya has the Petronas Twin Towers,the North-South Highway and many other highways, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya,the F1 Circuit and many, many other multi-billion ringgit projects andtheir spin-offs which put its far ahead in terms of developmentcompared to Sarawak. The bulk of these projects would not have beenpossible if not for the contributions from the oil and gas resources ofSarawak (and also Sabah for that matter).
In any event, much ofthe so-called development in Sarawak has not really benefitted the vastmajority of its rural people except marginally. What happened to theso-called ‘Politics of Development’ propounded by the leader who doesnot want to give up his position, Taib Mahmud, the erstwhile chiefminister of Sarawak?
Unfortunately for the people, they have beenfooled by only a semblance of development. True development continuesto elude the bulk of the state’s population.
Surely Sarawak withits vast oil and gas, timber and land resources could have done a lotbetter in terms of development over the last 30-plus years? Yet the sadfact is that as far as the rural areas of the state are concerned,those 30 years have been a period of lost opportunities for the peopleand of vicious exploitation by a few huge family, family-related andcrony companies.
Have these people really given back anythingmuch to the people in return, other than some crumbs and even thatgrudgingly? The rural people in the mean time do not know any betterand continue to support a corrupt, inept, exploitative and divisivegovernment whose programmes do nothing more than regard them astrespassers or squatters on their own land and trap the people in avicious cycle of poverty.
The whole political, legislative,administrative and economic process in the State has been hijacked byall means, mainly foul, to maintain this corrupt regime in power at thetotal expense of the people, who are fed lies and all kinds ofmisinformation in the name of governance and government.
Thefederal government in the meantime, the chief beneficiary of thestate's oil and gas wealth, keeps quiet, a dreadful silence that willcondemn the downtrodden and excluded rural people of Sarawak to another30 years of lost opportunities, unfair practices, injustice,exploitation, corruption, waste, mismanagement and inefficiency.
Perhaps it is time for the people of the state to follow the lead of the rakyat ofMalaya and take their destiny in their own hands and change thegovernment of the state in the next state elections due in or before2011. It is time for Taib Mahmud's head to roll.
(from http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/79956)


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发表于 18-3-2008 12:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
SARAWAK,地广人稀, 内陆交通资讯不发达, 无药可救了....

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发表于 18-3-2008 12:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
最最可悲的就是資源全都來自這邊, 卻全拿去奉獻得回一些施捨:@

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发表于 18-3-2008 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
现在我宁愿还在under british


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发表于 21-3-2008 03:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 prosibu 于 18-3-2008 12:39 PM 发表
现在我宁愿还在under british

告诉我们,我 ...


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发表于 21-3-2008 05:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yongph 于 21-3-2008 03:26 PM 发表


对, 大家不要太悲观, 还有2年, 快去注册吧!

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发表于 21-3-2008 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yongph 于 21-3-2008 03:26 PM 发表


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