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【How To Get Singapore PR】如何申请新加坡永久居民(附图攻略篇)

发表于 10-5-2015 06:39 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

How to Apply PR  Consultation and Profile AssessmentMost people fail when they apply PR because they have no idea how the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) screens a PR application. However, this is where we can give you an edge. We will share with you the insider industry secrets of the ICA screening process and pinpoint exactly where you can improve on your application to increase your chances of success when you apply PR.

  Booking and Acceleration of E-AppointmentTo apply PR in Singapore, the first step is to book an e-Appointment with the ICA. You should expect the earliest appointment date to be approximately six months from when you schedule it. At times, there might not even be any available appointment slots at all. However, should you need urgent processing when you apply PR, we would be able to assist you in booking an earlier appointment date with the ICA.

  Typewritten and Audited Form 4AWith our guidance, you can avoid making seemingly minor errors in answering your PR application form.
The next requirement to apply PR is to fill up the Form 4A. Most people answer the form with their handwriting when they apply PR, which might be unreadable and eventually lead to the rejection of their PR application. Hence, we always advise our clients to have it professionally typewritten by us when they apply PR. Your submitted documents will be more formal and comfortable for the officials to read.
It makes a bigger difference especially on the second page. One of the common mistakes that applicants make is that they only write down their job positions. What they don’t realize is that the ICA will also need to know about their job responsibilities when they apply PR. By describing what you do in your job, you would give the ICA officers a better idea of how you can contribute to the country.

  Professional Guidance and Compilation of Compulsory DocumentsTo apply PR, it requires quite a lot of paperwork. Aside from completing the Form 4A, you will also have to submit compulsory documents such as birth certificate, passport, work pass, marriage certificate, educational certificates, pay slips and income tax reports when you apply PR.
Rest assured that we will check all of your documents to see if you are missing anything important or if you have made a mistake somewhere. For instance, a lot of people mix up their Statement of Account with their Notice of Assessment for their income tax documentation, resulting in the rejection of their PR application.
Another aspect that we will be helping you with is the proper translation of all your documents into English when you apply PR. This is a requirement by the ICA but many applicants forget about this key detail when they apply PR, causing their PR application to be rejected.

  Comprehensive Checklist and Compilation of Additional DocumentsRemember: It is not just about how you blend in, but also how you stand out.
The ICA only requires you to submit your Form 4A and compulsory documents when you apply PR. However, doing so will not help your PR application stand out. Surely there will be other applicants who have better qualifications or higher salaries than you. This means you have to go the extra mile to convince the officials of why you deserve to get a Singapore PR status.
The way to do that is to provide additional documents when you apply PR. Depending on your individual case, we will provide you with an exclusive list of the other necessary paperwork that you need to submit when you apply PR. All you have to do is to gather all these documents up.

  Personalised Immigration Cover LetterWhen you apply PR, there will be no interview included. Thus, the ICA officers will base the approval or rejection of your PR application solely on the documents that you submit. For this reason, it is very important to provide them with a personalised cover letter when you apply PR. Not only will this cover letter clearly state your intent, but it will also differentiate you from thousands of other applicants. It will give the ICA a better idea of who you are as a person.
As this is such a crucial part when you apply PR, you must be well-informed about the Do’s and Don’ts when writing the cover letter. This letter is not the same as the cover letter you write for a job application. Instead of saying what you hope to GET from Singapore – scholarship, job, business, property – you need to focus on what you can GIVE to the country. Keep the 3C’s in mind when writing the cover letter when you apply PR:
One common contribution to Singapore is through your income tax. However, you have to realize that all of the other applicants have also paid their income tax at one point or another. To stand out when you apply PR, you should highlight in the cover letter your set of skills that are relevant to Singapore’s growing industries. Be specific. Tell them what you are capable of and where you plan to take your talents.
An applicant’s commitment is usually gauged by the presence of a family in Singapore as you are more likely to remain within the country and be an active part of its social and economic growth. In addition, it helps to show that you have participated in local events, which translates to a successful integration with the community.
Criteria simply refers to your four key profile factors – age, salary, length of stay, and number of taxes paid – which neither can be controlled nor altered. However, using the right wordings in your cover letter will make a big difference when you apply PR. You can make your profile sound better than it actually is, without making any false claims or whatsoever. All you need is our expert advice on crafting your PR application cover letter.

  Collection Meeting and Expert AdviceWe do not just handle the processing. We improve your approval chances.
Once everything is done, we will invite you over to our office for a collection meeting. In this meeting, we will go through the completed set of documents with you and also explain why you had to prepare certain supporting documents. Our goal is to get you ready for your appointment with the ICA when you apply PR.
Sometimes, the ICA officers might refuse to accept your additional documents when you apply PR, not because these documents are unimportant but rather because they do not wish to process the extra paperwork. When you meet with us, we will teach you everything you need to know to have the officials accept all your documents when you apply PR – no effort shall be wasted.

  One-Time Re-ApplicationOur Full-Package PR Application Services is guaranteed with a one-time re-application should you face a rejection. In such a scenario, we will re-evaluate your case, strengthen your documentation with new profile improvements and re-draft your application to ensure a higher approval chance the second time around.
Our experience shows that a re-application is always a better option than an appeal.  It is logical since the ICA never reveals the real reason why a PR application is rejected. Therefore, an appeal would be like taking a shot in the dark without knowing what to appeal on. On the contrary, a re-evaluated and enhanced PR application will usually stand a higher chance of success.


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oldman_how + 5 谢谢分享,怎么没有照片的



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发表于 10-5-2015 08:16 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-5-2015 08:21 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ccksg 发表于 10-5-2015 08:16 AM


加 cover page 把強項列出。


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发表于 10-5-2015 08:43 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-5-2015 08:51 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-5-2015 09:09 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 10-5-2015 10:49 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
至于怎样可以拿到比较早的appointment, 如果有人cancel appointment,你就可以book 那个slot.

什么document需要要交,可以把你所有的certificate, document都带去就OK了。

如果fail 了,就 re-apply 反正不需花钱的

Cover page 个人觉得不是重点,重要是 minimum criteria 要有。

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-5-2015 11:11 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ccksg 发表于 10-5-2015 10:49 AM
至于怎样可以拿到比较早的appointment, 如果有人cancel appointmen ...

minimum criteria?  
虽然官方网站没注明,但请问在新加坡待多久才申请PR,中的机会大些? 6 个月? 1年? 两年?

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发表于 15-5-2015 08:33 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 18-5-2015 08:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
我觉得这取决于sg gov要不要你。。。。


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发表于 18-5-2015 09:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
whiteShadow 发表于 18-5-2015 08:14 PM
我觉得这取决于sg gov要不要你。。。。



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发表于 18-5-2015 10:09 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
mikata 发表于 18-5-2015 09:29 PM

就是没有一个所谓的 sop来判断你是不是能拿到

就好比有个人的薪水搞又是master degree又来了5年。。可是失败
可能另外一个薪水底可能只有normal degree..只来1年却拿到。。。这又怎么说呢


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发表于 18-5-2015 10:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
whiteShadow 发表于 18-5-2015 10:09 PM
就是没有一个所谓的 sop来判断你是不是能拿到

就好比有个人的薪水搞又是master degree又来了5年。。可 ...


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发表于 19-5-2015 12:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
mikata 发表于 18-5-2015 10:24 PM
原来如此。。。不怪的失败都不知道错在哪里。。。就好像MOE申请当老师一样。。。失败也不知道发生什么事 ...



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发表于 19-5-2015 06:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
好麻烦,有没有人可以直接被政府offer PR的?

使用道具 举报

发表于 19-5-2015 08:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Q) 用電腦打印的会被接受吗?
A) 可以,就算签名用 digital sign,也可以

Q)有没有人可以直接被政府offer PR的
A) 有,例: 在新加坡大学毕业,成绩不错的

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发表于 20-5-2015 01:34 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 30-6-2015 12:47 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 26-8-2015 01:09 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
請問如果book 到 appointment 過後登入 網站後是不是會提醒你 的時間 如果沒有就不會提醒

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发表于 26-8-2015 06:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
ccksg 发表于 10-5-2015 12:16 AM


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