续Bandar Sri Indah后,斗湖将会出现第二个大型城镇发展计划-Bandar Baru Titingan
Kota Kinabalu: Anambitious project with a price tag of RM1.5 billion to develop KampungTitingan into Bandar Baru Titingan will see the notorious Tawau hotbedfor social ills transformed into one of Sabah's tourism destinations. Industrial Development MinisterDatuk Ewon Ebin said the problems at the squatter area have reachedcritical level that is not only burdening the locals staying there buthas had an impact on security aspects.
Among the problems, he said, were health-related issues, drugs, crime, smuggling activities and illegal immigrants.
"The area has become a majorcause for worry among leaders in the locality and also at State levelbecause of its influence and negative impact on the entire Tawaupopulation," he said, after witnessing a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) signing between Sedco and Akar Budi Tuah Sdn Bhd, here,Wednesday.
He said the Government hadattempted to resolve the perennial problems there numerous times in thepast but to no avail due to the problems' complexity.
However, with the signing of theMoU, he said they hope to settle the problems once and for all throughan integrated and holistic development project.
The Bandar Baru Titingan would be built on a 326-acre site where the present Kampung Titingan is located.
Ewon said the project would notonly focus on commercial needs but other aspects such asadministration, education, research and socio-economy.
"In fact, the project would alsoprovide comfortable areas for recreational activities for theresidents, Tawau community and tourists," he said.
He said the construction of the Bandar Baru Titingan would include:
- Tawau administration centre
- Integrated biotechnology and medical centre
- Hadhari and Islamic studies centre
- Trade and commercial centre
- Housing
- Luxury condominiums (second housing programme)
- Sports academy and recreation centre
- Five star hotel and budget hotel
- Marina and water resort
- Seafront food centre and cultural village
Akar Budi Tuah Sdn Bhd mooted the proposal and subsequently started efforts to develop Kampung Titingan in 2005.
Ewon said the State Government fully supports the implementation of the project based on several factors.
"Firstly, the project has thepotential to resolve the critical issues the Government is facing atthe village, particularly to do with health arising from riverpollution, haphazard drainage, fire outbreak threat, social ills likedrugs, smuggling, illegal immigrants and gangsterism," he said.
Secondly, he said, the holistic and integrated development would eventually help eradicate squatters there.
He said the third factor is thatthe project has the potential to contribute towards enhancing the StateGovernment's income through the local authority's collection of landpremium, assessment and trading licence fees.
"The hotels and tourism centrewould provide employment and business opportunities for the youths andpeople in Tawau," he said.
The fourth factor, Ewon said, isthat the project would give a positive impact on the perception of therakyat and the people in the locality of the Government's concern.
Fifthly, he said the smartpartnership between bumiputera and non-bumiputera entrepreneurstogether with government agencies like Sedco would help to achieve the"towering bumiputera" concept expounded in the New Economic Policy(NEP).
Sixthly, he said the project would not burden the Government because it would be developed through an integrated system.
According to him, several investors have shown keen interest to invest in the project.
He said the project has its own attraction being in a strategic location near the border.
"This is further strengthened by the Government's plan to turn Tawau as a Tax Free Zone," he said.
In addition, Ewon said there arealso economic attractions, namely, oil palm, cocoa, timber, birds'nests, Danum Research and Biodiversity Centre, Palm Oil IndustrialCluster (POIC), Pulau Sipadan and diversity in cultures.
On other developments, he saidAkar Budi Tuah has proposed to the Government that the Bandar BaruTitingan project be acknowledged as a project under the SabahDevelopment Corridor.
Also present were AssistantMinister of Industrial Development Jainab Ahmad, Rural DevelopmentAssistant Minister Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, Sedco DeputyChairman Datuk Liew Teck Chan, Sedco Group General Manager MaisuriBesri, Akar Budi Tuah Managing Director Dr Ismail Idris and Akar BudiTuah Technical Director Datuk Jimmy Pang.
[ 本帖最后由 ellist 于 28-6-2007 10:27 PM 编辑 ] |