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【利物浦歌曲集合站 +红军楼卡拉OK 】

发表于 3-11-2006 07:25 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
You'll never walk alone

We shall not be moved

Ferry 'Cross The Mersey

Poor Scouser Tommy

My Liverpool

Bill Shankly is his name

Fields of Anfield Road

Liverpool (We're Never Gonna Stop)

Anfield Rap


Liverbird Upon My Chest

Heart As Big As Liverpool

Liverpool Lou

Liverpool We Love You

We Are Liverpool

Pass & move

Kenny D - the pride of Liverpool
My friend Stan
We can do it
Liverpool boys are in town
The team
Just like Kenny
Dalglish we're right behind you
Hail to the Kop
The Shanks
Tribute to Shankly
Liverpool the greatest
Fallen city
At Christmas time
Pass & move
Liverpool, Liverpool
Lets all go to Wembley
Sittin' on top of the world
Michael Owen Boy Wonder

You'll never walk alone

第一首要介绍的当然是利物浦最红的歌曲-You'll Never Walk Alone,简称YNWA,中文译名“你永远不会独行”
"You'll Never Walk Alone"在1945年由Richard Rodgers和Oscar Hammerstein II所创作。
60年代初,利物浦乐队Gerry & the Pacemakers重新翻唱,大受欢迎,在UK排行榜占据四个星期的冠军,KOP看台也开始响起这首歌,并且最终成为利物浦的队歌。

图一:Gerry & the Pacemakers

图二:Gerry & the Pacemakers

其他将You'll Never Walk Alone做为队歌的球队包括:
英格兰: Ipswich Town and Liverpool
苏格兰: Celtic F.C.
荷兰: Feyenoord Rotterdam, Ajax Amsterdam, FC Twente.
德国: TSV Alemannia Aachen, FC St. Pauli.
希腊: AEK Athens FC (改编}
日本: F.C. Tokyo.

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 11-6-2007 04:14 PM 编辑 ] 本帖最后由 baguspenyu 于 26-1-2015 08:16 PM 编辑


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wyet 该用户已被删除
发表于 3-11-2006 07:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
FC tokyo也有份....

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 楼主| 发表于 3-11-2006 07:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
We shall not be moved

第二首要介绍的是“We Shall Not Be Moved”,中文译名“我们坚定不移”

We shall not, we shall not be moved
We shall not, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's standing by the water
We shall not be moved

We shall not, we shall not be moved
We shall not, we shall not be moved
The union is behind us,
We shall not be moved

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:57 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 3-11-2006 07:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
Ferry 'Cross The Mersey

在1964年尾由Gerry and the Pacemakers推出,讲述关于利物浦和默西河的故事。

图一:Gerry and the Pacemakers


这就是第三首向大家推荐的KOP歌曲,Ferry 'Cross The Mersey旋律优美,非常动听!

Life goes on day after day
Hearts torn in every way
So ferry 'cross the Mersey
'cause this land's the place I love
and here I'll stay
People they rush everywhere
Each with their own secret care
So ferry 'cross the Mersey
and always take me there
The place I love
People around every corner
They seem to smile and say
We don't care what your name is boy
We'll never turn you away
So I'll continue to say
Here I always will stay
So ferry 'cross the Mersey
'cause this land's the place I love
and here I'll stay
and here I'll stay
Here I'll stay

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:15 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 3-11-2006 07:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
Poor Scouser Tommy

作为默西塞的另一支球队,EVERTON难免成为KOP歌曲内容里挖苦的对象,第四首向大家介绍的就是“Poor Scouser Tommy”,歌者用吉他弹出轻快的旋律,然后歌词又很鬼马有趣。
这是其中一首最古老的利物浦足球歌曲,在1989年,利物浦传奇射脚IAN RUSH在对垒EVERTON的比赛中打入四球,这首歌也有了些许变动

Let me tell you the story of a poor boy
Who was sent far away from his home
To fight for his king and his country
And also the old folks back home
So they put him in a Highland division
Sent him off to a far foreign land
Where the flies swarm around in their thousands
And there's nothing to see but the sand
The battle it started next morning
Under the Libyan sun
I remember that poor Scouser Tommy
He was shot by an old Nazi gun
As he lay on the battle field dying (dying dying)
With the blood gushing out of his head (of his head)
As he lay on the battle field dying (dying dying)
These were the last words he said...
Ooooooh I am a Liverpudlian
Just come from the Spion Kop
I like to sing, I like to shout
And I get thrown out quite a lot (every week)
We support a team that's dressed in red
It's a team that you all know
It's a team that we call Liverpool
And to glory we will go
We've won the League, we've won the Cup
And we've been to Europe too
And we played the Toffees for a laugh
And we left them feeling blue (five - nil!)
One two
One two three
One two three four
Five - nil!
Rush scored one
Rush scored two
Rush scored three
And Rush scored four!

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:51 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 3-11-2006 07:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
My Liverpool

第五首歌曲的来源并不清楚,希望有识之士能够告知。“My Liverpool”由KOP UNLIMITED所灌唱,是一首很轻快的歌曲,非常受球迷喜爱

My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
We’ll show the world how football’s played
My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
Come and join us
We’re gonna take the cup away
Here the ground resounding when we walk out on the field
Ding dong the Reds are back in town
All around the hope’s abounding and we know the future’s sealed
For Liverpool the sun is shining down
My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
We’ll show the world how football’s played
My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
Come and join us
We’re gonna take the cup away
Flags are waving brightly and we’ve got them on the run
We know a goal is coming soon
They could try to mark us tightly but we know the game is won
The lads of Anfield Road don’t need much room
My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
We’ll show the world how football’s played
My Liverpool, the Kop will always rule
Come and join us
We’re gonna take the cup away

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:49 AM 编辑 ]

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Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 3-11-2006 07:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
Bill Shankly is his name

1959年12月,比尔-香克利从泰勒手中接掌利物浦,红军的辉煌从此开始。香克利仅用短短5年时间便把利物浦从当时的一支苦苦挣扎乙级的球队打造成了英格兰甲级联赛冠军,并从此开始了利物浦的霸主地位,红军此后获奖无数。 1974年,香克利辞去教练职务。1981年9月29日,香克利因心脏病离世,利物浦全城为之悲哀。

Who is the man that love us……………..
Who is the man that we play for……………….
Who keep the spirit burnning. like He always done before.
He keep the team together .true wind and rain and snow.
As long As he there is the spirit of us song We have all know

Everybody know Bill Shankly He's not much far from Liverpool
Everybody know here is to stay Bill Shankly is his name

He is the man We train for and the man we work hard for
He keep the players happy. that why we run the ball
Now that we all together. we like to show that witch sing
So come on reds that the nowhere is sing lound and clear

Everybody know Bill Shankly he's not much far from Liverpool
Everybody know here is to stay Bill Shankly is his name
Yes! everybody everybody here is to stay Bill Shankly is his

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:46 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-11-2006 06:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
Fields of Anfield Road

http://www.yourfilehost.com/medi ... s_of_Anfield_Rd.mp3
http://www.fileden.com/files/200 ... of_anfield_road.MP3

Fields of Anfield Road改编自爱尔兰民谣歌手Paddy Reilly的The Fields of Athenry,原本歌曲是描述一个囚犯在饥荒时期如何利用他的智慧窃取事物喂养他的家庭,是一首很著名的爱尔兰民谣。

不过在经过利物浦球迷改头换面后,这首歌曲变成了Fields of Anfield Road,描述利物浦悠久的历史文化和安菲尔德球场,每一句都深深震撼人心。

Outside the Shankly Gates
I heard a Kopite calling
Shankly they have taken you away
But you left a great eleven
Before you went to heaven
Now it's glory round the Fields of Anfield Road.
All round the Fields of Anfield Road
Where once we watched the King Kenny play (and he could play)
We had Heighway on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
Of the glory round the Fields of Anfield Road

图一:Bill Shankly

Outside the Paisley Gates
I heard a Kopite calling
Paisley they have taken you away
You led the great 11
Back in Rome in 77
And the Redmen they are still playing the same way
All round the Fields of Anfield Road
Where once we watched the King Kenny play (and he could play)
We had Heighway on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
Of the glory round the Fields of Anfield Road

图二:Bob Paisley

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 26-4-2007 08:14 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-11-2006 06:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
Liverpool (We're Never Gonna Stop)

http://www.yourfilehost.com/medi ... ever_gonna_stop.mp3


那时候,广告给利物浦配上的是"Liverpool (We're Never Gonna Stop)",歌词已经找不到了,不过最近给我找到了一些资料,原来这首歌是六十年代的利物浦歌手Terry Sylvester在1983年特地写给他从小就支持的球队的。这首歌在当年曾经登上了UK排行榜第54名。

Terry Sylvester最喜爱的利物浦球员是Ian St John, Graeme Souness和Kenny Dalglish。

1989年4月15日发生在Sheffield的Hillsborough球场惨剧,Terry Sylvester正是站在Leppings Lane的一人,虽然他逃出生天,但是亲眼目睹96名红军迷的丧生使得这一天永远成为他最难忘的一天。

图一:Terry Sylvester

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:37 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-11-2006 08:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
Anfield Rap

http://www.yourfilehost.com/medi ... C___Anfield_rap.mp3

80年代末年,绕舌文化开始兴起,前利物浦球员Craig Johnston做了一首绕舌歌曲Anfield Rap,成为了在1988年足总杯决赛的利物浦之歌,可惜这首歌并没有给利物浦带来好运,利物浦爆冷在决赛以一球不敌温布顿...

出生于南非约翰斯堡的Craig Johnston自1981年加盟利物浦以来,被视为红军最忠心的球员,在1988年,为了回澳洲照顾他病重的姐姐,他毅然选择了在27岁的足球场黄金年龄退休。他曾经说过:"I'd never play for anyone else than Liverpool. The only other team I'd play for would be Liverpool reserves!"

图一:Craig Johnston

阿迪达斯著名的Predator球鞋也是由Craig Johnston所设计。

Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell
United, Tottenham, Arsenal
Watch my lips, and I will spell
'cause they don't just play, but they can rap aswell

Liverpool F.C.
Liverpool F.C.

My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility...


...had Napoleon had that idea he'd have conquered the bloody world

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

Alright Aldo
Sound as a pound
I'm cushty la but there's nothing down
The rest of the lads ain't got it sussed
We'll have to learn 'em to talk like us

Well I'm rapping now, I'm rapping for fun
I'm your goalie, the number one
You can take the mick, don't call me a clown
Any more lip and you're going down

Alright Ace, we're great me and you
But the other lads don't talk like we do
No they don't talk like we do, do they do la
We'll have to learn 'em to talk propah

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

You two scousers are always yapping
I'm gonna show you some serious rapping
I come from Jamaica, my name is John Barn-es
When I do my thing the crowd go bananas

How's he doing the Jamaica rap?
He's from just south of the Watford Gap
He gives us stick about the north/south divide
'cause they got the jobs
Yeah, but we got the side

Well I came to England looking for fame
So come on Kenny man, give us a game
'cause I'm sat on the bench paying my dues with the blues
I'm very big down under, but my wife disagrees

They've won the league, bigger stars than Dallas
They got more silver than Buckingham Palace
No-one knows quite what to expect
When the red machine's in full effect

Well Steve McMahon sure can rap
It's about time he had an England cap
So come on Bobby Robson, he's the man
'cause if anyone can, Macca can
Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can...

Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell

My idea was to build Liverpool up and up and up until eventually they would be untouchable. Everybody would have to submit. Give in, give in, give in

We're Ireland lads
Och-ai the noo
And there's four of us
And only two of you
So if you want nai trouble
And you don't want a slap
You'd better teach us the Anfield rap

Don't forget us paddies
And me the Great Dane
And I'm from London mate so watch your game
Well you two scousers, you're always squaking
But we'll just let our feet do the talking

Our lads have come from all over the place
They talk dead funny, but they play dead great
Well now we've gotta learn 'em to talk real cool
The song you've gotta learn if you're Liverpool

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

You'll never walk alone

Ho-ho my word
That's unbelievable, it really is
I think they should stick to playing football. Terrible
What do you think Kenny?
Oh yeah!

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:31 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 15-11-2006 09:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 18-11-2006 03:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 nakatabp 于 15-11-2006 09:39 PM 发表


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发表于 18-11-2006 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 send 于 18-11-2006 03:54 AM 发表


男的那首... 好像是525棒杯那天有播的~

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 楼主| 发表于 20-11-2006 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 nakatabp 于 18-11-2006 11:14 AM 发表

男的那首... 好像是525棒杯那天有播的~

应该是这首,Gerry & the Pacemakers翻唱的版本,很有六十年代的怀旧风格


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发表于 22-11-2006 06:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
看贴不够认真  刚刚看到mu对Celtic 听到收悉的歌唱旋律。。。

再来找看看 原来ynwa还有其他球会也用这首歌作为队歌

如果2队相会 哪球迷不是要斗唱的大声。。

英文白痴 以前都不懂他们唱什么 来到这里看到有人连接到其他网站跑过去看 听到ynwa还有华语翻译觉得感动很好听。难怪那么多球会也要用。。


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发表于 23-11-2006 07:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
我要找ring of fire 的mp3,谁能给我吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 23-11-2006 07:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 garder-la-lutte 于 23-11-2006 07:00 AM 发表
我要找ring of fire 的mp3,谁能给我吗?



Johnny Cash

Love Is A Burning Thing
And It Makes A Fiery Ring
Bound By Wild Desire
I Fell Into A Ring Of Fire

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
I Went Down, Down, Down
And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns
The Ring Of Fire
The Ring Of Fire

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
I Went Down, Down, Down
And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns
The Ring Of Fire
The Ring Of Fire

The Taste Of Love Is Sweet
When Hearts Like Ours Meet
I Fell For You Like A Child
Oh, But The Fire Went Wild

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
I Went Down, Down, Down
And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns
The Ring Of Fire
The Ring Of Fire

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
I Went Down, Down, Down
And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns
The Ring Of Fire
The Ring Of Fire

And It Burns, Burns, Burns

The Ring Of Fire

The Ring Of Fire

"Ring of Fire"早在1963年之前就由Johnny Cash翻唱而红,并且被收录在他的专辑"Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash"

图一:Johnny Cash

为什么Ring of Fire会突然间在利物浦球迷之间流传并且迅速火红呢?有传2005年欧洲冠军联赛前夕,红军迷纷纷涌到伊斯坦堡,大街小巷都是球迷,球员在赛前听歌减压,Ring of Fire也是其中一首。有些球迷就开始哼唱Ring of Fire前面的一小段,很快的,所有球迷都把它当成了红军迷的暗号,用来辨别KOP。

夺冠后,Gerrard和Carragher在颁奖典礼后也面对电视广播哼唱Ring of Fire,就此Ring of Fire真正大红大紫!更成为了利物浦指定的足总杯之歌,所以在2006年足总杯决赛打败西罕后,大会播放了这首歌曲。


[ 本帖最后由 send 于 26-4-2007 08:04 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-2007 02:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
Liverbird Upon My Chest

原曲为“Ballad of the Green Berets”,由美国越战军官Barry Sadler填词和另一名美国作家Robin Moore谱曲,在六十年代成为美国越战时期的流行歌曲。

在八十年代,Phil Aspinall将它改头换面,逐渐变成现在的这个版本,不过现在的这个版本是在1986/87赛季开始流传,据说该赛季客场挑战热刺是这首歌曲第一次在球场传唱。


A Liverbird Upon My Chest

Here's a song about a football team
The greatest team you've ever seen
A team that play total Football
They've won the league, Europe and all.

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

With Kenny Dalglish on the ball
He was the greatest of them all
And Ian Rush, four goals or two
Left Evertonians feeling blue

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

Now if you go down Goodison Way
Hard luck stories you hear each day
There's not a trophy to be seen
'Cos Liverpool have swept them clean

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

Now on the glorious 10th of May
There's laughing reds on Wembley Way
We're full of smiles and joy and glee
It's Everton 1 and Liverpool 3

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

Now on the 20th of May
We're laughing still on Wembley Way
Those Evertonians are feeling blue
It's Liverpool 3 and Everton 2

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

And as we sang round Goodison Park
With crying blues all in a nark
They're probably crying still
at Liverpool 5 and Everton nil.

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

We Remember them with pride
Those mighty reds of Shankly's side
And Kenny's boys of '88
There's never been a side so great

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

Now back in 1965
When great Bill Shankly was alive
We're playing Leeds, the score's 1-1
When it fell to the head of Ian St John

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May

On April 15th '89
What should have been a joyous time
Ninety six Friends, we all shall miss
And all the Kopites want justice (JUSTICE!)

A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the championship in May



[ 本帖最后由 send 于 13-1-2007 02:20 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 15-1-2007 08:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
Heart As Big As Liverpool

Pete Wylie于1958年3月22日出生于利物浦,自1979年开始,他就先后加入以“Wah!”为名称的乐队。其中包括: Wah!,  Wah! Heat, The 5,000 Names of Wah!和The Mighty Wah!

图一:The Mighty Wah!.

1998年,Pete Wylie为了表达他对利物浦伟大的前教练Bill Shankly的敬意,做了一首歌曲“Heart As Big As Liverpool”,深受利物浦市民所喜爱,被视为续“You'll Never Walk Alone”后,另一首足于代表利物浦的歌曲。

“Heart As Big As Liverpool”也被收录在“Songs of Strength & Heartbreak”,这张专辑是在2000年推出,悼念“Hillsborough惨剧”

图二:Pete Wylie

when all the lights go out forever
somewhere near the end of time
the noise will pass and the dust will settle
and you'll be on my mind

now you won't find it hard to understand
though it's so hard to explain
the who and what and how and why and wherefore
you kept me sane
you kept me sane

'cos you were there for me
oh, and you set me free
to be what i want to be
with dignity

heart as big as my hometown
lay me down by water cool
heart as big as the city
heart as big as liverpool

well i'll come running from the other side
when i hear you call my name
and if somebody wants to point the finger
i'll take the blame
i'll take the blame (i'll do the same)

'cos you were there for me
oh, and you set me free
to be what i want to be
with dignity

heart as big as my hometown
lay me down by water cool
heart as big as the city
heart as big as liverpool

and i am not alone
and i am not alone
and i am not alone
and i am not alone

and i am not alone (you are not alone)
and i am not alone (you are not alone)
and i am not alone (you are not alone)
and i am not alone (you are not alone)

you are not alone

heart as big as my hometown
lay me down by water cool
heart as big as the city
heart as big as liverpool

heart as big as my hometown
lay me down by the water cool
heart as big as the city

(and you are not alone)
and i am not alone!

http://www.fileden.com/files/200 ... 0As%20Liverpool.mp3

[ 本帖最后由 send 于 26-4-2007 08:13 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-1-2007 07:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
>>> http://youtube.com/watch?v=0nfFi-_Hb2A

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