本帖最后由 frank0928 于 1-8-2020 12:22 PM 编辑
[一夫當家]肉末蒸蛋 Steamed Egg with Minced Pork
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一人份量 / For one person[蒸蛋 / Steamed Egg]
全蛋兩顆 / 2 whole eggs
水一杯 240g / 240g of water (1 cup)
鹽半茶匙 / half tsp of salt[肉末 / Minced Pork]
豬絞肉150g / 150g of minced pork
醬油一湯匙 / 1tbsp of soy sauce
老抽半茶匙 / half tbsp of dark soy sauce
薑末一茶匙 / 1tsp of ginger paste
油少許 / some oil
糖少許 / some sugar
蒜頭兩顆 / 2 gloves of garlic
蔥花 / spring onion for garnishing