Charateristics of the Writing and Pronunciation of the Vietnamese Language
The writing of the Vietnamese language is a phonetic.Its sound are recorded by using the Latin alphabet with more vowels such as â,ă,ê,ư,ô,ơ, đ…..minus some consonants such as j,p,f, z,w…
In the writing system of the Vietnamese language there are 29 letters.
越南語現今使用的書寫系統——國語字 。越南语是用 羅馬字表記 ,多了â,ă,ê,ư,ô,ơ, đ….. 的字母, 少了j,p,f, z,w…的字母。
Big letters-大写 A Ă Â E Ê I O Ô Ơ U Ư Y
Small letters-小写 a ă â e ê i o ô ơ u ư y
Big letters-大写 : B C D Đ G H K L M N P Q R S T V X
Small letters-小写: b c d đ g h k l m n p q r s t v x |