本帖最后由 kf222 于 19-2-2017 09:59 AM 编辑
租车在airport租吗? 我看有人提议去cbd式还车比较好
我打算回melbourne airport后飞去sydney
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
Day 2
Phillip Island--puffing Billy -> Olinda pie in the sky--- >Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
Day 3
Dandenong ---Port Phillip Estate---Ashcombe Maze & LavenderGardens , Montalto Vineyard and OliveGrove, Cape Schanck, Mornington Peninsula Chocolates---在Sorrento坐ferry去Queenscliff---overnight at Geelong 我像skip这天有什么提议吗?
Day 4
Geelong -> Torquay -> Lorne -> Apollo Bay -> Prince Town ->Twelve Apostles -> Port Campbell (Stay Port Campbell) torquay lorne appollo bay 有什么景点
Day 5
Port Campbell -> Warrnambool -> Sovereign Hill -> Ballarat(Stay:Ballarat)
Day 6
Ballarat -> Ballarat Wildlife Park -> return car & overnight atMelbourne CBD
如果想从上面减去一天应该那里不要, yarra valley要加在那天
发表于 20-2-2017 10:21 AM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你几点到达airport?在5月,你要至少4:30pm到达Penguin Parade
Day 2
Phillip Island--puffing Billy -> Olinda pie in the sky--- >Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
Day 3
Dandenong ---Port Phillip Estate---Ashcombe Maze & LavenderGardens , Montalto Vineyard and OliveGrove, Cape Schanck, Mornington Peninsula Chocolates---在Sorrento坐ferry去Queenscliff---overnight at Geelong 我像skip这天有什么提议吗?
Day 3是星期几?Mornington Peninsula Chocolates不是每天开。酒莊选一个去,因为5月又沒grape看,你wine testing时,小孩又不能走前去wine testing处,你又要护小孩。你知道除了driver,每个搭客都要付ferry fare吗?车又是另一个付费
Day 4
Geelong -> Torquay -> Lorne -> Apollo Bay -> Prince Town ->Twelve Apostles -> Port Campbell (Stay Port Campbell) torquay lorne appollo bay 有什么景点那区是只看Anglesea Golf Club ,
Split point Lighthouse ,
Memorial Arch
Kennett River
Day 5
Port Campbell -> Warrnambool -> Sovereign Hill -> Ballarat(Stay:Ballarat)
Day 6
Ballarat -> Ballarat Wildlife Park -> return car & overnight atMelbourne CBD,
如果想从上面减去一天应该那里不要, yarra valley要加在那天除非你删除mornington的景点,才可去yarra。如果删除mornington的景点,你就不可坐Queenscliff因为不顺路
楼主 |
发表于 20-2-2017 03:09 PM
UTtraveler 发表于 20-2-2017 10:21 AM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你几点到达airport?在5月,你要至少4:30pm到达Penguin ...
请问大大你有什么提议吗? 爬了啊多帖都不知道该怎样,打算在melbourne 5~6天 然后去sydney, 有带2个小学的孩子和1个1岁的baby |
发表于 20-2-2017 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 UTtraveler 于 20-2-2017 06:13 PM 编辑
你去Sydney几天?melbourne 5,6天不大夠。看你从day1-->day6,都沒cover到Melbourne cbd。而且5月时,日短夜长。离开cbd后,每天5pm的day time活动就结束了
楼主 |
发表于 21-2-2017 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kf222 于 21-2-2017 08:35 AM 编辑
UTtraveler 发表于 20-2-2017 06:11 PM
你去Sydney几天?melbourne 5,6天不大夠。看你从day1-->day6,都沒cover到Melbourne cbd。而且5月时,日短夜长。离开cbd后,每天5pm的day time活动就结束了
6~7天也可以, 但我看好多地方都是去看看罢了是吗,担心小孩会闷。4月也是日短夜长吗 ?现在有可能在3月20号去因为孩子假期 |
发表于 21-2-2017 11:21 AM
4月也是日短夜长。sunset around 6pm-5.30pm
你的小孩那么小,每天都要搬家只为了趕景点和为了看看罢了,会enjoy trip吗?为什么不要只注重一个州,又不趕路呢?
楼主 |
发表于 21-2-2017 04:09 PM
本帖最后由 kf222 于 21-2-2017 04:13 PM 编辑
其实担心婴儿会累,想带小孩去看penguin和puffing billy , 有什么提议吗?但没去gor好像就像没到过melbourne, 还是这次去东部会比较理想
发表于 21-2-2017 05:47 PM
本帖最后由 我要旅行 于 21-2-2017 05:48 PM 编辑
有带小孩,就建议你带他们去看袋鼠,树熊,企鹅。 但是Ballarat Wildlife Park 令我不满意,我觉得很小(和其他wildlife park比起来), Puffing Billy 孩子也是会很喜欢。如果你有两个司机,建议你一定要走Great Ocean Road.
发表于 21-2-2017 05:49 PM
发表于 21-2-2017 06:23 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你几点到达airport?在5月,你要至少4:30pm到达Penguin Parade。你还要吃lunch,出关,这些你要预时间。
小孩会喜欢去Grant Picnic ground 的bird feeding
Bird feeding tickets are sold from 9am to 4:45pm, Cost $4.00 per tray of seed
Day 2
Phillip Island--puffing Billy -> Olinda pie in the sky--- >Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
你要看好puffing billy timetable
Day 5
Port Campbell -> Warrnambool -> Sovereign Hill -> Ballarat(Stay:Ballarat)
楼主 |
发表于 21-2-2017 06:39 PM
UTtraveler 发表于 21-2-2017 06:23 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你几点到达airport?在5月,你要至少4:30pm到达Pengui ...
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
小孩会喜欢去Grant Picnic ground 的bird feeding
Bird feeding tickets are sold from 9am to 4:45pm, Cost $4.00 per tray of seed
Day 2
Phillip Island--puffing Billy -> Olinda pie in the sky--- >Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
你要看好puffing billy timetable
Day 5
Port Campbell -> Sovereign Hill -> Ballarat(Stay:Ballarat)
就是去这3天吗 ? 意思说day2从dandenong直接去port campbell 吗 ,这个大约是260km 需要3小时
楼主 |
发表于 22-2-2017 01:09 PM
我要旅行 发表于 21-2-2017 05:47 PM
有带小孩,就建议你带他们去看袋鼠,树熊,企鹅。 但是Ballarat Wildlife Park 令我不满意,我觉得很小(和其他wildlife park比起来), Puffing Billy 孩子也是会很喜欢。如果你有两个司机,建议你一定要走Great ...
去great ocean road就是看那十二门徒吗 ? 还有什么其他景点 |
楼主 |
发表于 22-2-2017 03:25 PM
UTtraveler 发表于 21-2-2017 06:23 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你几点到达airport?在5月,你要至少4:30pm到达Pengui ...
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
小孩会喜欢去Grant Picnic ground 的bird feeding
Bird feeding tickets are sold from 9am to 4:45pm, Cost $4.00 per tray of seed
Day 2
Phillip Island--puffing Billy -> Olinda pie in the sky--- >Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
Day 3Dandennong --> Melbourne CBD
Day 4
Melbourne CBD --> Sydney
这样会比较轻松吧 ?下次才去gor吧. 还是要加个yarra valley ?
发表于 23-2-2017 09:11 AM
kf222 发表于 21-2-2017 06:39 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
都 ...
发表于 23-2-2017 09:17 AM
kf222 发表于 22-2-2017 03:25 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
你的sydney ticket买了?做么不取消sydney放时间在Melbourne cbd和gor?这样更省时间和金钱。你飞去Sydney,又要check in check out hotel,又要去内陆机场,又要进去sydney cbd,至少半天不见了。 下次才直接去Sydney啦。
发表于 23-2-2017 09:20 AM
kf222 发表于 22-2-2017 03:25 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
有带小孩去,可住一天farm stay。也去看wildlife park/zoo,小孩会很喜欢。
楼主 |
发表于 23-2-2017 01:24 PM
本帖最后由 kf222 于 23-2-2017 01:26 PM 编辑
UTtraveler 发表于 23-2-2017 09:17 AM
你的sydney ticket买了?做么不取消sydney放时间在Melbourne cbd和gor?这样更省时间和金钱。你飞去Sydney,又要check in check out hotel,又要去内陆机场,又要进去sydney cbd,至少半天不见了。 下次才直接去Sy ...
去sydney是因为我和太太孩子们都很喜欢悉尼的环境,我们享受在悉尼在darling habour和the rock那喝茶享受那边的环境,也不用像墨尔本驾车去到那么远。
我看这次先去墨尔本的东部先吧,上面那个34天的可以吗 ? 去东部的话还有那里加的 ?
东部有什么Wild life 和farm stay吗 |
发表于 23-2-2017 06:20 PM
kf222 发表于 23-2-2017 01:24 PM
去sydney是因为我和太太孩子们都很喜欢悉尼的环境,我们享受在悉尼在darling habour和the rock那喝茶享受那边的环境,也不用像墨尔本驾车去到那么远。
我看这次先去墨尔本的东部先吧,上面那个34天的可以吗 ...
3,4天再加wildlife park和farm stay会很趕,不值得
你可看Maru Koala & Animal Park,farm stay你去google吧
楼主 |
发表于 24-2-2017 03:46 PM
本帖最后由 kf222 于 24-2-2017 03:49 PM 编辑
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
没错的话时 19/3 0845到机场
小孩会喜欢去Grant Picnic ground 的bird feeding
Bird feeding tickets are sold from 9am to 4:45pm, Cost $4.00 per tray of seed
Day 2
Phillip Island--Maru koala & animal park ->Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
Day 3
Dandenong --> puffing billy --> Olinda pie in the sky ----> Melbourne CBD
Day 4
Melbourne CBD --> Sydney
这样的trip可以吗?有问题吗? 进meborne cbd时车要park那里呢
发表于 24-2-2017 06:15 PM
kf222 发表于 24-2-2017 03:46 PM
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
没 ...
Day 1
Airport ->Brighton Bathing Boxes--- Phillip Island (TheNobbies, Penguin Parade, Churchill Island Heritage Farm)-overnight at PhillipIsland
没错的话时 19/3 0845到机场
小孩会喜欢去Grant Picnic ground 的bird feeding这个几时去?先看好map再排
Bird feeding tickets are sold from 9am to 4:45pm, Cost $4.00 per tray of seed
Day 2
Phillip Island--Maru koala & animal park ->Skyhigh Mount日落-overnightat Dandenong
Day 3
Dandenong --> puffing billy --> Olinda pie in the sky ----> Melbourne CBDqvm开到2pm
Day 4
Melbourne CBD --> Sydneyqvm这天沒开。cbd的时间会不夠用
这样的trip可以吗?有问题吗? 进meborne cbd时车要park那里呢看你住cbd那里。你可email问hotel
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