New Zealand & Australia 12 days 11 night
Day1----- 29/7 Friday ( Sydney ) - KualaLumpur - Sydney
- Stay in Sydney
- Dinner inChinatown
- Darlingharbour Night View
Day2----- 30/7 Saturday ( Sydney ) - Sydney 1day trip ( Sealife Aquarium, Wildlife Zoo, Paddy Market, Casino, Opera House )
Day3----- 31/7 Sunday (Christchurch ) - Sydney -Christchurch
-Sightseeing in Christchurch
- Market topurchase Food & Beverages
Day4----- 1/8 Monday ( Lake Tekapo) - Collect Caravan/Van
- Startjourney to Lake Tekapo ( 239km / 3 hour 30mins )
- TekapoSprings ( Hot Pool $25, Hot Pool + Sauna+ Steam $31 ) 10am - 9pm
-Stay LakeTekapo
Day4----- 2/8 Tuesday ( Mount Cook) - Explorearound Lake Tekapo ( Reflection of the lake during winter )
- Visit Church of the Good Shepherd
- Lunch inAstro Cafe
- Proceed to Mt Cook ( 101km / 1 hours 30mins )
- Stay Mt Cook
Day5----- 3/8 Wednesday ( LakeWanaka ) - Explorearound Mt Cook
- VisitPuzzling World $15 & Lake Wanaka ( 185km / 2 hour 30 mins )
- Dinner-> Rest and relax in Lake Wanaka
Day6----- 4/8 Thursday ( Queenstown) - LakeWanaka drive to Queenstown ( 68km / 1 hours 30min )
-VisitSkyline Queenstown which is located on the top of the city ( $50 included cablecar & buffet ) and join Luge Ride for $10
- Stay inQueenstown
Day7----- 5/8 Friday ( Queenstown ) - Free& easy in Queenstown
- Hot airballoon
Day8----- 6/8 Saturday ( Melbourne) - Morningflight Queenstown to Melbourne
- Free& easy in Melbourne city
- Chinatown, Victoria Market, Flinders' station, Yarra River etc
Day9----- 7/8 Sunday ( Apollo Bay ) - Collectcar in the early morning drive towards Great Ocean Road ( 200km /3hours30mins )
- Stop byLourne for lunch
- VisitTwelve's Apostle
- Stay inApollo Bay
Day10----- 8/8 Monday ( Melbourne ) - Return toMelbourne CDB
- Brightonbeach
Day11----- 9/8 Tuesday ( Melbourne) - Crowncasino,Shopping
Day12----- 10/8 Wednesday - Flightfrom Melbourne - Kuala Lumpur